예제 #1
        public static void SimplifyPath2(IRaycastableGraph rcg, List <GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List <GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint)
            int count = result.Count;

            if (end <= start + 1)
            GraphHitInfo graphHitInfo;

            if (rcg.Linecast(startPoint, endPoint, nodes[start], out graphHitInfo, result) || result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[end])
                result.RemoveRange(count, result.Count - count);
                int   num  = -1;
                float num2 = float.PositiveInfinity;
                for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++)
                    float num3 = AstarMath.DistancePointSegmentStrict(startPoint, endPoint, (Vector3)nodes[i].position);
                    if (num == -1 || num3 < num2)
                        num  = i;
                        num2 = num3;
                RichFunnel.SimplifyPath2(rcg, nodes, start, num, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[num].position);
                result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                RichFunnel.SimplifyPath2(rcg, nodes, num, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[num].position, endPoint);
 // Token: 0x060026BB RID: 9915 RVA: 0x001AC704 File Offset: 0x001AA904
 protected bool ValidateLine(GraphNode n1, GraphNode n2, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
     if (this.useRaycasting)
         if (this.use2DPhysics)
             if (this.thickRaycast && this.thickRaycastRadius > 0f && Physics2D.CircleCast(v1 + this.raycastOffset, this.thickRaycastRadius, v2 - v1, (v2 - v1).magnitude, this.mask))
             if (Physics2D.Linecast(v1 + this.raycastOffset, v2 + this.raycastOffset, this.mask))
             if (this.thickRaycast && this.thickRaycastRadius > 0f && Physics.SphereCast(new Ray(v1 + this.raycastOffset, v2 - v1), this.thickRaycastRadius, (v2 - v1).magnitude, this.mask))
             if (Physics.Linecast(v1 + this.raycastOffset, v2 + this.raycastOffset, this.mask))
     if (this.useGraphRaycasting)
         bool flag = n1 != null && n2 != null;
         if (n1 == null)
             n1 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v1).node;
         if (n2 == null)
             n2 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v2).node;
         if (n1 != null && n2 != null)
             NavGraph graph  = n1.Graph;
             NavGraph graph2 = n2.Graph;
             if (graph != graph2)
             IRaycastableGraph raycastableGraph = graph as IRaycastableGraph;
             GridGraph         gridGraph        = graph as GridGraph;
             if (flag && gridGraph != null)
                 return(!gridGraph.Linecast(n1 as GridNodeBase, n2 as GridNodeBase));
             if (raycastableGraph != null)
                 return(!raycastableGraph.Linecast(v1, v2, n1));
예제 #3
    // will return the point at which the line exits the nav mesh, or 'to' if the line does not exit the nav mesh
    // if 'clampFromInNavMesh' is true, we make sure the from position is on the nav mesh before doing checks
    // (done in 2d, does not currently support nav meshes on top of one and other)
    public static Vector3 CalculateExitPointOfRecastGraph(ref Vector3 from, Vector3 to, bool clampFromInNavMesh = false)
        NNInfo fromInfo = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(from);

        if (null == fromInfo.node)

        if (clampFromInNavMesh)
            from = CalculatePointOnRecastGraph(from, 0.1f, fromInfo);

        NavGraph graph = AstarData.GetGraph(fromInfo.node);

        if (graph != null)
            IRaycastableGraph rayGraph = graph as IRaycastableGraph;
            if (rayGraph != null)
                GraphHitInfo hit;
                if (rayGraph.Linecast(from, to, fromInfo.node, out hit))
                return(to); // no nav mesh exit
            return(from);   // no recast graph
        return(from);       // no nav mesh
예제 #4
        public static void SimplifyPath2(IRaycastableGraph rcg, List <GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List <GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint)
            int count = result.Count;

            if (end <= (start + 1))
                GraphHitInfo info;
                if (rcg.Linecast(startPoint, endPoint, nodes[start], out info, result) || (result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[end]))
                    result.RemoveRange(count, result.Count - count);
                    int   num2             = -1;
                    float positiveInfinity = float.PositiveInfinity;
                    for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++)
                        float num5 = VectorMath.SqrDistancePointSegment(startPoint, endPoint, (Vector3)nodes[i].position);
                        if ((num2 == -1) || (num5 < positiveInfinity))
                            num2             = i;
                            positiveInfinity = num5;
                    SimplifyPath2(rcg, nodes, start, num2, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[num2].position);
                    result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                    SimplifyPath2(rcg, nodes, num2, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[num2].position, endPoint);
예제 #5
 public static void SimplifyPath2(IRaycastableGraph rcg, List<GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List<GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint)
     int count = result.Count;
     if (end <= start + 1)
     GraphHitInfo graphHitInfo;
     if (rcg.Linecast(startPoint, endPoint, nodes[start], out graphHitInfo, result) || result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[end])
         result.RemoveRange(count, result.Count - count);
         int num = -1;
         float num2 = float.PositiveInfinity;
         for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++)
             float num3 = AstarMath.DistancePointSegmentStrict(startPoint, endPoint, (Vector3)nodes[i].position);
             if (num == -1 || num3 < num2)
                 num = i;
                 num2 = num3;
         RichFunnel.SimplifyPath2(rcg, nodes, start, num, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[num].position);
         result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
         RichFunnel.SimplifyPath2(rcg, nodes, num, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[num].position, endPoint);
예제 #6
        // Update is called once per frame
        void LateUpdate()
            if (prevNode == null)
                NNInfo nninfo = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(transform.position);
                prevNode = nninfo.node;
                prevPos  = transform.position;

            if (prevNode == null)

            if (prevNode != null)
                IRaycastableGraph graph = AstarData.GetGraph(prevNode) as IRaycastableGraph;
                if (graph != null)
                    GraphHitInfo hit;
                    if (graph.Linecast(prevPos, transform.position, prevNode, out hit))
                        hit.point.y = transform.position.y;
                        Vector3 closest = AstarMath.NearestPoint(hit.tangentOrigin, hit.tangentOrigin + hit.tangent, transform.position);
                        Vector3 ohit    = hit.point;
                        ohit = ohit + Vector3.ClampMagnitude((Vector3)hit.node.position - ohit, 0.008f);
                        if (graph.Linecast(ohit, closest, hit.node, out hit))
                            hit.point.y        = transform.position.y;
                            transform.position = hit.point;
                            closest.y = transform.position.y;

