예제 #1
        T LoadSound <T>(string filename, MusicInfo m, Func <ISoundFormat, T> loadFormat)
            if (!fileSystem.Exists(filename))
                Log.Write("sound", "LoadSound, file does not exist: {0}", filename);

            using (var stream = fileSystem.Open(filename))
                ISoundFormat soundFormat;
                foreach (var loader in loaders)
                    stream.Position = 0;
                    if (loader.TryParseSound(stream, out soundFormat, m))
                        var source = loadFormat(soundFormat);

            throw new InvalidDataException(filename + " is not a valid sound file!");
		Voxel LoadFile(Pair<string, string> files)
			VxlReader vxl;
			HvaReader hva;
			using (var s = fileSystem.Open(files.First + ".vxl"))
				vxl = new VxlReader(s);
			using (var s = fileSystem.Open(files.Second + ".hva"))
				hva = new HvaReader(s, files.Second + ".hva");
			return new Voxel(this, vxl, hva);
예제 #3
        void CheckMapYaml(Action <string> emitError, ModData modData, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, MiniYaml ruleDefinitions)
            if (ruleDefinitions == null)

            var files = modData.Manifest.Rules.AsEnumerable();

            if (ruleDefinitions.Value != null)
                var mapFiles = FieldLoader.GetValue <string[]>("value", ruleDefinitions.Value);
                files = files.Append(mapFiles);

            var nodes = new List <MiniYamlNode>();

            foreach (var f in files)
                nodes.AddRange(MiniYaml.FromStream(fileSystem.Open(f), f));

            Run(emitError, nodes);
예제 #4
        public static bool DefinesUnsafeCustomRules(ModData modData, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem,
                                                    MiniYaml mapRules, MiniYaml mapWeapons, MiniYaml mapVoices, MiniYaml mapNotifications, MiniYaml mapSequences)
            // Maps that define any weapon, voice, notification, or sequence overrides are always flagged
            if (AnyCustomYaml(mapWeapons) || AnyCustomYaml(mapVoices) || AnyCustomYaml(mapNotifications) || AnyCustomYaml(mapSequences))

            // Any trait overrides that aren't explicitly whitelisted are flagged
            if (mapRules != null)
                if (AnyFlaggedTraits(modData, mapRules.Nodes))

                if (mapRules.Value != null)
                    var mapFiles = FieldLoader.GetValue <string[]>("value", mapRules.Value);
                    foreach (var f in mapFiles)
                        if (AnyFlaggedTraits(modData, MiniYaml.FromStream(fileSystem.Open(f), f)))

예제 #5
        ImmutablePalette IProvidesCursorPaletteInfo.ReadPalette(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem)
            var colors = new uint[Palette.Size];

            var mobd    = new Mobd(fileSystem.Open(Filename) as SegmentStream, Version.KKND2);
            var frame   = mobd.Animations.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Frames.Length > 0) ?? mobd.HardcodedAnimations.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Frames.Length > 0);
            var palette = frame.Frames.First().RenderFlags.Palette;

            // TODO when we have all kknd2 palettes done, remove this. It will simply extract palettes for easier determination of player indices.

            /*if (Filename != null) {
             *      var bitmap = new Bitmap(palette.Length / 8, 8);
             *      for (var i = 1; i < palette.Length; i++)
             *              bitmap.SetPixel(i % bitmap.Width, i / bitmap.Width, palette[i]);
             *      bitmap.Save(Filename.Substring(8) + ".png");
             *      bitmap.Dispose();
             * }*/

            for (var i = 1; i < Math.Min(colors.Length, palette.Length); i++)
                colors[i] = palette[i];

            return(new ImmutablePalette(colors));
예제 #6
        ISoundSource LoadSound(ISoundLoader[] loaders, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, string filename)
            if (!fileSystem.Exists(filename))
                Log.Write("sound", "LoadSound, file does not exist: {0}", filename);

            using (var stream = fileSystem.Open(filename))
                ISoundFormat soundFormat;
                foreach (var loader in loaders)
                    stream.Position = 0;
                    if (loader.TryParseSound(stream, out soundFormat))
                        var source = soundEngine.AddSoundSourceFromMemory(
                            soundFormat.GetPCMInputStream().ReadAllBytes(), soundFormat.Channels, soundFormat.SampleBits, soundFormat.SampleRate);

            throw new InvalidDataException(filename + " is not a valid sound file!");
예제 #7
        ImmutablePalette IProvidesCursorPaletteInfo.ReadPalette(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem)
            var colors = new uint[Palette.Size];

            if (fileSystem.Open(this.Filename) is not SegmentStream segmentStream)

            var mobd  = new Mobd(segmentStream);
            var frame = mobd.RotationalAnimations.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Frames.Length > 0) ?? mobd.SimpleAnimations.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Frames.Length > 0);

            if (frame == null)

            var palette = frame.Frames.FirstOrDefault()?.RenderFlags.Palette;

            if (palette == null)

            for (var i = 1; i < Math.Min(colors.Length, palette.Length); i++)
                colors[i] = palette[i];

