예제 #1
    // We use Update() here, but be aware that unless ARController has been configured to
    // execute first (Unity Editor->Edit->Project Settings->Script Execution Order) then
    // state produced by this update may lag by one frame.
    void Update()
        // Only query visibility if we are running in the Player.
        if (!Application.isPlaying)

        lock (loadLock)
            //ARController.Log(LogTag + "ARTrackable.Update()");
            if (UID == NO_ID)
                visible = false;

            if (pluginFunctions == null || !pluginFunctions.IsInited())
                visible = false;

            float[] matrixRawArray = new float[16];
            visible = pluginFunctions.arwQueryTrackableVisibilityAndTransformation(UID, matrixRawArray);
            //ARController.Log(LogTag + "ARTrackable.Update() UID=" + UID + ", visible=" + visible);

            if (visible)
                matrixRawArray[12] *= 0.001f; // Scale the position from artoolkitX units (mm) into Unity units (m).
                matrixRawArray[13] *= 0.001f;
                matrixRawArray[14] *= 0.001f;

                Matrix4x4 matrixRaw = ARUtilityFunctions.MatrixFromFloatArray(matrixRawArray);
                //.Log("arwQueryTrackableTransformation(" + UID + ") got matrix: [" + Environment.NewLine + matrixRaw.ToString("F3").Trim() + "]");

                // artoolkitX uses right-hand coordinate system where the marker lies in x-y plane with right in direction of +x,
                // up in direction of +y, and forward (towards viewer) in direction of +z.
                // Need to convert to Unity's left-hand coordinate system where marker lies in x-y plane with right in direction of +x,
                // up in direction of +y, and forward (towards viewer) in direction of -z.
                transformationMatrix = ARUtilityFunctions.LHMatrixFromRHMatrix(matrixRaw);