                            transform.position = closest;
                    prevNode = hit.node;

            prevPos = transform.position;
예제 #7
    public bool ValidateLine(Node n1, Node n2, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
        if (useRaycasting)
            if (thickRaycast && thickRaycastRadius > 0)
                RaycastHit hit;
                if (Physics.SphereCast(v1 + raycastOffset, thickRaycastRadius, v2 - v1, out hit, (v2 - v1).magnitude, mask))
                    //Debug.DrawRay (hit.point,Vector3.up*5,Color.yellow);
                RaycastHit hit;
                if (Physics.Linecast(v1 + raycastOffset, v2 + raycastOffset, out hit, mask))
                    //Debug.DrawRay (hit.point,Vector3.up*5,Color.yellow);

        if (useGraphRaycasting && n1 == null)
            n1 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v1);
            n2 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v2);

        if (useGraphRaycasting && n1 != null && n2 != null)
            NavGraph graph  = AstarData.GetGraph(n1);
            NavGraph graph2 = AstarData.GetGraph(n2);

            if (graph != graph2)

            if (graph != null)
                IRaycastableGraph rayGraph = graph as IRaycastableGraph;

                if (rayGraph != null)
                    if (rayGraph.Linecast(v1, v2, n1))
예제 #8
 // Token: 0x06002440 RID: 9280 RVA: 0x00196CB8 File Offset: 0x00194EB8
 private void LateUpdate()
     if (this.prevNode == null)
         NNInfo nearest = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(base.transform.position);
         this.prevNode = nearest.node;
         this.prevPos  = base.transform.position;
     if (this.prevNode == null)
     if (this.prevNode != null)
         IRaycastableGraph raycastableGraph = AstarData.GetGraph(this.prevNode) as IRaycastableGraph;
         if (raycastableGraph != null)
             GraphHitInfo graphHitInfo;
             if (raycastableGraph.Linecast(this.prevPos, base.transform.position, this.prevNode, out graphHitInfo))
                 graphHitInfo.point.y = base.transform.position.y;
                 Vector3 vector  = VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLine(graphHitInfo.tangentOrigin, graphHitInfo.tangentOrigin + graphHitInfo.tangent, base.transform.position);
                 Vector3 vector2 = graphHitInfo.point;
                 vector2 += Vector3.ClampMagnitude((Vector3)graphHitInfo.node.position - vector2, 0.008f);
                 if (raycastableGraph.Linecast(vector2, vector, graphHitInfo.node, out graphHitInfo))
                     graphHitInfo.point.y    = base.transform.position.y;
                     base.transform.position = graphHitInfo.point;
                     vector.y = base.transform.position.y;
                     base.transform.position = vector;
             this.prevNode = graphHitInfo.node;
     this.prevPos = base.transform.position;
예제 #9
 private void LateUpdate()
     if (this.prevNode == null)
         NNInfo nearest = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(base.transform.position);
         this.prevNode = nearest.node;
         this.prevPos  = base.transform.position;
     if (this.prevNode != null)
         if (this.prevNode != null)
             IRaycastableGraph graph = AstarData.GetGraph(this.prevNode) as IRaycastableGraph;
             if (graph != null)
                 GraphHitInfo info2;
                 if (graph.Linecast(this.prevPos, base.transform.position, this.prevNode, out info2))
                     info2.point.y = base.transform.position.y;
                     Vector3 end   = VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLine(info2.tangentOrigin, info2.tangentOrigin + info2.tangent, base.transform.position);
                     Vector3 point = info2.point;
                     point += Vector3.ClampMagnitude(((Vector3)info2.node.position) - point, 0.008f);
                     if (graph.Linecast(point, end, info2.node, out info2))
                         info2.point.y           = base.transform.position.y;
                         base.transform.position = info2.point;
                         end.y = base.transform.position.y;
                         base.transform.position = end;
                 this.prevNode = info2.node;
         this.prevPos = base.transform.position;
예제 #10
 public static void SimplifyPath3(IRaycastableGraph rcg, List <GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List <GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, [Optional, DefaultParameterValue(0)] int depth)
     if (start == end)
     else if ((start + 1) == end)
         GraphHitInfo info;
         int          count = result.Count;
         if (rcg.Linecast(startPoint, endPoint, nodes[start], out info, result) || (result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[end]))
             result.RemoveRange(count, result.Count - count);
             int   num2 = 0;
             float num3 = 0f;
             for (int i = start + 1; i < (end - 1); i++)
                 float num5 = VectorMath.SqrDistancePointSegment(startPoint, endPoint, (Vector3)nodes[i].position);
                 if (num5 > num3)
                     num2 = i;
                     num3 = num5;
             int num6 = (num2 + start) / 2;
             int num7 = (num2 + end) / 2;
             if (num6 == num7)
                 SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, start, num6, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[num6].position, 0);
                 result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                 SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, num6, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[num6].position, endPoint, depth + 1);
                 SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, start, num6, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[num6].position, depth + 1);
                 result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                 SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, num6, num7, result, (Vector3)nodes[num6].position, (Vector3)nodes[num7].position, depth + 1);
                 result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                 SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, num7, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[num7].position, endPoint, depth + 1);
예제 #11
        public static void SimplifyPath3(IRaycastableGraph rcg, List <GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List <GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, int depth = 0)
            if (start == end)
            if (start + 1 == end)
            int          count = result.Count;
            GraphHitInfo graphHitInfo;

            if (rcg.Linecast(startPoint, endPoint, nodes[start], out graphHitInfo, result) || result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[end])
                result.RemoveRange(count, result.Count - count);
                int   num  = 0;
                float num2 = 0f;
                for (int i = start + 1; i < end - 1; i++)
                    float num3 = AstarMath.DistancePointSegmentStrict(startPoint, endPoint, (Vector3)nodes[i].position);
                    if (num3 > num2)
                        num  = i;
                        num2 = num3;
                int num4 = (num + start) / 2;
                int num5 = (num + end) / 2;
                if (num4 == num5)
                    RichFunnel.SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, start, num4, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[num4].position, 0);
                    result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                    RichFunnel.SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, num4, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[num4].position, endPoint, depth + 1);
                    RichFunnel.SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, start, num4, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[num4].position, depth + 1);
                    result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                    RichFunnel.SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, num4, num5, result, (Vector3)nodes[num4].position, (Vector3)nodes[num5].position, depth + 1);
                    result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                    RichFunnel.SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, num5, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[num5].position, endPoint, depth + 1);
예제 #12
    // checks to see if their is an obstacle between the point and the center of the closest node on the nav mesh
    public static bool IsPointOnRecastGraph(Vector3 point, NNInfo?nearestInfo = null)
        NNInfo   info  = nearestInfo ?? AstarPath.active.GetNearest(point);
        NavGraph graph = AstarData.GetGraph(info.node);

        if (graph != null)
            IRaycastableGraph rayGraph = graph as IRaycastableGraph;
            if (rayGraph != null)
                GraphHitInfo hit;
                return(!rayGraph.Linecast(((Vector3)info.node.position), point, info.node, out hit));
            return(false); // no recast graph
        return(false);     // no nav mesh
예제 #13
        public VInt3 GetClampedPoint(VInt3 from, VInt3 to, GraphNode hint)
            VInt3 vInt = to;