예제 #8
파일: Ruleset.cs 프로젝트: hadow/Commander
        public static bool DefinesUnsafeCustomRules(ModData modData, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, MiniYaml mapRules, MiniYaml mapWeapons, MiniYaml mapVoices, MiniYaml mapNotifications, MiniYaml mapSequences)
            if (AnyCustomYaml(mapWeapons) || AnyCustomYaml(mapVoices) || AnyCustomYaml(mapNotifications) || AnyCustomYaml(mapSequences))

            if (mapRules != null)
                if (AnyFlaggedTraits(modData, mapRules.Nodes))

                if (mapRules.Value != null)
                    var mapFiles = FieldLoader.GetValue <string[]>("value", mapRules.Value);
                    foreach (var f in mapFiles)
                        if (AnyFlaggedTraits(modData, MiniYaml.FromStream(fileSystem.Open(f), f)))
예제 #9
        public static void Initialize(ModData modData)
            if (Initialized)


            fileSystem   = modData.DefaultFileSystem;
            collections  = new Dictionary <string, Collection>();
            cachedSheets = new Dictionary <string, Sheet>();

            cachedSheets2d = new Dictionary <string, SheetCache>();
            cachedSprites  = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Sprite> >();

            var chrome = MiniYaml.Merge(modData.Manifest.Chrome
                                        .Select(s => MiniYaml.FromStream(fileSystem.Open(s), s)));

            foreach (var c in chrome)
                LoadCollection(c.Key, c.Value);
            Initialized = true;
예제 #10
        ImmutablePalette IProvidesCursorPaletteInfo.ReadPalette(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem)
            using (var s = fileSystem.Open(Filename))
                s.Seek(56, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var cpal = s.ReadASCII(4);
                if (cpal != "data")
                    throw new InvalidDataException();

                var something = s.ReadUInt32();

                var framePalettes = new List <uint>();
                var colors        = 256;
                var paletteData   = new Color[colors];
                for (var c = 0; c < colors; c++)
                    var red   = s.ReadByte();
                    var green = s.ReadByte();
                    var blue  = s.ReadByte();
                    paletteData[c] = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
                    var reserved = s.ReadByte();

                    // var un = s.ReadUInt32();
                    // framePalettes[c] = un;

                return(new ImmutablePalette(paletteData.Select(d => (uint)d.ToArgb()).ToArray()));
예제 #11
 ImmutablePalette IProvidesCursorPaletteInfo.ReadPalette(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem)
     using (var s = fileSystem.Open(Filename))
         return(PaletteFromDrFile.PaletteFromStream(s, this));
예제 #12
        public D2IngameCashCounterLogic(Widget widget, World world, WorldRenderer worldRenderer)
            this.world      = world;
            player          = world.LocalPlayer;
            playerResources = player.PlayerActor.Trait <PlayerResources>();
            playerResources.AssignDelegates(TakeCash, TakeCash, TakeCash, TakeCash);

            displayResources = playerResources.Cash + playerResources.Resources;
            cashLabel        = playerResources.Resources.ToString();
            displayLabel     = cashLabel.F(displayResources);

            DuneMusic.Init(44100, "", DuneMusic.DuneMusicOplEmu.kOplEmuNuked);

            IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem = Game.ModData.DefaultFileSystem;

            using (var stream = fileSystem.Open("DUNE1.ADL"))
                DuneMusic.InsertMemoryFile("test", stream.ReadAllBytes());
                byte[] temp = new byte[1800880];

                UIntPtr temp3;
                temp3 = (UIntPtr)1000000;
                temp3 = DuneMusic.SynthesizeAudio("test", 52, -1, temp, (UIntPtr)temp.Length);
                //stclick = new MemoryStream(temp);
                soundSource = Game.Sound.soundEngine.AddSoundSourceFromMemory(temp, 2, 16, 44100);
                //ISound temp2 = Game.Sound.soundEngine.Play2D(Game.LocalTick, soundSource, false, true, WPos.Zero, 100, false);

