예제 #1
        /***	SenderWOLRequest(IPINFO ipInfo)
         *	Parameters:
         *      ipInfo  - The global class containing all of the IP like info about the
         *                this machine we are running on; and the server we want to contact.
         *	Return Values:
         *      None
         *	Errors:
         *	Description:
         *      This is the start of the client side RemoteWol code.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private static void SenderWOLRequest(IPINFO ipInfo)
            TcpClient     tcpClient  = new TcpClient();
            IPEndPoint    ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipInfo.ip4, ipInfo.port);
            NetworkStream targetStrm = null;

                // connect to the server; there is some default timeout, it does break out if it can not connect.
                targetStrm = tcpClient.GetStream();

                // send the MAC
                if (ipInfo.mac != null)
                    MSG msg = new MSG();
                    BHE bhe = new BHE();

                    msg.cmdmsg  = MSG.CMDMSG.BroadCastMAC;
                    msg.rgbData = ipInfo.mac.GetAddressBytes();

                    // ask that the magic packet be sent
                    if (WriteMsgToStream(targetStrm, msg))
                        msg = ReadMsgFromStream(targetStrm);

                    // See what we got back, it should only be the MAC we sent
                    if (msg != null && msg.cmdmsg == MSG.CMDMSG.Succeeded)
                        Console.WriteLine("Magic Packet Sent.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable to send Magic Packet");


                // success or failure, close up the tcp Client

            // we didn't even connect, probably the IP address is bad.
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #2
        /***	bool GetPort(string szPort, IPINFO ipd)
         *	Parameters:
         *      szPort -    The port number represented as a string
         *      ipd -   This is the global data structure to save our server Port into
         *	Return Values:
         *      true if we got a valid port number, false otherwise
         *	Errors:
         *	Description:
         *      Very simple, convert a string port number into a number port number
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private bool GetPort(string szPort, IPINFO ipd)
                ipd.port = Convert.ToInt32(szPort);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.ToString());

            // if we had an error, print out that this is not a good Port
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid Port: " + szPort);

예제 #3
        private void publicIP_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            myIP = IPINFO.Text; //-- your result
            string url = "http://checkip.dyndns.org";

            System.Net.WebRequest  req  = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url);
            System.Net.WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
            System.IO.StreamReader sr   = new System.IO.StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream());
            string response             = sr.ReadToEnd().Trim();

            string[] a  = response.Split(':');
            string   a2 = a[1].Substring(1);

            string[] a3 = a2.Split('<');
            string   a4 = a3[0];

            IPINFO.Text = a4;
        private void getip()
            //Get your public IP
            myIP = IPINFO.Text; //-- your result
            string url = "http://checkip.dyndns.org";

            System.Net.WebRequest  req  = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url);
            System.Net.WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
            System.IO.StreamReader sr   = new System.IO.StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream());
            string response             = sr.ReadToEnd().Trim();

            string[] a  = response.Split(':');
            string   a2 = a[1].Substring(1);

            string[] a3 = a2.Split('<');
            string   a4 = a3[0];

            IPINFO.Text = a4;
            IPADDR.Visible = true;
예제 #5
        /***	bool GetMac(string szMAC, IPINFO ipd)
         *	Parameters:
         *      szMAC -    The MAC number represented as a string
         *      ipd -   This is the global data structure to save our server MAC address into
         *	Return Values:
         *      true if we got a valid MAC, false otherwise
         *	Errors:
         *	Description:
         *      Very simple, convert a string MAC number into a number MAC number
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private bool GetMac(string szMAC, IPINFO ipd)
            // MAC Addresses are 6 bytes (12 characters) long, plus maybe 5 characters for : or -
            if (szMAC.Length == 12 || szMAC.Length == 17)
                    ipd.mac = PhysicalAddress.Parse((String.Copy(szMAC)).Replace(':', '-').ToUpper()).GetAddressBytes();
                    return(ipd.mac.Length == 6);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid MAC Adress: " + szMAC);

예제 #6
        /***	bool GetIPAddress(string szIP, IPINFO ipd)
         *	Parameters:
         *      szIP -  The hostname to get the IP address for
         *      ipd -   This is the global data structure to save our server IP address into
         *	Return Values:
         *      true if we could resolve the remote IP address, false if not
         *	Errors:
         *	Description:
         *      This resolves the hostname (szIP) to an binary IP address via DNS
         *      It looks specifically for an IPv4 IP address as we do not support IPv6.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private bool GetIPAddress(string szIP, IPINFO ipd)
            byte[] ipAddress = new byte[0];

                // get the server to talk to
                IPAddress[] rgIPAddr = Dns.GetHostAddresses(szIP);

