예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method called that defines the property schema for the step.
        /// </summary>
        public void DefineSchema(IPropertyDefinitions schema)
                // Example of how to add a property definition to the step.
                IPropertyDefinition pd;
                pd             = schema.AddStringProperty("ExecutableLocation", "");
                pd.DisplayName = "Executable Location";
                pd.Description = "The full path to the executable program (.exe)";
                pd.Required    = true;

                // A repeat group of columns and expression where the data will be written
                IRepeatGroupPropertyDefinition arguments = schema.AddRepeatGroupProperty("Arguments");
                arguments.Description = "The arguments for the executable. See Argument Logic for options";
                pd             = arguments.PropertyDefinitions.AddExpressionProperty("ArgumentName", String.Empty);
                pd.Description = "The name of the argument";
                pd             = arguments.PropertyDefinitions.AddExpressionProperty("Expression", String.Empty);
                pd.Description = "The Simio expression that will assigned to the argument.";

                pd             = schema.AddBooleanProperty("WaitForExecutableToExit");
                pd.DisplayName = "Wait For Exit";
                pd.Description = "If true, then Step will wait in the Step until the executable completes its run";
                pd.Required    = true;
                pd.SetDefaultString(schema, "False");

                IBooleanPropertyDefinition bpd = schema.AddBooleanProperty("CreateWindow");
                bpd.DisplayName = "Create Window";
                bpd.Description = "If True, the executable will appear in a new window. Useful for debugging";
                bpd.Required    = true;
                bpd.SetDefaultString(schema, "True");

                IEnumPropertyDefinition epd = schema.AddEnumProperty("ArgumentLogic", typeof(EnumArgLogic));
                epd.Description = "Logic that describes how the Simio Arguments are created";
                epd.SetDefaultString(schema, "None");
                epd.Required = true;

                // Example of how to add a property definition to the step.
                pd             = schema.AddStringProperty("Delimiter", "");
                pd.DisplayName = "Delimiter";
                pd.Description = "The delimiter to use around each argument when calling the executable";
                pd.Required    = true;

                bpd             = schema.AddBooleanProperty("UseShellExecute");
                bpd.DisplayName = "Use Shell Execute";
                bpd.Description = "If True, the executable will be run within a Windows Shell.";
                bpd.Required    = true;
                bpd.SetDefaultString(schema, "True");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException($"Error creating RunExecutables Schema. Err={ex.Message}");