예제 #1
        public void DivideNode(IQuadTreeNode <T> node)
            Point  topLeft = node.Position;
            double xSplice = VerticalSplice() * node.Width;
            double ySplice = HorizontalSplice() * node.Height;

            Point             subTopLeft       = topLeft.Add(new Point(0, 0));
            double            subTopLeftHeight = ySplice;
            double            subTopLeftWidth  = xSplice;
            IQuadTreeNode <T> subTopLeftRoom   = new QuadTreeNode <T>(node, subTopLeft, subTopLeftHeight, subTopLeftWidth);

            Point             subTopRight       = topLeft.Add(new Point(xSplice, 0));
            double            subTopRightHeight = ySplice;
            double            subTopRightWidth  = node.Width - xSplice;
            IQuadTreeNode <T> subTopRightRoom   = new QuadTreeNode <T>(node, subTopRight, subTopRightHeight, subTopRightWidth);

            Point             subBottomLeft       = topLeft.Add(new Point(0, ySplice));
            double            subBottomLeftHeight = node.Height - ySplice;
            double            subBottomLeftWidth  = xSplice;
            IQuadTreeNode <T> subButtomLeftRoom   = new QuadTreeNode <T>(node, subBottomLeft, subBottomLeftHeight, subBottomLeftWidth);

            Point             subBottomRight       = topLeft.Add(new Point(xSplice, ySplice));
            double            subBottomRightHeight = node.Height - ySplice;
            double            subBottomRightWidth  = node.Width - xSplice;
            IQuadTreeNode <T> subBottomRightRoom   = new QuadTreeNode <T>(node, subBottomRight, subBottomRightHeight, subBottomRightWidth);

            node.Quarters = new IQuadTreeNode <T>[] { subTopLeftRoom, subTopRightRoom, subButtomLeftRoom, subBottomRightRoom };
        public void RenderNodeBoundingBox <T>(DX11Game game, IQuadTreeNode <T> quadTreeNode) where T : IQuadTreeNode <T>
            if (quadTreeNode == null)

            QuadTreeNodeData <T> node = quadTreeNode.NodeData;

            RenderNodeBoundingBox(game, node.UpperLeft);
            RenderNodeBoundingBox(game, node.UpperRight);
            RenderNodeBoundingBox(game, node.LowerLeft);
            RenderNodeBoundingBox(game, node.LowerRight);

            //TODO: Calculate level is quite lame here and slow, since we loop the tree level by level
            int    level = QuadTree.CalculateLevel(quadTreeNode);
            Color4 col;

            if (level < levelColor4s.Length)
                col = levelColor4s[level];
                col = levelColor4s[levelColor4s.Length - 1];

            game.LineManager3D.AddBox(quadTreeNode.NodeData.BoundingBox, col);
예제 #3
            public IQuadTreeNode AddItem(T item)
                var bounding = _getBounding(item);

                if (_topLeft.Rect.Intersects(bounding))
                    _topLeft = _topLeft.AddItem(item);

                if (_topRight.Rect.Intersects(bounding))
                    _topRight = _topRight.AddItem(item);

                if (_bottomLeft.Rect.Intersects(bounding))
                    _bottomLeft = _bottomLeft.AddItem(item);

                if (_bottomRight.Rect.Intersects(bounding))
                    _bottomRight = _bottomRight.AddItem(item);

예제 #4
 public QuadTreeNode(IQuadTreeNode <T> parent, Point pos, double height, double width)
     this.Parent   = parent;
     this.Position = pos;
     this.Height   = height;
     this.Width    = width;
     this.Data     = default(T);
예제 #5
        private async void SyncFromServer()
            var snapshot = await EditorZoneSystem.Instance.ClientRequestZoneData(this.ProtoZone);

            this.lastClientSnapshot = this.lastServerSnapshot = snapshot;
            this.quadTree           = QuadTreeNodeFactory.Create(snapshot);
예제 #6
        //protected virtual void RemoveChild( QuadTreeNode child )
        //    if ( upperLeft == child )
        //    {
        //        upperLeft = null;
        //    }
        //    if ( upperRight == child )
        //    {
        //        upperRight = null;
        //    }
        //    if ( lowerLeft == child )
        //    {
        //        lowerLeft = null;
        //    }
        //    if ( lowerRight == child )
        //    {
        //        lowerRight = null;
        //    }