                // I have to find a IP4 address; don't support anything else
                foreach (IPAddress ipAddr in rgIPAddr)
                    if (ipAddr.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                        ipAddress = ipAddr.GetAddressBytes();
                        if (ipAddress.Length == 4)
                            ipd.ip4 = ipAddress;
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.ToString());

            if (ipAddress.Length != 4)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid IP Address: " + szIP);
예제 #7
        /***	PrintBroadcastHistor(IPINFO ipInfo)
         *	Parameters:
         *      ipInfo  - The global class containing all of the IP like info about the
         *                this machine we are running on; and the server we want to contact.
         *	Return Values:
         *      None
         *	Errors:
         *	Description:
         *      This is the start of the client side RemoteWol code.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private static void PrintBroadcastHistory(IPINFO ipInfo, DateTimeKind dtk)
            TcpClient     tcpClient  = new TcpClient();
            IPEndPoint    ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipInfo.ip4, ipInfo.port);
            NetworkStream targetStrm = null;

                // connect to the server; there is some default timeout, it does break out if it can not connect.
                targetStrm = tcpClient.GetStream();

                MSG msg = new MSG(MSG.CMDMSG.HistoryRequest);

                // ask that the magic packet be sent
                if (WriteMsgToStream(targetStrm, msg))
                    msg = ReadMsgFromStream(targetStrm);

                // See what we got back, it should be a history reply
                if (msg != null && msg.cmdmsg == MSG.CMDMSG.HistoryReply && msg.rgbData.Length % BHE.Length == 0)
                    byte[] rgbBHE = new byte[BHE.Length];
                    BHE    bhe    = null;

                    Console.WriteLine("Got the broadcast history.");
                    for (int i = 0; i < msg.rgbData.Length; i += BHE.Length)
                        // get a bhe
                        Array.Copy(msg.rgbData, i, rgbBHE, 0, BHE.Length);
                        bhe = new BHE(rgbBHE);

                        switch (dtk)
                        case DateTimeKind.Utc:
                            Console.WriteLine("UTC Time: {0}, MAC: {1} from IP: {2}.",

                        case DateTimeKind.Local:
                            Console.WriteLine("Local Time: {0}, MAC: {1} from IP: {2}.",
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to get Broadcast History.");


                // success or failure, close up the tcp Client

            // we didn't even connect, probably the IP address is bad.
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #8
        /***	void Main(string[] args)
         *	Parameters:
         *      args - command line strings
         *	Return Values:
         *      None
         *	Errors:
         *	Description:
         *      Main entrypoint to the program.
         *      if only a port number, it is assumed to be a server side (listening) code
         *      if only a MAC, then it is an immediate broadcast of the Magic Packet.
         *      Otherwise as a client an IP address, Port number, and MAC value is expected.
         *      See help screen info below.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IPINFO       ipInfo      = new IPINFO();
            bool         fServer     = false;
            bool         fClient     = false;
            bool         fBroadCast  = false;
            bool         fGetHistory = false;
            DateTimeKind dtk         = DateTimeKind.Utc;

            Thread thrdListen = new Thread(ListenForWOLRequest);

            Console.WriteLine("RemoteWol Version {0}", typeof(RemoteWol).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Keith Vogel, Copyright 2011");

            // if we only have only 1 parameter, then we have either a port number and we are server
            // or we have a MAC and we are to send a Magic Packet broadcast to the MAC
            if (args.Length == 1)
                // if this is a Mac Address, a valid port number would never be 6 bytes long.
                if (args[0].Length == 12 || args[0].Length == 17)
                    fBroadCast = (ipInfo.mac = GetMac(args[0])) != null;
                    fServer = ((ipInfo.port = GetPort(args[0])) != 0);

            // else if we have IP, Port, and MAC, we are sending a WOL request
            else if (args.Length == 3)
                // Get the IP
                if ((ipInfo.ip4 = GetIPv4Address(args[0])) != null)
                    // now get the port
                    if ((ipInfo.port = GetPort(args[1])) != 0)
                        // see if this is an option
                        if (args[2].Length == 2 && (args[2][0] == '/' || args[2][0] == '-'))
                            switch (args[2][1])
                            case 'h':
                                fGetHistory = true;
                                dtk         = DateTimeKind.Local;

                            case 'H':
                                fGetHistory = true;
                                dtk         = DateTimeKind.Utc;


                        // see if is to send a broadcast
                        else if ((fClient = ((ipInfo.mac = GetMac(args[2])) != null)))
                            // if we want both server and client to run.
                            fServer = (fRunServerAndClient && fClient);

            // if we are to run the server
            if (fServer)
                // this starts a thread and will return immediately

                // this is so we don't start the client too fast if the client is to be started as well.
                Thread.Sleep(5000); // give it sometime to start the server

                if (fClient)

            // if we are to run the client
            else if (fClient)

            // if we are to broadcast the Magic Packet
            else if (fBroadCast)
                // we only care about the MAC address
            else if (fGetHistory)
                PrintBroadcastHistory(ipInfo, dtk);