            if (this.useGraphRaycasting && hint != null)
                NavGraph graph = AstarData.GetGraph(hint);
                if (graph != null)
                    IRaycastableGraph raycastableGraph = graph as IRaycastableGraph;
                    GraphHitInfo      graphHitInfo;
                    if (raycastableGraph != null && raycastableGraph.Linecast(from, vInt, hint, out graphHitInfo))
                        vInt = graphHitInfo.point;
예제 #14
        public VInt3 GetClampedPoint(VInt3 from, VInt3 to, GraphNode hint)
            VInt3 end = to;

            if (this.useGraphRaycasting && (hint != null))
                NavGraph graph = AstarData.GetGraph(hint);
                if (graph != null)
                    GraphHitInfo      info;
                    IRaycastableGraph graph2 = graph as IRaycastableGraph;
                    if ((graph2 != null) && graph2.Linecast(from, end, hint, out info))
                        end = info.point;
예제 #15
 public bool ValidateLine(GraphNode n1, GraphNode n2, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
     if (this.useRaycasting)
         RaycastHit raycastHit2;
         if (this.thickRaycast && this.thickRaycastRadius > 0f)
             RaycastHit raycastHit;
             if (Physics.SphereCast(v1 + this.raycastOffset, this.thickRaycastRadius, v2 - v1, out raycastHit, (v2 - v1).magnitude, this.mask))
         else if (Physics.Linecast(v1 + this.raycastOffset, v2 + this.raycastOffset, out raycastHit2, this.mask))
     if (this.useGraphRaycasting && n1 == null)
         n1 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v1).node;
         n2 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v2).node;
     if (this.useGraphRaycasting && n1 != null && n2 != null)
         NavGraph graph  = AstarData.GetGraph(n1);
         NavGraph graph2 = AstarData.GetGraph(n2);
         if (graph != graph2)
         if (graph != null)
             IRaycastableGraph raycastableGraph = graph as IRaycastableGraph;
             if (raycastableGraph != null && raycastableGraph.Linecast(v1, v2, n1))
예제 #16
        public static void SimplifyPath2(IRaycastableGraph rcg, List <GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List <GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint)
            int resCount = result.Count;

            //Debug.DrawLine (startPoint, endPoint, Color.black);

            if (end <= start + 1)

            GraphHitInfo hit;

            if ((rcg.Linecast(startPoint, endPoint, nodes[start], out hit, result) || result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[end]))
                //System.Console.WriteLine ("Hit");
                //Refine further
                result.RemoveRange(resCount, result.Count - resCount);

                int   minDistNode = -1;
                float minDist     = float.PositiveInfinity;
                for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++)
                    float dist = AstarMath.DistancePointSegmentStrict(startPoint, endPoint, (Vector3)nodes[i].position);
                    if (minDistNode == -1 || dist < minDist)
                        minDistNode = i;
                        minDist     = dist;

                SimplifyPath2(rcg, nodes, start, minDistNode, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[minDistNode].position);
                //Remove start node of next part so that it is not added twice
                result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                SimplifyPath2(rcg, nodes, minDistNode, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[minDistNode].position, endPoint);
예제 #17
        public Vector3 GetClampedPoint(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, GraphNode hint)
            RaycastHit hit;
            Vector3    end = to;

            if (this.useRaycasting && Physics.Linecast(from, to, out hit, (int)this.mask))
                end = hit.point;
            if (this.useGraphRaycasting && (hint != null))
                GraphHitInfo      info;
                IRaycastableGraph graph = AstarData.GetGraph(hint) as IRaycastableGraph;
                if ((graph != null) && graph.Linecast(from, end, hint, out info))
                    end = info.point;
예제 #18
        public Vector3 GetClampedPoint(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, GraphNode hint)
            Vector3    vector = to;
            RaycastHit raycastHit;

            if (this.useRaycasting && Physics.Linecast(from, to, out raycastHit, this.mask))
                vector = raycastHit.point;
            if (this.useGraphRaycasting && hint != null)
                IRaycastableGraph raycastableGraph = AstarData.GetGraph(hint) as IRaycastableGraph;
                GraphHitInfo      graphHitInfo;
                if (raycastableGraph != null && raycastableGraph.Linecast(from, vector, hint, out graphHitInfo))
                    vector = graphHitInfo.point;
예제 #19
 public bool ValidateLine(GraphNode n1, GraphNode n2, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
     if (this.useRaycasting)
         if (this.thickRaycast && (this.thickRaycastRadius > 0f))
             Vector3 vector = v2 - v1;
             if (Physics.SphereCast(new Ray(v1 + this.raycastOffset, v2 - v1), this.thickRaycastRadius, vector.magnitude, (int)this.mask))
         else if (Physics.Linecast(v1 + this.raycastOffset, v2 + this.raycastOffset, (int)this.mask))
     if (this.useGraphRaycasting && (n1 == null))
         n1 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v1).node;
         n2 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v2).node;
     if ((this.useGraphRaycasting && (n1 != null)) && (n2 != null))
         NavGraph graph  = AstarData.GetGraph(n1);
         NavGraph graph2 = AstarData.GetGraph(n2);
         if (graph != graph2)
         if (graph != null)
             IRaycastableGraph graph3 = graph as IRaycastableGraph;
             if (graph3 != null)
                 return(!graph3.Linecast(v1, v2, n1));
예제 #20
    public Vector3 GetClampedPoint(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Node hint)
        //float minDistance = Mathf.Infinity;
        Vector3 minPoint = to;

        if (useRaycasting)
            RaycastHit hit;
            if (Physics.Linecast(from, to, out hit, mask))
                minPoint = hit.point;
                //minDistance = hit.distance;

        if (useGraphRaycasting && hint != null)
            NavGraph graph = AstarData.GetGraph(hint);

            if (graph != null)
                IRaycastableGraph rayGraph = graph as IRaycastableGraph;

                if (rayGraph != null)
                    GraphHitInfo hit;

                    if (rayGraph.Linecast(from, minPoint, hint, out hit))
                        //if ((hit.point-from).magnitude < minDistance) {
                        minPoint = hit.point;

예제 #21
    // will return false if any part of the line is off the nav mesh
    // if 'clampFromInNavMesh' is true, we make sure the from position is on the nav mesh before doing checks
    // (done in 2d, does not currently support nav meshes on top of one and other)
    public static bool IsVisibleOnRecastGraph(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, bool clampFromInNavMesh = false, NNInfo?nearestInfo = null)
        if (null == AstarPath.active)

