예제 #1
        public static void SendTo(this UDPClient UDPClient, String UDPPacketString, IIPAddress RemoteIPAddress, IPPort IPPort, Encoding Encoding = null, SocketFlags SocketFlags = SocketFlags.None)
            if (Encoding == null)
                Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            var UDPPacketData = Encoding.GetBytes(UDPPacketString);
            var RemoteIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(RemoteIPAddress.GetBytes()), IPPort.ToInt32());

            UDPClient.SendTo(UDPPacketData, RemoteIPEndPoint, SocketFlags);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the TCP server using the given parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IIPAddress">The listening IP address(es)</param>
        /// <param name="Port">The listening port</param>
        /// <param name="ServiceBanner">Service banner.</param>
        /// <param name="ServerThreadName">The optional name of the TCP server thread.</param>
        /// <param name="ServerThreadPriority">The optional priority of the TCP server thread.</param>
        /// <param name="ServerThreadIsBackground">Whether the TCP server thread is a background thread or not.</param>
        /// <param name="ConnectionIdBuilder">An optional delegate to build a connection identification based on IP socket information.</param>
        /// <param name="ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder">An optional delegate to set the name of the TCP connection threads.</param>
        /// <param name="ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder">An optional delegate to set the priority of the TCP connection threads.</param>
        /// <param name="ConnectionThreadsAreBackground">Whether the TCP connection threads are background threads or not (default: yes).</param>
        /// <param name="ConnectionTimeout">The TCP client timeout for all incoming client connections in seconds (default: 30 sec).</param>
        /// <param name="MaxClientConnections">The maximum number of concurrent TCP client connections (default: 4096).</param>
        /// <param name="Autostart">Start the TCP server thread immediately (default: no).</param>
        public TCPServer(IIPAddress IIPAddress,
                         IPPort Port,
                         String ServiceBanner                    = __DefaultServiceBanner,
                         String ServerThreadName                 = null,
                         ThreadPriority ServerThreadPriority     = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal,
                         Boolean ServerThreadIsBackground        = true,
                         ConnectionIdBuilder ConnectionIdBuilder = null,
                         ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder         = null,
                         ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder = null,
                         Boolean ConnectionThreadsAreBackground = true,
                         TimeSpan?ConnectionTimeout             = null,
                         UInt32 MaxClientConnections            = __DefaultMaxClientConnections,
                         Boolean Autostart = false)

            #region TCP Socket

            this._IPAddress   = IIPAddress;
            this._Port        = Port;
            this._IPSocket    = new IPSocket(_IPAddress, _Port);
            this._TCPListener = new TcpListener(new System.Net.IPAddress(_IPAddress.GetBytes()), _Port.ToInt32());


            #region TCP Server

            this._ServiceBanner = (ServiceBanner.IsNotNullOrEmpty())
                                                          ? ServiceBanner
                                                          : __DefaultServiceBanner;

            this.ServerThreadName = (ServerThreadName != null)
                                                          ? ServerThreadName
                                                          : __DefaultServerThreadName + this.IPSocket.ToString();

            this.ServerThreadPriority     = ServerThreadPriority;
            this.ServerThreadIsBackground = ServerThreadIsBackground;


            #region TCP Connections

            this._TCPConnections = new ConcurrentDictionary <IPSocket, TCPConnection>();

            this.ConnectionIdBuilder = (ConnectionIdBuilder != null)
                                                          ? ConnectionIdBuilder
                                                          : (Sender, Timestamp, LocalSocket, RemoteIPSocket) => "TCP:" + RemoteIPSocket.IPAddress + ":" + RemoteIPSocket.Port;

            this.ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder = (ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder != null)
                                                          ? ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder
                                                          : (Sender, Timestamp, LocalSocket, RemoteIPSocket) => "TCP thread " + RemoteIPSocket.IPAddress + ":" + RemoteIPSocket.Port;

            this.ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder = (ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder != null)
                                                          ? ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder
                                                          : (Sender, Timestamp, LocalSocket, RemoteIPSocket) => ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;

            this.ConnectionThreadsAreBackground = ConnectionThreadsAreBackground;

            this._ConnectionTimeout = ConnectionTimeout.HasValue
                                                          ? ConnectionTimeout.Value
                                                          : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);

            this._MaxClientConnections = MaxClientConnections;


