/// <summary> /// Returns one or more rows from a table, beginning at the current cursor position. /// </summary> /// <param name="lRowCount">Maximum number of rows to be returned.</param> /// <param name="sRows">an SRow array holding the table rows.</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool QueryRows(int lRowCount, out SRow[] sRows) { IntPtr pRowSet = IntPtr.Zero; HRESULT hr = tb_.QueryRows(lRowCount, 0, out pRowSet); if (hr != HRESULT.S_OK) { MAPINative.MAPIFreeBuffer(pRowSet); } uint cRows = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(pRowSet); sRows = new SRow[cRows]; if (cRows < 1) { MAPINative.MAPIFreeBuffer(pRowSet); return(false); } int pIntSize = IntPtr.Size, intSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Int32)); int sizeOfSRow = 2 * intSize + pIntSize; IntPtr rows = pRowSet + intSize; for (int i = 0; i < cRows; i++) { IntPtr pRowOffset = rows + i * sizeOfSRow; uint cValues = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(pRowOffset + pIntSize); IntPtr pProps = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pRowOffset + pIntSize + intSize); IPropValue[] lpProps = new IPropValue[cValues]; for (int j = 0; j < cValues; j++) // each column { SPropValue lpProp = (SPropValue)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pProps + j * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SPropValue)), typeof(SPropValue)); lpProps[j] = new MAPIProp(lpProp); } sRows[i].propVals = lpProps; } MAPINative.MAPIFreeBuffer(pRowSet); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Returns one or more rows from a table, beginning at the current cursor position. /// </summary> /// <param name="lRowCount">Maximum number of rows to be returned.</param> /// <param name="sRows">an SRow array holding the table rows.</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool QueryRows(int lRowCount, out SRow[] sRows) { IntPtr pRowSet = IntPtr.Zero; HRESULT hr = tb_.QueryRows(lRowCount, 0, out pRowSet); if (hr != HRESULT.S_OK) { MAPINative.MAPIFreeBuffer(pRowSet); } uint cRows = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(pRowSet); sRows = new SRow[cRows]; if (cRows < 1) { MAPINative.MAPIFreeBuffer(pRowSet); return false; } int pIntSize = IntPtr.Size, intSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Int32)); int sizeOfSRow = 2 * intSize + pIntSize; IntPtr rows = pRowSet + intSize; for (int i = 0; i < cRows; i++) { IntPtr pRowOffset = rows + i * sizeOfSRow; uint cValues = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(pRowOffset + pIntSize); IntPtr pProps = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pRowOffset + pIntSize + intSize); IPropValue[] lpProps = new IPropValue[cValues]; for (int j = 0; j < cValues; j++) // each column { SPropValue lpProp = (SPropValue)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pProps + j * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SPropValue)), typeof(SPropValue)); lpProps[j] = new MAPIProp(lpProp); } sRows[i].propVals = lpProps; } MAPINative.MAPIFreeBuffer(pRowSet); return true; }
//~MAPIProp() { } public IPropValue[] GetProps(PropTags[] tags) { uint[] t = new uint[tags.Length + 1]; t[0] = (uint)tags.Length; for (int i = 0; i < tags.Length; i++) t[i + 1] = (uint)tags[i]; IntPtr propVals = IntPtr.Zero; uint count = 0; HRESULT hr = pIMAPIPropGetProps(this.ptr, t, out count, ref propVals); if (hr != HRESULT.S_OK) throw new Exception("GetProps failed: " + hr.ToString()); IPropValue[] props = new IPropValue[count]; uint pProps = (uint)propVals; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { pSPropValue lpProp = (pSPropValue)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)(pProps + i * cemapi.SizeOfSPropValue), typeof(pSPropValue)); props[i] = new SPropValue(lpProp); } cemapi.MAPIFreeBuffer(propVals); return props; }
private MetaProperty(IPropValue simplePropValue) { SimplePropValue = simplePropValue; }
public static void JudgePropIsMetaProp(IPropValue propValue, out MetaProperty metaProperty) { if (JudgePropIsMetaProp(propValue.PropIdWithType)) { metaProperty = new MetaProperty(propValue); return; } throw new ArgumentException("Property is not Metaproperty."); }