        NNInfo fromInfo = nearestInfo ?? AstarPath.active.GetNearest(from);

        if (null == fromInfo.node)

        if (clampFromInNavMesh)
            from = CalculatePointOnRecastGraph(from, 0.1f, fromInfo);

        NavGraph graph = AstarData.GetGraph(fromInfo.node);

        if (graph != null)
            IRaycastableGraph rayGraph = graph as IRaycastableGraph;
            if (rayGraph != null)
                GraphHitInfo hit;
                if (rayGraph.Linecast(from, to, fromInfo.node, out hit))
                    return(false); // hit an obstacle
                return(true);      // no nav mesh exit
            return(false);         // no recast graph
        return(false);             // no nav mesh
예제 #22
        public void SimplifyPath(IRaycastableGraph graph, List <GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List <GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint)
            if (graph == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("graph");
            if (start > end)
                throw new ArgumentException("start >= end");
            int num  = start;
            int num2 = 0;

            if (num2++ > 0x3e8)
            else if (start == end)
                int  count = result.Count;
                int  num4  = end + 1;
                int  num5  = start + 1;
                bool flag  = false;
                while (num4 > (num5 + 1))
                    GraphHitInfo info;
                    int          num6    = (num4 + num5) / 2;
                    Vector3      vector  = (start != num) ? ((Vector3)nodes[start].position) : startPoint;
                    Vector3      vector2 = (num6 != end) ? ((Vector3)nodes[num6].position) : endPoint;
                    if (graph.Linecast(vector, vector2, nodes[start], out info))
                        num4 = num6;
                        flag = true;
                        num5 = num6;
                if (!flag)
                    start = num5;
                    GraphHitInfo info2;
                    Vector3      vector3 = (start != num) ? ((Vector3)nodes[start].position) : startPoint;
                    Vector3      vector4 = (num5 != end) ? ((Vector3)nodes[num5].position) : endPoint;
                    graph.Linecast(vector3, vector4, nodes[start], out info2, result);
                    long num7 = 0L;
                    long num8 = 0L;
                    for (int i = start; i <= num5; i++)
                        num7 += nodes[i].Penalty + ((this.path.seeker == null) ? ((long)0) : ((long)this.path.seeker.tagPenalties[nodes[i].Tag]));
                    for (int j = count; j < result.Count; j++)
                        num8 += result[j].Penalty + ((this.path.seeker == null) ? ((long)0) : ((long)this.path.seeker.tagPenalties[result[j].Tag]));
                    if ((((num7 * 1.4) * ((num5 - start) + 1)) < (num8 * (result.Count - count))) || (result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[num5]))
                        result.RemoveRange(count, result.Count - count);
                        result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                        start = num5;
                goto Label_0028;
예제 #23
		/** Simplifies a funnel path using linecasting.
		 * Running time is roughly O(n^2 log n) in the worst case (where n = end-start)
		 * Actually it depends on how the graph looks, so in theory the actual upper limit on the worst case running time is O(n*m log n) (where n = end-start and m = nodes in the graph)
		 * but O(n^2 log n) is a much more realistic worst case limit.
		 * Requires #graph to implement IRaycastableGraph
		public void SimplifyPath (IRaycastableGraph graph, List<GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List<GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint) {

			if (graph == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("graph");

			if (start > end) {
				throw new System.ArgumentException ("start >= end");

			int ostart = start;

			int count = 0;
			while (true) {

				if (count++ > 1000) {

				if (start == end) {
					result.Add (nodes[end]);

				int resCount = result.Count;

				int mx = end+1;
				int mn = start+1;
				bool anySucceded = false;
				while (mx > mn+1) {

					int mid = (mx+mn)/2;

					GraphHitInfo hit;
					Vector3 sp = start == ostart ? startPoint : (Vector3)nodes[start].position;
					Vector3 ep = mid == end ? endPoint : (Vector3)nodes[mid].position;

					if (graph.Linecast (sp, ep, nodes[start], out hit)) {
						mx = mid;
					} else {
						anySucceded = true;
						mn = mid;

				if (!anySucceded) {

					//It is guaranteed that mn = start+1
					start = mn;
				} else {

					//Need to redo the linecast to get the trace
					GraphHitInfo hit;
					Vector3 sp = start == ostart ? startPoint : (Vector3)nodes[start].position;
					Vector3 ep = mn == end ? endPoint : (Vector3)nodes[mn].position;
					graph.Linecast (sp, ep, nodes[start], out hit, result);

					long penaltySum = 0;
					long penaltySum2 = 0;
					for (int i=start;i<=mn;i++) {
						penaltySum += nodes[i].Penalty + (path.seeker != null ? path.seeker.tagPenalties[nodes[i].Tag] : 0);

					for (int i=resCount;i<result.Count;i++) {
						penaltySum2 += result[i].Penalty + (path.seeker != null ? path.seeker.tagPenalties[result[i].Tag] : 0);

					// Allow 40% more penalty on average per node
					if ((penaltySum*1.4*(mn-start+1)) < (penaltySum2*(result.Count-resCount)) || result[result.Count-1] != nodes[mn]) {
						//Debug.Log ((penaltySum*1.4*(mn-start+1)) + " < "+ (penaltySum2*(result.Count-resCount)));
						//Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)nodes[start].Position, (Vector3)nodes[mn].Position, Color.red);
						//Linecast hit the wrong node
						result.RemoveRange (resCount, result.Count-resCount);

						start = start+1;
					} else {
						//Debug.Log ("!! " + (penaltySum*1.4*(mn-start+1)) + " < "+ (penaltySum2*(result.Count-resCount)));
						//Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)nodes[start].Position, (Vector3)nodes[mn].Position, Color.green);
						//Debug.Break ();
						//Remove nodes[end]
						start = mn;
예제 #24
		public static void SimplifyPath2 (IRaycastableGraph rcg, List<GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List<GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint) {

			int resCount = result.Count;

			if (end <= start+1) {
				result.Add (nodes[start]);
				result.Add (nodes[end]);

			GraphHitInfo hit;
			if ((rcg.Linecast (startPoint, endPoint, nodes[start], out hit, result) || result[result.Count-1] != nodes[end])) {
				//Refine further

				int minDistNode = -1;
				float minDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
				for (int i=start+1;i<end;i++) {
					float dist = AstarMath.DistancePointSegmentStrict (startPoint, endPoint, (Vector3)nodes[i].position);
					if (minDistNode == -1 || dist < minDist) {
						minDistNode = i;
						minDist = dist;

				SimplifyPath2 (rcg, nodes, start, minDistNode, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[minDistNode].position);
				//Remove start node of next part so that it is not added twice
				result.RemoveAt (result.Count-1);
				SimplifyPath2 (rcg, nodes, minDistNode, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[minDistNode].position, endPoint);

