예제 #1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void ScheduleNext()
            //need to know in which OvernightMarginJobType we are now and the moment of next change
            var platformTradingSchedule = _scheduleSettingsCacheService.GetPlatformTradingSchedule();


            var      currentDateTime = _dateService.Now();
            DateTime nextStart;

            (DateTime Warn, DateTime Start, DateTime End)operatingInterval = default;

            //no disabled trading schedule items.. doing nothing
            if (platformTradingSchedule.All(x => x.Enabled())
                //OR no disabled intervals in current compilation, schedule recheck
                || !TryGetOperatingInterval(platformTradingSchedule, currentDateTime, out operatingInterval))
                nextStart = currentDateTime.Date.AddDays(1);
            //schedule warning
            else if (currentDateTime < operatingInterval.Warn)
                nextStart = operatingInterval.Warn;
            //schedule overnight margin parameter start
            else if (currentDateTime < operatingInterval.Start)
                nextStart = operatingInterval.Start;
            //schedule overnight margin parameter drop
            else if (currentDateTime < operatingInterval.End)
                nextStart = operatingInterval.End;

                PlanEodJob(operatingInterval.Start, operatingInterval.End, currentDateTime);
                _log.WriteFatalErrorAsync(nameof(OvernightMarginService), nameof(ScheduleNext),
                                          new Exception(
                                              $"Incorrect platform trading schedule! Need to fix it and restart the service. Check time: [{currentDateTime:s}], detected operation interval: [{operatingInterval.ToJson()}]"))

            _log.WriteInfo(nameof(OvernightMarginService), nameof(ScheduleNext),
                           $"Planning next check to [{nextStart:s}]."
                           + $" Current margin parameter state: [{_overnightMarginParameterContainer.GetOvernightMarginParameterState()}]."
                           + $" Check time: [{currentDateTime:s}]."
                           + (operatingInterval != default ? $" Detected operation interval: [{operatingInterval.ToJson()}]." : ""));
            JobManager.AddJob(ScheduleNext, s => s
예제 #2
 public Task <bool> GetOvernightMarginParameterCurrentState()