private async Task AsyncTimerCallback(object state) { var queueId = (QueueId)state; try { Task localReceiverInitTask = receiverInitTask; if (localReceiverInitTask != null) { await localReceiverInitTask; receiverInitTask = null; } if (IsShutdown) { return; // timer was already removed, last tick } // loop through the queue until it is empty. while (!IsShutdown) // timer will be set to null when we are asked to shudown. { int maxCacheAddCount = queueCache?.GetMaxAddCount() ?? QueueAdapterConstants.UNLIMITED_GET_QUEUE_MSG; if (maxCacheAddCount != QueueAdapterConstants.UNLIMITED_GET_QUEUE_MSG && maxCacheAddCount <= 0) { return; } // If read succeeds and there is more data, we continue reading. // If read succeeds and there is no more data, we break out of loop // If read fails, we retry 6 more times, with backoff policy. // we log each failure as warnings. After 6 times retry if still fail, we break out of loop and log an error bool moreData = await AsyncExecutorWithRetries.ExecuteWithRetries( i => ReadFromQueue(queueId, receiver, maxCacheAddCount), ReadLoopRetryMax, ReadLoopRetryExceptionFilter, Constants.INFINITE_TIMESPAN, ReadLoopBackoff); if (!moreData) { return; } } } catch (Exception exc) { receiverInitTask = null; logger.LogError( (int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_12, exc, "Giving up reading from queue {QueueId} after retry attempts {ReadLoopRetryMax}", queueId, ReadLoopRetryMax); } }
private async Task AsyncTimerCallback(object state) { try { Task localReceiverInitTask = receiverInitTask; if (localReceiverInitTask != null) { await localReceiverInitTask; receiverInitTask = null; } if (IsShutdown) { return; // timer was already removed, last tick } // loop through the queue until it is empty. while (!IsShutdown) // timer will be set to null when we are asked to shudown. { int maxCacheAddCount = queueCache?.GetMaxAddCount() ?? QueueAdapterConstants.UNLIMITED_GET_QUEUE_MSG; if (maxCacheAddCount != QueueAdapterConstants.UNLIMITED_GET_QUEUE_MSG && maxCacheAddCount <= 0) { return; } // If read succeeds and there is more data, we continue reading. // If read succeeds and there is no more data, we break out of loop // If read fails, we try again, with backoff policy. // This prevents spamming backend queue which may be encountering transient errors. // We retry until the operation succeeds or we are shutdown. bool moreData = await AsyncExecutorWithRetries.ExecuteWithRetries( i => ReadFromQueue((QueueId)state, receiver, maxCacheAddCount), AsyncExecutorWithRetries.INFINITE_RETRIES, (e, i) => !IsShutdown, Constants.INFINITE_TIMESPAN, ReadLoopBackoff); if (!moreData) { return; } } } catch (Exception exc) { receiverInitTask = null; logger.Error(ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_12, "Exception while PersistentStreamPullingAgentGrain.AsyncTimerCallback", exc); } }
private async Task AsyncTimerCallback(object state) { try { var myQueueId = (QueueId)(state); if (IsShutdown) { return; // timer was already removed, last tick } IQueueAdapterReceiver rcvr = receiver; int maxCacheAddCount = queueCache != null?queueCache.GetMaxAddCount() : QueueAdapterConstants.UNLIMITED_GET_QUEUE_MSG; // loop through the queue until it is empty. while (!IsShutdown) // timer will be set to null when we are asked to shudown. { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; // Try to cleanup the pubsub cache at the cadence of 10 times in the configurable StreamInactivityPeriod. if ((now - lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache) >= config.StreamInactivityPeriod.Divide(StreamInactivityCheckFrequency)) { lastTimeCleanedPubSubCache = now; CleanupPubSubCache(now); } if (queueCache != null) { IList <IBatchContainer> purgedItems; if (queueCache.TryPurgeFromCache(out purgedItems)) { try { await rcvr.MessagesDeliveredAsync(purgedItems); } catch (Exception exc) { logger.Warn((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_27, String.Format("Exception calling MessagesDeliveredAsync on queue {0}. Ignoring.", myQueueId), exc); } } } if (queueCache != null && queueCache.IsUnderPressure()) { // Under back pressure. Exit the loop. Will attempt again in the next timer callback. logger.Info((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_24, "Stream cache is under pressure. Backing off."); return; } // Retrive one multiBatch from the queue. Every multiBatch has an IEnumerable of IBatchContainers, each IBatchContainer may have multiple events. IList <IBatchContainer> multiBatch = await rcvr.GetQueueMessagesAsync(maxCacheAddCount); if (multiBatch == null || multiBatch.Count == 0) { return; // queue is empty. Exit the loop. Will attempt again in the next timer callback. } if (queueCache != null) { queueCache.AddToCache(multiBatch); } numMessages += multiBatch.Count; numReadMessagesCounter.IncrementBy(multiBatch.Count); if (logger.IsVerbose2) { logger.Verbose2((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_11, "Got {0} messages from queue {1}. So far {2} msgs from this queue.", multiBatch.Count, myQueueId.ToStringWithHashCode(), numMessages); } foreach (var group in multiBatch .Where(m => m != null) .GroupBy(container => new Tuple <Guid, string>(container.StreamGuid, container.StreamNamespace))) { var streamId = StreamId.GetStreamId(group.Key.Item1, queueAdapter.Name, group.Key.Item2); StreamConsumerCollection streamData; if (pubSubCache.TryGetValue(streamId, out streamData)) { streamData.RefreshActivity(now); StartInactiveCursors(streamData); // if this is an existing stream, start any inactive cursors } else { RegisterStream(streamId, group.First().SequenceToken, now).Ignore(); // if this is a new stream register as producer of stream in pub sub system } } } } catch (Exception exc) { logger.Error((int)ErrorCode.PersistentStreamPullingAgent_12, "Exception while PersistentStreamPullingAgentGrain.AsyncTimerCallback", exc); } }