public async Task <ActionResult> LoadOffRequests() { try { var AllReqs = (List <OfflinRequestModel>)(await _offreqrepo.GetAll()).Data; List <object> result = new List <object>(); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("fa"); int i = 1; foreach (var item in AllReqs.OrderByDescending(x => (DateTime)x.Created_At)) { var user = await _userrepo.GetById(item.O_User); result.Add(new { id = item.O_Id, counter = i, user = (user != null) ? user.U_Name + " " + user.U_Family : "", url = item.O_Url, detail = item.O_Details, price = item.O_Price, deliver = item.O_DeliverDate, reqdate = ((DateTime)item.Created_At).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), reason = item.O_Reason, status = item.O_Status }); i++; } return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.Success(data: result))); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("Error", ex); return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.ServerInternalError(data: ex))); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index() { var basket = await _basketservice.GetBasketItems(Request); foreach (var item in basket.CartItems) { item.Product.PriceModel = await _priceCalculator.CalculateBookPrice(item.Product.P_Id, _lang.GetLang()); } ViewBag.CVRT = 1000; ViewBag.BINPERC = 1; var cvrtbase = ((List <OptionsModel>)(await _optionrepository.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.O_Key == "CVRTTOMANTOPOINT"); var bin = ((List <OptionsModel>)(await _optionrepository.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.O_Key == "GIFTBINPERCENTAGE"); if (bin != null) { ViewBag.BINPERC = int.Parse(bin.O_Value); } if (cvrtbase != null) { ViewBag.CVRT = int.Parse(cvrtbase.O_Value); } ViewBag.LoggedIn = TokenService.AuthorizeUser(Request) > 0; ViewBag.User = await _userrepository.GetById(TokenService.AuthorizeUser(Request)); return(View(basket)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> SetIndexSections(IndexSectionsModel ism) { try { IndexBoxInfoModel BoxInfo = ((List <IndexBoxInfoModel>)(await _indexboxinforepo.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.I_SecId == ism.Section && x.Lang == ism.Lang); if (BoxInfo == null) { await _indexboxinforepo.Insert(new IndexBoxInfoModel() { I_SecId = ism.Section, I_Title = ism.Title, I_Icon = ism.Icon, I_Sort = ism.Sort, Lang = ism.Lang }); await _indexboxinforepo.CommitAllChanges(); } else { await _indexboxinforepo.Update(new IndexBoxInfoModel() { I_Id = BoxInfo.I_Id, I_SecId = ism.Section, I_Title = ism.Title, I_Icon = ism.Icon, I_Sort = ism.Sort, Lang = ism.Lang }); await _indexboxinforepo.CommitAllChanges(); } List <IndexBoxProductRelModel> OldRelations = ((List <IndexBoxProductRelModel>)(await _indexsectionrepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.I_SecId == ism.Section && x.Lang == ism.Lang).ToList(); foreach (var item in OldRelations) { await _indexsectionrepo.Delete(item); } await _indexsectionrepo.CommitAllChanges(); foreach (int p in ism.Products) { await _indexsectionrepo.Insert(new IndexBoxProductRelModel() { Lang = ism.Lang, I_Pid = p, I_SecId = ism.Section }); } await _indexsectionrepo.CommitAllChanges(); return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.Success("اطلاعات با موفقیت ذخیره گردید"))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetSearch(string id) { string[] QueryStrings = id.Split(" "); var AllProduct = ((List <ProductModel>)(await _productrepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.P_Status && QueryStrings.Any(y => x.P_Title.Contains(y, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || x.P_Description.Contains(y, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || (x.P_BrandTitle != null && x.P_BrandTitle.Contains(y, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))).Take(8).ToList(); = id; if (AllProduct.Count() < 1) { return(Content("موردی یافت نشد")); } return(View(AllProduct)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int cat = 0, string title = null) { ViewBag.Category = ((List <NoticesCategoryModel>)(await _categoryrepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.NC_IsDeleted == false && x.NC_Status && x.NC_Type == 1).OrderBy(x => x.NC_SortField).ToList(); var ProdCatList = (List <ProductCategoryModel>)(await _categories.GetAll()).Data; ProdCatList.Where(x => x.PC_ParentId == 0 && x.PC_Status && x.PC_IsDeleted != true).ToList(); ViewBag.ProductCategory = ProdCatList; var AllNews = ((List <NoticesModel>)(await _noticesrepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.N_IsDeleted == false && x.N_Status && x.N_Type == 1).OrderBy(x => x.N_Sort).ToList(); return(View(AllNews)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> LoadFaqCategory() { try { var allNotifies = ((List <FaqCategoryModel>)(await _faqcatrepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.F_IsDeleted == false).ToList(); return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.Success(data: allNotifies))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.ServerInternalError(data: ex))); } }
