//float _LastItemSize = float.MinValue * 1.1f;
        //float _LastVPSize = float.MinValue * 1.1f;

        #region Unity
        void Awake()
            enabled = false;
            _IOSA   = GetComponent(typeof(IOSA)) as IOSA;
            if (_IOSA == null)
                Debug.Log(typeof(OSAPercentageContentPaddingSetter).Name + " needs to be attached to a game object containing an OSA component");

            if (_IOSA.IsInitialized)
                Debug.Log(typeof(OSAPercentageContentPaddingSetter).Name + " needs the OSA component to not be initialized before it");

            var parameters = _IOSA.BaseParameters;

            _UseDefaultItemSize = _ItemSizeCustomSource == null;
            _IsHorizontal       = _IOSA.BaseParameters.IsHorizontal;

            _IOSA.ScrollViewSizeChanged += OnScrollViewSizeChanged;
            //_IOSA.ItemsRefreshed += OnItemsRefreshed;


예제 #2
 void Start()
     _Adapter  = GetComponentInParent <IOSA>();
     _HandleRT = transform as RectTransform;
     //_HandleRT = _Scrollbar.handleRect;
     _SrollbarPivotOnInit = _HandleRT.pivot;
예제 #3
            public void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)
                string sceneObjectErrSuffix = " should be non-null, and a scene object that's active in hierarchy (i.e. not directly assigned from project view)";

                if (TuplePrefab == null || !TuplePrefab.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                    throw new OSAException("TuplePrefab" + sceneObjectErrSuffix);
                if (ColumnsTuplePrefab == null || !ColumnsTuplePrefab.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                    throw new OSAException("ColumnsTuplePrefab" + sceneObjectErrSuffix);

                _IsHorizontal = iAdapter.IsHorizontal;
                if (_ColumnsTupleSize == -1f)
                    _ColumnsTupleSize = _TuplePrefab.rect.size[_IsHorizontal ? 0 : 1];

                var adapterParams = iAdapter.BaseParameters;

                if (TuplePrefab.parent != adapterParams.ScrollViewRT)
                    LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(TuplePrefab.parent as RectTransform);


                _TuplePrefabSize = -1f;                 // so the prefab's size will be recalculated next time is accessed
예제 #4
파일: TupleParams.cs 프로젝트: JESVN/Coding
        public override void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)
            if (ItemPrefab == null || !ItemPrefab.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                throw new OSAException(
                          "A Tuple's value prefab should be non-null, and a scene object (i.e. not directly assigned from project view) active in hierarchy." +
                          "This error may be caused by the Tuple prefab itself not being an object present in scene");


            var tupleAdapter = iAdapter as ITupleAdapter;

            if (tupleAdapter == null)
                throw new OSAException(typeof(TupleParams).Name + ": No script implementing " + typeof(ITupleAdapter).Name + " found on TuplePrefab");
            bool prefabRebuildNeeded = InitResizingNeeded(tupleAdapter);

            if (prefabRebuildNeeded)

            if (ContentPadding.left == -1 || ContentPadding.right == -1 || ContentPadding.top == -1 || ContentPadding.bottom == -1)
                throw new OSAException(typeof(TupleParams).Name + ": A Tuple's ContentPadding isn't allowed to have negative components in any direction. Set them to zero or positive values");
예제 #5
        public override void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)

예제 #6
        public override void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)

예제 #7
		/// <inheritdoc/>
		public override void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)

			_PrefabSize = -1f; // so the prefab's size will be recalculated

			DefaultItemSize = ItemPrefabSize;
예제 #8
        public override void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)

        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)

            if (Data == null)             // this will only be null at init. When scrollview's size changes, the data should remain the same
                Data = new LazyList <TData>(NewModelCreator, 0);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Only to be called if OSA is initialized manually via <see cref="OSA{TParams, TItemViewsHolder}.Init"/>. Call it before that.
        /// With the default setup, where OSA initializes itself in its Start(), you don't need to call this, as it's called from this.Awake()
        /// </summary>
        public void Init()
            _RT       = transform as RectTransform;
            _ParentRT = _RT.parent as RectTransform;
            if (_OSA == null)
                _OSA = _ParentRT.GetComponentInParent(typeof(IOSA)) as IOSA;
                if (_OSA == null)
                    throw new OSAException("Component implementing IOSA not found in parents");
                _OSA = _OSATransform.GetComponent(typeof(IOSA)) as IOSA;
                if (_OSA == null)
                    throw new OSAException("Component implementing IOSA not found on the specified object '" + _OSATransform.name + "'");

