예제 #1
        private static Packet CreateMalwarePacket()
            //08:00:27:95:a6:a3 source mac
            //ushort tcpSourcePort = 123;
            //ushort tcpDestinationPort = 321;
            //var tcpPacket = new TcpPacket(tcpSourcePort, tcpDestinationPort);

            var ipSourceAddress      = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse("");
            var ipDestinationAddress = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse("");
            var ipPacket             = new IPv4Packet(ipSourceAddress, ipDestinationAddress);

            ipPacket.TimeToLive = 128;
            ipPacket.Checksum   = ipPacket.CalculateIPChecksum();
            UdpPacket udpPacket = UdpPacket.RandomPacket();

            //udpPacket.DestinationPort = ;
            udpPacket.PayloadData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("XCOM Prototype Malware: Don't be frightend, this is not real malware! Just science project");
            udpPacket.DestinationPort = 1723;
            //udpPacket.Checksum = (ushort)udpPacket.CalculateUDPChecksum();
            ipPacket.PayloadPacket = udpPacket;
            var sourceHwAddress              = "08-00-27-95-A6-A3";
            var ethernetSourceHwAddress      = System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress.Parse(sourceHwAddress);
            var destinationHwAddress         = "08-00-27-AB-3E-A6";
            var ethernetDestinationHwAddress = System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress.Parse(destinationHwAddress);

            // NOTE: using EthernetPacketType.None to illustrate that the Ethernet
            //       protocol type is updated based on the packet payload that is
            //       assigned to that particular Ethernet packet
            var ethernetPacket = new EthernetPacket(ethernetSourceHwAddress,

            // Now stitch all of the packets together
            //ipPacket.PayloadPacket = tcpPacket;
            ethernetPacket.PayloadPacket = ipPacket;

            // and print out the packet to see that it looks just like we wanted it to

            // to retrieve the bytes that represent this newly created EthernetPacket use the Bytes property
            //byte[] packetBytes = ethernetPacket.Bytes;
        //tasks used by each constructor path
        private void init()
            //not really sure what the capture device is, I think it refers to the NIC
            device = CaptureDeviceList.New()[3]; //better than .instance[3] apparently, according to author
            device.Open();                       //opens device, whatever that means

            //TCP packet is the payload of the IP packet
            //TcpPacket tcpPacket = new TcpPacket(localPort, destPort); //creates empty packet and sets the source and destination ports <port>
            //tcpPacket.Flags = 0x02; //syn flag
            //tcpPacket.WindowSize = 64240;
            UdpPacket udpPacket = new UdpPacket(localPort, destPort);

            //IP packet delivers TCP packet as its payload. IP packet is the payload of the Ethernet packet going to the gateway
            IPv4Packet ipPacket = new IPv4Packet(srcAddress, destAddress);

            ipPacket.TotalLength   = 52;
            ipPacket.Id            = 0xa144;
            ipPacket.FragmentFlags = 0x40;
            ipPacket.TimeToLive    = 128;

            //Ethernet packet delivers the IP packet to the gateway
            PhysicalAddress srcMAC = getLocalMAC();

            //Console.WriteLine(srcMAC); //just check that it is getting the right one, otherwise you'll have to enter it manually
            ethernetPacket = new EthernetPacket(srcMAC, destMAC, EthernetType.None);

            //matryoshka doll the packets
            ethernetPacket.PayloadPacket = ipPacket;
            ipPacket.PayloadPacket       = udpPacket;

            //this may need to be moved elsewhere incase time factors into the checksum
            udpPacket.Checksum = udpPacket.CalculateUdpChecksum();
            ipPacket.Checksum  = ipPacket.CalculateIPChecksum();

            sendTimer          = new Timer();
            sendTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(sendPacket); //method to be done every interval
            sendTimer.Enabled  = true;                                //does not start timer, it means the method will be done every interval
예제 #3
    public static Packet CreatePacket(Param param)
        Packet ret = null;

        //create layer 4
        if (param.packetType == Param.PacketType.TCP)
            TcpPacket tcpPacket = new TcpPacket(param.sPort, param.dPort);
            tcpPacket.AllFlags = param.tcpFlag;
            if (param.dIP.ToString().Contains("."))
                IPv4Packet ipPacket = new IPv4Packet(param.sIP, param.dIP);
                if (param.IPv4Frag) { ipPacket.FragmentFlags = (int)1; }
                ret = new EthernetPacket(param.sMAC, param.dMAC, EthernetPacketType.IpV4);
                ipPacket.PayloadPacket = tcpPacket;
                tcpPacket.PayloadData = param.payload;
                ret.PayloadPacket = ipPacket;
                tcpPacket.Checksum = (ushort)tcpPacket.CalculateTCPChecksum();
                IPv6Packet ipPacket = new IPv6Packet(param.sIP, param.dIP);
                ret = new EthernetPacket(param.sMAC, param.dMAC, EthernetPacketType.IpV6);
                ipPacket.PayloadPacket = tcpPacket;
                tcpPacket.PayloadData = param.payload;
                ret.PayloadPacket = ipPacket;