public async Task Initilize() { var cvrtbase = ((List <OptionsModel>)(await _optionrepository.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.O_Key == "CVRTTOMANTOPOINT"); var bin = ((List <OptionsModel>)(await _optionrepository.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.O_Key == "GIFTBINPERCENTAGE"); if (cvrtbase != null) { CVRT = int.Parse(cvrtbase.O_Value); } if (bin != null) { BINPERC = int.Parse(bin.O_Value); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index() { try { ViewBag.category = null; List <ProductModel> items = new List <ProductModel>(); string cookie = ""; HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("Compaire", out cookie); var ProdCatList = (List <ProductCategoryModel>)(await _categories.GetAll()).Data; ViewBag.ProductCategory = ProdCatList.Where(x => x.PC_ParentId == 0 && x.PC_Status).ToList(); if (cookie != null) { var decryptCookie = Barayand.Common.Services.CryptoJsService.DecryptStringAES(cookie); CompareCookieModel ccm = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CompareCookieModel>(decryptCookie); foreach (var item in ccm.Products) { var p = await _productrepo.GetById(item); items.Add(p); } } if (items.Count() > 0) { var getAllProductByCatId = ((List <ProductModel>)(await _productrepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.P_EndLevelCatId == items.FirstOrDefault().P_EndLevelCatId).ToList(); foreach (var item in items) { getAllProductByCatId.Remove(item); } ViewBag.getAllProductByCatId = getAllProductByCatId; #region Brand var BrandGroups = getAllProductByCatId.GroupBy(x => x.P_BrandId)?.Select(x => x.FirstOrDefault().P_BrandId).ToList(); ViewBag.Brands = ((List <BrandModel>)(await _brandrepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => BrandGroups.Contains(x.B_Id)).ToList(); #endregion } else { ViewBag.Brands = ((List <BrandModel>)(await _brandrepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.B_Status).ToList(); } return(View(items)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.ServerInternalError(data: ex))); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> LoadImagesByCat(int cat, int page = 1, string title = null) { try { var existsGCat = await _gallerycatrepo.GetById(cat); if (existsGCat == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } ViewBag.PageSeo = existsGCat.GC_Seo; var galleris = ((List <ImageGalleryModel>)(await _imagerepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.IG_Status && x.IG_CatId == cat && x.Lang == _lang.GetLang()).OrderBy(x => x.IG_SortField).ToList(); int pageSize = 10; int totalPage = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)galleris.Count() / pageSize); galleris = galleris.Skip((page - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList(); ViewBag.CurrentPage = page; ViewBag.TotalPages = totalPage; ViewBag.Cat = cat; return(View(galleris)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("ErrorGalleryController", ex); return(View(new List <ImageGalleryModel>())); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index(bool isajax, int page = 1) { try { var brand = ((List <BrandModel>)(await _brandrepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.B_Status && !x.B_IsDeleted).OrderBy(x => x.B_SortField).ToList(); if (brand != null) { #region Paging Paging paging = new Paging(); paging.TotalCount = brand.Count(); paging.PageSize = 24; paging.CurrentPage = page; paging.TotalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(paging.TotalCount / (double)paging.PageSize); ViewBag.paging = paging; #endregion var items = brand.Skip((paging.CurrentPage - 1) * paging.PageSize).Take(paging.PageSize).ToList(); if (isajax) { return(View("_brandlist", items)); } return(View(items)); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("Brands", ex); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> GetAllAttrsByCat(int catid) { try { CatAttrRelationRepository carr = new CatAttrRelationRepository(new DAL.Context.BarayandContext(null)); var catattrs = ((List <CatAttrRelationModel>)(await _repository.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.X_IsDeleted == false && x.X_Status && x.X_CatId == catid).ToList(); List <AttributeModel> data = ((List <AttributeModel>)(await _attrs.GetAll()).Data); List <object> Data = new List <object>(); foreach (var item in catattrs) { var attribute = data.FirstOrDefault(x => x.A_Id == item.X_AttrId); if (attribute != null) { Data.Add(new { A_Title = attribute.A_Title, A_Id = attribute.A_Id, A_Status = item.X_Status, relationId = item.X_Id, }); } } return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.Success(data: Data))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.ServerInternalError(data: ex))); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> VideoGalleryVideos(int cat = 0, int page = 1, string title = null) { try { var galleris = ((List <VideoGalleryModel>)(await _videorepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.VG_Status && x.VG_IsDeleted == false).OrderBy(x => x.VG_SortField).ToList(); var existsGCat = await _gallerycatrepo.GetById(cat); if (existsGCat != null) { galleris = galleris.Where(x => x.VG_CatId == cat).ToList(); ViewBag.PageSeo = existsGCat.GC_Seo; } int pageSize = 10; int totalPage = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)galleris.Count() / pageSize); ViewBag.CurrentPage = page; ViewBag.TotalPages = totalPage; ViewBag.Cat = cat; ViewBag.Categories = ((List <GalleryCategoryModel>)(await _gallerycatrepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.GC_Status && x.GC_Type == 2 && x.Lang == _lang.GetLang()).OrderBy(x => x.GC_SortField).ToList(); return(View(galleris)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("ErrorGalleryController", ex); return(View(new List <GalleryCategoryModel>())); } }
public async Task CheckOptions() { var opt = ((List <OptionsModel>)(await _optionrepo.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.O_Key == "DELETEDISCOUNTS"); bool isActive = bool.Parse(opt.O_Value); this.RemoveDiscounts = isActive; }
public async Task <bool> UserAccessProductFile(int pid, int userid) { try { List <OrderModel> orders = ((List <OrderModel>)(await _Orderrepo.GetAll()).Data); List <InvoiceModel> invoices = ((List <InvoiceModel>)(await _invoicerepo.GetAll()).Data); List <InvoiceModel> userInvoices = invoices.Where(x => x.I_UserId == userid && x.I_Status > 0).ToList(); if (userInvoices.Count < 1) { return(false); } foreach (var i in userInvoices) { if (orders.Count(x => x.O_ReciptId == i.I_Id && x.O_ProductId == pid) > 0) { return(true); } } return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Profile() { try { var authorize = Barayand.Common.Services.TokenService.AuthorizeUser(Request); if (authorize < 1) { if (authorize == 0) { Response.Cookies.Delete("HomeKitoUser"); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { redirect = "/User/Profile" })); } UserModel userModel = await _repository.GetById(authorize); if (userModel == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { redirect = "/User/Profile" })); } List <InvoiceModel> invoices = ((List <InvoiceModel>)(await _invoicerepository.GetAll()).Data); invoices = (invoices != null) ? invoices.Where(x => x.I_Status > 0 && x.I_UserId == authorize).ToList() : null; List <InvoiceModel> FivaLastInvoices = new List <InvoiceModel>(); List <OfflinRequestModel> OfflineRequests = ((List <OfflinRequestModel>)(await _offreqrepository.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.O_User == authorize).ToList(); if (invoices != null) { FivaLastInvoices = invoices.Take(5).ToList(); } else { FivaLastInvoices = null; } ViewBag.Favorites = await _favoritrepostory.GetByUser(authorize); ViewBag.WalletHistory = await _walletrepository.GetAllUserTransactions(authorize); ViewBag.LastInvoices = FivaLastInvoices; ViewBag.UserInvoices = invoices; ViewBag.OfflineRequests = OfflineRequests; return(View(userModel)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public async Task <List <PromotionBoxModel> > GetByType(int Type) { try { var opt = ((List <OptionsModel>)(await _optionrepo.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.O_Key == "DELETEDISCOUNTS"); bool isActive = bool.Parse(opt.O_Value); var optSpecial = ((List <OptionsModel>)(await _optionrepo.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.O_Key == "SPECIALSALESTATE"); bool isActiveSpecial = bool.Parse(optSpecial.O_Value); var AllPromotions = ((List <PromotionBoxModel>)(await GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.B_Type == Type).ToList(); if ((isActive && Type == 6)) { return(null); } if ((!isActiveSpecial && Type == 6)) { return(null); } foreach (var box in AllPromotions) { foreach (var item in _context.PromotionBoxProducts.Where(x => x.X_SectionId == box.B_SectionId)) { var p = _context.Product.FirstOrDefault(x => x.P_Id == item.X_ProdId); if (Type == 6) { p.P_Title = item.X_ProdTitle; } var combine = _context.ProductCombine.FirstOrDefault(x => x.X_ColorId == item.X_ColorId && x.X_WarrantyId == item.X_WarrantyId && x.X_ProductId == item.X_ProdId); if (combine != null) { combine.PriceModel = await _pcalcrepo.CalculateProductCombinePrice(combine.X_Id, p.P_EndLevelCatId); p.DefaultProductCombine = combine; if (p != null) { box.Products.Add(p); } } } } return(AllPromotions); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new List <PromotionBoxModel>()); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int page = 1) { try { var galleris = ((List <GalleryCategoryModel>)(await _gallerycatrepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.GC_Status && x.GC_Type == 1 && x.GC_IsDeleted == false && x.Lang == _lang.GetLang()).OrderBy(x => x.GC_SortField).ToList(); int pageSize = 10; int totalPage = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)galleris.Count() / pageSize); galleris = galleris.Skip((page - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList(); ViewBag.CurrentPage = page; ViewBag.TotalPages = totalPage; return(View(galleris)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("ErrorGalleryController", ex); return(View(new List <GalleryCategoryModel>())); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> LoadProvinces() { try { return(new JsonResult(await _provincerepo.GetAll())); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> UpdateOption(OptionsModel om) { try { var option = ((List <OptionsModel>)(await _optionrepo.