public void VoidPreAuthorization(string companyKey, Guid orderId, bool isForPrepaid = false) { var message = string.Empty; try { var paymentDetail = _paymentDao.FindByOrderId(orderId, companyKey); if (paymentDetail == null) { // nothing to void return; } Void(paymentDetail.TransactionId, ref message); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogMessage("Can't cancel Braintree preauthorization"); _logger.LogError(ex); message = message + ex.Message; //can't cancel transaction, send a command to log later } finally { _logger.LogMessage(message); } }
private PreAuthorizePaymentResponse PreauthorizePaymentIfNecessary(Guid orderId, decimal totalFeeAmount, FeeTypes feeType, string companyKey = null) { // Check payment instead of PreAuth setting, because we do not preauth in the cases of future bookings var paymentInfo = _paymentDao.FindByOrderId(orderId, companyKey); if (paymentInfo != null) { // Already preauthorized on create order, do nothing return(new PreAuthorizePaymentResponse { IsSuccessful = true }); } var orderDetail = _orderDao.FindById(orderId); if (orderDetail == null) { return(new PreAuthorizePaymentResponse { IsSuccessful = false, Message = "Order not found" }); } var account = _accountDao.FindById(orderDetail.AccountId); // Fees are collected by the local company var result = _paymentService.PreAuthorize(null, orderId, account, totalFeeAmount); if (result.IsSuccessful) { // Wait for OrderPaymentDetail to be created Thread.Sleep(500); } else if (result.IsDeclined) { // Deactivate credit card if it was declined _commandBus.Send(new ReactToPaymentFailure { AccountId = orderDetail.AccountId, OrderId = orderId, IBSOrderId = orderDetail.IBSOrderId, CreditCardId = account.DefaultCreditCard.GetValueOrDefault(), OverdueAmount = totalFeeAmount, TransactionId = result.TransactionId, TransactionDate = result.TransactionDate, FeeType = feeType }); } return(result); }
public void VoidPreAuthorization(string companyKey, Guid orderId, bool isForPrepaid = false) { var message = string.Empty; try { // we must do a completion with $0 (see eSELECTplus_DotNet_IG.pdf, Process Flow for PreAuth / Capture Transactions) var paymentDetail = _paymentDao.FindByOrderId(orderId, companyKey); if (paymentDetail == null) { // nothing to void return; } var monerisSettings = _serverPaymentSettings.MonerisPaymentSettings; var completionCommand = new Completion(orderId.ToString(), 0.ToString("F"), paymentDetail.TransactionId, CryptType_SSLEnabledMerchant); var commitRequest = MonerisHttpRequestWrapper.NewHttpsPostRequest(monerisSettings.Host, monerisSettings.StoreId, monerisSettings.ApiToken, completionCommand); var commitReceipt = commitRequest.GetAndLogReceipt(_logger); RequestSuccesful(commitReceipt, out message); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogMessage("Can't cancel Moneris preauthorization"); _logger.LogError(ex); message = message + ex.Message; //can't cancel transaction, send a command to log later } finally { _logger.LogMessage(message); } }
public object Get(OrderRequest request) { var orderDetail = Dao.FindById(request.OrderId); var account = _accountDao.FindById(new Guid(this.GetSession().UserAuthId)); if (orderDetail == null) { throw new HttpError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Order Not Found"); } if (account.Id != orderDetail.AccountId) { throw new HttpError(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Can't access another account's order"); } var payment = _orderPaymentDao.FindByOrderId(orderDetail.Id, orderDetail.CompanyKey); if (payment != null && !payment.IsCancelled && payment.IsCompleted) { orderDetail.Fare = Convert.ToDouble(payment.Meter); orderDetail.Toll = 0; orderDetail.Tip = Convert.ToDouble(payment.Tip); } var result = new OrderMapper().ToResource(orderDetail); var promoUsed = _promotionDao.FindByOrderId(orderDetail.Id); if (promoUsed != null) { result.PromoCode = promoUsed.Code; } return(result); }
