/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the service with the context to query and the validators. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context to operate against.</param> /// <param name="exchangeVisitorService">The exchange visitor service that is capable of executing validation.</param> /// <param name="exchangeVisitorValidator">The update exchange visitor validator.</param> /// <param name="saveActions">The context save actions.</param> public ExchangeVisitorValidationService( EcaContext context, IExchangeVisitorService exchangeVisitorService, IParticipantPersonsSevisService participantPersonSevisService, AbstractValidator <ExchangeVisitor> exchangeVisitorValidator = null, List <ISaveAction> saveActions = null) : base(context, saveActions) { Contract.Requires(exchangeVisitorService != null, "The exchange visitor service must not be null."); Contract.Requires(context != null, "The context must not be null."); Contract.Requires(participantPersonSevisService != null, "The participantPersonSevisService must not be null."); this.exchangeVisitorService = exchangeVisitorService; this.participantPersonSevisService = participantPersonSevisService; if (exchangeVisitorValidator == null) { this.ExchangeVisitorValidator = new ExchangeVisitorValidator(); } else { this.ExchangeVisitorValidator = exchangeVisitorValidator; } throwIfModelDoesNotExist = (id, instance, type) => { if (instance == null) { throw new ModelNotFoundException(String.Format("The model of type [{0}] with id [{1}] was not found.", type.Name, id)); } }; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance with the service to use and the app settings. /// </summary> /// <param name="participantPersonsSevisService">The service.</param> /// <param name="exchangeVisitorValidationService">The exchange visitor validation service.</param> /// <param name="appSettings">The app settings.</param> public Functions(IParticipantPersonsSevisService participantPersonsSevisService, IExchangeVisitorValidationService exchangeVisitorValidationService, AppSettings appSettings) { Contract.Requires(participantPersonsSevisService != null, "The service must not be null."); Contract.Requires(appSettings != null, "The app settings must not be null."); Contract.Requires(exchangeVisitorValidationService != null, "The exchange visitor validation service must not be null."); this.participantPersonsSevisService = participantPersonsSevisService; this.appSettings = appSettings; this.exchangeVisitorValidationService = exchangeVisitorValidationService; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new ParticipantPersonsSevisController with the given service. /// </summary> /// <param name="participantService">The participant person sevis service.</param> /// <param name="userProvider">The user provider</param> /// <param name="appSettings">The application settings.</param> /// <param name="storageHandler">The file storage handler.</param> public ParticipantPersonsSevisController(IParticipantPersonsSevisService participantService, IUserProvider userProvider, IFileStorageHandler storageHandler, AppSettings appSettings) { Contract.Requires(participantService != null, "The participantPersonSevis service must not be null."); Contract.Requires(userProvider != null, "The user provider must not be null."); Contract.Requires(storageHandler != null, "The storage handler must not be null."); this.participantService = participantService; this.userProvider = userProvider; this.storageHandler = storageHandler; this.appSettings = appSettings; }