            // This is the Help Screen Info
            // if we are to do nothing, print help.
                Console.WriteLine("Server:\t\tRemoteWol Port");
                Console.WriteLine("Client:\t\tRemoteWol ServerURL Port MAC");
                Console.WriteLine("Remote Request:\tRemoteWol ServerURL Port -X");
                Console.WriteLine("WOL Broadcast:\tRemoteWol MAC");
                Console.WriteLine("    ServerURL:\tis the IP/DNS Name of the server to transmit the WOL.");
                Console.WriteLine("    Port:\tis the decimal port number the server is listening on.");
                Console.WriteLine("    MAC:\tis the 12 hex character MAC Address of the machine to wake up,");
                Console.WriteLine("    \t\t    colons \":\" and dashes \"-\" are allowed between hex bytes.");
                Console.WriteLine("    X:");
                Console.WriteLine("    \t    h:\tRequest broadcast history displayed in local time.");
                Console.WriteLine("    \t    H:\tRequest broadcast history displayed in UTC time.");
                Console.WriteLine("    RemoteWol mynetwork.com 2000 65:24:EF:04:23:FC");

예제 #9
        /***	bool GetMac(string szMAC, IPINFO ipd)
         *	Parameters:
         *      szMAC -    The MAC number represented as a string
         *      ipd -   This is the global data structure to save our server MAC address into
         *	Return Values:
         *      true if we got a valid MAC, false otherwise
         *	Errors:
         *	Description: 
         *      Very simple, convert a string MAC number into a number MAC number
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private bool GetMac(string szMAC, IPINFO ipd)
            // MAC Addresses are 6 bytes (12 characters) long, plus maybe 5 characters for : or -
            if (szMAC.Length == 12 || szMAC.Length == 17)
                    ipd.mac = PhysicalAddress.Parse((String.Copy(szMAC)).Replace(':', '-').ToUpper()).GetAddressBytes();
                    return (ipd.mac.Length == 6);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid MAC Adress: " + szMAC);

            return (false);
예제 #10
        /***	bool GetPort(string szPort, IPINFO ipd)
         *	Parameters:
         *      szPort -    The port number represented as a string
         *      ipd -   This is the global data structure to save our server Port into
         *	Return Values:
         *      true if we got a valid port number, false otherwise
         *	Errors:
         *	Description: 
         *      Very simple, convert a string port number into a number port number
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private bool GetPort(string szPort, IPINFO ipd)

                ipd.port = Convert.ToInt32(szPort);
                return (true);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.ToString());

            // if we had an error, print out that this is not a good Port
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid Port: " + szPort);

            return (false);
예제 #11
        /***	bool GetIPAddress(string szIP, IPINFO ipd)
         *	Parameters:
         *      szIP -  The hostname to get the IP address for
         *      ipd -   This is the global data structure to save our server IP address into
         *	Return Values:
         *      true if we could resolve the remote IP address, false if not
         *	Errors:
         *	Description: 
         *      This resolves the hostname (szIP) to an binary IP address via DNS
         *      It looks specifically for an IPv4 IP address as we do not support IPv6.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private bool GetIPAddress(string szIP, IPINFO ipd)
            byte[] ipAddress = new byte[0];

                // get the server to talk to
                IPAddress[] rgIPAddr = Dns.GetHostAddresses(szIP);

                // I have to find a IP4 address; don't support anything else
                foreach (IPAddress ipAddr in rgIPAddr)
                    if (ipAddr.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                        ipAddress = ipAddr.GetAddressBytes();
                        if (ipAddress.Length == 4)
                            ipd.ip4 = ipAddress;
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.ToString());

            if (ipAddress.Length != 4)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid IP Address: " + szIP);
                return (false);
                return (true);
예제 #12
        /***	PrintBroadcastHistor(IPINFO ipInfo)
         *	Parameters:
         *      ipInfo  - The global class containing all of the IP like info about the
         *                this machine we are running on; and the server we want to contact.
         *	Return Values:
         *      None
         *	Errors:
         *	Description:
         *      This is the start of the client side RemoteWol code.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private static void PrintBroadcastHistory(IPINFO ipInfo, DateTimeKind dtk)
            TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient();
            IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipInfo.ip4, ipInfo.port);
            NetworkStream targetStrm = null;

                // connect to the server; there is some default timeout, it does break out if it can not connect.
                targetStrm = tcpClient.GetStream();

                MSG msg = new MSG(MSG.CMDMSG.HistoryRequest);

                // ask that the magic packet be sent
                if (WriteMsgToStream(targetStrm, msg))
                    msg = ReadMsgFromStream(targetStrm);

                // See what we got back, it should be a history reply
                if (msg != null && msg.cmdmsg == MSG.CMDMSG.HistoryReply && msg.rgbData.Length % BHE.Length == 0)
                    byte[] rgbBHE = new byte[BHE.Length];
                    BHE bhe = null;

