public static string AsParmBooleanCheck(this IPrimaryKeyProperties This, string varPrefix, string op)
            var ret = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < This.Count; i++)
                var property = This[i];
                ret += (i > 0 ? @" && " : @"") + property.Alias + " " + op.Trim() + " " + varPrefix + "." + property.AsObjectPropertyName();
        /// <summary>
        /// Useful for rendering the primary keys for a comma delimited parameter list
        /// Will return the primary keys in the following format
        ///   [0]Parm1 (number), Parm2(text), Parm3 (number)
        ///   will return
        ///   int Parm1, string Parm2, int Parm3
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="delimiter">Defaults to ","</param>
        /// <param name="elementSet">Defaults to " "</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string AsParmString(this IPrimaryKeyProperties This, string prefix, string delimiter, string elementSet)
            var ret = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < This.Count; i++)
                var property = This[i];
                ret += (i > 0 ? delimiter + @" " : @" ") + prefix + property.Type.ToNetType(true) + elementSet + property.Alias.ToSingular();
        /// <summary>
        /// Useful for rendering the primary keys for a FindAsync
        /// Will return the primary keys in the following format
        ///   [0]Parm1 (number), Parm2(text), Parm3 (number)
        ///   will return
        ///   Parm1, Parm2, Parm3
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="varPrefix">What the variable will be prefixed with.</param>
        /// <param name="AsObjectPropertyName">Use the object property name as opposed to alias.</param>
        public static string AsCsvString(this IPrimaryKeyProperties This, string varPrefix, bool AsObjectPropertyName)
            var ret = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < This.Count; i++)
                var property = This[i];
                ret += (i > 0 ? @", " : @" ") + ((varPrefix.Length > 0) ? varPrefix + "." : "") + ((AsObjectPropertyName) ? property.AsObjectPropertyName() : property.Alias);
        /// <summary>
        /// Useful for rendering the primary keys for a linq search query
        /// Will return the primary keys in the following format
        ///   [0]Parm1 (number), Parm2(text), Parm3 (number)
        ///   will return
        ///   t.Parm1 == Parm1 and t.Parm2 == Parm2 and t.Parm3 == Parm3
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prefix">Defaults to "t"</param>
        /// <param name="delimiter">Defaults to " and "</param>
        /// <param name="elementSet">Defaults to " == "</param>
        /// <param name="prefixSetter">Defaults to ""</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string AsLinqEquationString(this IPrimaryKeyProperties This, string prefix, string delimiter, string elementSet, string prefixSetter)
            // t.@_Model[key].PrimaryKeys[0].Name == @key.ToSingular()
            var ret = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < This.Count; i++)
                var property   = This[i];
                var entityName = property.Parent.Name;
                ret += (i > 0 ? delimiter + @" " : @" ") + prefix + (prefix.Length > 0 ? "." : "") + property.AsObjectPropertyName() + elementSet + prefixSetter + (prefixSetter.Length > 0 ? "." : "") + property.Alias.ToSingular();
        /// <summary>
        /// This will return the primary keys a an OData Route String
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The primary keys <see langword="async"/> an oid.</returns>
        /// <param name="This">This.</param>
        public static string AsODataRouteString(this IPrimaryKeyProperties This)
            var ret = "";

            if (This.Count == 0)
            //To keep previous functionality,  if there is only 1 key,  it will only render the single parm name
            else if (This.Count == 1)
                var property = This[0];
                ret = "{" + property.Alias + "}";
                for (int i = 0; i < This.Count; i++)
                    var property = This[i];
                    ret += (i > 0 ? @", " : @" ") + property.Alias + "={" + property.Alias + "}";
            return("(" + ret + ")");
 /// <summary>
 /// Useful for rendering the primary keys for a linq search query
 /// Will return the primary keys in the following format
 ///   [0]Parm1 (number), Parm2(text), Parm3 (number)
 ///   will return
 ///   t.Parm1 == Parm1 and t.Parm2 == Parm2 and t.Parm3 == Parm3
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>t.Parm1 == Parm1 and t.Parm2 == Parm2 and t.Parm3 == Parm3</returns>
 public static string AsLinqEquationString(this IPrimaryKeyProperties This)
     return(This.AsLinqEquationString("t", " &&", "==", ""));
 /// <summary>
 /// Useful for rendering the primary keys for a comma delimited parameter list
 /// Will return the primary keys in the following format
 ///   [0]Parm1 (number), Parm2(text), Parm3 (number)
 ///   will return
 ///   int Parm1, string Parm2, int Parm3
 /// </summary>
 internal static string AsParmString(this IPrimaryKeyProperties This)
     return(This.AsParmString("[FromODataUri] ", ",", " "));