            if (_OSA.BaseParameters.Viewport != _ParentRT)
                throw new OSAException(typeof(OSAContentDecorator).Name + " can only work when attached to a direct child of OSA's Viewport.");

            if (_ControlOSAPaddingAtInsetEdge != ControlOSAPaddingMode.DONT_CONTROL)
                if (_OSA.IsInitialized)
                        "OSA's content padding can't be set after OSA was initialized. " +
                        "You're most probably calling OSA.Init manually(), in which case make sure to also manually call Init() on this decorator, before OSA.Init()"
                    if (_Inset != 0f)
                            "OSA's content padding can't be controlled if Inset (" + _Inset + ") is not 0 . "

            _OSA.ScrollPositionChanged += OSAScrollPositionChanged;

            var aPos = _RT.localPosition;

            _RT.anchorMin     = _RT.anchorMax = new Vector2(0f, 1f);         // top-right
            _RT.localPosition = aPos;

            _Initialized = true;
예제 #11
 public void Init(
     IOSA adapter,
     bool addGravityCommand           = true,
     bool addItemEdgeFreezeCommand    = true,
     bool addContentEdgeFreezeCommand = true,
     bool addServerDelaySetting       = true,
     bool addOneItemAddRemovePanel    = true,
     bool addInsertRemoveAtIndexPanel = true
     Init(new IOSA[] { adapter }, addGravityCommand, addItemEdgeFreezeCommand, addContentEdgeFreezeCommand, addServerDelaySetting, addOneItemAddRemovePanel, addInsertRemoveAtIndexPanel);
예제 #12
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)

            if (optimization.ScaleToZeroInsteadOfDisable)
                Debug.Log(typeof(TableParams).Name + ": optimization.ScaleToZeroInsteadOfDisable is true, but this is not supported with a TableView. Setting back to false...");
                optimization.ScaleToZeroInsteadOfDisable = false;

            DefaultItemSize = Table.TuplePrefabSize;
예제 #13
        internal void InitWithAdapter(IOSA adapterImpl)
            if (_AdapterImpl != null && !allowReinitializationWithOtherAdapter ||
                onlyAcceptedGameObjects &&
                acceptedGameObjectsNames != null &&
                Array.IndexOf(acceptedGameObjectsNames, adapterImpl.gameObject.name) == -1

            _AdapterImpl = adapterImpl;

            Button b;

            transform.GetComponentAtPath("ComputePanel/ComputeNowButton", out b);
            b.onClick.AddListener(() => Call("ComputeVisibilityForCurrentPosition", true, false));

            transform.GetComponentAtPath("ComputePanel/ComputeNowButton_PlusDelta", out b);
            b.onClick.AddListener(() => Call("ComputeVisibilityForCurrentPositionRawParams", true, false, .1f));

            transform.GetComponentAtPath("ComputePanel/ComputeNowButton_MinusDelta", out b);
            b.onClick.AddListener(() => Call("ComputeVisibilityForCurrentPositionRawParams", true, false, -.1f));

            transform.GetComponentAtPath("ComputePanel/CorrectNowButton", out b);
            b.onClick.AddListener(() => Call("CorrectPositionsOfVisibleItems", true, true));

            transform.GetComponentAtPath("DataManipPanel/EndStationaryToggle", out _EndStationary);
            transform.GetComponentAtPath("DataManipPanel/AmountInputField", out _AmountInputField);

            transform.GetComponentAtPath("DataManipPanel/head", out b);
            b.onClick.AddListener(() => AddOrRemove(true));
            transform.GetComponentAtPath("DataManipPanel/tail", out b);
            b.onClick.AddListener(() => AddOrRemove(false));

            b.onClick.AddListener(() => Call("RemoveItems", adapterImpl.GetItemsCount() - 2, int.Parse(_AmountInputField.text), _EndStationary.isOn, false));
예제 #14
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)


            if (itemPrefab.parent != ScrollViewRT)
                LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(itemPrefab.parent as RectTransform);

            _PrefabSize = -1f;             // so the prefab's size will be recalculated

            DefaultItemSize = ItemPrefabSize;
예제 #15
        public void ConfigureNewAdapter(IOSA adapter)
            var tableAdapter = adapter as ITableAdapter;
            var p            = tableAdapter.TableParameters;
            var transform    = tableAdapter.AsMonoBehaviour.transform;

            p.Viewport = transform.Find("Viewport") as RectTransform;
            p.Content  = p.Viewport.Find("Content") as RectTransform;

            var pTable                    = p.Table;
            var prefabsParent             = transform.Find("Prefabs-Hidden");
            var tuplePrefabsParent        = prefabsParent.Find("Tuple") as RectTransform;
            var columnsTuplePrefabsParent = prefabsParent.Find("ColumnsTuple") as RectTransform;
            var paths = CWiz.TV.Paths;