        //public BoundingBox MergeBoundingBoxes( BoundingBox box1, BoundingBox box2 )
        //    if ( box1.Min == box1.Max )
        //    {
        //        return box2;
        //    }
        //    else if ( box2.Min == box2.Max )
        //    {
        //        return box1;
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        return BoundingBox.CreateMerged( box1, box2 );
        //    }

        //public virtual string BuildString()
        //    return BuildString( 0 );
        //public virtual string BuildString( int indentLenght )
        //    const int indentStep = 3;
        //    string indent = "";
        //    string ret = "";
        //    for ( int i = 0; i < indentLenght; i++ )
        //    {
        //        indent += " ";
        //    }
        //    //ret += indent + "Node Entities:" + entities.Count.ToString();
        //    if ( upperLeft != null )
        //    {
        //        ret += Environment.NewLine + upperLeft.BuildString( indentLenght + indentStep );
        //    }
        //    if ( upperRight != null )
        //    {
        //        ret += Environment.NewLine + upperRight.BuildString( indentLenght + indentStep );
        //    }
        //    if ( lowerLeft != null )
        //    {
        //        ret += Environment.NewLine + lowerLeft.BuildString( indentLenght + indentStep );
        //    }
        //    if ( lowerRight != null )
        //    {
        //        ret += Environment.NewLine + lowerRight.BuildString( indentLenght + indentStep );
        //    }

        //    return ret;

        ////public override string ToString()
        ////    string ret = "";

        ////    ret += "Node ";

        ////    ret += "Level: " + CalculateLevel().ToString() + " ";
        ////    if ( parent != null )
        ////    {
        ////        if ( parent.upperLeft == this ) ret += "UpperLeft ";
        ////        if ( parent.upperRight == this ) ret += "UpperRight ";
        ////        if ( parent.lowerLeft == this ) ret += "LowerLeft ";
        ////        if ( parent.lowerRight == this ) ret += "LowerRight ";
        ////    }
        ////    if ( IsLeaf ) ret += "Leaf ";
        ////    //if ( entities.Count > 0 ) ret += "Entities: " + entities.Count.ToString() + " ";

        ////    return ret;
        //public override string ToString()
        //    return "Node " + NodeAddressToText( address );

        //public QuadTreeNode FindOrCreateNode( ulong nAddress )
        //    int level = GetLevel( this );
        //    int targetLevel = GetLevel( nAddress );

        //    if ( level < targetLevel )
        //    {
        //        //Need to go deeper.

        //        //Split this node. If this node allready has children then the call we be omitted.
        //        Split();

        //        return GetChild( GetChildDirAtLevel( nAddress, level + 1 ) ).FindOrCreateNode( nAddress );

        //    }
        //    else if ( level == targetLevel )
        //    {
        //        if ( address == nAddress )
        //        {
        //            //Yes!
        //            return this;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            //Oo, error
        //            throw new InvalidOperationException();
        //        }
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        //level > targetLevel

        //        throw new InvalidOperationException( "The node you are looking for is not a child of this node!! (or other issue)" );
        //    }


        public static int CalculateLevel <T>(IQuadTreeNode <T> node) where T : IQuadTreeNode <T>
            if (node.NodeData.Parent == null)

            return(CalculateLevel(node.NodeData.Parent) + 1);
예제 #7
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        mRootNode = mStartNodeCreator.Create();

        mStartupNodeInitializer.Run(mCamera, mRootNode, this);
예제 #8
        private List <IQuadTreeNode> CreateQuadTreeNodesOnMultithreds(int segmentSize)
            var processorCount    = Environment.ProcessorCount;
            var waitHandles       = new WaitHandle[processorCount];
            var subsectors        = 1;
            var subsectorSideSize = segmentSize;
            var subSectorsInRaw   = 1;

            while (subsectors < processorCount)
                subsectors        *= 4;
                subSectorsInRaw   *= 2;
                subsectorSideSize /= 2;
            var sectorsInSegment = subSectorsInRaw * subsectorSideSize / mConstants.GetSectorSideSize();

            sectorsInSegment *= sectorsInSegment;
            var loadingNodes      = new IQuadTreeNode[sectorsInSegment];
            var subsectorsPerProc = subsectors / processorCount;

            if (subsectors % processorCount != 0)
                subsectorsPerProc += 1;

