public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteQuote([FromBody] QuoteActionModel quoteActionModel) { var success = false; try { if (ModelState.IsValid && HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { success = await _quoteApiClient.RemoveQuote(new RemoveQuoteRequest { QuoteId = quoteActionModel.QuoteId, Username = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name, IsMod = _modService.IsUserModerator(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name) }); } } catch (Exception) { success = false; } if (!success) { return(BadRequest()); } return(Ok()); }
public async void Process(TwitchClient client, string username, string commandText, bool isMod, JoinedChannel joinedChannel) { var commandTerms = commandText.SplitCommandText(); if (!int.TryParse(commandTerms[0], out var quoteId)) { client.SendMessage(joinedChannel, $"Hey @{username}, looks like you didn't provide a Quote number for me to remove!"); return; } var response = await _quoteApiClient.RemoveQuote(new RemoveQuoteRequest { QuoteId = quoteId, Username = username, IsMod = isMod }); client.SendMessage(joinedChannel, response ? $"Hey @{username}, I have removed that quote for you!" : $"Hey @{username}, I'm sorry I couldn't remove that quote. Is that one you created?"); }