예제 #25
        private void SimplifyPath(IRaycastableGraph graph, List <GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List <GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint)
            if (graph == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("graph");
            if (start > end)
                throw new ArgumentException("start >= end");
            int num  = start;
            int num2 = 0;

            while (num2++ <= 1000)
                if (start == end)
                int  count = result.Count;
                int  i     = end + 1;
                int  num3  = start + 1;
                bool flag  = false;
                while (i > num3 + 1)
                    int          num4   = (i + num3) / 2;
                    Vector3      start2 = (start != num) ? ((Vector3)nodes[start].position) : startPoint;
                    Vector3      end2   = (num4 != end) ? ((Vector3)nodes[num4].position) : endPoint;
                    GraphHitInfo graphHitInfo;
                    if (graph.Linecast(start2, end2, nodes[start], out graphHitInfo))
                        i = num4;
                        flag = true;
                        num3 = num4;
                if (!flag)
                    start = num3;
                    Vector3      start3 = (start != num) ? ((Vector3)nodes[start].position) : startPoint;
                    Vector3      end3   = (num3 != end) ? ((Vector3)nodes[num3].position) : endPoint;
                    GraphHitInfo graphHitInfo2;
                    graph.Linecast(start3, end3, nodes[start], out graphHitInfo2, result);
                    long num5 = 0L;
                    long num6 = 0L;
                    for (int j = start; j <= num3; j++)
                        num5 += (long)((ulong)nodes[j].Penalty + (ulong)((long)((!(this.path.seeker != null)) ? 0 : this.path.seeker.tagPenalties[(int)((UIntPtr)nodes[j].Tag)])));
                    for (int k = count; k < result.Count; k++)
                        num6 += (long)((ulong)result[k].Penalty + (ulong)((long)((!(this.path.seeker != null)) ? 0 : this.path.seeker.tagPenalties[(int)((UIntPtr)result[k].Tag)])));
                    if ((double)num5 * 1.4 * (double)(num3 - start + 1) < (double)(num6 * (long)(result.Count - count)) || result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[num3])
                        result.RemoveRange(count, result.Count - count);
                        result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                        start = num3;
            Debug.LogError("Was the path really long or have we got cought in an infinite loop?");
예제 #26
        public static void GetPointsAroundPoint(Vector3 p, IRaycastableGraph g, List <Vector3> previousPoints, float radius, float clearanceRadius)
            if (g == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("g");
            NavGraph navGraph = g as NavGraph;

            if (navGraph == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("g is not a NavGraph");
            NNInfoInternal nearestForce = navGraph.GetNearestForce(p, NNConstraint.Default);

            p = nearestForce.clampedPosition;
            if (nearestForce.node == null)
            radius           = Mathf.Max(radius, 1.4142f * clearanceRadius * Mathf.Sqrt((float)previousPoints.Count));
            clearanceRadius *= clearanceRadius;
            for (int i = 0; i < previousPoints.Count; i++)
                Vector3 vector    = previousPoints[i];
                float   magnitude = vector.magnitude;
                if (magnitude > 0f)
                    vector /= magnitude;
                float num = radius;
                vector *= num;
                bool flag = false;
                int  num2 = 0;
                    Vector3      vector2 = p + vector;
                    GraphHitInfo graphHitInfo;
                    if (g.Linecast(p, vector2, nearestForce.node, out graphHitInfo))
                        vector2 = graphHitInfo.point;
                    for (float num3 = 0.1f; num3 <= 1f; num3 += 0.05f)
                        Vector3 vector3 = (vector2 - p) * num3 + p;
                        flag = true;
                        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                            if ((previousPoints[j] - vector3).sqrMagnitude < clearanceRadius)
                                flag = false;
                        if (flag)
                            previousPoints[i] = vector3;
                    if (!flag)
                        if (num2 > 8)
                            flag = true;
                            clearanceRadius *= 0.9f;
                            vector           = UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere * Mathf.Lerp(num, radius, (float)(num2 / 5));
                            vector.y         = 0f;
                }while (!flag);
예제 #27
        /** Will calculate a number of points around \a center which are on the graph and are separated by \a clearance from each other.
         * The maximum distance from \a center to any point will be \a radius.
         * Points will first be tried to be laid out as \a previousPoints and if that fails, random points will be selected.
         * This is great if you want to pick a number of target points for group movement. If you pass all current agent points from e.g the group's average position
         * this method will return target points so that the units move very little within the group, this is often aesthetically pleasing and reduces jitter if using
         * some kind of local avoidance.
         * \param center The point to generate points around
         * \param g The graph to use for linecasting. If you are only using one graph, you can get this by AstarPath.active.graphs[0] as IRaycastableGraph.
         * Note that not all graphs are raycastable, recast, navmesh and grid graphs are raycastable. On recast and navmesh it works the best.
         * \param previousPoints The points to use for reference. Note that these should not be in world space. They are treated as relative to \a center.
         *      The new points will overwrite the existing points in the list. The result will be in world space, not relative to \a center.
         * \param radius The final points will be at most this distance from \a center.
         * \param clearanceRadius The points will if possible be at least this distance from each other.
         * \todo Write unit tests
        public static void GetPointsAroundPoint(Vector3 center, IRaycastableGraph g, List <Vector3> previousPoints, float radius, float clearanceRadius)
            if (g == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("g");

            var graph = g as NavGraph;

            if (graph == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("g is not a NavGraph");

            NNInfoInternal nn = graph.GetNearestForce(center, NNConstraint.Default);

            center = nn.clampedPosition;

            if (nn.node == null)
                // No valid point to start from

            // Make sure the enclosing circle has a radius which can pack circles with packing density 0.5
            radius           = Mathf.Max(radius, 1.4142f * clearanceRadius * Mathf.Sqrt(previousPoints.Count)); //Mathf.Sqrt(previousPoints.Count*clearanceRadius*2));
            clearanceRadius *= clearanceRadius;

            for (int i = 0; i < previousPoints.Count; i++)
                Vector3 dir  = previousPoints[i];
                float   magn = dir.magnitude;

                if (magn > 0)
                    dir /= magn;

                float newMagn = radius;                //magn > radius ? radius : magn;
                dir *= newMagn;

                GraphHitInfo hit;

                int tests = 0;
                while (true)
                    Vector3 pt = center + dir;

                    if (g.Linecast(center, pt, nn.node, out hit))
                        if (hit.point == PF.Vector3.zero)
                            // Oops, linecast actually failed completely
                            // try again unless we have tried lots of times
                            // then we just continue anyway
                            if (tests > 8)
                                previousPoints[i] = pt;
                            pt = hit.point;

                    bool worked = false;

                    for (float q = 0.1f; q <= 1.0f; q += 0.05f)
                        Vector3 qt = Vector3.Lerp(center, pt, q);
                        worked = true;
                        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                            if ((previousPoints[j] - qt).sqrMagnitude < clearanceRadius)
                                worked = false;