            //cash.GetText = () => displayLabel;
            //cash.GetTooltipText = () => "Silo Usage: {0}/{1}".F(playerResources.Resources, playerResources.ResourceCapacity);
예제 #13
        public static void Initialize(ModData modData)

            // Load higher resolution images if available on HiDPI displays
            if (Game.Renderer != null)
                dpiScale = Game.Renderer.WindowScale;

            fileSystem             = modData.DefaultFileSystem;
            collections            = new Dictionary <string, Collection>();
            cachedSheets           = new Dictionary <string, Pair <Sheet, int> >();
            cachedSprites          = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Sprite> >();
            cachedPanelSprites     = new Dictionary <string, Sprite[]>();
            cachedCollectionSheets = new Dictionary <Collection, Pair <Sheet, int> >();

            Collections = new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, Collection>(collections);

            var chrome = MiniYaml.Merge(modData.Manifest.Chrome
                                        .Select(s => MiniYaml.FromStream(fileSystem.Open(s), s)));

            foreach (var c in chrome)
                if (!c.Key.StartsWith("^", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    LoadCollection(c.Key, c.Value);
예제 #14
파일: TileSet.cs 프로젝트: hadow/Commander
        public TileSet(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, string filePath)
            var yaml = MiniYaml.DictFromStream(fileSystem.Open(filePath), filePath);

            //General Info
            FieldLoader.Load(this, yaml["General"]);

            //Terrain Types
            TerrainInfo = yaml["Terrain"].ToDictionary().Values.Select(y => new TerrainTypeInfo(y)).OrderBy(tt => tt.Type).ToArray();

            if (TerrainInfo.Length >= byte.MaxValue)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Too many terrain types.");

            for (byte i = 0; i < TerrainInfo.Length; i++)
                var tt = TerrainInfo[i].Type;
                if (terrainIndexByType.ContainsKey(tt))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Duplicate terrain type '{0}' in '{1}'".F(tt, filePath));

                terrainIndexByType.Add(tt, i);

            defaultWalkableTerrainIndex = GetTerrainIndex("Clear");

            Templates = yaml["Templates"].ToDictionary().Values.Select(y => new TerrainTemplateInfo(this, y)).ToDictionary(t => t.Id).AsReadOnly();
예제 #15
        public static Sprite GetImage(string collectionName, string imageName)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(collectionName))

            // Cached sprite
            Dictionary <string, Sprite> cachedCollection;
            Sprite sprite;

            if (cachedSprites.TryGetValue(collectionName, out cachedCollection) && cachedCollection.TryGetValue(imageName, out sprite))

            Collection collection;

            if (!collections.TryGetValue(collectionName, out collection))
                Log.Write("debug", "Could not find collection '{0}'", collectionName);

            MappedImage mi;

            if (!collection.Regions.TryGetValue(imageName, out mi))

            // Cached sheet
            Sheet sheet;

            if (cachedSheets.ContainsKey(mi.Src))
                sheet = cachedSheets[mi.Src];
                using (var stream = fileSystem.Open(mi.Src))
                    sheet = new Sheet(SheetType.BGRA, stream);

                cachedSheets.Add(mi.Src, sheet);

            // Cache the sprite
            if (cachedCollection == null)
                cachedCollection = new Dictionary <string, Sprite>();
                cachedSprites.Add(collectionName, cachedCollection);

            var image = mi.GetImage(sheet);

            cachedCollection.Add(imageName, image);

예제 #16
        ImmutablePalette IProvidesCursorPaletteInfo.ReadPalette(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem)
            using (var s = fileSystem.Open(Filename))
                var cpal = s.ReadASCII(4);
                if (cpal != "CPAL")
                    throw new InvalidDataException();

                var framePalettes = new List <uint[]>();
                var paletteCount  = s.ReadUInt32();
                for (var p = 0; p < paletteCount; p++)
                    var ppal = s.ReadASCII(4);
                    if (ppal != "PPAL")
                        throw new InvalidDataException();

                    var offset = s.ReadUInt32();

                    var head = s.ReadASCII(4);
                    if (head != "head")
                        throw new InvalidDataException();

                    var bytesPerEntry = s.ReadUInt32();
                    var unknown       = s.ReadUInt32();

                    var data = s.ReadASCII(4);
                    if (data != "data")
                        throw new InvalidDataException();

