public CommonForm(OrderEntity orderEntity) : this() { this.orderEntity = orderEntity; OrderSource = CommonFunction.GetOrderSource(orderEntity.Entity.GetType()); Order order = ControlGenerator.GetOrder(orderEntity.OrderType); InitData(order); InitControl(order); }
/// <summary> /// Orders manager /// </summary> /// <param name="source">Orders source</param> /// <param name="orderPrefix">Select prefix if you want to distinguish orders</param> /// <param name="targetPair">Select target pair, if you want to filter monitored orders</param> public CryptoOrders(IOrderSource source, long?orderPrefix = null, string targetPair = null) { CryptoValidations.ValidateInput(source, nameof(source)); _source = source; TargetPair = CryptoPairsHelper.Clean(targetPair); TargetPairOriginal = targetPair; _source.SetExistingOrders(_idToOrder); _orderPrefix = orderPrefix; Subscribe(); }
public CForm(OrderEntity source) { orderEntity = source; Type type = typeof(OrderSource <>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { source.OrderType }); OrderSource = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as IOrderSource; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.OrderID)) { OperationType = OperationTypes.New; this.GridToolBar_Delete.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { OperationType = OperationTypes.Edit; } InitializeComponent(); List <string[]> FInfo = new List <string[]>(); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "单据编号", "OrderCode", "OrderCode", "0", "0" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "状态", "OrderStates", "OrderStates", "0", "0" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "创建人", "CreateUser", "CreateUser", "0", "0" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "创建时间", "CreateDate", "CreateDate", "0", "0" }); this.GForm.LeftFForm.Items = GetFieldItems(FInfo); this.GForm.LeftFForm.InitForm(); FInfo.Clear(); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "单据类型", "OrderType", "OrderType", "0", "0" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "申请人", "Applicant", "Applicant", "3", "1" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "申请部门", "AppliedDepartMent", "AppliedDepartMentData", "2", "1" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "申请公司", "Company", "CompanyData", "2", "1" }); this.GForm.RightForm.Items = GetFieldItems(FInfo); this.GForm.RightForm.InitForm(); FInfo.Clear(); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "备注", "Remark", "Remark", "4", "0" }); this.GFormRemark.Items = GetFieldItems(FInfo); this.GFormRemark.InitForm(); FInfo.Clear(); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "编号", "SerialNumber", "75", "1" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "预算项目", "ObjectName", "200", "1" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "可用金额", "UsableMoney", "100", "1" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "已用金额", "UsedMoney", "100", "0" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "费用类型", "ChargeType", "100", "1" }); this.AGrid.Items = GetDataGridItem(FInfo); this.AGrid.InitGrid(); BindingData(); }
public CForm(OrderEntity source) { orderEntity = source; Type type = typeof(OrderSource<>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { source.OrderType }); OrderSource = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as IOrderSource; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.OrderID)) { OperationType = OperationTypes.New; this.GridToolBar_Delete.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { OperationType = OperationTypes.Edit; } InitializeComponent(); List<string[]> FInfo = new List<string[]>(); FInfo.Add(new string[]{"单据编号", "OrderCode", "OrderCode", "0", "0"}); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "状态", "OrderStates", "OrderStates", "0", "0" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "创建人", "CreateUser", "CreateUser", "0", "0" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "创建时间", "CreateDate", "CreateDate", "0", "0" }); this.GForm.LeftFForm.Items = GetFieldItems(FInfo); this.GForm.LeftFForm.InitForm(); FInfo.Clear(); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "单据类型", "OrderType", "OrderType", "0", "0" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "申请人", "Applicant", "Applicant", "3", "1" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "申请部门", "AppliedDepartMent", "AppliedDepartMentData", "2", "1" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "申请公司", "Company", "CompanyData", "2", "1" }); this.GForm.RightForm.Items = GetFieldItems(FInfo); this.GForm.RightForm.InitForm(); FInfo.Clear(); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "备注", "Remark", "Remark", "4", "0" }); this.GFormRemark.Items = GetFieldItems(FInfo); this.GFormRemark.InitForm(); FInfo.Clear(); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "编号", "SerialNumber", "75", "1" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "预算项目", "ObjectName", "200", "1" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "可用金额", "UsableMoney", "100", "1" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "已用金额", "UsedMoney", "100", "0" }); FInfo.Add(new string[] { "费用类型", "ChargeType", "100", "1" }); this.AGrid.Items= GetDataGridItem(FInfo); this.AGrid.InitGrid(); BindingData(); }
public OrderRepository(IOrderSource orderSource) => this.orderSource = orderSource;
public OrderRepository(IOrderSource source) => this.source = source;
/// <summary> /// 新增提现订单 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">用户Id</param> /// <param name="withdrawAmount">提现金额</param> /// <param name="OrderSource">提现来源</param> /// <returns>返回true时,表示新增成功;反之,表示新增失败</returns> /// <remarks>added by jimmy,2015-7-21</remarks> public ResultModel AddZJ_WithdrawOrder(long userId, decimal withdrawAmount, IOrderSource OrderSource) { var result = new ResultModel(); //事务开始进行 using (var bt = this._database.Db.BeginTransaction()) { try { //判断用户余额是否存在数据 ZJ_UserBalanceModel zJUserBalanceModel = bt.ZJ_UserBalance.FindByUserID(userId); if (zJUserBalanceModel == null) { bt.Rollback(); result.IsValid = false; result.Messages = new List <string>() { "M01" }; return(result); } //判断提现余额是否大于用户余额,如果大于,则回滚 if (zJUserBalanceModel.ConsumeBalance < withdrawAmount) { bt.Rollback(); result.IsValid = false; result.Messages = new List <string>() { "M02" }; return(result); } //获取用户银行账户信息 dynamic bank; List <YH_UserBankAccountModel> userbankList = bt.YH_UserBankAccount.FindAll(bt.YH_UserBankAccount.UserID == userId && bt.YH_UserBankAccount.IsUse == 1). LeftJoin(bt.BD_Bank, out bank).On(bt.YH_UserBankAccount.BankID == bank.BankID). Select( bt.YH_UserBankAccount.BankID, bt.YH_UserBankAccount.BankAccount, bt.YH_UserBankAccount.BankSubbranch, bt.YH_UserBankAccount.BankUserName, bank.BankName ); if (userbankList == null || userbankList.Count == 0) { bt.Rollback(); result.IsValid = false; result.Messages = new List <string>() { "M03" }; //M03表示用户不存在银行账户信息 return(result); } //新增提现订单 dynamic recordWithdraw = new SimpleRecord(); long OrderNo = MemCacheFactory.GetCurrentMemCache().Increment("commonId"); recordWithdraw.OrderNO = OrderNo; recordWithdraw.UserID = userId; recordWithdraw.WithdrawAmount = withdrawAmount; recordWithdraw.WithdrawCommission = 0; recordWithdraw.WithdrawDT = DateTime.Now; recordWithdraw.BankAccount = userbankList[0].BankAccount; recordWithdraw.BankName = userbankList[0].BankName; recordWithdraw.BankSubbranch = userbankList[0].BankSubbranch; recordWithdraw.BankUserName = userbankList[0].BankUserName; recordWithdraw.IsDisplay = 1; recordWithdraw.WithdrawResult = (int)IWithdrawResult.ToAudit; recordWithdraw.OrderSource = (int)OrderSource; bt.ZJ_WithdrawOrder.Insert(recordWithdraw); bt.Commit(); result.Data = OrderNo; } catch (Exception ex) { //todo错误日志记录 bt.Rollback(); result.IsValid = false; result.Messages.Add(ex.Message); throw; } } return(result); }