                    Console.WriteLine("Got the broadcast history.");
                    for (int i = 0; i < msg.rgbData.Length; i += BHE.Length)
                        // get a bhe
                        Array.Copy(msg.rgbData, i, rgbBHE, 0, BHE.Length);
                        bhe = new BHE(rgbBHE);

                            case DateTimeKind.Utc:
                                Console.WriteLine("UTC Time: {0}, MAC: {1} from IP: {2}.",

                            case DateTimeKind.Local:
                                Console.WriteLine("Local Time: {0}, MAC: {1} from IP: {2}.",
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to get Broadcast History.");


                // success or failure, close up the tcp Client

            // we didn't even connect, probably the IP address is bad.
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #13
        /***	void ListenForWOLRequest(Object obj)
         *	Parameters:
         *      obj -       The obj is really an ipInfo and is casted to such.
         *                  The ipInfo class containing all of the IP like info about the
         *                  this machine we are running on; and the server we want to contact.
         *	Return Values:
         *      None
         *	Errors:
         *	Description:
         *      This is the start of the server side RemoteWol code.
         *      This was written as a seperate thread so that debugging of
         *      the client in the main thread against a server in a different
         *      thread could be done in one debug session. Client / Server
         *      combined application is only when the debug flag fRunServerAndClient is TRUE.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private void ListenForWOLRequest(Object obj)
            IPINFO ipInfo = (IPINFO)obj;

            byte[] rgRcv     = new byte[2 * cbMACAddress];
            uint   terminate = 0;

            TcpListener tcpListener = null;

                // this will throw and exception if ipAddress == null;
                tcpListener = new TcpListener(ipInfo.myIPs.ipMe, ipInfo.port);
            catch (Exception e)

            // go in a loop waiting for someone to connect.
                int           cbRead     = 0;
                bool          fEcho      = false;
                TcpClient     client     = null;
                NetworkStream targetStrm = null;

                    // block until we get something
                    client     = tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient();
                    targetStrm = client.GetStream();

                    // read the buffer
                    targetStrm.ReadTimeout = 10000;     // set to 10 seconds for the read

                    // wait for something to come in
                    cbRead = targetStrm.Read(rgRcv, 0, rgRcv.Length);

                    // if it is a MAC address, then broadcast it.
                    if (cbRead == cbMACAddress)
                        // do the broadcast
                        fEcho = BroadCast(rgRcv);
#if QUIT
                    // if this is potentially a terminate
                    else if (cbRead == rgTerm.Length)
                        IPEndPoint ipEndPointClient = (IPEndPoint)client.Client.RemoteEndPoint;
                        if (ipInfo.myIPs.ipMe.Equals(ipEndPointClient.Address))
                            terminate = (uint)((rgRcv[0] << 24) | (rgRcv[1] << 16) | (rgRcv[2] << 8) | rgRcv[3]);
                            fEcho     = (terminate == 0xFFFFFFFF);
                    // okay send something back.
                    if (fEcho)
                        // if we got something valid, echo it back as an ack
                        targetStrm.Write(rgRcv, 0, cbRead);
                        fEcho = false;

                        // print out the time and mac address
                        Array.Resize(ref rgRcv, 6);
                        PhysicalAddress macAddress = new PhysicalAddress(rgRcv);
                        Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("g") + " : " + macAddress.ToString());
                        // if not, then just return 1 byte to keep things from timing out on the client
                        targetStrm.Write(rgTerm, 0, 1);
                        fEcho = false;

                    // we have done our work, close the stream

                // something bad happened, but we want to just print the exception and go back and wait
                // for another connection.
                catch (Exception e)
                    terminate = 0;
            } while (terminate != 0xFFFFFFFF);

            // just stop listening, we are done.
예제 #14
        /***	SenderWOLRequest(IPINFO ipInfo)
         *	Parameters:
         *      ipInfo  - The global class containing all of the IP like info about the
         *                this machine we are running on; and the server we want to contact.
         *	Return Values:
         *      None
         *	Errors:
         *	Description:
         *      This is the start of the client side RemoteWol code.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private void SenderWOLRequest(IPINFO ipInfo)
            TcpClient     tcpClient    = new TcpClient();
            IPAddress     ipAddrTarget = new IPAddress(ipInfo.ip4);
            IPEndPoint    ipEndPoint   = new IPEndPoint(ipAddrTarget, ipInfo.port);
            NetworkStream targetStrm   = null;
            bool          fFoundMac    = false;

            byte[] rgRcv  = new byte[1024];
            int    cbRead = 0;

                // connect to the server; there is some default timeout, it does break out if it can not connect.
                targetStrm = tcpClient.GetStream();

                // send the MAC
                if (ipInfo.mac != null)
                    Debug.Assert(ipInfo.mac.Length == 6);

                        // write out the MAC address
                        targetStrm.WriteTimeout = 30000;    // set to 30 seconds for the write
                        targetStrm.Write(ipInfo.mac, 0, ipInfo.mac.Length);

