예제 #1
        /// <summary> Links the given <paramref name="previousNeuron"/> to the <paramref name="nextNeuron"/> with the given <paramref name="weight"/>. </summary>
        /// <param name="previousNeuron"> The <see cref="IReadOnlyNeuron"/> in the <see cref="PreviousNeuronLayer"/>. </param>
        /// <param name="nextNeuron"> The <see cref="IReadOnlyNeuron"/> in the <see cref="NextNeuronLayer"/>. </param>
        /// <param name="weight"> The weight to set. </param>
        public void LinkNeurons(IReadOnlyNeuron previousNeuron, IReadOnlyNeuron nextNeuron, float weight)
            ensureValid(previousNeuron, nextNeuron);

            // Create the connection.
            weightConnection weightConnection = new weightConnection(previousNeuron.Index, nextNeuron.Index, weight);

            // Add the previous connection using the previous neuron.
            if (previousNeuronConnectionsByID.TryGetValue(previousNeuron.Index, out Dictionary <uint, weightConnection> previousNeuronConnections))
                previousNeuronConnections.Add(nextNeuron.Index, weightConnection);
                previousNeuronConnectionsByID.Add(previousNeuron.Index, new Dictionary <uint, weightConnection>()
                    { nextNeuron.Index, weightConnection }

            // Add the next connection using the next neuron.
            if (nextNeuronConnectionsByID.TryGetValue(nextNeuron.Index, out Dictionary <uint, weightConnection> nextNeuronConnections))
                nextNeuronConnections.Add(previousNeuron.Index, weightConnection);
                nextNeuronConnectionsByID.Add(nextNeuron.Index, new Dictionary <uint, weightConnection>()
                    { previousNeuron.Index, weightConnection }
예제 #2
        /// <summary> Gets the weight between the given <paramref name="previousNeuron"/> and <paramref name="nextNeuron"/>. </summary>
        /// <param name="previousNeuron"> The <see cref="IReadOnlyNeuron"/> in the <see cref="PreviousNeuronLayer"/>. </param>
        /// <param name="nextNeuron"> The <see cref="IReadOnlyNeuron"/> in the <see cref="NextNeuronLayer"/>. </param>
        /// <returns> The weight between the given <paramref name="previousNeuron"/> and <paramref name="nextNeuron"/>. </returns>
        public float GetWeightBetweenNeurons(IReadOnlyNeuron previousNeuron, IReadOnlyNeuron nextNeuron)
            ensureValid(previousNeuron, nextNeuron);

예제 #3
        /// <summary> Gets the change of weight between the given <paramref name="nextNeuron"/> and <paramref name="previousNeuron"/>. </summary>
        /// <param name="previousNeuron"> The neuron in the previous <see cref="NeuronLayer"/>. </param>
        /// <param name="nextNeuron"> The neuron in the next <see cref="NeuronLayer"/>. </param>
        /// <returns> The weight between the given <paramref name="nextNeuron"/> and <paramref name="previousNeuron"/>. </returns>
        public float GetWeightChangeBetweenNeurons(IReadOnlyNeuron previousNeuron, IReadOnlyNeuron nextNeuron)
            // Ensure the neurons are for this weight layer.
            ensureValidity(previousNeuron, nextNeuron);

            // Return the weight.
예제 #4
 private void ensureValidity(IReadOnlyNeuron previousNeuron, IReadOnlyNeuron nextNeuron)
     if (previousNeuron.NeuronLayer.NextWeightLayer != WeightLayer)
         throw new Exception("Neuron mismatch, previous neuron is not in the expected layer.");
     if (nextNeuron.NeuronLayer.PreviousWeightLayer != WeightLayer)
         throw new Exception("Neuron mismatch, next neuron is not in the expected layer.");
예제 #5
        /// <summary> Sets the delta for the given <paramref name="neuron"/> to the given <paramref name="newDelta"/>. </summary>
        /// <param name="neuron"> The <see cref="IReadOnlyNeuron"/> whose delta is being set. </param>
        /// <param name="newDelta"> The new value of the delta. </param>
        public void SetDelta(IReadOnlyNeuron neuron, float newDelta)
            // Ensure this is the correct layer for the given neuron.
            if (neuron.NeuronLayer != NeuronLayer)
                throw new Exception("Layer mismatch.");

