예제 #1
 private void InitIOSettings()
     useRebondTool = IOSettings.Add(new BooleanIOSetting("UseRebondTool", Importance.Low,
                                                         "Should the PDBReader deduce bonding patterns?", "false"));
     readConnect = IOSettings.Add(new BooleanIOSetting("ReadConnectSection", Importance.Low,
                                                       "Should the CONECT be read?", "true"));
     useHetDictionary = IOSettings.Add(new BooleanIOSetting("UseHetDictionary", Importance.Low,
                                                            "Should the PDBReader use the HETATM dictionary for atom types?", "false"));
예제 #2
 private void InitIOSettings()
     write2DCoordinates = IOSettings.Add(new BooleanIOSetting("write2DCoordinates", Importance.Low,
                                                              "Should 2D coordinates be added?", "true"));
     write3DCoordinates = IOSettings.Add(new BooleanIOSetting("write3DCoordinates", Importance.Low,
                                                              "Should 3D coordinates be added?", "true"));
     builder = IOSettings.Add(new StringIOSetting("builder", Importance.Low,
                                                  $"Which {nameof(IChemObjectBuilder)} should be used?",
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a PDB writer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="output">the stream to write the PDB file to.</param>
 public PDBWriter(TextWriter output)
     writer     = output;
     writeAsHET = IOSettings.Add(new BooleanIOSetting("WriteAsHET", Importance.Low,
                                                      "Should the output file use HETATM", "false"));
     useElementSymbolAsAtomName = IOSettings.Add(new BooleanIOSetting("UseElementSymbolAsAtomName", Importance.Low,
                                                                      "Should the element symbol be written as the atom name", "false"));
     writeCONECTRecords = IOSettings.Add(new BooleanIOSetting("WriteCONECT", Importance.Low,
                                                              "Should the bonds be written as CONECT records?", "true"));
     writeTERRecord = IOSettings.Add(new BooleanIOSetting("WriteTER", Importance.Low,
                                                          "Should a TER record be put at the end of the atoms?", "false"));
     writeENDRecord = IOSettings.Add(new BooleanIOSetting("WriteEND", Importance.Low,
                                                          "Should an END record be put at the end of the file?", "true"));
예제 #4
        private void InitIOSettings()
            var basisOptions = new List <string>

            basis = new OptionIOSetting("Basis", Importance.Medium, "Which basis set do you want to use?",
                                        basisOptions, "6-31g");

            var methodOptions = new List <string>

            method = new OptionIOSetting("Method", Importance.Medium, "Which method do you want to use?",
                                         methodOptions, "b3lyp");

            var commandOptions = new List <string>
                "energy calculation",
                "geometry optimization",
                "IR frequency calculation",
                "IR frequency calculation (with Raman)"

            command = IOSettings.Add(new OptionIOSetting("Command", Importance.High,
                                                         "What kind of job do you want to perform?", commandOptions, "energy calculation"));

            comment = IOSettings.Add(new StringIOSetting("Comment", Importance.Low,
                                                         "What comment should be put in the file?", "Created with CDK (http://cdk.sf.net/)"));

            memory = IOSettings.Add(new StringIOSetting("Memory", Importance.Low,
                                                        "How much memory do you want to use?", "unset"));

            shell = IOSettings.Add(new BooleanIOSetting("OpenShell", Importance.Medium,
                                                        "Should the calculation be open shell?", "false"));

            proccount = IOSettings.Add(new IntegerIOSetting("ProcessorCount", Importance.Low,
                                                            "How many processors should be used by Gaussian?", "1"));

            usecheckpoint = new BooleanIOSetting("UseCheckPointFile", Importance.Low,
                                                 "Should a check point file be saved?", "false");
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes IO settings.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Please note with regards to "writeAromaticBondTypes": bond type values 4 through 8 are for SSS queries only,
 /// so a 'query file' is created if the container has aromatic bonds and this settings is true.
 /// </remarks>
 private void InitIOSettings()
     programNameOpt = IOSettings.Add(
         new StringIOSetting(OptProgramName, Importance.Low,
                             "Program name to write at the top of the molfile header, should be exactly 8 characters long", "CDK"));
예제 #6
 private void InitIOSettings()
     forceReadAs3DCoords = IOSettings.Add(new BooleanIOSetting("ForceReadAs3DCoordinates", Importance.Low,
                                                               "Should coordinates always be read as 3D?", "false"));