                        // Abort after 8 tests or when we have found a valid point
                        if (worked || tests > 8)
                            worked            = true;
                            previousPoints[i] = qt;

                    // Break out of nested loop
                    if (worked)

                    // If we could not find a valid point, reduce the clearance radius slightly to improve
                    // the chances next time
                    clearanceRadius *= 0.9f;
                    // This will pick points in 2D closer to the edge of the circle with a higher probability
                    dir   = Random.onUnitSphere * Mathf.Lerp(newMagn, radius, tests / 5);
                    dir.y = 0;
예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Simplifies a funnel path using linecasting.
        /// Running time is roughly O(n^2 log n) in the worst case (where n = end-start)
        /// Actually it depends on how the graph looks, so in theory the actual upper limit on the worst case running time is O(n*m log n) (where n = end-start and m = nodes in the graph)
        /// but O(n^2 log n) is a much more realistic worst case limit.
        /// Requires <see cref="graph"/> to implement IRaycastableGraph
        /// </summary>
        public static void Simplify(PathPart part, IRaycastableGraph graph, List <GraphNode> nodes, List <GraphNode> result, int[] tagPenalties, int traversableTags)
            var start      = part.startIndex;
            var end        = part.endIndex;
            var startPoint = part.startPoint;
            var endPoint   = part.endPoint;

            if (graph == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(graph));

            if (start > end)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("start > end");

            // Do a straight line of sight check to see if the path can be simplified to a single line
                GraphHitInfo hit;
                if (!graph.Linecast(startPoint, endPoint, nodes[start], out hit) && hit.node == nodes[end])
                    graph.Linecast(startPoint, endPoint, nodes[start], out hit, result);

                    long penaltySum  = 0;
                    long penaltySum2 = 0;
                    for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
                        penaltySum += nodes[i].Penalty + tagPenalties[nodes[i].Tag];

                    bool walkable = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                        penaltySum2 += result[i].Penalty + tagPenalties[result[i].Tag];
                        walkable    &= ((traversableTags >> (int)result[i].Tag) & 1) == 1;

                    // Allow 40% more penalty on average per node
                    if (!walkable || (penaltySum * 1.4 * result.Count) < (penaltySum2 * (end - start + 1)))
                        // The straight line penalties are much higher than the original path.
                        // Revert the simplification
                        // The straight line simplification looks good.
                        // We are done here.

            int ostart = start;

            int count = 0;

            while (true)
                if (count++ > 1000)
                    Debug.LogError("Was the path really long or have we got cought in an infinite loop?");

                if (start == end)

                int resCount = result.Count;

                // Run a binary search to find the furthest node that we have a clear line of sight to
                int  mx          = end + 1;
                int  mn          = start + 1;
                bool anySucceded = false;
                while (mx > mn + 1)
                    int mid = (mx + mn) / 2;

                    GraphHitInfo hit;
                    Vector3      sp = start == ostart ? startPoint : (Vector3)nodes[start].position;
                    Vector3      ep = mid == end ? endPoint : (Vector3)nodes[mid].position;

                    // Check if there is an obstacle between these points, or if there is no obstacle, but we didn't end up at the right node.
                    // The second case can happen for example in buildings with multiple floors.
                    if (graph.Linecast(sp, ep, nodes[start], out hit) || hit.node != nodes[mid])
                        mx = mid;
                        anySucceded = true;
                        mn          = mid;

                if (!anySucceded)

                    // It is guaranteed that mn = start+1
                    start = mn;
                    // Replace a part of the path with the straight path to the furthest node we had line of sight to.
                    // Need to redo the linecast to get the trace (i.e. list of nodes along the line of sight).
                    GraphHitInfo hit;
                    Vector3      sp = start == ostart ? startPoint : (Vector3)nodes[start].position;
                    Vector3      ep = mn == end ? endPoint : (Vector3)nodes[mn].position;
                    graph.Linecast(sp, ep, nodes[start], out hit, result);

                    long penaltySum  = 0;
                    long penaltySum2 = 0;
                    for (int i = start; i <= mn; i++)
                        penaltySum += nodes[i].Penalty + tagPenalties[nodes[i].Tag];

                    bool walkable = true;
                    for (int i = resCount; i < result.Count; i++)
                        penaltySum2 += result[i].Penalty + tagPenalties[result[i].Tag];
                        walkable    &= ((traversableTags >> (int)result[i].Tag) & 1) == 1;

                    // Allow 40% more penalty on average per node
                    if (!walkable || (penaltySum * 1.4 * (result.Count - resCount)) < (penaltySum2 * (mn - start + 1)) || result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[mn])
                        //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)nodes[start].Position, (Vector3)nodes[mn].Position, Color.red);
                        // Linecast hit the wrong node or it is a lot more expensive than the original path
                        result.RemoveRange(resCount, result.Count - resCount);

                        start = start + 1;
                        //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)nodes[start].Position, (Vector3)nodes[mn].Position, Color.green);
                        //Remove nodes[end]
                        result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                        start = mn;
예제 #29
        // Token: 0x060027A4 RID: 10148 RVA: 0x001B33F8 File Offset: 0x001B15F8
        public static void GetPointsAroundPoint(Vector3 center, IRaycastableGraph g, List <Vector3> previousPoints, float radius, float clearanceRadius)
            if (g == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("g");
            NavGraph navGraph = g as NavGraph;

            if (navGraph == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("g is not a NavGraph");
            NNInfoInternal nearestForce = navGraph.GetNearestForce(center, NNConstraint.Default);

            center = nearestForce.clampedPosition;
            if (nearestForce.node == null)
            radius           = Mathf.Max(radius, 1.4142f * clearanceRadius * Mathf.Sqrt((float)previousPoints.Count));
            clearanceRadius *= clearanceRadius;
            int i = 0;