            var threadQuadTreeNodeCreators = new IThreadQuadTreeNodeCreator[processorCount];
            var allSubsectors = new IQuadTreeNode[subsectors];

            for (int i = 0; i < processorCount; ++i)
                var startIndex = i * subsectorsPerProc;
                var endIndex   = startIndex + subsectorsPerProc;

                threadQuadTreeNodeCreators[i] = mThreadQuadTreeNodeCreatorFactory.Create(allSubsectors, loadingNodes, startIndex, endIndex, segmentSize
                                                                                         , subsectorSideSize, subSectorsInRaw);
                waitHandles[i] = threadQuadTreeNodeCreators[i].GetWaitHandle();


            for (int i = 0; i < threadQuadTreeNodeCreators.Length; ++i)
                // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
                var exception = threadQuadTreeNodeCreators[i].GetException();
                if (exception != null)
                    throw exception;
            var allSubsectorsList = new List <IQuadTreeNode>(subsectors);

예제 #9
        //public QuadTreeNode GetChild( ChildDir dir )
        //    switch ( dir )
        //    {
        //        case ChildDir.UpperLeft:
        //            return upperLeft;
        //            break;
        //        case ChildDir.UpperRight:
        //            return upperRight;
        //            break;
        //        case ChildDir.LowerLeft:
        //            return lowerLeft;
        //            break;
        //        case ChildDir.LowerRight:
        //            return lowerRight;
        //            break;
        //        default:
        //            throw new ArgumentException( "Invalid value", "dir" );
        //    }


        //public ChildDir GetChildDirAtLevel( ulong address, int level )
        //    if ( level == 0 ) throw new ArgumentException( "Value cannot be 0", "level" );
        //    return (ChildDir)( ( address >> ( 4 + 2 * ( level - 1 ) ) ) & ( ( 1 << 0 ) + ( 1 << 1 ) ) );

        //public int GetLevel( QuadTreeNode node )
        //    return GetLevel( node.Address );

        //public int GetLevel( ulong address )
        //    //First four bytes of address
        //    return (int)( address & ( ( 1 << 0 ) + ( 1 << 1 ) + ( 1 << 2 ) + ( 1 << 3 ) ) );

        //public void UpdateAdress()
        //    address = CalculateAddress();

        //public ulong CalculateAddress()
        //    // Het adres
        //    // bit 0-3 : level van de node
        //    // bit 4-63 : Welke childnode het is, telkens 2 bits per level
        //    // 00 = upperLeft
        //    // 01 = upperRight
        //    // 10 = lowerLeft
        //    // 11 = lowerRight
        //    if ( parent == null ) return 0;

        //    //TODO: power operator wont work

        //    ulong levelBitmask = ( 1 << 0 ) + ( 1 << 1 ) + ( 1 << 2 ) + ( 1 << 3 );

        //    ulong parentLevel = parent.address & levelBitmask;

        //    ulong ret;

        //    ret = parent.address & ~levelBitmask;
        //    //Ret now contains the parents address with the 4 lvl bits set to 0
        //    //Now set this nodes lvl
        //    ret = ret | ( parentLevel + 1 );

        //    //Add the 2 bits at the end saying which child node this one is
        //    ulong childMask;
        //    if ( parent.upperLeft == this )
        //    {
        //        childMask = 0; //00
        //    }
        //    else if ( parent.upperRight == this )
        //    {
        //        childMask = 1; //01
        //    }
        //    else if ( parent.lowerLeft == this )
        //    {
        //        childMask = 2; //10
        //    }
        //    else if ( parent.lowerRight == this )
        //    {
        //        childMask = 3; //11
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        throw new Exception( "Impossible!!!" );
        //    }

        //    ret = ret | ( childMask << ( 4 + 2 * (int)( parentLevel + 1 - 1 ) ) );

        //    //string temp = TempULongToBitsString( ret );
        //    //string path = NodeAddressToText( ret );

        //    return ret;


        //public string NodeAddressToText( ulong address )
        //    string text = "";
        //    //Get address: first four bits of the address
        //    int level = (int)( address & ( ( 1 << 0 ) + ( 1 << 1 ) + ( 1 << 2 ) + ( 1 << 3 ) ) );

        //    text += "Level: " + level.ToString() + " Root";

        //    //Get the location of the node for each lvl

        //    ulong mask = ( 1 << 0 ) + ( 1 << 1 );