                        // now the MAC and only the MAC should come back
                        targetStrm.ReadTimeout = 30000;     // set to 30 seconds for the read
                        cbRead = targetStrm.Read(rgRcv, 0, rgRcv.Length);

                    // just want to catch errors and get out.
                    // this could be caused by the timeout
                    catch (Exception e)

                    // See what we got back, it should only be the MAC we sent
                    // This is not intended to be secure, it is only a sanity check
                    // so that we know we probably sent it to a RemoteWOL server
                    // instead of some random server that sent us goo back.

                    if ((fFoundMac = (cbRead == ipInfo.mac.Length)))
                        for (int i = 0; i < ipInfo.mac.Length; i++)
                            fFoundMac = fFoundMac && rgRcv[i] == ipInfo.mac[i];

                    if (fFoundMac)
                        Console.WriteLine("Magic Packet Sent");
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable to send Magic Packet");

#if QUIT
                // send the exit code
                // this only make sense if we are supporting remote exit.
                    targetStrm.Write(rgTerm, 0, rgTerm.Length);
                    cbRead = targetStrm.Read(rgRcv, 0, rgRcv.Length);
                    if (cbRead == rgTerm.Length)
                        Console.WriteLine("Server terminated");
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable terminate server");

                // success or failure, close up the tcp Client

            // we didn't even connect, probably the IP address is bad.
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #15
        /***	void Main(string[] args)
         *	Parameters:
         *      args - command line strings
         *	Return Values:
         *      None
         *	Errors:
         *	Description:
         *      Main entrypoint to the program.
         *      if only a port number, it is assumed to be a server side (listening) code
         *      if only a MAC, then it is an immediate broadcast of the Magic Packet.
         *      Otherwise as a client an IP address, Port number, and MAC value is expected.
         *      See help screen info below.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IPINFO ipInfo     = new IPINFO();
            bool   fServer    = false;
            bool   fClient    = false;
            bool   fBroadCast = false;
            bool   fQuit      = false;

            RemoteWol remoteWol  = new RemoteWol();
            Thread    thrdListen = new Thread(remoteWol.ListenForWOLRequest);

            Console.WriteLine("RemoteWol Version {0}", typeof(RemoteWol).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Keith Vogel, Copywrite 2011");

            // if we only have only 1 parameter, then we have either a port number and we are server
            // or we have a MAC and we are to send a Magic Packet broadcast to the MAC
            if (args.Length == 1)
                // if this is a Mac Address, a valid port number would never be 6 bytes long.
                if (args[0].Length == 12 || args[0].Length == 17)
                    fBroadCast = remoteWol.GetMac(args[0], ipInfo);;
                    fServer = remoteWol.GetPort(args[0], ipInfo);

#if QUIT
            // else if we have IP and Port but no MAC, this means to terminate the server side.
            else if (args.Length == 2)
                // Get the IP
                if (remoteWol.GetIPAddress(args[0], ipInfo))
                    // now get the port
                    fQuit = remoteWol.GetPort(args[1], ipInfo);
            // else if we have IP, Port, and MAC, we are sending a WOL request
            else if (args.Length == 3)
                // Get the IP
                if (remoteWol.GetIPAddress(args[0], ipInfo))
                    // now get the port
                    if (remoteWol.GetPort(args[1], ipInfo))
                        // and finally get the MAC
                        fClient = remoteWol.GetMac(args[2], ipInfo);

                        // if we want both server and client to run.
                        fServer = (fRunServerAndClient && fClient);

            // if we are to run the server
            if (fServer)
                // this starts a thread and will return immediately

                // this is so we don't start the client too fast if the client is to be started as well.
                Thread.Sleep(5000); // give it sometime to start the server

            // if we are to run the client
            if (fClient || fQuit)

            // if we are to broadcast the Magic Packet
            if (fBroadCast)
                if (remoteWol.BroadCast(ipInfo.mac))
                    Console.WriteLine("Magic Packet Sent");
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to send Magic Packet");

            // This is the Help Screen Info
            // if we are to do nothing, print help.
            if (!fServer && !fClient && !fBroadCast && !fQuit)
                Console.WriteLine("Server:\t\tRemoteWol Port");
                Console.WriteLine("Client:\t\tRemoteWol ServerURL Port MAC");
                Console.WriteLine("WOL Broadcast:\tRemoteWol MAC");
#if QUIT
                Console.WriteLine("Quit Server:\tRemoteWol ServerURL Port");
                Console.WriteLine("    ServerURL:\tis the IP/DNS Name of the server to transmit the WOL.");
                Console.WriteLine("    Port:\tis the decimal port number the server is listening on.");
                Console.WriteLine("    MAC:\tis the 12 hex character MAC Address of the machine to wake up,");
                Console.WriteLine("    \t\t    colons \":\" and dashes \"-\" are allowed between hex bytes.");
                Console.WriteLine("    RemoteWol mynetwork.com 2000 65:24:EF:04:23:FC");

