void Update() { if (isRunning == false) { return; } if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hit)) { line.SetPosition(1, Vector3.Lerp(line.GetPosition(1), transform.InverseTransformPoint(hit.point), 0.5001f)); pointable = hit.transform.GetComponent <IPointable>(); if (Trigger) { pointable?.Click(); } } else { line.SetPosition(1, Vector3.Lerp(line.GetPosition(1), Vector3.forward * 0.2f, 0.5001f)); pointable = null; } if (pointable != prevPointable) { prevPointable?.UnPoint(); pointable?.Point(); prevPointable = pointable; } }
public _Pointer createPointer(string strkey, IPointable p, int arrowOffset = 1, int nameOffset = 1) { _Pointer po = new _Pointer(this, strkey, p, arrowOffset, nameOffset); Pointers.Add(po); return(po); }
public _Pointer(Robot r, string strname, IPointable p, int arrowOffset = 1, int nameOffset = 1) { this.r = r; this.p = p; this.strname = strname; this.arrowOffset = arrowOffset; this.nameOffset = nameOffset; arrow = new Label(); arrow.AutoSize = true; arrow.Text = "è"; //Arrow character arrow.Font = new Font("Wingdings", 10, FontStyle.Bold); r.positionOnTop(p.key, arrow, arrowOffset); name = new Label(); name.AutoSize = true; name.Text = strname; name.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold); r.positionOnTop(arrow, name, nameOffset); r.container.Invoke(new Action(delegate() //Invoke is used to access the UI thread from the sort thread { r.container.Controls.Add(arrow); r.container.Controls.Add(name); })); }
public void setIndex(IPointable p) { this.p = p; r.container.Invoke(new Action(delegate() { r.positionOnTop(p.key, arrow, arrowOffset); r.positionOnTop(arrow, name, nameOffset); })); r.suspend(r.delay); }
public MemoryStream getmem(IPointable data) { if (this.Contains(data)) return new MemoryStream(base.GetBuffer(), data.Address - start_address, data.SizeOf); else return null; }
public bool Contains(IPointable calling_object) { return (calling_object.Address - start_address >= 0 && calling_object.Address - start_address + calling_object.SizeOf <= Length); }
protected virtual void Awake() { Pointable = _pointable as IPointable; }
public void InjectPointable(IPointable pointable) { _pointable = pointable as MonoBehaviour; Pointable = pointable; }
public void InjectAllPointableDebugPolylineGizmos(IPointable pointable) { InjectPointable(pointable); }
public void InjectAllPointableUnityEventWrapper(IPointable pointable) { InjectPointable(pointable); }
public void InjectAllPointableDebugVisual(IPointable pointable, Renderer renderer) { InjectPointable(pointable); InjectRenderer(renderer); }
public void AddScore(IPointable pointable) { score += pointable.Points; }