public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { switch (index) { case 0: property.Name = "Port"; property.Caption = "Com port"; property.HelpText = "The com port of the FTDI device"; foreach (var p in SerialPort.GetPortNames()) { property.Choices.Add(p, p); } property.DefaultValue = "COM3"; return(true); case 1: property.Name = "BaudRate"; property.Caption = "Baud rate"; property.DefaultValue = DefaultBaudRate; property.HelpText = BaudRateHelpText; foreach (var rate in new int[] { 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 }) { property.Choices.Add(rate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), rate); } return(true); } return(false); }
public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { switch (index) { case 0: property.Name = "StreamButtonState"; property.Caption = "Stream Button State"; property.DefaultValue = false; property.HelpText = "Allows Streaming of the sensor button states"; return(true); case 1: property.Name = "PollUnknownDevices"; property.Caption = "Poll Unknown Devices"; property.DefaultValue = false; property.HelpText = "Writes bytes to serial ports to find 3-Space devices not listed in registry"; return(true); } int deviceIndex = index - 2; if (deviceIndex > settingsDeviceCount) { return(false); } property.Name = string.Format("Device{0}", deviceIndex); property.Caption = string.Format("Device {0}", deviceIndex); property.DefaultValue = "0"; property.HelpText = string.Format("Serial Number of the device in slot {0}", deviceIndex); return(true); }
public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { if (index > 2) { return(false); } if (index == 0) { property.Name = "HookKeyboard"; property.Caption = "Hook Keyboard"; property.DefaultValue = true; property.HelpText = "if true, give the possibility to hook keyboard"; } else if (index == 1) { property.Name = "HookMouse"; property.Caption = "Hook Mouse"; property.DefaultValue = false; property.HelpText = "if true, give the possibility to hook mouse"; } else // (index == 2) { property.Name = "Hookdebug"; property.Caption = "Hook debug"; property.DefaultValue = false; property.HelpText = "if true, avoid to launch hooker"; } return(true); }
// Exposes plugin properties which can be set using the FreePie environment public bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { switch (index) { case 0: property.Name = "UseGestureFile"; property.Caption = "Use Gesture File"; property.HelpText = "Load a gesture file automatically?"; property.Choices.Add("Yes", true); property.Choices.Add("No", false); property.DefaultValue = false; return(true); case 1: property.Name = "GestureFileName"; property.Caption = "Gesture File"; property.DefaultValue = "Gesture.xml"; property.HelpText = "Path And File Name Of Gesture File"; return(true); case 2: property.Name = "DropFrames"; property.Caption = "Inactive Frames"; property.DefaultValue = "360"; property.HelpText = "Remove Player After N Inactive Frames"; return(true); } return(false); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { if (index == 0) { property.Name = "UDPPort"; property.Caption = "UDP Port"; property.DefaultValue = 10552; property.HelpText = "UDP Port number that Sensor Data App transmits on (default 10552)"; return true; } else return false; }
public bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { if (index == 0) { property.Name = "UDPPort"; property.Caption = "UDP Port"; property.DefaultValue = 10552; property.HelpText = "UDP Port number that Sensor Data App transmits on (default 10552)"; return(true); } return(false); }
public bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { if (index == 0) { property.Name = "localPort"; property.Caption = "Local port number"; property.DefaultValue = 5678; property.Value = 5678; property.HelpText = "Local port number"; return(true); } return(false); }
public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { if (index > 5) { return(false); } if (index == 0) { property.Name = "SendIPADRESS"; property.Caption = "IP_ADDRESS"; property.DefaultValue = ""; property.HelpText = "Give IP ADDRESS to send DCS Commands"; } else if (index == 1) { property.Name = "UDPPortSendToDCS"; property.Caption = "UDP Port (Send)"; property.DefaultValue = 7778; property.HelpText = "UDP Port to send to DCS (default 7778)"; } else if (index == 2) { property.Name = "UDPPortReceptFromDCS"; property.Caption = "UDP Port (Recept)"; property.DefaultValue = 7777; property.HelpText = "UDP Port to receive from DCS (default 7777)"; } else if (index == 3) { property.Name = "JsonDir"; property.Caption = "Json DIR"; property.DefaultValue = @"C:\Users\ThierryK\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\DCS-BIOS\doc\json"; property.HelpText = "Folder of .json files : " + property.Value; } else if (index == 4) { property.Name = "RebuildFiles"; property.Caption = "Rebuild Files"; property.DefaultValue = true; property.HelpText = "if true, rebuild files in dcs folder, each time\nif false, rebuild in case of missing file"; } else // (index == 5) { property.Name = "AirFrame"; property.Caption = "Plane Selected"; property.DefaultValue = "A-10C"; property.HelpText = "Select plane DCS: A-10C, M-2000C, KA-50, FC3 for just Common Data"; } return(true); }