        //    for ( int iLevel = 1; iLevel <= level; iLevel++ )
        //    {
        //        string locationName;
        //        //int location = (int)( address & ( mask << ( 4 + 2 * ( iLevel - 1 ) ) ) );
        //        int location = (int)( ( address >> ( 4 + 2 * ( iLevel - 1 ) ) ) & mask );
        //        switch ( location )
        //        {
        //            case 0:
        //                locationName = "UpperLeft";
        //                break;
        //            case 1:
        //                locationName = "UpperRight";
        //                break;
        //            case 2:
        //                locationName = "LowerLeft";
        //                break;
        //            case 3:
        //                locationName = "LowerRight";
        //                break;
        //            default:
        //                throw new Exception( "Impossible" );
        //        }

        //        text += "." + locationName;

        //    }
        //    return text;

        //public string TempULongToBitsString( ulong val )
        //    string ret = "";
        //    for ( int i = 0; i < 64; i++ )
        //    {
        //        ret = ( ( val & ( (ulong)1 << i ) ) > 0 ? "1" : "0" )
        //            + ret;
        //    }
        //    return ret;

        //public QuadTreeNode UpperLeft
        //    get { return upperLeft; }
        //    set { upperLeft = value; }

        //public QuadTreeNode UpperRight
        //    get { return upperRight; }
        //    set { upperRight = value; }

        //public QuadTreeNode LowerLeft
        //    get { return lowerLeft; }
        //    set { lowerLeft = value; }

        //public QuadTreeNode LowerRight
        //    get { return lowerRight; }
        //    set { lowerRight = value; }

        //public QuadTreeNode Parent
        //    get { return parent; }
        //    set { parent = value; }

        //public BoundingBox BoundingBox
        //    get { return boundingBox; }
        //    set { boundingBox = value; }

        //public ulong Address
        //    get { return address; }
        //    set { address = value; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if this node doesn't have any children, otherwise false
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsLeafNode <T>(IQuadTreeNode <T> node) where T : class, IQuadTreeNode <T>
            //Optimization: partial splits are not allowd currently
            return(node.NodeData.LowerLeft == null);
            //TODO: needs speedup?

            /*return (node.NodeData.UpperLeft == null)
             *  && (node.NodeData.UpperRight == null)
             *  && (node.NodeData.LowerLeft == null)
             *  && (node.NodeData.LowerRight == null);*/
        public void RenderNodeGroundBoundig <T>(DX11Game game, IQuadTreeNode <T> quadTreeNode) where T : IQuadTreeNode <T>
            if (quadTreeNode == null)

            QuadTreeNodeData <T> node = quadTreeNode.NodeData;

            RenderNodeGroundBoundig(game, node.UpperLeft);
            RenderNodeGroundBoundig(game, node.UpperRight);
            RenderNodeGroundBoundig(game, node.LowerLeft);
            RenderNodeGroundBoundig(game, node.LowerRight);

            //if ( node.IsLeaf == false ) return;
            //FloorLowerLeft = min
            //TopUpperRight = max

            //TODO: Calculate level is quite lame here and slow, since we loop the tree level by level
            int    level = QuadTree.CalculateLevel(quadTreeNode);
            Color4 col;

            if (level < levelColor4s.Length)
                col = levelColor4s[level];
                col = levelColor4s[levelColor4s.Length - 1];

            Vector3 radius = (node.BoundingBox.Maximum - node.BoundingBox.Minimum);
            Vector3 radX   = new Vector3(radius.X, 0, 0);
            Vector3 radY   = new Vector3(0, radius.Y, 0);
            Vector3 radZ   = new Vector3(0, 0, radius.Z);
            Vector3 min    = node.BoundingBox.Minimum;

            min.Y = -1 + level;

