예제 #1
                protected override sealed ProofOutcome ValidateInternal(IFactQuery <BoxedExpression, Variable> query, ContractInferenceManager inferenceManager, IOutputResults output)
                    if (this.MethodDriver.Options.TraceChecks)
                        output.WriteLine("Validating proof obligation: {0}", this.Condition != null ? this.Condition.ToString() : "<null?>");

                    var result = ValidateInternalSpecific(query, inferenceManager, output);

                    if (result != ProofOutcome.Top)

                    var condition = this.Condition;

                    if (condition != null)
                        WeakestPreconditionProver.AdditionalInfo why;
                        if (TryDischargeProofObligationWithWeakestPreconditions(condition, query, inferenceManager, output, out why))
                            this.AdditionalInformationOnTheWarning.AddRange(WarningContextFetcher.InferContext(this.PC, condition, this.Context, this.DecoderForMetaData.IsBoolean));
예제 #2
                private bool TryDischargeProofObligationWithWeakestPreconditions(BoxedExpression condition, IFactQuery <BoxedExpression, Variable> query, ContractInferenceManager inferenceManager, IOutputResults output, out WeakestPreconditionProver.AdditionalInfo why)
                    var options = output.LogOptions;

                    // Try to validate the assertion by WP inference
                    if (options.UseWeakestPreconditions)
                        var  driver = this.MethodDriver;
                        bool messageAlreadyPrinted;
                        if (driver.SyntacticComplexity.ShouldAvoidWPComputation(out messageAlreadyPrinted))
                            if (!messageAlreadyPrinted)
                                output.WriteLine("Skipping backwards computation for this method ({0}) as cccheck thinks it will cause a timeout", driver.MetaDataDecoder.Name(driver.CurrentMethod));
                            this.AdditionalInformationOnTheWarning.Add(new WarningContext(WarningContext.ContextType.WPSkippedBecauseAdaptiveAnalysis));
                            var path = WeakestPreconditionProver.Discharge(this.PC, condition, options.MaxPathSize, this.MethodDriver, query, inferenceManager, out why);
                            return(path == null);
                    why = WeakestPreconditionProver.AdditionalInfo.None;
        public static ClousotAnalysisResults EmitStats(this AnalysisStatistics @this, int swallowedTop, int swallowedBottom, int swallowedFalse, string assemblyName, IOutputResults output)
            Contract.Requires(swallowedTop >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(swallowedBottom >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(swallowedFalse >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(assemblyName != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <ClousotAnalysisResults>() != null);

            var result = new ClousotAnalysisResults();

            if (@this.Total > 0)
                var True   = @this.True;
                var Top    = Math.Max(@this.Top - swallowedTop, 0);
                var Bottom = Math.Max(@this.Bottom - swallowedBottom, 0);
                var False  = Math.Max(@this.False - swallowedFalse, 0);

                var Total = True + Top + Bottom + False;

                var masked = swallowedTop + swallowedFalse + swallowedBottom;

                Contract.Assert(masked >= 0);

                Contract.Assert(Top >= 0);
                Contract.Assert(Bottom >= 0);
                Contract.Assert(False >= 0);

                var stats = String.Format("Checked {0} assertion{1}: {2}{3}{4}{5}{6}",
                                          @this.Total > 1 ? "s" : "",
                                          True > 0 ? True + " correct " : "",
                                          Top > 0 ? Top + " unknown " : "",
                                          Bottom > 0 ? Bottom + " unreached " : "",
                                          False > 0 ? False + " false" : "",
                                          masked > 0 ? "(" + masked + " masked)" : "");

                output.FinalStatistic(assemblyName, stats);

                double precision = Total != 0 ? True / (double)Total : 1.0;
                output.Statistic("Validated: {0,6:P1}", precision);

                // for scripts parsing msbuild output

                // Update the result
                result.Total  = @this.Total;
                result.True   = True;
                result.False  = False;
                result.Bottom = Bottom;
                result.Top    = Top;
                result.Masked = masked;
                output.FinalStatistic(assemblyName, "Checked 0 assertions.");

    public static ClousotAnalysisResults EmitStats(this AnalysisStatistics @this, int swallowedTop, int swallowedBottom, int swallowedFalse, string assemblyName, IOutputResults output)
      Contract.Requires(swallowedTop >= 0);
      Contract.Requires(swallowedBottom >= 0);
      Contract.Requires(swallowedFalse >= 0);
      Contract.Requires(assemblyName != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ClousotAnalysisResults>() != null);

      var result = new ClousotAnalysisResults();

      if (@this.Total > 0)
        var True = @this.True;
        var Top = Math.Max(@this.Top - swallowedTop, 0);
        var Bottom = Math.Max(@this.Bottom - swallowedBottom, 0);
        var False = Math.Max(@this.False - swallowedFalse, 0);

        var Total = True + Top + Bottom + False;

        var masked = swallowedTop + swallowedFalse + swallowedBottom;

        Contract.Assert(masked >= 0);

        Contract.Assert(Top >= 0);
        Contract.Assert(Bottom >= 0);
        Contract.Assert(False >= 0);

        var stats = String.Format("Checked {0} assertion{1}: {2}{3}{4}{5}{6}",
          @this.Total > 1 ? "s" : "",
          True > 0 ? True + " correct " : "",
          Top > 0 ? Top + " unknown " : "",
          Bottom > 0 ? Bottom + " unreached " : "",
          False > 0 ? False + " false" : "",
          masked > 0 ? "(" + masked + " masked)" : "");


        double precision = Total != 0 ? True / (double)Total : 1.0;
        output.Statistic("Validated: {0,6:P1}", precision);

        // for scripts parsing msbuild output

        // Update the result
        result.Total = @this.Total;
        result.True = True;
        result.False = False;
        result.Bottom = Bottom;
        result.Top = Top;
        result.Masked = masked;
        output.FinalStatistic(assemblyName, "Checked 0 assertions.");

      return result;