예제 #16
        /***	SenderWOLRequest(IPINFO ipInfo)
         *	Parameters:
         *      ipInfo  - The global class containing all of the IP like info about the
         *                this machine we are running on; and the server we want to contact.
         *	Return Values:
         *      None
         *	Errors:
         *	Description:
         *      This is the start of the client side RemoteWol code.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private static void SenderWOLRequest(IPINFO ipInfo)
            TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient();
            IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipInfo.ip4, ipInfo.port);
            NetworkStream targetStrm = null;


                // connect to the server; there is some default timeout, it does break out if it can not connect.
                targetStrm = tcpClient.GetStream();

                // send the MAC
                if (ipInfo.mac != null)
                    MSG msg = new MSG();
                    BHE bhe = new BHE();

                    msg.cmdmsg = MSG.CMDMSG.BroadCastMAC;
                    msg.rgbData = ipInfo.mac.GetAddressBytes();

                    // ask that the magic packet be sent
                    if (WriteMsgToStream(targetStrm, msg))
                        msg = ReadMsgFromStream(targetStrm);

                    // See what we got back, it should only be the MAC we sent
                    if (msg != null && msg.cmdmsg == MSG.CMDMSG.Succeeded)
                        Console.WriteLine("Magic Packet Sent.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable to send Magic Packet");


                // success or failure, close up the tcp Client

            // we didn't even connect, probably the IP address is bad.
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #17
        /***	void ListenForWOLRequest(Object obj)
         *	Parameters:
         *      obj -       The obj is really an ipInfo and is casted to such.
         *                  The ipInfo class containing all of the IP like info about the
         *                  this machine we are running on; and the server we want to contact.
         *	Return Values:
         *      None
         *	Errors:
         *	Description:
         *      This is the start of the server side RemoteWol code.
         *      This was written as a seperate thread so that debugging of
         *      the client in the main thread against a server in a different
         *      thread could be done in one debug session. Client / Server
         *      combined application is only when the debug flag fRunServerAndClient is TRUE.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private static void ListenForWOLRequest(Object obj)
            IPINFO ipInfo    = (IPINFO)obj;
            uint   terminate = 0;

            TcpListener tcpListener = null;

                // this will throw and exception if ipAddress == null;
                tcpListener = new TcpListener(ipInfo.myIPs.ipMe, ipInfo.port);
            catch (Exception e)

            // go in a loop waiting for someone to connect.
                TcpClient     client     = null;
                NetworkStream targetStrm = null;
                MSG           msg;;

                    // block until we get something
                    Console.WriteLine("Listening on port: {0}.", ipInfo.port.ToString());
                    client     = tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient();
                    targetStrm = client.GetStream();

                    // see if we can read something reasonable
                    msg = ReadMsgFromStream(targetStrm);
                    if (msg != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}: Message {1} detected.", DateTime.Now.ToString("g"), msg.cmdmsg.ToString());
                        switch (msg.cmdmsg)
                        case MSG.CMDMSG.BroadCastMAC:

                            // see if we have a valid MAC
                            if (msg.rgbData.Length >= 6)
                                MSG msgRet = new MSG(MSG.CMDMSG.Failed);
                                BHE bhe    = new BHE();

                                // we only care about the MAC address
                                Array.Resize(ref msg.rgbData, 6);
                                PhysicalAddress macAddress = new PhysicalAddress(msg.rgbData);
                                IPEndPoint      ipEP       = (IPEndPoint)client.Client.RemoteEndPoint;

                                Console.WriteLine("Request to broadcast MAC: {0} by IP: {1}.", macAddress.ToString(), ipEP.ToString());

                                bhe.IP      = ipEP.Address;
                                bhe.MAC     = macAddress;
                                bhe.UtcTime = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();

                                // do the broadcast
                                msg.cmdmsg = MSG.CMDMSG.Failed;
                                if (BroadCast(macAddress))
                                    msgRet.cmdmsg = MSG.CMDMSG.Succeeded;

                                // write back our status code
                                WriteMsgToStream(targetStrm, msgRet);


                        case MSG.CMDMSG.HistoryRequest:
                            WriteMsgToStream(targetStrm, ipInfo.bhs.GetBroadcastHistoryReplyMsg());

                        case MSG.CMDMSG.HistoryReply:
                            WriteMsgToStream(targetStrm, new MSG(MSG.CMDMSG.Failed));

                        case MSG.CMDMSG.Terminate:
                            WriteMsgToStream(targetStrm, new MSG(MSG.CMDMSG.Succeeded));
                            terminate = 0xFFFFFFFF;


                    // we have done our work, close the stream

                // something bad happened, but we want to just print the exception and go back and wait
                // for another connection.
                catch (Exception e)
                    terminate = 0;
            } while (terminate != 0xFFFFFFFF);