            Vector3 fll = min;
            Vector3 flr = min + radX;
            Vector3 ful = min + radZ;
            Vector3 fur = min + radX + radZ;

            game.LineManager3D.AddLine(fll, flr, col);
            game.LineManager3D.AddLine(flr, fur, col);
            game.LineManager3D.AddLine(fur, ful, col);
            game.LineManager3D.AddLine(ful, fll, col);
예제 #11
 public QuadTreeNode([NotNull] IAABBox box
                     , [NotNull] IQuadTreeNode topLeft
                     , [NotNull] IQuadTreeNode topRight
                     , [NotNull] IQuadTreeNode bottomLeft
                     , [NotNull] IQuadTreeNode bottomRight)
     mBox         = box;
     mTopLeft     = topLeft;
     mTopRight    = topRight;
     mBottomLeft  = bottomLeft;
     mBottomRight = bottomRight;
예제 #12
        private void Divide(IQuadTreeNode <T> node, int maxLevels, QuadtreeNodeDelegate onNode, int level)
            if (maxLevels <= 0)

            onNode(node.Position, node.Height, node.Width, level);
            foreach (var quarter in node.Quarters)
                Divide(quarter, maxLevels - 1, onNode, level + 1);
예제 #13
        public void Run(IAABBox startViewBox, IQuadTreeNode rootNode, IArrayBackgroundWorkerListener listener)
            var visibleNodesCollector = new VisibleNodesCollector();

            rootNode.VisitVisibleNodes(startViewBox, visibleNodesCollector);
            var planetFactory = mPlanetFactoryCreator.CreatePlanetFactory();

            foreach (var curLeaf in visibleNodesCollector.GetVisibleLeaves())
                // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException

            var nodesInCameraCollector = new VisibleNodesCollector();

            rootNode.VisitVisibleNodes(new AABBox(0f, 0f, mConstants.GetMaxCameraSize(), mConstants.GetMaxCameraSize()), nodesInCameraCollector);

            mBackgroundWorker.Run(nodesInCameraCollector.GetVisibleLeaves(), mPlanetFactoryCreator);
예제 #14
            public QuadTreeParent(Rect rect, GetBoundingRectangle getBoundingRectangle, IEnumerable <T> items, int maxItems)
                Rect = rect;

                _getBounding = getBoundingRectangle;

                var left       = rect.Left;
                var top        = rect.Top;
                var halfWidth  = rect.Width / 2.0;
                var halfHeight = rect.Height / 2.0;

                _topLeft     = new QuadTreeLeaf(new Rect(left, top, halfWidth, halfHeight), _getBounding, maxItems);
                _topRight    = new QuadTreeLeaf(new Rect(left + halfWidth, top, halfWidth, halfHeight), _getBounding, maxItems);
                _bottomLeft  = new QuadTreeLeaf(new Rect(left, top + halfHeight, halfWidth, halfHeight), _getBounding, maxItems);
                _bottomRight = new QuadTreeLeaf(new Rect(left + halfWidth, top + halfHeight, halfWidth, halfHeight), _getBounding, maxItems);

                foreach (var item in items)
예제 #15
        public QuadTree(int sizeX, int sizeY, BinaryReader input, Func <byte[], int, TElement> readElement, int elementSize)
            QuadTree <TElement> .readElement = readElement;
            QuadTree <TElement> .elementSize = elementSize;

            CalculateDimensions(sizeX, sizeY);
            allElementsEnumeration = from y in Enumerable.Range(0, SizeY)
                                     from x in Enumerable.Range(0, SizeX)
                                     select Get(x, y);

            flag = input.ReadBoolean();

            if (flag)
                root = new QuadTreeNode(input);
                root = new QuadTreeLeaf(input);
예제 #16
        public static void Merge <T>(IQuadTreeNode <T> node) where T : class, IQuadTreeNode <T>
            QuadTreeNodeData <T> nodeData = node.NodeData;

            /*if (nodeData.UpperLeft != null)
             *  upperLeft.Dispose();
             * if (nodeData.UpperRight != null)
             *  upperRight.Dispose();
             * if (nodeData.LowerLeft != null)
             *  lowerLeft.Dispose();
             * if (nodeData.LowerRight != null)
             *  lowerRight.Dispose();*/

            nodeData.UpperLeft  = null;
            nodeData.UpperRight = null;
            nodeData.LowerLeft  = null;
            nodeData.LowerRight = null;

            node.NodeData = nodeData;
예제 #17
 public QuadTree(IQuadTreeNode <T> root)
     _root = root;
예제 #18
        public static async Task <Dictionary <Vector2Ushort, ZoneChunkFilledCellsCounter> > CalculateZoneChunks(
            IQuadTreeNode quadTree,
            int chunkSize,
            Func <Task> callbackYieldIfOutOfTime)
            // this is a heavy method so we will try to yield every few nodes to reduce the load
            const int defaultCounterToYieldValue = 100;
            var       counterToYield             = defaultCounterToYieldValue;

