public QLearningTestActor(IQLearning qLearning, IObservableModel observableModel, int fixationLocation,
     ICumulativeDataRecorder dataRecorder)
     _observableModel = observableModel;
     _fixationLocation = fixationLocation;
     _dataRecorder = dataRecorder;
     _qLearning = qLearning;
        public void Run(IQLearning learning)

            var fixationLocation = _randomNumberProvider.Take();
            var beliefState = _observableModel.GetState(fixationLocation);
            var actor = _actorProvider(fixationLocation);

            while (beliefState.Any(s => s >= 0.9) == false)//Will return true if the belief state is less than or equal to 0.9
                beliefState = actor.Fixate();
        public void Run(IQLearning learning)

            var fixationLocation = _randomNumberProvider.Take();
            var beliefState = _observableModel.GetState(fixationLocation);
            var actor = new QLearningActor(learning, _observableModel, fixationLocation);

            while (beliefState.Any(s => s >= 0.9) == false)
                beliefState = actor.Fixate();
 public QLearningActor(IQLearning qLearning, IObservableModel observableModel, int fixationLocation)
     _observableModel = observableModel;
     _fixationLocation = fixationLocation;
     _qLearning = qLearning;