        else if (param.packetType == Param.PacketType.UDP)
            UdpPacket udpPacket = new UdpPacket(param.sPort, param.dPort);
            if (param.dIP.ToString().Contains("."))
                IPv4Packet ipPacket = new IPv4Packet(param.sIP, param.dIP);
                if (param.IPv4Frag) { ipPacket.FragmentFlags = (int)1; }
                ret = new EthernetPacket(param.sMAC, param.dMAC, EthernetPacketType.IpV4);
                ipPacket.PayloadPacket = udpPacket;
                udpPacket.PayloadData = param.payload;
                ipPacket.PayloadLength = (ushort)(ipPacket.PayloadLength + param.payload.Length);
                ret.PayloadPacket = ipPacket;
                IPv6Packet ipPacket = new IPv6Packet(param.sIP, param.dIP);
                ret = new EthernetPacket(param.sMAC, param.dMAC, EthernetPacketType.IpV6);
                ipPacket.PayloadPacket = udpPacket;
                udpPacket.PayloadData = param.payload;
                ipPacket.PayloadLength = (ushort)(ipPacket.PayloadLength + param.payload.Length);
                ret.PayloadPacket = ipPacket;
        else if (param.packetType == Param.PacketType.ICMP)
            ICMPv4Packet icmpPacket = new ICMPv4Packet(new ByteArraySegment(new byte[32]));
            if (param.type != 0 && param.code != 0)
                icmpPacket.TypeCode = (ICMPv4TypeCodes)((param.type * 256) + (param.code));
            else if (param.type != 0)
                icmpPacket.TypeCode = (ICMPv4TypeCodes)((param.type * 256));
                icmpPacket.TypeCode = ICMPv4TypeCodes.EchoRequest;

            IPv4Packet ipPacket = new IPv4Packet(param.sIP, param.dIP);
            if (param.IPv4Frag) { ipPacket.FragmentFlags = (int)1; }
            ipPacket.PayloadPacket = icmpPacket;
            ipPacket.Checksum = ipPacket.CalculateIPChecksum();
            ret = new EthernetPacket(param.sMAC, param.dMAC, EthernetPacketType.IpV4);
            ret.PayloadPacket = ipPacket;
        else if (param.packetType == Param.PacketType.ICMPv6)
            ICMPv6Packet icmpv6Packet = CreateICMPv6Packet(param);
            IPv6Packet ipPacket = new IPv6Packet(param.sIP, param.dIP);
            ipPacket.PayloadPacket = icmpv6Packet;
            ret = new EthernetPacket(param.sMAC, param.dMAC, EthernetPacketType.IpV6);
            ret.PayloadPacket = ipPacket;
        else if (param.packetType == Param.PacketType.IP)
            if (param.dIP.ToString().Contains("."))
                ret = new EthernetPacket(param.sMAC, param.dMAC, EthernetPacketType.IpV4);
                IPv4Packet ipPacket = new IPv4Packet(param.sIP, param.dIP);
                if (param.IPv4Frag) { ipPacket.FragmentFlags = (int)1; }
                ipPacket.Protocol = param.IPProtocol;
                ipPacket.PayloadData = param.payload;
                ret.PayloadPacket = ipPacket;
                ret = new EthernetPacket(param.sMAC, param.dMAC, EthernetPacketType.IpV6);

                //if extension headers were not specified, just put the payload
                if (param.ExtentionHeader.Count == 0)
                    IPv6Packet ipPacket = new IPv6Packet(param.sIP, param.dIP);
                    ipPacket.Protocol = param.IPProtocol;
                    ipPacket.PayloadData = param.payload;
                    ipPacket.PayloadLength = (ushort)param.payload.Length;
                    ret.PayloadPacket = ipPacket;
                    ret = PacketFactory.CreateEHPacket(param, (EthernetPacket)ret);
        else if (param.packetType == Param.PacketType.EtherType)
            ret = new EthernetPacket(param.sMAC, param.dMAC, param.EtherTypeProtocol);
            byte[] etherBuffer = (new byte[64]);
            var payload = new byte[etherBuffer.Length + (param.payload).Length];
            etherBuffer.CopyTo(payload, 0);
            (param.payload).CopyTo(payload, etherBuffer.Length);
            ret.PayloadData = payload;

        return ret;