            // just stop listening, we are done.
예제 #18
        /***	void Main(string[] args)
         *	Parameters:
         *      args - command line strings
         *	Return Values:
         *      None
         *	Errors:
         *	Description: 
         *      Main entrypoint to the program.
         *      if only a port number, it is assumed to be a server side (listening) code
         *      if only a MAC, then it is an immediate broadcast of the Magic Packet.
         *      Otherwise as a client an IP address, Port number, and MAC value is expected.
         *      See help screen info below.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IPINFO ipInfo = new IPINFO();
            bool fServer = false;
            bool fClient = false;
            bool fBroadCast = false;
            bool fQuit = false;

            RemoteWol remoteWol = new RemoteWol();
            Thread thrdListen = new Thread(remoteWol.ListenForWOLRequest);

            Console.WriteLine("RemoteWol Version {0}", typeof(RemoteWol).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Keith Vogel, Copywrite 2011");
            // if we only have only 1 parameter, then we have either a port number and we are server
            // or we have a MAC and we are to send a Magic Packet broadcast to the MAC
            if (args.Length == 1)
                // if this is a Mac Address, a valid port number would never be 6 bytes long.
                if (args[0].Length == 12 || args[0].Length == 17)
                    fBroadCast = remoteWol.GetMac(args[0], ipInfo); ;
                    fServer = remoteWol.GetPort(args[0], ipInfo);

#if QUIT
            // else if we have IP and Port but no MAC, this means to terminate the server side.
            else if (args.Length == 2)
                // Get the IP
                if (remoteWol.GetIPAddress(args[0], ipInfo))
                    // now get the port
                    fQuit = remoteWol.GetPort(args[1], ipInfo);
            // else if we have IP, Port, and MAC, we are sending a WOL request
            else if (args.Length == 3)
                // Get the IP
                if (remoteWol.GetIPAddress(args[0], ipInfo))
                    // now get the port
                    if (remoteWol.GetPort(args[1], ipInfo))
                        // and finally get the MAC
                        fClient = remoteWol.GetMac(args[2], ipInfo);

                        // if we want both server and client to run.
                        fServer = (fRunServerAndClient && fClient);

            // if we are to run the server
            if (fServer)
                // this starts a thread and will return immediately

                // this is so we don't start the client too fast if the client is to be started as well.
                Thread.Sleep(5000); // give it sometime to start the server

            // if we are to run the client
            if (fClient || fQuit)

            // if we are to broadcast the Magic Packet
            if (fBroadCast)
                if (remoteWol.BroadCast(ipInfo.mac))
                    Console.WriteLine("Magic Packet Sent");
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to send Magic Packet");

            // This is the Help Screen Info
            // if we are to do nothing, print help.
            if (!fServer && !fClient && !fBroadCast && !fQuit)
                Console.WriteLine("Server:\t\tRemoteWol Port");
                Console.WriteLine("Client:\t\tRemoteWol ServerURL Port MAC");
                Console.WriteLine("WOL Broadcast:\tRemoteWol MAC");
#if QUIT
                Console.WriteLine("Quit Server:\tRemoteWol ServerURL Port");
                Console.WriteLine("    ServerURL:\tis the IP/DNS Name of the server to transmit the WOL.");
                Console.WriteLine("    Port:\tis the decimal port number the server is listening on.");
                Console.WriteLine("    MAC:\tis the 12 hex character MAC Address of the machine to wake up,");
                Console.WriteLine("    \t\t    colons \":\" and dashes \"-\" are allowed between hex bytes.");
                Console.WriteLine("    RemoteWol mynetwork.com 2000 65:24:EF:04:23:FC");

예제 #19
        /***	SenderWOLRequest(IPINFO ipInfo)
         *	Parameters:
         *      ipInfo  - The global class containing all of the IP like info about the
         *                this machine we are running on; and the server we want to contact.
         *	Return Values:
         *      None
         *	Errors:
         *	Description: 
         *      This is the start of the client side RemoteWol code.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        private void SenderWOLRequest(IPINFO ipInfo)
            TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient();
            IPAddress ipAddrTarget = new IPAddress(ipInfo.ip4);
            IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddrTarget, ipInfo.port);
            NetworkStream targetStrm = null;
            bool fFoundMac = false;
            byte[] rgRcv = new byte[1024];
            int cbRead = 0;


                // connect to the server; there is some default timeout, it does break out if it can not connect.
                targetStrm = tcpClient.GetStream();

                // send the MAC
                if (ipInfo.mac != null)
                    Debug.Assert(ipInfo.mac.Length == 6);

                        // write out the MAC address
                        targetStrm.WriteTimeout = 30000;    // set to 30 seconds for the write
                        targetStrm.Write(ipInfo.mac, 0, ipInfo.mac.Length);

                        // now the MAC and only the MAC should come back
                        targetStrm.ReadTimeout = 30000;     // set to 30 seconds for the read
                        cbRead = targetStrm.Read(rgRcv, 0, rgRcv.Length);