public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { if (index > 0) { return(false); } property.Name = "SensorPrediction"; property.Caption = "Sensor prediction"; property.HelpText = "Sensor prediction in seconds, 0.04 is a good start to test with"; property.DefaultValue = 0f; return(true); }
public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { if (index == 0) { property.Name = "UDPPort"; property.Caption = "UDP Port"; property.DefaultValue = 5555; property.HelpText = "UDP Port number that the Wireless IMU app transmits on (default 5555)"; return(true); } return(false); }
public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { if (index > 0) { return(false); } property.Name = "DoLog"; property.Caption = "Enable logging"; property.DefaultValue = false; property.HelpText = "Enable basic logging concerning TrackIR interop"; return(true); }
public bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { if (index == 0) { property.Name = "SomeProperty"; property.Caption = "ALVR FreePIE v3"; property.HelpText = property.Caption; property.Choices.Add(property.Caption, 1); property.DefaultValue = 1; return(true); } return(false); }
public bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { if (index == 0) { property.Name = "SomeProperty"; property.Caption = "VR Controller is installed"; property.HelpText = "VR Controller is installed"; property.Choices.Add("VR Controller is installed", 1); property.DefaultValue = 1; return(true); } return(false); }
public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { if (index > 2) { return(false); } if (index == 0) { property.Name = "LogLevel"; property.Caption = "Log level"; foreach (var val in Enum.GetNames(typeof(LogLevel))) { property.Choices.Add(val, val); } property.DefaultValue = LogLevel.Warning.ToString(); property.HelpText = "Set the log level for Dolphiimote library"; } if (index == 1) { property.Name = "DoLog"; property.Caption = "Enable logging"; property.DefaultValue = false; property.HelpText = "Enable logging for Dolphiimote library. Look for dolphiimote.log in the application directory."; } if (index == 2) { property.Name = "FuserType"; property.Caption = "M+ fuser type"; foreach (var val in Enum.GetNames(typeof(FusionType))) { property.Choices.Add(val, val); } property.DefaultValue = FusionType.SimpleIntegration.ToString(); property.HelpText = "Choose between a extended kalman filter (gyro and acc) or simple integration (only gyro)"; } return(true); }
public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { switch (index) { case 0: property.Name = "usedimming"; property.Caption = "Manual dimming"; property.DefaultValue = true; property.HelpText = "Light bulb properties are adjusted automatically"; return(true); case 1: property.Name = "dimming"; property.Caption = "Dimming value"; property.DefaultValue = (float)1.0; property.HelpText = "Custom Light bulb dimming effect"; return(true); } return(false); }
public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { if (index > 1) return false; if (index == 0) { property.Name = "LogLevel"; property.Caption = "Log level"; foreach (var val in Enum.GetNames(typeof (LogLevel))) property.Choices.Add(val, val); property.DefaultValue = LogLevel.Warning.ToString(); property.HelpText = "Set the log level for Dolphiimote library"; } if (index == 1) { property.Name = "DoLog"; property.Caption = "Enable logging"; property.DefaultValue = false; property.HelpText = "Enable logging for Dolphiimote library. Look for dolphiimote.log in the application directory."; } return true; }
public virtual bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { return false; }
public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { return(false); }
public virtual bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { return(false); }
public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { return false; }
public override bool GetProperty(int index, IPluginProperty property) { if (index > 2) return false; if (index == 0) { property.Name = "LogLevel"; property.Caption = "Log level"; foreach (var val in Enum.GetNames(typeof (LogLevel))) property.Choices.Add(val, val); property.DefaultValue = LogLevel.Warning.ToString(); property.HelpText = "Set the log level for Dolphiimote library"; } if (index == 1) { property.Name = "DoLog"; property.Caption = "Enable logging"; property.DefaultValue = false; property.HelpText = "Enable logging for Dolphiimote library. Look for dolphiimote.log in the application directory."; } if (index == 2) { property.Name = "FuserType"; property.Caption = "M+ fuser type"; foreach (var val in Enum.GetNames(typeof(FusionType))) property.Choices.Add(val, val); property.DefaultValue = FusionType.SimpleIntegration.ToString(); property.HelpText = "Choose between a extended kalman filter (gyro and acc) or simple integration (only gyro)"; } return true; }