public async Task <object> InsertPos_MasterInfo(POS_Master entity) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); result.IsSuccess = false; try { string userid = HttpContext.User.Claims.Where(item => item.Type == System.Security.Claims.ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).FirstOrDefault().Value; Users _users = await userRepository.GetUserAndRoles(int.Parse(userid)); entity.Modified_User =; entity.Created_Date = DateTime.Now; #region 生成Dummy Code 即POS_CODE //Dummy Code的生成规则:Dummy Year(2 digit sequential number)&Quarter+"-"+Customer Short Name+Branch+"-"+Channel short Name+2 digit sequential number string paraname = entity.TM_YEAR.Substring(2, 2) + entity.TM_SEASON + "-" + entity.CUSTOMER_GROUP + entity.BRANCH_EN + "-" + entity.POS_CHANNEL.Substring(0, 1); var maxindex = Repository.GetMaxPOSCode(paraname); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(maxindex.ToString())) { int index = int.Parse(maxindex.ToString()); if (index > 0) { index++; entity.POS_CODE = paraname + (index < 10 ? "0" + index : index + ""); } else { entity.POS_CODE = paraname + "01"; } } else { entity.POS_CODE = paraname + "01"; } #endregion #region 验证 ship to Code if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.STC_CORE)) { entity.STC_CORE = entity.STC_CORE.ToUpper(); if (entity.STC_CORE != "TBD") { string Productchannel = Repository.GetProductchannel(entity.STC_CORE); entity.Product_Channel = Productchannel; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Productchannel) || Productchannel.ToString().ToLower() != "core") { result.Message = "Ship to Code(Core) is Error!"; return(Ok(result)); } int reuslt = Repository.ExistshipCode(entity.STC_CORE, 1); if (reuslt > 0) { //ship to code 是否正确 result.Message = "Ship to Code(Core) is exist!"; return(Ok(result)); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.STC_OCS)) { entity.STC_OCS = entity.STC_OCS.ToUpper(); if (entity.STC_OCS != "TBD") { string Productchannel = Repository.GetProductchannel(entity.STC_OCS); entity.Product_Channel = Productchannel; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Productchannel) || Productchannel.ToLower() != "originals") { result.Message = "Ship to Code(Originals) is Error!"; return(Ok(result)); } int reuslt = Repository.ExistshipCode(entity.STC_OCS, 2); if (reuslt > 0) { //ship to code 是否正确 result.Message = "Ship to Code(Originals) is exist!"; return(Ok(result)); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.STC_NEO)) { entity.STC_NEO = entity.STC_NEO.ToUpper(); if (entity.STC_NEO != "TBD") { string Productchannel = Repository.GetProductchannel(entity.STC_NEO); entity.Product_Channel = Productchannel; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Productchannel) || Productchannel.ToLower() != "neo") { result.Message = "Ship to Code(Neo) is Error!"; return(Ok(result)); } int reuslt = Repository.ExistshipCode(entity.STC_NEO, 3); if (reuslt > 0) { //ship to code 是否正确 result.Message = "Ship to Code(Neo) is exist!"; return(Ok(result)); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.STC_KIDS)) { entity.STC_KIDS = entity.STC_KIDS.ToUpper(); if (entity.STC_KIDS != "TBD") { string Productchannel = Repository.GetProductchannel(entity.STC_KIDS); entity.Product_Channel = Productchannel; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Productchannel) || Productchannel.ToLower() != "kids") { result.Message = "Ship to Code(Kids) is Error!"; return(Ok(result)); } int reuslt = Repository.ExistshipCode(entity.STC_KIDS, 4); if (reuslt > 0) { //ship to code 是否正确 result.Message = "Ship to Code(Kids) is exist!"; return(Ok(result)); } } } #endregion #region CURRENT_STATUS和 CURRENT_COMPSTATUS if (entity.TM_SEASON == "Q1") { entity.CURRENT_STATUS = entity.BLRQ1; entity.CURRENT_COMPSTATUS = entity.COMPQ1; } else if (entity.TM_SEASON == "Q2") { entity.CURRENT_STATUS = entity.BLRQ2; entity.CURRENT_COMPSTATUS = entity.COMPQ2; } else if (entity.TM_SEASON == "Q3") { entity.CURRENT_STATUS = entity.BLRQ3; entity.CURRENT_COMPSTATUS = entity.COMPQ3; } else if (entity.TM_SEASON == "Q4") { entity.CURRENT_STATUS = entity.BLRQ4; entity.CURRENT_COMPSTATUS = entity.COMPQ4; } #endregion await Repository.PostEntity(entity); result.Message = "ok"; result.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { result.Message = "" + ex.Message; } return(Ok(result)); }