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.O_Key == om.O_Key); if (option == null) { return(new JsonResult(await _optionrepo.Insert(om))); } else { option.O_Value = om.O_Value; return(new JsonResult(await _optionrepo.Update(option))); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("Error in options controller", ex); return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.Error(data: ex))); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> LoadDepartments(string lang = "") { try { var deps = ((List <DepartmentModel>)(await _departmentrepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.Lang == lang).ToList(); return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.Success(data: deps))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ContactUs(string title = "") { try { var page = ((List <DynamicPagesContent>)(await _dynamicrepeo.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.PageName == "ContactUs"); if (page == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } ViewBag.PageSeo = page.PageSeo; ViewBag.Data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ContactUsData>(page.PageOtherSetting); var seo = Barayand.Common.Services.UtilesService.ParseSeoData(page.PageSeo); ViewBag.PGNAME = seo.title; return(View(page)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("Error in main controller action index", ex); return(null); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> LoadHeaderNotifies() { try { var allNotifies = ((List <HeaderNotificationModel>)(await _headernotifyrepo.GetAll()).Data); return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.Success(data: allNotifies))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.ServerInternalError(data: ex))); } }
public async Task Initilize() { var storeisactive = ((List <OptionsModel>)(await _optionrepository.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.O_Key == "SHOPSTATE"); var deletediscounts = ((List <OptionsModel>)(await _optionrepository.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.O_Key == "DELETEDISCOUNTS"); var isactivespecialsale = ((List <OptionsModel>)(await _optionrepository.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.O_Key == "SPECIALSALESTATE"); if (storeisactive != null) { STOREISACTIVE = (storeisactive.O_Value == "true") ? true : false; } if (deletediscounts != null) { DELETEDISCOUNTS = (deletediscounts.O_Value == "true") ? true : false; } if (isactivespecialsale != null) { ISACTIVESPECIALSALE = (isactivespecialsale.O_Value == "true") ? true : false; } AllProducts = ((List <ProductCombineModel>)(await _productcombinerepo.GetAll()).Data); }
public async Task <ActionResult> LoadServices(int type = 1) { try { var deps = ((List <ServiceModel>)(await _servicerepo.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.S_Type == type).ToList(); return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.Success(data: deps))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public async Task <ResponseStructure> UseCoppon(HttpRequest httpRequest, HttpResponse httpResponse) { try { StringValues data; if (!httpRequest.Headers.TryGetValue("CouponInfo", out data)) { return(ResponseModel.Error("Invalid access detect.")); } var dec = Barayand.Common.Services.CryptoJsService.DecryptStringAES(data); BasketItem rm = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BasketItem>(dec); var coppon = ((List <CopponModel>)(await _couponrepo.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.CP_Code == rm.CopponCode); if (coppon == null) { return(ResponseModel.Error("Coppon code is invalid.")); } if (DateTime.Now >= coppon.CP_EndDate || DateTime.Now < coppon.CP_StartDate) { return(ResponseModel.Error("Coppon has been expired.")); } BasketModel basket = new BasketModel(); string cookie; if (httpRequest.Cookies.TryGetValue("Cart", out cookie)) { if (cookie != null) { var basketInfo = Barayand.Common.Services.CryptoJsService.DecryptStringAES(cookie); basket = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BasketModel>(basketInfo); if (basket.Coppon.Count > 0) { return(ResponseModel.Error("Coppon was applied before.")); } if (basket.Coppon.Count(x => x.CP_Code == coppon.CP_Code) > 0) { return(ResponseModel.Error("Coppon was applied before.")); } basket.Coppon.Add(coppon); } } string token = Barayand.Common.Services.CryptoJsService.EncryptStringToAES(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(basket)); httpResponse.Cookies.Delete("Cart"); httpResponse.Cookies.Append("Cart", token); return(ResponseModel.Success("Product added.")); return(ResponseModel.Success()); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("Error in adding coupon to customer basket", ex); return(ResponseModel.ServerInternalError(data: ex)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> LoadOrderProducts(string oid) { try { var authorize = Barayand.Common.Services.TokenService.AuthorizeUser(Request); if (authorize < 1) { if (authorize == 0) { Response.Cookies.Delete("GbookUser"); } return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.Error("Your login token has expired.", new { EXPIREDTOKEN = true }))); } var orders = ((List <OrderModel>)(await _orderrepository.GetAll()).Data).Where(x => x.O_ReciptId == oid); var rinfo = ((List <InvoiceModel>)(await _invoicerepository.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.I_Id == oid); List <object> Products = new List <object>(); bool hasHcopy = false; int i = 1; foreach (var item in orders) { var prd = await _productrepository.GetById(item.O_ProductId); Products.Add(new { counter = i, prodname = prd.P_Title, quantity = item.O_Quantity + " عدد", total = rinfo.I_TotalProductAmount, price = item.O_Price, version = (item.O_Version == 1)? "PDF":"HCOPY", downlink = prd.P_DownloadLink }); i++; if (item.O_Version == 2) { hasHcopy = true; } } var reciverinfo = ""; if (hasHcopy) { if (rinfo != null) { reciverinfo = rinfo.I_RecipientInfo; } } return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.Success(data: new { hashcopy = hasHcopy, recieptinfo = reciverinfo, products = Products }))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> GetPageContent(OutModels.Models.DynamicPages page) { try { var dynamicPages = (List <DynamicPagesContent>)(await _repository.GetAll()).Data; var data = dynamicPages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PageName == page.PageName && page.Lang == x.Lang); return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.Success(data: data))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public async Task <ResponseStructure> UseCoppon(HttpRequest httpRequest, HttpResponse httpResponse) { try { StringValues data; if (!httpRequest.Headers.TryGetValue("CouponInfo", out data)) { return(ResponseModel.Error("Invalid access detect.")); } var dec = Barayand.Common.Services.CryptoJsService.DecryptStringAES(data); FullPropertyBasketItem rm = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FullPropertyBasketItem>(dec); var coppon = ((List <CopponModel>)(await _couponrepo.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.CP_Code == rm.CopponCode); if (coppon == null) { return(ResponseModel.Error("کد تخفیف نامعتبر است.")); } if (DateTime.Now >= coppon.CP_EndDate || DateTime.Now < coppon.CP_StartDate) { return(ResponseModel.Error("کد تخفیف منقضی شده است.")); } FullPropertyBasketModel basket = new FullPropertyBasketModel(); string cookie; if (httpRequest.Cookies.TryGetValue("Cart", out cookie)) { if (cookie != null) { var basketInfo = Barayand.Common.Services.CryptoJsService.DecryptStringAES(cookie); basket = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FullPropertyBasketModel>(basketInfo); if (basket.Coppon.Count > 0) { return(ResponseModel.Error("بیشتر از یک کد تخفیف نمیتوانید استفاده نمایید")); } if (basket.Coppon.Count(x => x.CP_Code == coppon.CP_Code) > 0) { return(ResponseModel.Error("کد تخفیف قبلا اعمال شده است")); } basket.Coppon.Add(coppon); } } string token = Barayand.Common.Services.CryptoJsService.EncryptStringToAES(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(basket)); httpResponse.Cookies.Delete("Cart"); httpResponse.Cookies.Append("Cart", token); return(ResponseModel.Success("کد تخفیف با موفقیت اعمال گردید")); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("Error in adding coupon to customer basket", ex); return(ResponseModel.ServerInternalError(data: ex)); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> LoadStates(int prov = 0) { try { var AllStates = ((List <States>)(await _staterepo.GetAll()).Data); if (prov != 0) { AllStates = AllStates.Where(x => x.Province == prov).ToList(); } return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.Success(data: AllStates))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public async Task <JsonResult> GetPriceAjax(int id, int garanty, int color) { try { var product = ((List <ProductCombineModel>)(await _Combine.GetAll()).Data).FirstOrDefault(x => x.X_ColorId == color && x.X_WarrantyId == garanty && x.X_ProductId == id && x.X_IsDeleted != true && x.X_Status); return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.Success(data: new { price = product.X_Price, discounted = product.CalculatedPrice() }))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult(ResponseModel.ServerInternalError(data: ex))); } }