            // Set the delta.
            delta[neuron.Index] = newDelta;
예제 #6
        /// <summary> Adds the given <paramref name="biasChange"/> to the bias for the given <paramref name="neuron"/>. </summary>
        /// <param name="neuron"> The <see cref="IReadOnlyNeuron"/> who bias is being changed. </param>
        /// <param name="biasChange"> The change to the bias. </param>
        public void AddBias(IReadOnlyNeuron neuron, float biasChange)
            // Ensure this is the correct layer for the given neuron.
            if (neuron.NeuronLayer != NeuronLayer)
                throw new Exception("Layer mismatch.");

            // Add the bias change.
            biasChanges[neuron.Index] += biasChange;
예제 #7
        /// <summary> Gets the change to bias for the given <paramref name="neuron"/>. </summary>
        /// <param name="neuron"> The <see cref="IReadOnlyNeuron"/> whose bias change is desired. </param>
        /// <returns> The change to bias for the given <paramref name="neuron"/>. </returns>
        public float GetBias(IReadOnlyNeuron neuron)
            // Ensure this is the correct layer for the given neuron.
            if (neuron.NeuronLayer != NeuronLayer)
                throw new Exception("Layer mismatch.");

            // Return the bias change.
예제 #8
        /// <summary> Adds the given <paramref name="weightChange"/> to the connection between the given <paramref name="nextNeuron"/> and <paramref name="previousNeuron"/>. </summary>
        /// <param name="previousNeuron"> The neuron in the previous <see cref="NeuronLayer"/>. </param>
        /// <param name="nextNeuron"> The neuron in the next <see cref="NeuronLayer"/>. </param>
        /// <param name="weightChange"> The amount of weight to change. </param>
        public void AddWeightChangeBetweenNeurons(IReadOnlyNeuron previousNeuron, IReadOnlyNeuron nextNeuron, float weightChange)
            // Ensure the neurons are for this weight layer.
            ensureValidity(previousNeuron, nextNeuron);

            // If there is no change to be made, do nothing.
            if (weightChange == 0)

            // Add the weight.
            nextNeuronConnections[nextNeuron.Index][previousNeuron.Index] += weightChange;
예제 #9
        private void ensureValid(IReadOnlyNeuron previousNeuron, IReadOnlyNeuron nextNeuron)
            // Ensure the given neurons are not null.
            if (previousNeuron is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(previousNeuron));
            if (nextNeuron is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(nextNeuron));

            // Ensure that the layers of the given neurons match.
            if (previousNeuron.NeuronLayer != PreviousNeuronLayer)
                throw new Exception("Given previous neuron was not part of the previous layer of this weight layer.");
            if (nextNeuron.NeuronLayer != NextNeuronLayer)
                throw new Exception("Given next neuron was not part of the next layer of this weight layer.");
예제 #10
 /// <summary> Gets an <see cref="IEnumerable"/> for the given <paramref name="previousNeuron"/>'s connections to the <see cref="NextNeuronLayer"/>. </summary>
 /// <param name="previousNeuron"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IEnumerable <uint> GetNextLayerConnections(IReadOnlyNeuron previousNeuron) => previousNeuronConnectionsByID[previousNeuron.Index].Keys.AsEnumerable();
예제 #11
 /// <summary> Gets an <see cref="IEnumerable"/> for the given <paramref name="nextNeuron"/>'s connections to the <see cref="PreviousNeuronLayer"/>. </summary>
 /// <param name="nextNeuron"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IEnumerable <uint> GetPreviousLayerConnections(IReadOnlyNeuron nextNeuron) => nextNeuronConnectionsByID[nextNeuron.Index].Keys.AsEnumerable();