private bool GetTargetMachineInfoHostInfo(IPlugIn requestor, Hostinfo hn, uint fieldsRequested) { string caption = "Set Target Machine"; string groupBoxCaption = requestor.GetName(); string[] descriptions, hints, fieldContents; int numFields = 0; int fieldIndex = 0; int securityFieldIndex = 0; bool okWithoutModify = true; uint fieldsFilled = 0; Logger.Log(String.Format("Manage.GetTargetMachineInfo: requestor: {0} fields: 0x{1:x}", requestor == null ? "null" : requestor.GetName(), fieldsRequested), Logger.manageLogLevel); getTargetMachineRequestor = requestor; if (fieldsRequested == Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.FQDN) { requestor.SetSingleSignOn(true); } if (hn == null) { hn = new Hostinfo(); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(hn.creds.Domain) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Environment.UserDomainName)) { hn.creds.Domain = System.Environment.UserDomainName; fieldsFilled |= (uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.CREDS_NT4DOMAIN; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(hn.creds.UserName) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Environment.UserName)) { hn.creds.UserName = System.Environment.UserName; fieldsFilled |= (uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.CREDS_USERNAME; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(hn.hostName) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Environment.MachineName)) { hn.hostName = System.Environment.MachineName; hn.creds.MachineName = System.Environment.MachineName; fieldsFilled |= (uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.SHORT_HOSTNAME; } try { if (!GetConnectionInfoFromNetlogon(requestor, hn, fieldsRequested, out fieldsFilled)) { bSSOFailed = true; } else { //if all fields requested were filled if ((fieldsRequested & (~fieldsFilled)) == 0 || (fieldsRequested & (~fieldsFilled)) == 4) { Logger.Log(String.Format( "GetConnectionInfoFromNetlogon: requested: {0} filled: {1} hn: {2}", fieldsRequested, fieldsFilled, hn.ToString()), Logger.manageLogLevel); if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.FORCE_USER_PROMPT & fieldsRequested) == 0) { requestor.SetContext(hn); if (hn.IsConnectionSuccess) { return true; } else { bSSOFailed = true; requestor.SetSingleSignOn(false); } } } } if (bSSOFailed) { bSSOFailed = false; Configurations.SSOFailed = true; string errMsg = "Single sign-on failed. Please make sure you have joined the domain," + "and that you have cached kerberos credentials on your system. " + "Click OK for manual authentication."; sc.ShowError(errMsg); return false; } //this won't overwrite existing values in hn. GetConnectedHostInfoFromIni(requestor, hn); if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.SHORT_HOSTNAME & fieldsRequested) > 0) { numFields++; } if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.FQ_HOSTNAME & fieldsRequested) > 0) { numFields++; } if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.FQDN & fieldsRequested) > 0) { numFields++; } if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.FQ_DCNAME & fieldsRequested) > 0) { numFields++; } if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.CREDS_NT4DOMAIN & fieldsRequested) > 0) { numFields++; } if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.CREDS_USERNAME & fieldsRequested) > 0) { numFields++; } if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.CREDS_PASSWORD & fieldsRequested) > 0) { numFields++; } descriptions = new string[numFields]; hints = new string[numFields]; fieldContents = new string[numFields]; if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.SHORT_HOSTNAME & fieldsRequested) > 0) { descriptions[fieldIndex] = "Short Hostname"; fieldContents[fieldIndex] = hn.shortName; hints[fieldIndex++] = "ex: mycomputer"; } if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.FQ_HOSTNAME & fieldsRequested) > 0) { descriptions[fieldIndex] = "Fully Qualified Hostname"; fieldContents[fieldIndex] = hn.hostName; hints[fieldIndex++] = "ex:"; } if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.FQDN & fieldsRequested) > 0) { descriptions[fieldIndex] = "Fully Qualified Domain Name"; fieldContents[fieldIndex] = hn.domainName; hints[fieldIndex++] = "ex:"; } if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.FQ_DCNAME & fieldsRequested) > 0) { descriptions[fieldIndex] = "Domain Controller FQDN"; fieldContents[fieldIndex] = hn.domainControllerName; hints[fieldIndex++] = "ex:"; } if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.CREDS_NT4DOMAIN & fieldsRequested) > 0) { descriptions[fieldIndex] = "NT4-style Domain Name"; fieldContents[fieldIndex] = hn.creds.Domain; hints[fieldIndex++] = "ex: CORP"; } if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.CREDS_USERNAME & fieldsRequested) > 0) { descriptions[fieldIndex] = "Username"; fieldContents[fieldIndex] = hn.creds.UserName; hints[fieldIndex++] = "ex: flastname3"; } if (((uint)Hostinfo.FieldBitmaskBits.CREDS_PASSWORD & fieldsRequested) > 0) { securityFieldIndex = fieldIndex; fieldContents[fieldIndex] = hn.creds.Password; descriptions[fieldIndex] = "Password"; hints[fieldIndex++] = ""; } StringRequestDialog dlg = new StringRequestDialog( GetMachineInfoDelegate, caption, groupBoxCaption, descriptions, hints, fieldContents, (UInt32)fieldsRequested); dlg.allowOKWithoutModify = okWithoutModify; if (securityFieldIndex > 0) { dlg.SetSecurityStatus(securityFieldIndex, true); } dlg.ShowDialog(); if(!dlg.bDialogResult) { hn.IsConnectionSuccess = false; return false; } } catch { hn.IsConnectionSuccess = false; return true; } return true; }