            while (i < previousPoints.Count)
                Vector3 vector    = previousPoints[i];
                float   magnitude = vector.magnitude;
                if (magnitude > 0f)
                    vector /= magnitude;
                float num = radius;
                vector *= num;
                int     num2 = 0;
                Vector3 vector2;
                for (;;)
                    vector2 = center + vector;
                    GraphHitInfo graphHitInfo;
                    if (g.Linecast(center, vector2, nearestForce.node, out graphHitInfo))
                        if (graphHitInfo.point == Vector3.zero)
                            if (num2 > 8)
                                goto Block_7;
                            vector2 = graphHitInfo.point;
                    bool flag = false;
                    for (float num3 = 0.1f; num3 <= 1f; num3 += 0.05f)
                        Vector3 vector3 = Vector3.Lerp(center, vector2, num3);
                        flag = true;
                        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                            if ((previousPoints[j] - vector3).sqrMagnitude < clearanceRadius)
                                flag = false;
                        if (flag || num2 > 8)
                            flag = true;
                            previousPoints[i] = vector3;
                    if (flag)
                    clearanceRadius *= 0.9f;
                    vector           = UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere * Mathf.Lerp(num, radius, (float)(num2 / 5));
                    vector.y         = 0f;
                previousPoints[i] = vector2;
                goto IL_19D;
예제 #30
        /** Simplifies a funnel path using linecasting.
         * Running time is roughly O(n^2 log n) in the worst case (where n = end-start)
         * Actually it depends on how the graph looks, so in theory the actual upper limit on the worst case running time is O(n*m log n) (where n = end-start and m = nodes in the graph)
         * but O(n^2 log n) is a much more realistic worst case limit.
         * Requires #graph to implement IRaycastableGraph
        public void SimplifyPath(IRaycastableGraph graph, List <GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List <GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint)
            if (graph == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("graph");

            if (start > end)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("start >= end");

            int ostart = start;

            int count = 0;

            while (true)
                if (count++ > 1000)

                if (start == end)

                int resCount = result.Count;

                int  mx          = end + 1;
                int  mn          = start + 1;
                bool anySucceded = false;
                while (mx > mn + 1)
                    int mid = (mx + mn) / 2;

                    GraphHitInfo hit;
                    Vector3      sp = start == ostart ? startPoint : (Vector3)nodes[start].position;
                    Vector3      ep = mid == end ? endPoint : (Vector3)nodes[mid].position;

                    if (graph.Linecast(sp, ep, nodes[start], out hit))
                        mx = mid;
                        anySucceded = true;
                        mn          = mid;

                if (!anySucceded)

                    //It is guaranteed that mn = start+1
                    start = mn;
                    //Need to redo the linecast to get the trace
                    GraphHitInfo hit;
                    Vector3      sp = start == ostart ? startPoint : (Vector3)nodes[start].position;
                    Vector3      ep = mn == end ? endPoint : (Vector3)nodes[mn].position;
                    graph.Linecast(sp, ep, nodes[start], out hit, result);

                    long penaltySum  = 0;
                    long penaltySum2 = 0;
                    for (int i = start; i <= mn; i++)
                        penaltySum += nodes[i].Penalty + (path.seeker != null ? path.seeker.tagPenalties[nodes[i].Tag] : 0);

                    for (int i = resCount; i < result.Count; i++)
                        penaltySum2 += result[i].Penalty + (path.seeker != null ? path.seeker.tagPenalties[result[i].Tag] : 0);

                    // Allow 40% more penalty on average per node
                    if ((penaltySum * 1.4 * (mn - start + 1)) < (penaltySum2 * (result.Count - resCount)) || result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[mn])
                        //Debug.Log ((penaltySum*1.4*(mn-start+1)) + " < "+ (penaltySum2*(result.Count-resCount)));
                        //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)nodes[start].Position, (Vector3)nodes[mn].Position, Color.red);
                        //Linecast hit the wrong node
                        result.RemoveRange(resCount, result.Count - resCount);

                        start = start + 1;
                        //Debug.Log ("!! " + (penaltySum*1.4*(mn-start+1)) + " < "+ (penaltySum2*(result.Count-resCount)));
                        //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)nodes[start].Position, (Vector3)nodes[mn].Position, Color.green);
                        //Debug.Break ();
                        //Remove nodes[end]
                        result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                        start = mn;
예제 #31
		public static void SimplifyPath3 (IRaycastableGraph rcg, List<GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List<GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, int depth = 0) {

			if (start == end) {
				result.Add (nodes[start]);
			if (start+1 == end) {
				result.Add (nodes[start]);
				result.Add (nodes[end]);

			int resCount = result.Count;

			GraphHitInfo hit;
			bool linecast = rcg.Linecast (startPoint, endPoint, nodes[start], out hit, result);
			if (linecast || result[result.Count-1] != nodes[end]) {

				//Debug.DrawLine (startPoint, endPoint, Color.black);
				//Refine further

				int maxDistNode = 0;
				float maxDist = 0;
				for (int i=start+1;i<end-1;i++) {
					float dist = AstarMath.DistancePointSegmentStrict (startPoint, endPoint, (Vector3)nodes[i].position);
					if (dist > maxDist) {
						maxDistNode = i;
						maxDist = dist;

				int mid1 = (maxDistNode+start)/2;
				int mid2 = (maxDistNode+end)/2;

				if (mid1 == mid2) {
					SimplifyPath3 (rcg, nodes, start, mid1, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[mid1].position);
					//Remove start node of next part so that it is not added twice
					result.RemoveAt (result.Count-1);
					SimplifyPath3 (rcg, nodes, mid1, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[mid1].position, endPoint, depth+1);
				} else {
					SimplifyPath3 (rcg, nodes, start, mid1, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[mid1].position,depth+1);

					//Remove start node of next part so that it is not added twice
					result.RemoveAt (result.Count-1);
					SimplifyPath3 (rcg, nodes, mid1, mid2, result, (Vector3)nodes[mid1].position, (Vector3)nodes[mid2].position,depth+1);

					//Remove start node of next part so that it is not added twice
					result.RemoveAt (result.Count-1);
					SimplifyPath3 (rcg, nodes, mid2, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[mid2].position, endPoint,depth+1);
예제 #32
        public static void SimplifyPath3(IRaycastableGraph rcg, List <GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List <GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, int depth = 0)
            if (start == end)
            if (start + 1 == end)

            int resCount = result.Count;

            GraphHitInfo hit;
            bool         linecast = rcg.Linecast(startPoint, endPoint, nodes[start], out hit, result);

            if (linecast || result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[end])
                //Debug.DrawLine (startPoint, endPoint, Color.black);
                //Refine further
                result.RemoveRange(resCount, result.Count - resCount);

                int   maxDistNode = 0;
                float maxDist     = 0;
                for (int i = start + 1; i < end - 1; i++)
                    float dist = VectorMath.SqrDistancePointSegment(startPoint, endPoint, (Vector3)nodes[i].position);
                    if (dist > maxDist)
                        maxDistNode = i;
                        maxDist     = dist;

                int mid1 = (maxDistNode + start) / 2;
                int mid2 = (maxDistNode + end) / 2;

                if (mid1 == mid2)
                    SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, start, mid1, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[mid1].position);
                    //Remove start node of next part so that it is not added twice
                    result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                    SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, mid1, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[mid1].position, endPoint, depth + 1);
                    SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, start, mid1, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[mid1].position, depth + 1);