            // Some recommended spacing values
            p.ContentSpacing = 2;
            if (!p.IsHorizontal)
                p.ContentPadding.bottom = 320;
            pTable.ColumnsTupleSize    = 60f;
            pTable.ColumnsTupleSpacing = 5f;

            // Only children scroll on X axis
            p.ScrollSensivityOnXAxis = 0f;

            // Scrollbar
            var sbTR = transform.Find("Scrollbar");

            if (sbTR)
                p.Scrollbar = sbTR.GetComponent <Scrollbar>();
                OSAUtil.ConfigureDinamicallyCreatedScrollbar(p.Scrollbar, adapter, p.Viewport);

            // Columns Scrollbar
            var csbTR = transform.Find("ColumnsScrollbar");

            if (csbTR)
                pTable.ColumnsScrollbar = csbTR.GetComponent <Scrollbar>();

            // Instantiate the tuple prefab & its value prefab
            pTable.TuplePrefab = InstantiateFromRes(paths.TUPLE_PREFAB, tuplePrefabsParent);
            var tupleAdapter = pTable.TuplePrefab.GetComponent(typeof(ITupleAdapter)) as ITupleAdapter;

            tupleAdapter.TupleParameters.ItemPrefab = InstantiateFromRes(paths.TUPLE_VALUE_PREFAB, tuplePrefabsParent);

            // Allowing resizing of individual tuples manually, by default
            tupleAdapter.TupleParameters.ResizingMode = TableResizingMode.MANUAL_TUPLES;

            // Instantiate the columns tuple prefab & its value prefab
            pTable.ColumnsTuplePrefab = InstantiateFromRes(paths.COLUMNS_TUPLE_PREFAB, columnsTuplePrefabsParent);
            var hTupleAdapter     = pTable.ColumnsTuplePrefab.GetComponent(typeof(ITupleAdapter)) as ITupleAdapter;
            var hTupleValuePrefab = hTupleAdapter.TupleParameters.ItemPrefab = InstantiateFromRes(paths.COLUMNS_TUPLE_VALUE_PREFAB, columnsTuplePrefabsParent);


            // Assign the floating text input and dropdown
            pTable.FloatingDropdownPrefab    = Resources.Load <GameObject>(paths.INPUT__FLOATING_DROPDOWN).transform as RectTransform;
            pTable.TextInputControllerPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>(paths.INPUT__FLOATING_TEXT).GetComponent <TableViewTextInputController>();

            // Assign the options panel
            pTable.OptionsPanel = transform.Find("OptionsPanel") as RectTransform;

            Debug.Log("TableView instantiated. Resize mode was set to " + tupleAdapter.TupleParameters.ResizingMode +
                      ". If you don't plan to have individual rows resizeable, " +
                      "go over the tuple & column prefabs and their associated value prefabs and remove " +
                      "all Layout components, as they won't be needed. And set ResizeMode to NONE in inspector. " +
                      "This will boost scrolling performance.",
 public SimpleDataHelper(IOSA iAdapter, bool keepVelocityOnCountChange = true)
     _Adapter  = iAdapter;
     _DataList = new List <T>();
     _KeepVelocityOnCountChange = keepVelocityOnCountChange;
예제 #17
 public LazyDataHelper(IOSA iAdapter, Func <int, T> newModelCreator, bool keepVelocityOnCountChange = true)
     _Adapter  = iAdapter;
     _DataList = new LazyList <T>(newModelCreator, 0);
     _KeepVelocityOnCountChange = keepVelocityOnCountChange;
예제 #18
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)

            if (!grid.cellPrefab)
                throw new UnityException("OSA: " + typeof(GridParams) + ": the prefab was not set. Please set it through inspector or in code");
            _CellPrefabLayoutElement = grid.cellPrefab.GetComponent <LayoutElement>();
            if (!_CellPrefabLayoutElement)
                throw new UnityException("OSA: " + typeof(GridParams) + ": no LayoutElement found on the cellPrefab: you should add one to configure how the cell's parent LayoutGroup should position/size it");

            if (grid.spacingInGroup == -1f)
                grid.spacingInGroup = ContentSpacing;

