public void AddValue(string favName, string category, string description, string objectName, string propertyName) { string objectNameForCode = "o" + objectCount++; IObjectDefinition defObj = mTestSequence.ObjectRegistry.GetObject(objectName); if (defObj == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Can't find object '" + objectName + "'"); } string objectType = defObj.GetType().ToString(); objectType = objectType.Substring(0, objectType.Length - 10) + "Instance"; // string propertyType = defObj.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).PropertyType.ToString(); // o1 = (GeneratedValueInstance)mTestExecution.GetObjectIfExists("IntensityVariation"); //updateBody += "\t\t" + objectNameForCode + " = (" + objectType + ")mTestExecution.GetObjectIfExists(\"" + objectName + "\");" + Environment.NewLine; // o1 = null; if(mTestExecution!=null) o1 = (GeneratedValueInstance)mTestExecution.GetObjectIfExists("IntensityVariation"); updateBody += "\t\t" + objectNameForCode + " = null; if(mTestExecution!=null) " + objectNameForCode + " = (" + objectType + ")mTestExecution.ObjectRegistry.GetObject(\"" + objectName + "\");" + Environment.NewLine; // private GeneratedValueInstance o1; classBody += "\tprivate " + objectType + " " + objectNameForCode + ";" + Environment.NewLine; // property attributes // [CategoryAttribute("Parameters"),DescriptionAttribute("Definition of the color to search for")] classBody += "\t[CategoryAttribute(\"" + category + "\"),DescriptionAttribute(\"" + description + "\")]" + Environment.NewLine; // create the property /* * public string FavoriteTitle * { * get { return o1 == null ? "" : o1.Value; } * } */ classBody += "\tpublic string " + favName + Environment.NewLine; // NOTE: casting everything to string so we can easilly handle o1==null... classBody += "\t{" + Environment.NewLine; classBody += "\t\tget { return " + objectNameForCode + " == null ? \"\" : " + objectNameForCode + "." + propertyName + "; }" + Environment.NewLine; // classBody += "\t\tset {}" + Environment.NewLine; classBody += "\t}" + Environment.NewLine; }
public OwnerLink(IObjectDefinition theOwner, string theOwnersPropertyName) { mOwner = theOwner; mOwnersProperty = mOwner.GetType().GetProperty(theOwnersPropertyName); }
public void LoadObject(TestSequence testSequence) { reader = new StreamReader(mFile); Object theObject = null; Type[] constructorParameterTypes = { typeof(TestSequence) }; object[] constructorParameters = { testSequence }; do { // csline is case sensitive, while line is in lowercase string line = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); try { // Bypass comments and empty lines if ((line.IndexOf("#") == 0) || (line.Length == 0)) { continue; } if (line == "FavoriteSettings") { LoadFavoriteSettings(testSequence, reader); } else if (line == "FavoriteValues") { LoadFavoriteValues(testSequence, reader); } else if (line == "ImageViews") { LoadImageFormSettings(testSequence, reader); } else if (line.StartsWith("[")) { theObject = null; // (see comment about System.Activator.CreateInstance also) if (!line.EndsWith("]")) { throw new Exception("invalid configuration line: '" + line + "'"); } string typeName = line.Substring(1, line.Length - 2).Trim(); int dividerIndex = line.IndexOf("|"); if (dividerIndex >= 0) { string ownerLinkPortion = typeName.Substring(dividerIndex + 1).Trim(); typeName = typeName.Substring(0, dividerIndex - 1).Trim(); int periodIndex = ownerLinkPortion.IndexOf("."); string ownerName = ownerLinkPortion.Substring(0, periodIndex).Trim(); string ownerPropertyName = ownerLinkPortion.Substring(periodIndex + 1).Trim(); IObjectDefinition ownerObject = testSequence.ObjectRegistry.GetObject(ownerName); theObject = ownerObject.GetType().GetProperty(ownerPropertyName).GetValue(ownerObject, null); // zzz: for rectangle.bottom the type is "string" not "ImageObjectDef"...for previous owner relationships they were objects. change one type? different owner/parameter link style? } else { if (typeName == "RectangleROIDefinition") { typeName = typeName.Trim(); //typeName = "RectangleROIByEdgesDefinition"; // TODO: HACK: 20080618: so that old config files don't break } Type type = Type.GetType("NetCams." + typeName); // theObject = Activator.CreateInstance(type); if (type == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Type not found. type='" + typeName + "'"); } ConstructorInfo ctorInfo = type.GetConstructor(constructorParameterTypes); if (ctorInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not a valid type; type='" + typeName + "'; line = '" + line + "'"); } theObject = ctorInfo.Invoke(constructorParameters); if (theObject == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Can't instantiate type " + typeName); } } } else { if (theObject == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Config error: need to define object before properties; line = '" + line + "'"); } int assignmentIndex = line.IndexOf("="); string propertyName = line.Substring(0, assignmentIndex).Trim(); string propertyValueAsString = line.Substring(assignmentIndex + 1).Trim(); PropertyInfo propInfo = theObject.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName); TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(propInfo.PropertyType); ITypeDescriptorContext context = new ProjectContext(theObject); object propertyValueAsObject = converter.ConvertFromString(context, propertyValueAsString); propInfo.SetValue(theObject, propertyValueAsObject, null); } } catch (ArgumentException e) { testSequence.Window().logMessage("ERROR: problem loading test sequence configuration file."); testSequence.Window().logMessage("ERROR: ...file='" + mFile + "'"); testSequence.Window().logMessage("ERROR: ...line='" + line + "'"); testSequence.Window().logMessage("ERROR: ...message='" + e.Message + "'"); Exception inner = e.InnerException; while (inner != null) { testSequence.Window().logMessage("ERROR: ...inner message='" + inner.Message + "'"); inner = inner.InnerException; } } catch (Exception e) { testSequence.Window().logMessage("ERROR: exception loading test sequence configuration file."); testSequence.Window().logMessage("ERROR: ...file='" + mFile + "'"); testSequence.Window().logMessage("ERROR: ...line='" + line + "'"); testSequence.Window().logMessage("ERROR: ...message='" + e.Message + "'"); Exception inner = e.InnerException; while (inner != null) { testSequence.Window().logMessage("ERROR: ...inner message='" + inner.Message + "'"); inner = inner.InnerException; } } } while (reader.Peek() != -1); reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); reader = null; }