                    // just want to catch errors and get out.
                    // this could be caused by the timeout
                    catch (Exception e)

                    // See what we got back, it should only be the MAC we sent
                    // This is not intended to be secure, it is only a sanity check
                    // so that we know we probably sent it to a RemoteWOL server
                    // instead of some random server that sent us goo back.

                    if ((fFoundMac = (cbRead == ipInfo.mac.Length)))
                        for(int i = 0; i < ipInfo.mac.Length; i++)
                            fFoundMac = fFoundMac  && rgRcv[i] == ipInfo.mac[i];

                    if (fFoundMac)
                        Console.WriteLine("Magic Packet Sent");
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable to send Magic Packet");


#if QUIT
                // send the exit code
                // this only make sense if we are supporting remote exit.
                    targetStrm.Write(rgTerm, 0, rgTerm.Length);
                    cbRead = targetStrm.Read(rgRcv, 0, rgRcv.Length);
                    if (cbRead == rgTerm.Length)
                        Console.WriteLine("Server terminated");
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable terminate server");

                // success or failure, close up the tcp Client
            // we didn't even connect, probably the IP address is bad.
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #20
        /***	void Main(string[] args)
         *	Parameters:
         *      args - command line strings
         *	Return Values:
         *      None
         *	Errors:
         *	Description:
         *      Main entrypoint to the program.
         *      if only a port number, it is assumed to be a server side (listening) code
         *      if only a MAC, then it is an immediate broadcast of the Magic Packet.
         *      Otherwise as a client an IP address, Port number, and MAC value is expected.
         *      See help screen info below.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IPINFO ipInfo = new IPINFO();
            bool fServer = false;
            bool fClient = false;
            bool fBroadCast = false;
            bool fGetHistory = false;
            DateTimeKind dtk = DateTimeKind.Utc;

            Thread thrdListen = new Thread(ListenForWOLRequest);

            Console.WriteLine("RemoteWol Version {0}", typeof(RemoteWol).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Keith Vogel, Copyright 2011");

            // if we only have only 1 parameter, then we have either a port number and we are server
            // or we have a MAC and we are to send a Magic Packet broadcast to the MAC
            if (args.Length == 1)
                // if this is a Mac Address, a valid port number would never be 6 bytes long.
                if (args[0].Length == 12 || args[0].Length == 17)
                    fBroadCast = (ipInfo.mac = GetMac(args[0])) != null;
                    fServer = ((ipInfo.port = GetPort(args[0])) != 0);

            // else if we have IP, Port, and MAC, we are sending a WOL request
            else if (args.Length == 3)
                // Get the IP
                if ((ipInfo.ip4 = GetIPv4Address(args[0])) != null)
                    // now get the port
                    if ((ipInfo.port = GetPort(args[1])) !=  0)
                        // see if this is an option
                        if (args[2].Length == 2 && (args[2][0] == '/' || args[2][0] == '-'))
                            switch (args[2][1])
                                case 'h':
                                    fGetHistory = true;
                                    dtk = DateTimeKind.Local;

                                case 'H':
                                    fGetHistory = true;
                                    dtk = DateTimeKind.Utc;


                        // see if is to send a broadcast
                        else if ((fClient = ((ipInfo.mac = GetMac(args[2])) != null)))
                            // if we want both server and client to run.
                            fServer = (fRunServerAndClient && fClient);

            // if we are to run the server
            if (fServer)
                // this starts a thread and will return immediately

                // this is so we don't start the client too fast if the client is to be started as well.
                Thread.Sleep(5000); // give it sometime to start the server

                if (fClient)

            // if we are to run the client
            else if (fClient)

            // if we are to broadcast the Magic Packet
            else if (fBroadCast)
                // we only care about the MAC address
            else if (fGetHistory)
                PrintBroadcastHistory(ipInfo, dtk);

            // This is the Help Screen Info
            // if we are to do nothing, print help.
                Console.WriteLine("Server:\t\tRemoteWol Port");
                Console.WriteLine("Client:\t\tRemoteWol ServerURL Port MAC");
                Console.WriteLine("Remote Request:\tRemoteWol ServerURL Port -X");
                Console.WriteLine("WOL Broadcast:\tRemoteWol MAC");
                Console.WriteLine("    ServerURL:\tis the IP/DNS Name of the server to transmit the WOL.");
                Console.WriteLine("    Port:\tis the decimal port number the server is listening on.");
                Console.WriteLine("    MAC:\tis the 12 hex character MAC Address of the machine to wake up,");
                Console.WriteLine("    \t\t    colons \":\" and dashes \"-\" are allowed between hex bytes.");
                Console.WriteLine("    X:");
                Console.WriteLine("    \t    h:\tRequest broadcast history displayed in local time.");
                Console.WriteLine("    \t    H:\tRequest broadcast history displayed in UTC time.");
                Console.WriteLine("    RemoteWol mynetwork.com 2000 65:24:EF:04:23:FC");