            var dict = new Dictionary <Vector2Ushort, ZoneChunkFilledCellsCounter>();

            if (false)
                // slow algorithm (each tile added separately into the dictionary)
                ZoneChunkFilledCellsCounter lastCounter = new ZoneChunkFilledCellsCounter(Vector2Ushort.Max);
                foreach (var filledNode in quadTree.EnumerateFilledNodes())
                    var size          = filledNode.Size;
                    var startPosition = filledNode.Position;
                    var endPosition   = startPosition + new Vector2Ushort(size, size);
                    for (var y = startPosition.Y; y < endPosition.Y; y++)
                        for (var x = startPosition.X; x < endPosition.X; x++)
                            var chunkPosition = new Vector2Ushort((ushort)(x / chunkSize), (ushort)(y / chunkSize));
                            if (lastCounter.ChunkOffset == chunkPosition ||
                                dict.TryGetValue(chunkPosition, out lastCounter))
                                lastCounter = new ZoneChunkFilledCellsCounter(chunkPosition)
                                    Count = 1
                                dict[chunkPosition] = lastCounter;

            // fast algorithm (each quad tree node can instantly fill each chunk)
            foreach (var node in quadTree.EnumerateFilledNodes())
                await YieldIfOutOfTime();

                var nodeStartPosition = node.Position;
                var startChunksOffset = new Vector2Ushort(
                    (ushort)(chunkSize * (nodeStartPosition.X / chunkSize)),
                    (ushort)(chunkSize * (nodeStartPosition.Y / chunkSize)));

                var nodeSize = node.Size;
                if (nodeSize == 1)
                    // short path
                    var chunkPosition = new Vector2Ushort(startChunksOffset.X, startChunksOffset.Y);
                    if (!dict.TryGetValue(chunkPosition, out var counter))
                        counter             = new ZoneChunkFilledCellsCounter(chunkPosition);
                        dict[chunkPosition] = counter;


                // long path (for nodes > 1*1 size)
                var nodeEndPosition = nodeStartPosition.AddAndClamp(new Vector2Ushort(node.Size, node.Size));

                var endChunksOffset = new Vector2Ushort(
                    (ushort)(chunkSize * Math.Ceiling(nodeEndPosition.X / (double)chunkSize)),
                    (ushort)(chunkSize * Math.Ceiling(nodeEndPosition.Y / (double)chunkSize)));

                for (var chunkY = startChunksOffset.Y;
                     chunkY < endChunksOffset.Y;
                     chunkY = (ushort)(chunkY + chunkSize))
                    for (var chunkX = startChunksOffset.X;
                         chunkX < endChunksOffset.X;
                         chunkX = (ushort)(chunkX + chunkSize))
                        var chunkPosition = new Vector2Ushort(chunkX, chunkY);
                        var cellsCount    = CalculateCellsCount(nodeStartPosition, nodeEndPosition, chunkX, chunkY, chunkSize);
                        if (!dict.TryGetValue(chunkPosition, out var counter))
                            counter             = new ZoneChunkFilledCellsCounter(chunkPosition);
                            dict[chunkPosition] = counter;

                        counter.Count += cellsCount;


            Task YieldIfOutOfTime()
                if (--counterToYield > 0)

                counterToYield = defaultCounterToYieldValue;
예제 #19
		public void Add(IQuadTreeNode node)
예제 #20
			public void AddSubNode(IQuadTreeNode node)
예제 #21
파일: QuadTree`1.cs 프로젝트: ixmilia/bcad
 public void AddItem(T item)
     _root = _root.AddItem(item);
예제 #22
파일: QuadTree`1.cs 프로젝트: ixmilia/bcad
 public QuadTree(Rect rect, GetBoundingRectangle getBoundingRectangle, int maxItems = MAX_ITEMS)
     _root        = new QuadTreeLeaf(rect, getBoundingRectangle, maxItems);
     _getBounding = getBoundingRectangle;
예제 #23
 public void AddSubNode(IQuadTreeNode node)
예제 #24
 public QuadTree(Rect rect, GetBoundingRectangle getBoundingRectangle)
     _root        = new QuadTreeLeaf(rect, getBoundingRectangle);
     _getBounding = getBoundingRectangle;
예제 #25
 public void Add(IQuadTreeNode node)