                    var paletteSize = s.ReadUInt32();
                    var colors      = paletteSize / bytesPerEntry;
                    var paletteData = new Color[colors];
                    for (var c = 0; c < colors; c++)
                        var red   = s.ReadByte();
                        var green = s.ReadByte();
                        var blue  = s.ReadByte();
                        paletteData[c] = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
                        var reserved = s.ReadByte();

                    framePalettes.Add(paletteData.Select(d => (uint)d.ToArgb()).ToArray());

                return(new ImmutablePalette(Enumerable.Range(0, Palette.Size).Select(i => (i == TransparentIndex) ? 0 : framePalettes[Number][i])));
예제 #17
        void CheckMapYaml(Action<string> emitError, Action<string> emitWarning, ModData modData, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, MiniYaml weaponDefinitions)
            if (weaponDefinitions == null)

            var mapFiles = FieldLoader.GetValue<string[]>("value", weaponDefinitions.Value);
            foreach (var f in mapFiles)
                CheckWeapons(MiniYaml.FromStream(fileSystem.Open(f), f), emitError, emitWarning, modData);

            if (weaponDefinitions.Nodes.Any())
                CheckWeapons(weaponDefinitions.Nodes, emitError, emitWarning, modData);
예제 #18
        ImmutablePalette IProvidesCursorPaletteInfo.ReadPalette(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem)
            var png    = new Png(fileSystem.Open(Filename));
            var colors = new uint[Palette.Size];

            for (var i = 0; i < png.Palette.Length; i++)
                colors[i] = (uint)png.Palette[i].ToArgb();

            return(new ImmutablePalette(colors));
예제 #19
        public static ISpriteFrame[] GetFrames(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, string filename, ISpriteLoader[] loaders, out TypeDictionary metadata)
            using (var stream = fileSystem.Open(filename))
                var spriteFrames = GetFrames(stream, loaders, filename, out metadata);
                if (spriteFrames == null)
                    throw new InvalidDataException(filename + " is not a valid sprite file!");

예제 #20
        public static List <MiniYamlNode> Load(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable <string> files, MiniYaml mapRules)
            if (mapRules != null && mapRules.Value != null)
                var mapFiles = FieldLoader.GetValue <string[]>("value", mapRules.Value);
                files = files.Append(mapFiles);

            var yaml = files.Select(s => FromStream(fileSystem.Open(s), s));

            if (mapRules != null && mapRules.Nodes.Any())
                yaml = yaml.Append(mapRules.Nodes);

예제 #21
        ImmutablePalette IProvidesCursorPaletteInfo.ReadPalette(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem)
            var png = new Png(fileSystem.Open(Filename));

            if (png.Palette == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to load palette `{0}` from non-paletted png `{1}`".F(Name, Filename));

            var colors = new uint[Palette.Size];

            for (var i = 0; i < png.Palette.Length; i++)
                colors[i] = (uint)png.Palette[i].ToArgb();

            return(new ImmutablePalette(colors));
예제 #22
        ImmutablePalette IProvidesCursorPaletteInfo.ReadPalette(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem)
            var colors = new uint[Palette.Size];

            using (var s = fileSystem.Open(Filename))
                for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    var r = s.ReadUInt8();
                    var g = s.ReadUInt8();
                    var b = s.ReadUInt8();
                    var a = s.ReadUInt8();
                    colors[i] = (uint)Color.FromArgb(a == 4 ? 0xff : 0x00, r, g, b).ToArgb();

            return(new ImmutablePalette(colors));
예제 #23
            public void SetCustomRules(ModData modData, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, Dictionary <string, MiniYaml> yaml)
                RuleDefinitions          = LoadRuleSection(yaml, "Rules");
                WeaponDefinitions        = LoadRuleSection(yaml, "Weapons");
                VoiceDefinitions         = LoadRuleSection(yaml, "Voices");
                MusicDefinitions         = LoadRuleSection(yaml, "Music");
                NotificationDefinitions  = LoadRuleSection(yaml, "Notifications");
                SequenceDefinitions      = LoadRuleSection(yaml, "Sequences");
                ModelSequenceDefinitions = LoadRuleSection(yaml, "ModelSequences");

                    // PERF: Implement a minimal custom loader for custom world and player actors to minimize loading time
                    // This assumes/enforces that these actor types can only inherit abstract definitions (starting with ^)
                    if (RuleDefinitions != null)
                        var files = modData.Manifest.Rules.AsEnumerable();
                        if (RuleDefinitions.Value != null)
                            var mapFiles = FieldLoader.GetValue <string[]>("value", RuleDefinitions.Value);
                            files = files.Append(mapFiles);

