public void ConstructorNegativeTest(IProfileCellView view, IInteractorProfileCell interactor, IProfileCellStylesHolder themes, IProfileCellLocale locale, string testName) { Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentNullException), () => { var presenter = new PresenterProfileCell(view, interactor, themes, locale); }); }
public PresenterProfileCell(IProfileCellView view, IInteractorProfileCell interactor, IProfileCellStylesHolder themes, IProfileCellLocale locale) { _view = view ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("View cannot be a null!"); _interactor = interactor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("Interactor cannot be a null!"); _themeHolder = themes; _locale = locale; }
public ProfileViewHolder(View view) : base(view) { _profileCellView = view.FindViewById <ProfileCellView>(Resource.Id.moreOptions_profileCell_profileCellView); }
public void ConstructorPositiveTest(IProfileCellView view, IInteractorProfileCell interactor, IProfileCellStylesHolder themes, IProfileCellLocale locale, string testName) { var presenter = new PresenterProfileCell(view, interactor, themes, locale); }