                    //Remove start node of next part so that it is not added twice
                    result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                    SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, mid1, mid2, result, (Vector3)nodes[mid1].position, (Vector3)nodes[mid2].position, depth + 1);

                    //Remove start node of next part so that it is not added twice
                    result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                    SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, mid2, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[mid2].position, endPoint, depth + 1);
예제 #33
 public static void SimplifyPath3(IRaycastableGraph rcg, List<GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List<GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, int depth = 0)
     if (start == end)
     if (start + 1 == end)
     int count = result.Count;
     GraphHitInfo graphHitInfo;
     if (rcg.Linecast(startPoint, endPoint, nodes[start], out graphHitInfo, result) || result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[end])
         result.RemoveRange(count, result.Count - count);
         int num = 0;
         float num2 = 0f;
         for (int i = start + 1; i < end - 1; i++)
             float num3 = AstarMath.DistancePointSegmentStrict(startPoint, endPoint, (Vector3)nodes[i].position);
             if (num3 > num2)
                 num = i;
                 num2 = num3;
         int num4 = (num + start) / 2;
         int num5 = (num + end) / 2;
         if (num4 == num5)
             RichFunnel.SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, start, num4, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[num4].position, 0);
             result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
             RichFunnel.SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, num4, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[num4].position, endPoint, depth + 1);
             RichFunnel.SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, start, num4, result, startPoint, (Vector3)nodes[num4].position, depth + 1);
             result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
             RichFunnel.SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, num4, num5, result, (Vector3)nodes[num4].position, (Vector3)nodes[num5].position, depth + 1);
             result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
             RichFunnel.SimplifyPath3(rcg, nodes, num5, end, result, (Vector3)nodes[num5].position, endPoint, depth + 1);
예제 #34
		/** Will calculate a number of points around \a p which are on the graph and are separated by \a clearance from each other.
		 * The maximum distance from \a p to any point will be \a radius.
		 * Points will first be tried to be laid out as \a previousPoints and if that fails, random points will be selected.
		 * This is great if you want to pick a number of target points for group movement. If you pass all current agent points from e.g the group's average position
		 * this method will return target points so that the units move very little within the group, this is often aesthetically pleasing and reduces jitter if using
		 * some kind of local avoidance.
		 * \param g The graph to use for linecasting. If you are only using one graph, you can get this by AstarPath.active.graphs[0] as IRaycastableGraph.
		 * Note that not all graphs are raycastable, recast, navmesh and grid graphs are raycastable. On recast and navmesh it works the best.
		 * \param previousPoints The points to use for reference. Note that these should not be in world space. They are treated as relative to \a p.
		public static void GetPointsAroundPoint (Vector3 p, IRaycastableGraph g, List<Vector3> previousPoints, float radius, float clearanceRadius) {
			if (g == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("g");
			var graph = g as NavGraph;
			if (graph == null) throw new ArgumentException ("g is not a NavGraph");
			var nn = graph.GetNearestForce (p, NNConstraint.Default);
			p = nn.clampedPosition;
			if (nn.node == null) {
				// No valid point to start from
			// Make sure the enclosing circle has a radius which can pack circles with packing density 0.5
			radius = Mathf.Max (radius, 1.4142f*clearanceRadius*Mathf.Sqrt(previousPoints.Count));//Mathf.Sqrt(previousPoints.Count*clearanceRadius*2));
			clearanceRadius *= clearanceRadius;
			for (var i=0;i<previousPoints.Count;i++) {
				var dir = previousPoints[i];
				var magn = dir.magnitude;
				if (magn > 0) dir /= magn;
				var newMagn = radius;//magn > radius ? radius : magn;
				dir *= newMagn;
				var worked = false;
				GraphHitInfo hit;
				var tests = 0;
				do {
					var pt = p + dir;

					if (g.Linecast (p, pt, nn.node, out hit)) {
						pt = hit.point;
					for (var q = 0.1f; q <= 1.0f; q+= 0.05f) {
						var qt = (pt - p)*q + p;
						worked = true;
						for (var j=0;j<i;j++) {
							if ((previousPoints[j] - qt).sqrMagnitude < clearanceRadius) {
								worked = false;
						if (worked) {
							previousPoints[i] = qt;
					if (!worked) {

						// Abort after 8 tries
						if (tests > 8) {
							worked = true;
						} else {
							clearanceRadius *= 0.9f;
							// This will pick points in 2D closer to the edge of the circle with a higher probability
							dir = Random.onUnitSphere * Mathf.Lerp (newMagn, radius, tests / 5);
							dir.y = 0;
				} while (!worked);
예제 #35
 public void SimplifyPath(IRaycastableGraph graph, List<GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List<GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint)
     if (graph == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("graph");
     if (start > end)
         throw new ArgumentException("start >= end");
     int num = start;
     int num2 = 0;
     while (num2++ <= 1000)
         if (start == end)
         int count = result.Count;
         int i = end + 1;
         int num3 = start + 1;
         bool flag = false;
         while (i > num3 + 1)
             int num4 = (i + num3) / 2;
             Vector3 start2 = (start != num) ? ((Vector3)nodes[start].position) : startPoint;
             Vector3 end2 = (num4 != end) ? ((Vector3)nodes[num4].position) : endPoint;
             GraphHitInfo graphHitInfo;
             if (graph.Linecast(start2, end2, nodes[start], out graphHitInfo))
                 i = num4;
                 flag = true;
                 num3 = num4;
         if (!flag)
             start = num3;
             Vector3 start3 = (start != num) ? ((Vector3)nodes[start].position) : startPoint;
             Vector3 end3 = (num3 != end) ? ((Vector3)nodes[num3].position) : endPoint;
             GraphHitInfo graphHitInfo2;
             graph.Linecast(start3, end3, nodes[start], out graphHitInfo2, result);
             long num5 = 0L;
             long num6 = 0L;
             for (int j = start; j <= num3; j++)
                 num5 += (long)((ulong)nodes[j].Penalty + (ulong)((long)((!(this.path.seeker != null)) ? 0 : this.path.seeker.tagPenalties[(int)((UIntPtr)nodes[j].Tag)])));
             for (int k = count; k < result.Count; k++)
                 num6 += (long)((ulong)result[k].Penalty + (ulong)((long)((!(this.path.seeker != null)) ? 0 : this.path.seeker.tagPenalties[(int)((UIntPtr)result[k].Tag)])));
             if ((double)num5 * 1.4 * (double)(num3 - start + 1) < (double)(num6 * (long)(result.Count - count)) || result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[num3])
                 result.RemoveRange(count, result.Count - count);
                 result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                 start = num3;