            #region TCP Listener Thread

            this.CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            this.CancellationToken       = CancellationTokenSource.Token;

            _ListenerThread = new Thread(() => {
#if __MonoCS__
                // Code for Mono C# compiler
                Thread.CurrentThread.Name         = this.ServerThreadName;
                Thread.CurrentThread.Priority     = this.ServerThreadPriority;
                Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = this.ServerThreadIsBackground;

                #region SetSocketOptions

                // IOControlCode.*

                // fd.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, tcpKeepalive);

                // bytes.PutInteger(endian, tcpKeepalive,      0);
                // bytes.PutInteger(endian, tcpKeepaliveIdle,  4);
                // bytes.PutInteger(endian, tcpKeepaliveIntvl, 8);

                // fd.IOControl(IOControlCode.KeepAliveValues, (byte[])bytes, null);


                    _IsRunning = true;

                    while (!_StopRequested)
                        // Wait for a new/pending client connection
                        while (!_StopRequested && !_TCPListener.Pending())

                        // Break when a server stop was requested
                        if (_StopRequested)

                        // Processing the pending client connection within its own task
                        var NewTCPClient = _TCPListener.AcceptTcpClient();
                        //  var NewTCPConnection = _TCPListener.AcceptTcpClientAsync().
                        //                                      ContinueWith(a => new TCPConnection(this, a.Result));
                        //                                  //    ConfigureAwait(false);

                        // Store the new connection
                        //                               _TCPConnection.Value,
                        //                               (RemoteEndPoint, TCPConnection) => TCPConnection);

                        Task.Factory.StartNew(Tuple => {
                                var _Tuple = Tuple as Tuple <TCPServer, TcpClient>;

                                var NewTCPConnection = new ThreadLocal <TCPConnection>(
                                    () => new TCPConnection(_Tuple.Item1, _Tuple.Item2)

                                #region Copy ExceptionOccured event handlers

                                //foreach (var ExceptionOccuredHandler in MyEventStorage)
                                //    _TCPConnection.Value.OnExceptionOccured += ExceptionOccuredHandler;


                                #region OnNewConnection

                                // If this event closes the TCP connection the OnNotification event will never be fired!
                                // Therefore you can use this event for filtering connection initiation requests.

                                if (!NewTCPConnection.Value.IsClosed)

                            catch (Exception e)
                                while (e.InnerException != null)
                                    e = e.InnerException;

                                OnExceptionOccured?.Invoke(this, DateTime.Now, e);
                                Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " " + e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace);
                        }, new Tuple <TCPServer, TcpClient>(this, NewTCPClient));

                    #region Shutdown

                    // Request all client connections to finish!
                    foreach (var _SocketConnection in _TCPConnections)
                        _SocketConnection.Value.StopRequested = true;

                    // After stopping the TCPListener wait for
                    // all client connections to finish!
                    while (_TCPConnections.Count > 0)


                #region Exception handling

                catch (Exception Exception)
                    var OnExceptionLocal = OnExceptionOccured;
                    if (OnExceptionLocal != null)
                        OnExceptionLocal(this, DateTime.Now, Exception);