private void SendPaymentConfirmationToDriver(Guid orderId, decimal totalAmountBeforePromotion, decimal taxedMeterAmount, decimal tipAmount, string provider, string authorizationCode) { // Send message to driver var orderStatusDetail = _dao.FindOrderStatusById(orderId); if (orderStatusDetail == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Order Status not found"); } // Confirm to IBS that order was payed var orderDetail = _dao.FindById(orderId); if (orderDetail == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Order not found"); } var payment = _paymentDao.FindByOrderId(orderId, orderDetail.CompanyKey); if (payment == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Payment info not found"); } var account = _accountDao.FindById(orderDetail.AccountId); if (account == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Order account not found"); } if (provider == PaymentType.CreditCard.ToString()) { var card = _creditCardDao.FindByToken(payment.CardToken); if (card == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Credit card not found"); } } _ibs.SendPaymentNotification((double)totalAmountBeforePromotion, (double)taxedMeterAmount, (double)tipAmount, authorizationCode, orderStatusDetail.VehicleNumber, orderStatusDetail.CompanyKey); }
private bool SettleOverduePayment(Guid orderId, AccountDetail accountDetail, decimal amount, string companyKey, bool isFee, string kountSessionId, string customerIpAddress) { var payment = _orderPaymentDao.FindByOrderId(orderId, companyKey); var reAuth = payment != null; var preAuthResponse = _paymentService.PreAuthorize(companyKey, orderId, accountDetail, amount, reAuth, isSettlingOverduePayment: true); if (preAuthResponse.IsSuccessful) { // Wait for payment to be created Thread.Sleep(500); var commitResponse = _paymentService.CommitPayment( companyKey, orderId, accountDetail, amount, amount, amount, 0, preAuthResponse.TransactionId, preAuthResponse.ReAuthOrderId, false, kountSessionId, customerIpAddress); if (commitResponse.IsSuccessful) { // Go fetch declined order, and send its receipt var paymentDetail = _orderPaymentDao.FindByOrderId(orderId, companyKey); var promotion = _promotionDao.FindByOrderId(orderId); var orderDetail = _orderDao.FindById(orderId); decimal tipAmount = 0; decimal meterAmountWithoutTax = amount; decimal taxAmount = 0; if (!isFee) { if (!orderDetail.IsManualRideLinq) { var pairingInfo = _orderDao.FindOrderPairingById(orderId); tipAmount = FareHelper.GetTipAmountFromTotalIncludingTip(amount, pairingInfo.AutoTipPercentage ?? _serverSettings.ServerData.DefaultTipPercentage); var meterAmount = amount - tipAmount; var fareObject = FareHelper.GetFareFromAmountInclTax(meterAmount, _serverSettings.ServerData.VATIsEnabled ? _serverSettings.ServerData.VATPercentage : 0); meterAmountWithoutTax = fareObject.AmountExclTax; taxAmount = fareObject.TaxAmount; } else { var ridelinqOrderDetail = _orderDao.GetManualRideLinqById(orderId); taxAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(ridelinqOrderDetail.Tax ?? 