                        var sources = files.Select(s => MiniYaml.FromStream(fileSystem.Open(s), s).Where(IsLoadableRuleDefinition).ToList());
                        if (RuleDefinitions.Nodes.Any())
                            sources = sources.Append(RuleDefinitions.Nodes.Where(IsLoadableRuleDefinition).ToList());

                        var yamlNodes = MiniYaml.Merge(sources);
                        WorldActorInfo  = new ActorInfo(modData.ObjectCreator, "world", yamlNodes.First(n => n.Key.ToLowerInvariant() == "world").Value);
                        PlayerActorInfo = new ActorInfo(modData.ObjectCreator, "player", yamlNodes.First(n => n.Key.ToLowerInvariant() == "player").Value);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Write("debug", "Failed to load rules for `{0}` with error: {1}", Title, e.Message);

                WorldActorInfo  = modData.DefaultRules.Actors[SystemActors.World];
                PlayerActorInfo = modData.DefaultRules.Actors[SystemActors.Player];
예제 #24
        void CheckMapYaml(Action <string> emitError, ModData modData, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, MiniYaml ruleDefinitions)
            if (ruleDefinitions == null)

            var mapFiles = FieldLoader.GetValue <string[]>("value", ruleDefinitions.Value);

            foreach (var f in mapFiles)
                CheckActors(MiniYaml.FromStream(fileSystem.Open(f), f), emitError, modData);

            if (ruleDefinitions.Nodes.Any())
                CheckActors(ruleDefinitions.Nodes, emitError, modData);
예제 #25
        static Pair <Sheet, int> SheetForCollection(Collection c)
            Pair <Sheet, int> sheetDensity;

            // Outer cache avoids recalculating image names
            if (!cachedCollectionSheets.TryGetValue(c, out sheetDensity))
                var image   = c.Image;
                var density = 1;
                if (dpiScale > 2 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Image3x))
                    image   = c.Image3x;
                    density = 3;
                else if (dpiScale > 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Image2x))
                    image   = c.Image2x;
                    density = 2;

                // Inner cache makes sure we share sheets between collections
                if (!cachedSheets.TryGetValue(image, out sheetDensity))
                    Sheet sheet;
                    using (var stream = fileSystem.Open(image))
                        sheet = new Sheet(SheetType.BGRA, stream);

                    sheet.GetTexture().ScaleFilter = TextureScaleFilter.Linear;

                    sheetDensity = Pair.New(sheet, density);
                    cachedSheets.Add(image, sheetDensity);

                cachedCollectionSheets.Add(c, sheetDensity);

예제 #26
        public DefaultTerrain(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, string filepath)
            var yaml = MiniYaml.FromStream(fileSystem.Open(filepath), filepath)
                       .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            // General info
            FieldLoader.Load(this, yaml["General"]);

            // TerrainTypes
            TerrainInfo = yaml["Terrain"].ToDictionary().Values
                          .Select(y => new TerrainTypeInfo(y))
                          .OrderBy(tt => tt.Type)

            if (TerrainInfo.Length >= byte.MaxValue)
                throw new YamlException("Too many terrain types.");

            for (byte i = 0; i < TerrainInfo.Length; i++)
                var tt = TerrainInfo[i].Type;

                if (terrainIndexByType.ContainsKey(tt))
                    throw new YamlException($"Duplicate terrain type '{tt}' in '{filepath}'.");

                terrainIndexByType.Add(tt, i);

            defaultWalkableTerrainIndex = GetTerrainIndex("Clear");

            // Templates
            Templates = yaml["Templates"].ToDictionary().Values
                        .Select(y => (TerrainTemplateInfo) new DefaultTerrainTemplateInfo(this, y)).ToDictionary(t => t.Id);
예제 #27
        public static void Initialize(ModData modData)

            fileSystem = modData.DefaultFileSystem;

            collections = new Dictionary <string, D2Collection>();
            Collections = new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, D2Collection>(collections);

            cachedCollectionSheets = new Dictionary <D2Collection, Sheet>();
            cachedSheets           = new Dictionary <string, Sheet>();
            cachedSprites          = new Dictionary <string, Sprite>();

            var chrome = MiniYaml.Merge(modData.Manifest.Chrome
                                        .Select(s => MiniYaml.FromStream(fileSystem.Open(s), s)));