            if (!grid.UseDefaulfItemSizeForCellGroupSize)
                // DefaultItemSize refers to the group's size here, so we're also adding the groupPadding to it
                if (IsHorizontal)
                    DefaultItemSize = _CellPrefabLayoutElement.preferredWidth;
                    if (DefaultItemSize < 0)
                        DefaultItemSize = _CellPrefabLayoutElement.minWidth;
                        if (DefaultItemSize < 0)
                            if (_CellPrefabLayoutElement.flexibleWidth == -1)
                                throw new UnityException(
                                          "OSA: " + typeof(GridParams) + ".cellPrefab.LayoutElement: Could not determine the cell group's width(UseDefaulfItemSizeForCellGroupSize=false). " +
                                          "Please specify at least preferredWidth, minWidth or flexibleWidth(case in which the current width of the cell will be used as the group's width)"
                            DefaultItemSize = _CellPrefab.rect.width;

                    DefaultItemSize += grid.groupPadding.horizontal;
                    DefaultItemSize = _CellPrefabLayoutElement.preferredHeight;
                    if (DefaultItemSize < 0)
                        DefaultItemSize = _CellPrefabLayoutElement.minHeight;
                        if (DefaultItemSize < 0)
                            if (_CellPrefabLayoutElement.flexibleHeight == -1)
                                throw new UnityException(
                                          "OSA: " + typeof(GridParams) + ".cellPrefab.LayoutElement: Could not determine the cell group's height(UseDefaulfItemSizeForCellGroupSize=false). " +
                                          "Please specify at least preferredHeight, minHeight or flexibleHeight(case in which the current height of the cell will be used as the group's height)"
                            DefaultItemSize = _CellPrefab.rect.height;

                    DefaultItemSize += grid.groupPadding.vertical;

            if (_MaxCellsPerGroup == 0)
                _MaxCellsPerGroup = -1;

            _CurrentUsedNumCellsPerGroup = CalculateCurrentNumCellsPerGroup();

            // Hotfix 12.10.2017 14:45: There's a bug in Unity on some versions: creating a new GameObject at runtime and adding it a RectTransform cannot be done in Awake() or OnEnabled().
            // See: https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/error-when-creating-a-recttransform-component-in-an-awake-call-of-an-instantiated-monobehaviour
            // The bug was initially found in a project where the initial count is 0 (when Start() is called), then the scrollview is disabled, set a non-zero count, then enabled back,
            // and in OnEnable() the user called ResetItems(), which triggered the lazy-instantiation of the group prefab - since it's created in the first GetGroupPrefab() call.
            // Solved it by creating the prefab here, because InitIfNeeded(IOSA) is called at Init time (in MonoBehaviour.Start())
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Called internally in <see cref="OSA{TParams, TItemViewsHolder}.Init()"/> and every time the scrollview's size changes.
        /// This makes sure the content and viewport have valid values. It can also be overridden to initialize custom data
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)
            _ScrollViewRT = iAdapter.AsMonoBehaviour.transform as RectTransform;


            var sr = ScrollViewRT.GetComponent <ScrollRect>();

            if (sr && sr.enabled)
                throw new OSAException("The ScrollRect is not needed anymore starting with v4.0. Remove or disable it!");

            if (!Content)
                throw new OSAException("Content not set!");
            if (!Viewport)
                Viewport = ScrollViewRT;
                if (Content.parent != ScrollViewRT)
                    throw new OSAException("Content's parent should be the ScrollView itself if there's no viewport specified!");
            if (!_Snapper)
                _Snapper = ScrollViewRT.GetComponent <Snapper8>();

            if (ForwardDragSameDirectionAtBoundary && !ForwardDragToParents)
                Debug.Log("OSA: ForwardDragSameDirectionAtBoundary is true, but ForwardDragToParents is false. This will have no effect");

            if ((ContentPadding.left == -1) != (ContentPadding.right == -1))
                Debug.Log("OSA: ContentPadding.right and .left should either be both zero or positive or both -1. Setting both to 0...");
                ContentPadding.left = ContentPadding.right = 0;

            if ((ContentPadding.top == -1) != (ContentPadding.bottom == -1))
                Debug.Log("OSA: ContentPadding.top and .bottom should either be both zero or positive or both -1. Setting both to 0...");
                ContentPadding.top = ContentPadding.bottom = 0;