0); meterAmountWithoutTax = amount - taxAmount; tipAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(ridelinqOrderDetail.Tip); } } _commandBus.Send(new CaptureCreditCardPayment { IsSettlingOverduePayment = true, NewCardToken = paymentDetail.CardToken, AccountId = accountDetail.Id, PaymentId = paymentDetail.PaymentId, Provider = _paymentService.ProviderType(companyKey, orderId), TotalAmount = amount, MeterAmount = meterAmountWithoutTax, TipAmount = tipAmount, TaxAmount = taxAmount, TollAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(orderDetail.Toll ?? 0), SurchargeAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(orderDetail.Surcharge ?? 0), AuthorizationCode = commitResponse.AuthorizationCode, TransactionId = commitResponse.TransactionId, PromotionUsed = promotion != null ? promotion.PromoId : default(Guid?), AmountSavedByPromotion = promotion != null ? promotion.AmountSaved : 0, FeeType = isFee ? FeeTypes.Booking : FeeTypes.None }); _commandBus.Send(new SettleOverduePayment { AccountId = accountDetail.Id, OrderId = orderId, CreditCardId = accountDetail.DefaultCreditCard.GetValueOrDefault() }); return(true); } // Payment failed, void preauth _paymentService.VoidPreAuthorization(companyKey, orderId); } return(false); }
public RefundPaymentResponse RefundWebPayment(string companyKey, Guid orderId) { var paymentDetail = _paymentDao.FindByOrderId(orderId, companyKey); if (paymentDetail == null) { // No payment to refund var message = string.Format("Cannot refund because no payment was found for order {0}.", orderId); _logger.LogMessage(message); return(new RefundPaymentResponse { IsSuccessful = false, Last4Digits = string.Empty, Message = message }); } try { // Get captured payment var payment = Payment.Get(GetAPIContext(GetAccessToken()), paymentDetail.TransactionId); var refund = new Refund { amount = new Amount { currency = payment.transactions[0].amount.currency, total = payment.transactions[0] } }; var sale = new Sale { id = payment.transactions[0].related_resources[0] }; sale.Refund(GetAPIContext(GetAccessToken()), refund); return(new RefundPaymentResponse { IsSuccessful = true, Last4Digits = string.Empty }); } catch (Exception ex) { var exceptionMessage = ex.Message; var paymentException = ex as PaymentsException; if (paymentException != null && paymentException.Details != null) { exceptionMessage = paymentException.Details.message; } _logger.LogMessage(string.Format("PayPal refund for transaction {0} failed. {1}", paymentDetail.TransactionId, exceptionMessage)); return(new RefundPaymentResponse { IsSuccessful = false, Last4Digits = string.Empty, Message = exceptionMessage }); } }
public object Post(SendReceiptAdmin request) { var order = _orderDao.FindById(request.OrderId); if (order == null || !(order.IsManualRideLinq || order.IBSOrderId.HasValue)) { throw new HttpError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode.OrderNotInIbs.ToString()); } AccountDetail account; // if the admin is requesting the receipt then it won't be for the logged in user if (!request.RecipientEmail.IsNullOrEmpty()) { account = _accountDao.FindById(order.AccountId); } else { account = _accountDao.FindById(new Guid(this.GetSession().UserAuthId)); if (account.Id != order.AccountId) { throw new HttpError(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Not your order"); } } // If the order was created in another company, need to fetch the correct IBS account var ibsAccountId = _accountDao.GetIbsAccountId(account.Id, order.CompanyKey); if (!