static void Main(string[] args) { List <TShirt> shirts = new List <TShirt>(); Console.WriteLine("Give a color with the first letter capital"); string Color = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Give a fabric with the first letter capital"); string fabric1 = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Give a size with the first letter capital"); string size = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("You picked a Tshirt with {0} color , fabric {1} and size {2}", Color, fabric1, size); TShirt shirt = new TShirt(Color, fabric1, size); shirts.Add(shirt); foreach (var fabric in shirts) { Console.Write("And the total cost is "); Console.WriteLine(fabric.CalculatePrice()); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please Choose the payment method.Type:"); Console.WriteLine("1: Bank transfer"); Console.WriteLine("2: Debit Card"); Console.WriteLine("Type anything else to pay with cash"); int num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); StrategyPayment strategycontext = new StrategyPayment(num); IPaymentStartegy strategy = strategycontext.GetpaymentMethod(num); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Please choose your shorting method.Pick:"); Console.WriteLine("1:bubbleShort based on Size In Ascending"); Console.WriteLine("2:bubbleShort based on Size in Descending"); Console.WriteLine("3:bubbleShort based on Color in Ascending"); Console.WriteLine("4:bubbleShort based on Color in Descending"); Console.WriteLine("5:bubbleShort based on Fabric in Ascending"); Console.WriteLine("6:bubbleShort based on Fabric in Descending"); Console.WriteLine("7:QuickSort based on Size in Ascending"); Console.WriteLine("8:QuickSort based on Size in Descending"); Console.WriteLine("9:Bucket short based on Size in Descending"); Console.WriteLine("10:QuickSort based on Size in Descending"); Console.WriteLine("11:QuickSort based on Size in Descending"); int number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (number) { case 1: MyDatabase db = new MyDatabase(); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); var newLista = new List <Shirt>(db.Shirts); Console.WriteLine("List sorted with bubbleShort based on Size In Ascending"); BubbleSort.SortShirtsAsc(newLista); foreach (var item in newLista) { item.Output(); } watch.Restart(); break; case 2: MyDatabase db1 = new MyDatabase(); Stopwatch watch1 = new Stopwatch(); var newLista1 = new List <Shirt>(db1.Shirts); Console.WriteLine("List sorted with bubbleShort based on Size in Descending"); BubbleSort.SortShirtsDesc(newLista1); foreach (var item in newLista1) { item.Output(); } break; case 3: MyDatabase db2 = new MyDatabase(); Stopwatch watch2 = new Stopwatch(); var newLista2 = new List <Shirt>(db2.Shirts); BubbleSort.SortShirtsclAsc(newLista2); Console.WriteLine("List sorted with bubbleShort based on Color in Ascending"); foreach (var item in newLista2) { item.Output(); } break; case 4: MyDatabase db3 = new MyDatabase(); Stopwatch watch3 = new Stopwatch(); var newLista3 = new List <Shirt>(db3.Shirts); BubbleSort.SortShirtsclDesc(newLista3); Console.WriteLine("List sorted with bubbleShort based on Color in Descending"); foreach (var item in newLista3) { item.Output(); } break; case 5: MyDatabase db4 = new MyDatabase(); Stopwatch watch4 = new Stopwatch(); var newLista4 = new List <Shirt>(db4.Shirts); BubbleSort.SortShirtsfbAsc(newLista4); Console.WriteLine("List sorted with bubbleShort based on Fabric in Ascending"); foreach (var item in newLista4) { item.Output(); } break; case 6: MyDatabase db5 = new MyDatabase(); Stopwatch watch5 = new Stopwatch(); var newLista5 = new List <Shirt>(db5.Shirts); BubbleSort.SortShirtsfbDesc(newLista5); Console.WriteLine("List sorted with bubbleShort based on Fabric in Descending"); foreach (var item in newLista5) { item.Output(); } break; case 7: MyDatabase db6 = new MyDatabase(); Stopwatch watch6 = new Stopwatch(); var newLista6 = new List <Shirt>(db6.Shirts); QuickSort.SortShirtsAscS(newLista6); Console.WriteLine("List sorted with QuickSort based on Size in Ascending"); foreach (var item in newLista6) { item.Output(); } break; case 8: MyDatabase db7 = new MyDatabase(); Stopwatch watch7 = new Stopwatch(); var newLista7 = new List <Shirt>(db7.Shirts); QuickSort.SortShirtsDescS(newLista7); Console.WriteLine("List sorted with QuickSort based on Size in Descending"); foreach (var item in newLista7) { item.Output(); } break; case 9: MyDatabase db8 = new MyDatabase(); Stopwatch watch8 = new Stopwatch(); var newLista8 = new List <Shirt>(db8.Shirts); var sortedListBucket = BucketSort.InsertionSortBucketColor(newLista8); Console.WriteLine("List Sorted with Bucket short based on Color in Descending!!!"); foreach (var item in sortedListBucket) { item.Output(); } break; case 10: MyDatabase db9 = new MyDatabase(); Stopwatch watch9 = new Stopwatch(); var newLista9 = new List <Shirt>(db9.Shirts); var sortedListBucketSize = BucketSort.InsertionSortBucketSize(newLista9); Console.WriteLine("List Sorted with Bucket short based on Size in Descending"); foreach (var item in sortedListBucketSize) { item.Output(); } break; case 11: MyDatabase db10 = new MyDatabase(); Stopwatch watch10 = new Stopwatch(); var newLista10 = new List <Shirt>(db10.Shirts); var sortedListBucketFabric = BucketSort.InsertionSortBucketFabric(newLista10); Console.WriteLine("List Sorted with Bucket short based on Fabric in Descending"); foreach (var item in sortedListBucketFabric) { item.Output(); } break; } List <Shirt> shirts = new List <Shirt>(); Console.WriteLine("Choose a number from 1...7 for your color:"); Console.WriteLine("1: BLUE"); Console.WriteLine("2: GREEN"); Console.WriteLine("3: INDIGO"); Console.WriteLine("4: ORANGE"); Console.WriteLine("5: RED"); Console.WriteLine("6: VIOLET"); Console.WriteLine("7: YELLOW"); int Color = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Choose a number from 1...7 for your Fabric:"); Console.WriteLine("1: CASHMERE"); Console.WriteLine("2: COTTON"); Console.WriteLine("3: LINEN"); Console.WriteLine("4: POLYESTER"); Console.WriteLine("5: RAYON"); Console.WriteLine("6: SILK"); Console.WriteLine("7: WOOL"); int Fabric = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Choose a number from 1...6 for your Size:"); Console.WriteLine("1: XS"); Console.WriteLine("2: S"); Console.WriteLine("3: M"); Console.WriteLine("4: L"); Console.WriteLine("5: XXL"); Console.WriteLine("6: XXXL"); int Size = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("You picked a Shirt color with number {0} , Fabric with number {1} and Size with number {2}", Color, Fabric, Size); Shirt sh = new Shirt(); Console.WriteLine(sh.CalculatePrice(Fabric)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please Choose the payment method.Type:"); Console.WriteLine("1: Bank transfer"); Console.WriteLine("2: Debit Card"); Console.WriteLine("Type anything else to pay with cash"); int num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); StrategyPayment strategycontext = new StrategyPayment(num); IPaymentStartegy strategy = strategycontext.GetpaymentMethod(num); }