            foreach (var c in chrome)
                if (!c.Key.StartsWith("^", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    LoadCollection(c.Key, c.Value);
예제 #28
        IEnumerable <MessageContext> GetMessageContext(string language, string[] translations, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem)
            var backfall = translations.Where(t => t.EndsWith("en.ftl"));
            var paths    = translations.Where(t => t.EndsWith(language + ".ftl"));

            foreach (var path in paths.Concat(backfall))
                var stream = fileSystem.Open(path);
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    var options = new MessageContextOptions {
                        UseIsolating = false
                    var messageContext = new MessageContext(language, options);
                    var errors         = messageContext.AddMessages(reader);
                    foreach (var error in errors)
                        Log.Write("debug", error.ToString());

                    yield return(messageContext);
예제 #29
        ImmutablePalette IProvidesCursorPaletteInfo.ReadPalette(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem)
            var colors = new uint[Palette.Size];

            using (var reader = new BinaryReader(fileSystem.Open(Filename)))
                reader.BaseStream.Position = 8;

                for (var i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                    var r = reader.ReadByte() << 2;
                    var g = reader.ReadByte() << 2;
                    var b = reader.ReadByte() << 2;
                    colors[i] = (uint)((r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0) | (0xff << 24));

            if (Filename.EndsWith(".spr"))
                colors[0] = 0;

            return(new ImmutablePalette(colors));
예제 #30
파일: TileSet.cs 프로젝트: CH4Code/OpenRA
        public TileSet(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, string filepath)
            var yaml = MiniYaml.DictFromStream(fileSystem.Open(filepath));

            // General info
            FieldLoader.Load(this, yaml["General"]);

            // TerrainTypes
            TerrainInfo = yaml["Terrain"].ToDictionary().Values
                .Select(y => new TerrainTypeInfo(y))
                .OrderBy(tt => tt.Type)

            if (TerrainInfo.Length >= byte.MaxValue)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Too many terrain types.");

            for (byte i = 0; i < TerrainInfo.Length; i++)
                var tt = TerrainInfo[i].Type;

                if (terrainIndexByType.ContainsKey(tt))
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Duplicate terrain type '{0}' in '{1}'.".F(tt, filepath));

                terrainIndexByType.Add(tt, i);

            defaultWalkableTerrainIndex = GetTerrainIndex("Clear");

            // Templates
            Templates = yaml["Templates"].ToDictionary().Values
                .Select(y => new TerrainTemplateInfo(this, y)).ToDictionary(t => t.Id).AsReadOnly();
예제 #31
        public static ISpriteFrame[] GetFrames(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, string filename, ISpriteLoader[] loaders)
            using (var stream = fileSystem.Open(filename))
                var spriteFrames = GetFrames(stream, loaders);
                if (spriteFrames == null)
                    throw new InvalidDataException(filename + " is not a valid sprite file!");

                return spriteFrames;
예제 #32
        public static void Initialize(ModData modData)

            fileSystem = modData.DefaultFileSystem;
            collections = new Dictionary<string, Collection>();
            cachedSheets = new Dictionary<string, Sheet>();
            cachedSprites = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Sprite>>();

            var chrome = MiniYaml.Merge(modData.Manifest.Chrome
                .Select(s => MiniYaml.FromStream(fileSystem.Open(s), s)));

            foreach (var c in chrome)
                LoadCollection(c.Key, c.Value);
예제 #33
파일: Sound.cs 프로젝트: OpenRA/OpenRA
        ISoundSource LoadSound(ISoundLoader[] loaders, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, string filename)
            if (!fileSystem.Exists(filename))
                Log.Write("sound", "LoadSound, file does not exist: {0}", filename);
                return null;

            using (var stream = fileSystem.Open(filename))
                ISoundFormat soundFormat;
                foreach (var loader in Game.ModData.SoundLoaders)
                    stream.Position = 0;
                    if (loader.TryParseSound(stream, out soundFormat))
                        return soundEngine.AddSoundSourceFromMemory(
                            soundFormat.GetPCMInputStream().ReadAllBytes(), soundFormat.Channels, soundFormat.SampleBits, soundFormat.SampleRate);

            throw new InvalidDataException(filename + " is not a valid sound file!");
예제 #34
 ImmutablePalette IProvidesCursorPaletteInfo.ReadPalette(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem)
     return(new ImmutablePalette(fileSystem.Open(Filename), ShadowIndex));