private void CreateTransferUnit() { var propertyTag = FTStreamParseContext.Instance.ReadPropertyTag(); _unit = FTFactory.Instance.CreatePropValue(propertyTag); }
protected virtual void BuildEachProperty(IStorage storage, IStream propertyStream, IPropValue property) { WritePropertyInfoToPropertyStream(propertyStream, property); WritePropertyValueToStorage(storage, property); }
protected override int ModifyPropertyLength(IPropValue property) { if (property.PropTag.PropertyId == 0x0FF9) { return 4; } return base.ModifyPropertyLength(property); }
protected override byte[] ModifyPropertyValue(IPropValue property) { if (property.PropTag.PropertyId == 0x0FF9) { return BitConverter.GetBytes((int)_attachIndex); } return base.ModifyPropertyValue(property); }
internal void AddProperty(IPropValue propValue) { CurrentPropCollection.AddProperties(propValue); }
public SRow[] QueryRows(int lRowCount) { if (lRowCount > MaxQueryRowCount) throw new Exception("Max row count is " + MaxQueryRowCount.ToString()); IntPtr pRowSet = IntPtr.Zero; HRESULT hr = pIMAPITableQueryRows(this.ptr, lRowCount, out pRowSet); if (hr != HRESULT.S_OK) { cemapi.MAPIFreeBuffer(pRowSet); throw new Exception("QueryRows failed: " + hr.ToString()); } uint cRows = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(pRowSet); SRow[] sRows = new SRow[cRows]; if (cRows < 1) { FreeProws(pRowSet); return sRows; } int pIntSize = IntPtr.Size, intSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Int32)); IntPtr rows = (IntPtr)(((uint)pRowSet) + intSize); for (int i = 0; i < cRows; i++) { uint pRowOffset = (uint)(rows) + (uint)(i * SizeOfSRow); uint cValues = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(pRowOffset + intSize)); uint pProps = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(pRowOffset + intSize * 2)); IPropValue[] lpProps = new IPropValue[cValues]; for (int j = 0; j < cValues; j++) // each column { pSPropValue lpProp = (pSPropValue)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)(pProps + j * cemapi.SizeOfSPropValue), typeof(pSPropValue)); lpProps[j] = new SPropValue(lpProp); } sRows[i].propVals = lpProps; } FreeProws(pRowSet); return sRows; }
public void AddProperty(IPropValue property) { var tag = BaseStruct.GetPropertyTag(property.PropTag); if (property is ISpecialValue && Properties.ContainsKey((uint)tag)) { return; } Properties[(uint)tag] = property; }
public virtual void AddProperties(IPropValue property) { if (property.PropInfo is NamePropInfo) { uint changedId = 0; var dic = NamedPropIdToChangedId; if (!dic.TryGetValue(property.PropTag.PropertyTag, out changedId)) { changedId = (uint)dic.Count + (uint)0x8000; changedId = (changedId << 16) | property.PropTag.PropertyType; dic.Add(property.PropTag.PropertyTag, changedId); } ModifyPropertyTag(property, changedId); NamedProperties[property.PropTag.PropertyId] = property; } Properties.AddProperty(property); }
private void WritePropertyValueToStorage(IStorage storage, IPropValue property) { if (property is VarPropValue || PropertyTag.IsGuidType(property.PropTag) || property is SpecialVarBaseProperty) { var streamName = GetPropertyStreamName(property.PropTag); // string.Format("__substg1.0_{0:X8}", GetPropertyTag(property.PropTag)); IStream varPropStream = null; try { varPropStream = CompoundFileUtil.Instance.GetChildStream(streamName, true, storage); varPropStream.Write(ModifyPropertyValue(property)); varPropStream.Commit(0); } finally { CompoundFileUtil.Instance.ReleaseComObj(varPropStream); } } else if (property is MvPropValue) { if (PropertyTag.IsMultiVarType((ushort)property.PropTag.PropertyTag)) // MVVarValue { // write length stream var streamName = GetPropertyStreamName(property.PropTag); //string.Format("__substg1.0_{0:X8}", GetPropertyTag(property.PropTag)); IStream propStream = null; try { propStream = CompoundFileUtil.Instance.GetChildStream(streamName, true, storage); if (property.PropTag.PropertyTag == (int)PropertyType.PT_MV_BINARY) { foreach (var item in (MvVarSizeValue)property.PropValue) { MvVarSizeItem mvItem = item as