public OkObjectResult EditMD_BulkShipTo(MD_BulkShipTo entity) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); try { result.IsSuccess = false; int Total = 0; //获取customerInfo #region 验证 ship to Code 的输入是否正确 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Core)) { entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Core = entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Core.ToUpper(); if (entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Core != "TBD") { string[] codelist = entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Core.Split('/'); foreach (string Code in codelist) { string Productchannel = PosRepository.GetProductchannel(Code); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Productchannel) || Productchannel.ToString().ToLower() != "core") { result.Message = "Bulk Ship to Code(Core) is Error!"; return(Ok(result)); } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Originals)) { entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Originals = entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Originals.ToUpper(); if (entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Originals != "TBD") { string[] codelist = entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Originals.Split('/'); foreach (string Code in codelist) { string Productchannel = PosRepository.GetProductchannel(Code); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Productchannel) || Productchannel.ToLower() != "originals") { result.Message = "Bulk Ship to Code(Originals) is Error!"; return(Ok(result)); } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Neo)) { entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Neo = entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Neo.ToUpper(); if (entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Neo != "TBD") { string[] codelist = entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Neo.Split('/'); foreach (string Code in codelist) { string Productchannel = PosRepository.GetProductchannel(Code); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Productchannel) || Productchannel.ToLower() != "neo") { result.Message = "Bulk Ship to Code(Neo) is Error!"; return(Ok(result)); } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Kids)) { entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Kids = entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Kids.ToUpper(); if (entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Kids != "TBD") { string[] codelist = entity.Bulk_Ship_to_Code_Kids.Split('/'); foreach (string Code in codelist) { string Productchannel = PosRepository.GetProductchannel(Code); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Productchannel) || Productchannel.ToLower() != "kids") { result.Message = "Bulk Ship to Code(Kids) is Error!"; return(Ok(result)); } } } } #endregion //string sqlstr = "select count(ID) from SIDE_MD_BulkShipTo where BRANCH_CN=@BRANCH_CN and BRANCH_EN=@BRANCH_EN and WHS_Channel=@WHS_Channel "; //if (entity.ID > 0) //{ // sqlstr = sqlstr + " and ID<>@ID "; //} //DynamicParameters parameters = new DynamicParameters(); //parameters.Add("@ID", entity.ID, DbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Input); //parameters.Add("@BRANCH_CN", entity.BRANCH_CN, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input); //parameters.Add("@BRANCH_EN", entity.BRANCH_EN, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input); //parameters.Add("@WHS_Channel", entity.WHS_Channel, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input); //using (IDbConnection conn = DataBaseConfig.GetSqlConnection()) //{ // Total = (Int32)conn.ExecuteScalar(sqlstr, parameters); //} if (Total > 0) { result.IsSuccess = false; result.Message = "Already exist"; result.StatusCode = "-4"; } else { if (entity.ID == 0) { int row = masterdataRepository.AddMD_BulkShipTo(entity); result.StatusCode = row.ToString(); result.Message = "OK"; result.IsSuccess = true; } else { int row = masterdataRepository.UpdateMD_BulkShipTo(entity); result.StatusCode = row.ToString(); result.Message = "OK"; result.IsSuccess = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { result.Message = ex.Message; result.IsSuccess = false; } return(Ok(result)); }