                _IsRunning = false;


            if (Autostart)
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new UDP receiver listening on the given IP address and port.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IPAddress">The IP address to listen.</param>
        /// <param name="Port">The port to listen.</param>
        /// <param name="ServiceBanner">Service banner.</param>
        /// <param name="Mapper">A delegate to transform the incoming UDP packets into custom data structures.</param>
        /// <param name="ReceiverThreadName">The optional name of the UDP receiver thread.</param>
        /// <param name="ReceiverThreadPriority">The optional priority of the UDP receiver thread.</param>
        /// <param name="ReceiverThreadIsBackground">Whether the UDP receiver thread is a background thread or not.</param>
        /// <param name="PacketThreadsNameCreator">An optional delegate to set the name of the UDP packet threads.</param>
        /// <param name="PacketThreadsPriority">The optional priority of the UDP packet threads.</param>
        /// <param name="PacketThreadsAreBackground">Whether the UDP packet threads are background threads or not.</param>
        /// <param name="Autostart">Start the UDP receiver thread immediately.</param>
        public UDPReceiver(IIPAddress IPAddress,
                           IPPort Port,
                           String ServiceBanner                  = DefaultServiceBanner,
                           MapperDelegate Mapper                 = null,
                           MapReduceDelegate MapReduce           = null,
                           String ReceiverThreadName             = "UDP receiver thread",
                           ThreadPriority ReceiverThreadPriority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal,
                           Boolean ReceiverThreadIsBackground    = true,
                           Func <UDPPacket <TData>, String> PacketThreadsNameCreator = null,
                           ThreadPriority PacketThreadsPriority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal,
                           Boolean PacketThreadsAreBackground   = true,
                           Boolean Autostart = false)

            if (Mapper == null && MapReduce == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("The mapper and mapreduce delegate can not be both null!");

            this._IPAddress               = IPAddress;
            this._IsMulticast             = IPAddress.IsMulticast;
            this._Port                    = Port;
            this._IPSocket                = new IPSocket(_IPAddress, _Port);
            this.ServiceBanner            = ServiceBanner;
            this.Mapper                   = Mapper;
            this.MapReduce                = MapReduce;
            this._ReceiverThreadName      = ReceiverThreadName;
            this._ReceiverThreadPriority  = ReceiverThreadPriority;
            this.PacketThreadsNameCreator = (PacketThreadsNameCreator == null)
                                                  ? UDPpacket => "UDP packet from " + UDPpacket.RemoteSocket.IPAddress + ":" + UDPpacket.RemoteSocket.Port
                                                  : PacketThreadsNameCreator;
            this._PacketThreadsPriority      = PacketThreadsPriority;
            this._PacketThreadsAreBackground = PacketThreadsAreBackground;

            var LocalIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(new System.Net.IPAddress(_IPAddress.GetBytes()), _Port.ToInt32());

            this.LocalSocket       = new IPSocket(LocalIPEndPoint);
            this.LocalDotNetSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

            this.BufferSize     = 65536;
            this.ReceiveTimeout = 5000;

            if (IsMulticast)
                                                  new MulticastOption(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(_IPAddress.ToString()),

            this.CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            this.CancellationToken       = CancellationTokenSource.Token;

            if (Autostart)
예제 #4
 public static void SendTo(this UDPClient UDPClient, Byte[] UDPPacketData, IIPAddress RemoteIPAddress, IPPort IPPort, SocketFlags SocketFlags = SocketFlags.None)
     var RemoteIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(RemoteIPAddress.GetBytes()), IPPort.ToInt32());
     UDPClient.SendTo(UDPPacketData, RemoteIPEndPoint, SocketFlags);
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// The UDPMulticastSenderArrow sends the incoming message
 /// to the given IP multicast group.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="MulticastAddress">The multicast address to join.</param>
 /// <param name="IPPort">The outgoing IP port to use.</param>
 /// <param name="HopCount">The IPv6 hop-count or IPv4 time-to-live field of the outgoing IP multicast packets.</param>
 public UDPMulticastSenderArrow(String MulticastAddress, IPPort IPPort, Byte HopCount = 255)
     this.MulticastSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
     this.IPEndPoint      = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(MulticastAddress), IPPort.ToInt32());
     this.HopCount        = HopCount;