MvVarSizeItem; propStream.Write(mvItem.GetValueLength()); propStream.WriteZero(4); } } else if (property.PropTag.PropertyTag == (int)PropertyType.PT_MV_STRING8 || ((property.PropTag.PropertyTag & 0x9000) == 0x9000)) { foreach (var item in (MvVarSizeValue)property.PropValue) { MvVarSizeItem mvItem = item as MvVarSizeItem; propStream.Write(mvItem.GetValueLength()); } } else throw new ArgumentException("Mv propertyTag is wrong."); propStream.Commit(0); } finally { CompoundFileUtil.Instance.ReleaseComObj(propStream); } // write value stream int itemIndex = 0; foreach (var item in (MvVarSizeValue)property.PropValue) { MvVarSizeItem mvItem = item as MvVarSizeItem; string valueStreamName = GetMvVarPropertyStreamName(property.PropTag, itemIndex); // string.Format("__substg1.0_{0:X8}-{1:X8}", GetPropertyTag(property.PropTag), itemIndex); IStream valueStream = null; try { valueStream = CompoundFileUtil.Instance.GetChildStream(valueStreamName, true, Storage); valueStream.Write(mvItem.GetValueBytes()); valueStream.Commit(0); } finally { CompoundFileUtil.Instance.ReleaseComObj(valueStream); } itemIndex++; } } else { var streamName = GetPropertyStreamName(property.PropTag); // string.Format("__substg1.0_{0:X8}", property.PropTag.PropertyTag); IStream propStream = null; try { propStream = CompoundFileUtil.Instance.GetChildStream(streamName, true, storage); propStream.Write(((MvFixedSizeValue)property.PropValue).GetItemValueByte()); propStream.Commit(0); } finally { CompoundFileUtil.Instance.ReleaseComObj(propStream); } } } }
private void ModifyPropertyTag(IPropValue property, uint changedId) { property.PropTag = new PropertyTag((uint)changedId); }
protected virtual void WritePropertyInfoToPropertyStream(IStream propertyStream, IPropValue property) { if ((property is FixPropValue && !PropertyTag.IsGuidType(property.PropTag)) || (property is SpecialFixProperty)) { // 1.2.1 Set fixed data // Set Tag propertyStream.Write(property.PropTag.Bytes); // Set Flag propertyStream.Write((Int32)0x06); // Set Value var value = ModifyPropertyValue(property); propertyStream.Write(value); propertyStream.WriteZero(8 - value.Length); } else if((property is SpecialFixProperty) && property.PropTag.PropertyType == (short)PropertyType.PT_OBJECT) { // 1.2.1 Set fixed data // Set Tag propertyStream.Write(property.PropTag.Bytes); // Set Flag propertyStream.Write((Int32)0x06); // Set Value var value = ModifyPropertyValue(property); propertyStream.Write(value); propertyStream.WriteZero(8 - value.Length); } else if (property is VarPropValue || PropertyTag.IsGuidType(property.PropTag) || property is SpecialVarBaseProperty) { // 1.2.2 Set variable data // Set Tag var tag = GetPropertyTag(property.PropTag); propertyStream.Write(tag); // Set Flag propertyStream.Write((Int32)0x06); // Set Size var valueSize = ModifyPropertyLength(property); //var valueSize = property.PropValue.BytesCountForMsg; //if (property.PropValue is VarStringValue) //{ // if (valueSize == 0) // propertyStream.Write((Int32)2); // else // propertyStream.Write(valueSize); //} //else //{ propertyStream.Write(valueSize); //} // Set Reserve , todo if contain embed message, it must set 0x01, if OLE, set 0x04; propertyStream.WriteZero(4); } else if (property is MvPropValue) { // 1.2.3 Set variable data // Set Tag var tag = GetPropertyTag(property.PropTag); propertyStream.Write(tag); // Set Flag propertyStream.Write((Int32)0x06); // Set Size, todo must check the length is all value's bytes total length; if (PropertyTag.IsMultiVarType((ushort)property.PropTag.PropertyType)) { propertyStream.Write((Int32)(((ISizeValue)property.PropValue).ItemCount) * 4); } else { propertyStream.Write((Int32)(((ISizeValue)property.PropValue).ItemCount) * PropertyTag.GetFixPropertyTypeLength((ushort)property.PropTag.PropertyType)); } // Set Reserve , todo if contain embed message, it must set 0x01, if OLE, set 0x04; propertyStream.WriteZero(4); } }
protected virtual byte[] ModifyPropertyValue(IPropValue property) { return property.PropValue.BytesForMsg; }
protected virtual int ModifyPropertyLength(IPropValue property) { return property.PropValue.BytesCountForMsg; }