(ibsAccountId.HasValue || order.IsManualRideLinq)) { throw new HttpError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode.IBSAccountNotFound.ToString()); } var ibsOrder = !order.IsManualRideLinq ? _ibsServiceProvider.Booking(order.CompanyKey).GetOrderDetails(order.IBSOrderId.Value, ibsAccountId.Value, order.Settings.Phone) : null; var orderPayment = _orderPaymentDao.FindByOrderId(order.Id, order.CompanyKey); var pairingInfo = _orderDao.FindOrderPairingById(order.Id); var orderStatus = _orderDao.FindOrderStatusById(request.OrderId); double?fareAmount; double?tollAmount = null; double?tipAmount; double?taxAmount; double?surcharge; double?bookingFees = null; double?extraAmount = null; PromotionUsageDetail promotionUsed = null; ReadModel.CreditCardDetails creditCard = null; var ibsOrderId = orderStatus.IBSOrderId; Commands.SendReceipt.CmtRideLinqReceiptFields cmtRideLinqFields = null; if (orderPayment != null && orderPayment.IsCompleted) { fareAmount = Convert.ToDouble(orderPayment.Meter); tipAmount = Convert.ToDouble(orderPayment.Tip); taxAmount = Convert.ToDouble(orderPayment.Tax); surcharge = Convert.ToDouble(orderPayment.Surcharge); bookingFees = Convert.ToDouble(orderPayment.BookingFees); // promotion can only be used with in app payment promotionUsed = _promotionDao.FindByOrderId(request.OrderId); creditCard = orderPayment.CardToken.HasValue() ? _creditCardDao.FindByToken(orderPayment.CardToken) : null; } else if (order.IsManualRideLinq) { var manualRideLinqDetail = _orderDao.GetManualRideLinqById(order.Id); fareAmount = manualRideLinqDetail.Fare; ibsOrderId = manualRideLinqDetail.TripId; tollAmount = manualRideLinqDetail.Toll; extraAmount = manualRideLinqDetail.Extra; tipAmount = manualRideLinqDetail.Tip; taxAmount = manualRideLinqDetail.Tax; surcharge = manualRideLinqDetail.Surcharge; orderStatus.DriverInfos.DriverId = manualRideLinqDetail.DriverId.ToString(); order.DropOffAddress = _geocoding.TryToGetExactDropOffAddress(orderStatus, manualRideLinqDetail.LastLatitudeOfVehicle, manualRideLinqDetail.LastLongitudeOfVehicle, order.DropOffAddress, order.ClientLanguageCode); cmtRideLinqFields = new Commands.SendReceipt.CmtRideLinqReceiptFields { TripId = manualRideLinqDetail.TripId, DriverId = manualRideLinqDetail.DriverId.ToString(), Distance = manualRideLinqDetail.Distance, AccessFee = manualRideLinqDetail.AccessFee, PickUpDateTime = manualRideLinqDetail.StartTime, DropOffDateTime = manualRideLinqDetail.EndTime, LastFour = manualRideLinqDetail.LastFour, FareAtAlternateRate = manualRideLinqDetail.FareAtAlternateRate, RateAtTripEnd = (int)(manualRideLinqDetail.RateAtTripEnd.GetValueOrDefault()), RateAtTripStart = (int)(manualRideLinqDetail.RateAtTripStart.GetValueOrDefault()), LastLatitudeOfVehicle = order.DropOffAddress.Latitude, LastLongitudeOfVehicle = order.DropOffAddress.Longitude, TipIncentive = order.TipIncentive ?? 0 }; } else if (pairingInfo != null && pairingInfo.AutoTipPercentage.HasValue) { var tripInfo = GetTripInfo(pairingInfo.PairingToken); if (tripInfo != null && !tripInfo.ErrorCode.HasValue && tripInfo.EndTime.HasValue) { // this is for CMT RideLinq only, no VAT fareAmount = Math.Round(((double)tripInfo.Fare / 100), 2); var tollHistory = tripInfo.TollHistory != null ? tripInfo.TollHistory.Sum(p => p.TollAmount) : 0; tollAmount = Math.Round(((double)tollHistory / 100), 2); extraAmount = Math.Round(((double)tripInfo.Extra / 100), 2); tipAmount = Math.Round(((double)tripInfo.Tip / 100), 2); taxAmount = Math.Round(((double)tripInfo.Tax / 100), 2); surcharge = Math.Round(((double)tripInfo.Surcharge / 100), 2); orderStatus.DriverInfos.DriverId = tripInfo.DriverId.ToString(); cmtRideLinqFields = new Commands.SendReceipt.CmtRideLinqReceiptFields { TripId = tripInfo.TripId, DriverId = tripInfo.DriverId.ToString(), Distance = tripInfo.Distance, AccessFee = Math.Round(((double)tripInfo.AccessFee / 100), 2), PickUpDateTime = tripInfo.StartTime, DropOffDateTime = tripInfo.EndTime, LastFour = tripInfo.LastFour, FareAtAlternateRate = Math.Round(((double)tripInfo.FareAtAlternateRate / 100), 2), RateAtTripEnd = tripInfo.RateAtTripEnd, RateAtTripStart = tripInfo.RateAtTripStart, Tolls = tripInfo.TollHistory, TipIncentive = (order.TipIncentive.HasValue) ? order.TipIncentive.Value : 0 }; } else { fareAmount = ibsOrder.Fare; tollAmount = ibsOrder.Toll; tipAmount = FareHelper.CalculateTipAmount(ibsOrder.Fare.GetValueOrDefault(0), pairingInfo.AutoTipPercentage.Value); taxAmount = ibsOrder.VAT; surcharge = order.Surcharge; } orderPayment = null; creditCard = pairingInfo.TokenOfCardToBeUsedForPayment.HasValue() ? _creditCardDao.FindByToken(pairingInfo.TokenOfCardToBeUsedForPayment) : null; } else { fareAmount = ibsOrder.Fare; tollAmount = ibsOrder.Toll; tipAmount = ibsOrder.Tip; taxAmount = ibsOrder.VAT; surcharge = order.Surcharge; orderPayment = null; } var orderReport = _reportDao.GetOrderReportWithOrderId(order.Id); var sendReceiptCommand = SendReceiptCommandBuilder.GetSendReceiptCommand( order, account, ibsOrderId, (orderReport != null ? orderReport.VehicleInfos.Number : ibsOrder.VehicleNumber), orderStatus.DriverInfos, fareAmount, tollAmount, extraAmount, surcharge, bookingFees, tipAmount, taxAmount, orderPayment, promotionUsed != null ? Convert.ToDouble(promotionUsed.AmountSaved) : (double?)null, promotionUsed, creditCard, cmtRideLinqFields); // Since the user or an admin requested the receipt, we should bypass the normal notification settings. sendReceiptCommand.BypassNotificationSettings = true; if (!request.RecipientEmail.IsNullOrEmpty()) { sendReceiptCommand.EmailAddress = request.RecipientEmail; } _commandBus.Send(sendReceiptCommand); return(new HttpResult(HttpStatusCode.OK, "OK")); }
internal BasePaymentResponse CapturePaymentForPrepaidOrder( string companyKey, Guid orderId, AccountDetail account, decimal appEstimateWithTip, int tipPercentage, decimal bookingFees, string cvv) { // Note: No promotion on web var tipAmount = FareHelper.GetTipAmountFromTotalIncludingTip(appEstimateWithTip, tipPercentage); var totalAmount = appEstimateWithTip + bookingFees; var meterAmount = appEstimateWithTip - tipAmount; var preAuthResponse = _paymentService.PreAuthorize(companyKey, orderId, account, totalAmount, isForPrepaid: true, cvv: cvv); if (preAuthResponse.IsSuccessful) { // Wait for payment to be created Thread.Sleep(500); var commitResponse = _paymentService.CommitPayment( companyKey, orderId, account, totalAmount, totalAmount, meterAmount, tipAmount, preAuthResponse.TransactionId, preAuthResponse.ReAuthOrderId, isForPrepaid: true); if (commitResponse.IsSuccessful) { var paymentDetail = _orderPaymentDao.FindByOrderId(orderId, companyKey); var fareObject = FareHelper.GetFareFromAmountInclTax(meterAmount, _serverSettings.ServerData.VATIsEnabled ? _serverSettings.ServerData.VATPercentage : 0); _commandBus.Send(new CaptureCreditCardPayment { AccountId = account.Id, PaymentId = paymentDetail.PaymentId, Provider = _paymentService.ProviderType(companyKey, orderId), TotalAmount = totalAmount, MeterAmount = fareObject.AmountExclTax, TipAmount = tipAmount, TaxAmount = fareObject.TaxAmount, AuthorizationCode = commitResponse.AuthorizationCode, TransactionId = commitResponse.TransactionId, IsForPrepaidOrder = true, BookingFees = bookingFees }); } else { // Payment failed, void preauth _paymentService.VoidPreAuthorization(companyKey, orderId, true); return(new BasePaymentResponse { IsSuccessful = false, Message = commitResponse.Message }); } } else { return(new BasePaymentResponse { IsSuccessful = false, Message = preAuthResponse.Message }); } return(new BasePaymentResponse { IsSuccessful = true }); }