/// <include file='doc\OleMenuCommandService.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="OleMenuCommandService.ShowContextMenu"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// Shows the context menu with the given command ID at the given /// location. /// </devdoc> public override void ShowContextMenu(CommandID menuID, int x, int y) { IOleComponentUIManager cui = GetService(typeof(NativeMethods.OleComponentUIManager)) as IOleComponentUIManager; Debug.Assert(cui != null, "no component UI manager, so we can't display a context menu"); if (cui != null) { POINTS[] pt = new POINTS[] { new POINTS() }; pt[0].x = (short)x; pt[0].y = (short)y; Guid tmpGuid = menuID.Guid; NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(cui.ShowContextMenu(0, ref tmpGuid, menuID.ID, pt, this)); } }
/// <include file='doc\MenuCommandService.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MenuCommandService.ShowContextMenu"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// Shows the context menu with the given command ID at the given /// location. /// </devdoc> public void ShowContextMenu(CommandID menuID, int x, int y) { if (serviceProvider == null) { return; } IOleComponentUIManager cui = (IOleComponentUIManager)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(OleComponentUIManager)); Debug.Assert(cui != null, "no component UI manager, so we can't display a context menu"); if (cui != null) { tagPOINTS pt = new tagPOINTS(); pt.x = (short)x; pt.y = (short)y; Guid tmpGuid = menuID.Guid; cui.ShowContextMenu(0, ref tmpGuid, menuID.ID, pt, this); } }