private Pipeline(IPipelineViewServices c, ProjectDOM.Pipeline p) { _Parent = c; _PipelineDom = p; ClearCurrentCmd = new RelayCommand(_ClearCurrentRootNode, arg => this.IsInstanced && !this.IsChildConfiguration); SetCurrentEmptyCmd = new RelayCommand(() => {}, arg => false); // this command is disabled because it only makes sense for child configurations, and root's don'g have per-cfg values SetCurrentValueCmd = new RelayCommand(_SetCurrentRootNode, arg => this.IsEmpty && !this.IsChildConfiguration); ViewCurrentPreviewCmd = new RelayCommand(() => { if (Content is Node node) { node.SetAsCurrentResultView(); } }, arg => IsInstanced); }
public static Pipeline Create(IPipelineViewServices c, ProjectDOM.Pipeline p) { if (c == null) { return(null); } if (p == null) { return(null); } var pp = new Pipeline(c, p); pp.UpdateGraph(); return(pp); }