            // There's no concept of content padding when looping. spacing should be used instead
            if (effects.LoopItems)
                bool showLog = false;
                int  ctSp    = (int)ContentSpacing;
                if (IsHorizontal)
                    if (ContentPadding.left != ctSp)
                        showLog             = true;
                        ContentPadding.left = ctSp;

                    if (ContentPadding.right != ctSp)
                        showLog = true;
                        ContentPadding.right = ctSp;
                    if (ContentPadding.top != ctSp)
                        showLog            = true;
                        ContentPadding.top = ctSp;

                    if (ContentPadding.bottom != ctSp)
                        showLog = true;
                        ContentPadding.bottom = ctSp;

                if (showLog)
                    Debug.Log("OSA: setting conteng padding to be the same as content spacing (" + ContentSpacing.ToString("#############.##") + "), because looping is enabled");
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Called internally in <see cref="OSA{TParams, TItemViewsHolder}.Init()"/> and every time the scrollview's size changes.
        /// This makes sure the content and viewport have valid values. It can also be overridden to initialize custom data
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)
            _ScrollViewRT = iAdapter.AsMonoBehaviour.transform as RectTransform;
            var sr = ScrollViewRT.GetComponent <ScrollRect>();

            if (sr && sr.enabled)
                throw new UnityException("OSA: The ScrollRect is not needed anymore starting with v4.0. Remove or disable it!");

            if (!Content)
                throw new UnityException("OSA: Content not set!");
            if (!Viewport)
                Viewport = ScrollViewRT;
                if (Content.parent != ScrollViewRT)
                    throw new UnityException("OSA: Content's parent should be the ScrollView itself if there's no viewport specified!");
            if (!_Snapper)
                _Snapper = ScrollViewRT.GetComponent <Snapper8>();


            // There's no concept of content padding when looping. spacinf should be used instead
            if (effects.loopItems)
                bool showLog = false;
                int  ctSp    = (int)ContentSpacing;
                if (IsHorizontal)
                    if (ContentPadding.left != ctSp)
                        showLog             = true;
                        ContentPadding.left = ctSp;

                    if (ContentPadding.right != ctSp)
                        showLog = true;
                        ContentPadding.right = ctSp;
                    if (ContentPadding.top != ctSp)
                        showLog            = true;
                        ContentPadding.top = ctSp;

                    if (ContentPadding.bottom != ctSp)
                        showLog = true;
                        ContentPadding.bottom = ctSp;

                if (showLog)
                    Debug.Log("OSA: setting conteng padding to be the same as content spacing (" + ContentSpacing.ToString("#############.##") + "), because looping is enabled");
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)

            if (!Grid.CellPrefab)
                throw new OSAException(typeof(GridParams).Name + ": the prefab was not set. Please set it through inspector or in code");

            _CellPrefabLayoutElement = Grid.CellPrefab.GetComponent <LayoutElement>();
            if (!_CellPrefabLayoutElement)
                throw new OSAException(typeof(GridParams).Name + ": no LayoutElement found on the cellPrefab: you should add one to configure how the cell's parent LayoutGroup should position/size it");


            if (Grid.SpacingInGroup == -1f)
                Grid.SpacingInGroup = ContentSpacing;

            if (Grid.MaxCellsPerGroup == 0)
                Grid.MaxCellsPerGroup = -1;

            _CellTransversalSizeIfConstant = -1f;
            if (Grid.PreserveCellAspectRatio)
                if (Grid.UseDefaultItemSizeForCellGroupSize)
                    throw new OSAException(typeof(GridParams).Name + ".PreserveCellAspectRatio only works if UseDefaultItemSizeForCellGroupSize is false");

                if (Grid.MaxCellsPerGroup <= 0)
                    throw new OSAException(typeof(GridParams).Name + ".PreserveCellAspectRatio only works if MaxCellsPerGroup is set to a strictly positive value (otherwise the aspect ratio is already constant)");

                if (AnyWidthPropertiesEnabledFor(_CellPrefabLayoutElement) || AnyHeightPropertiesEnabledFor(_CellPrefabLayoutElement))
                        "OSA: " + typeof(GridParams).Name +
                        ".cellPrefab.LayoutElement: found non-default values. They'll be ignored/overridden because Grid.PreserveCellAspectRatio is true. To remove this warning, disable all values in the prefab's LayoutElement"
                if (Grid.CellHeightForceExpandInGroup || Grid.CellWidthForceExpandInGroup)
                        "OSA: " + typeof(GridParams).Name +
                        ": CellHeightForceExpandInGroup and CellWidthForceExpandInGroup aren't needed when PreserveCellAspectRatio is true. To remove this warning, set them to false"

                // Calculating number of cells per group before setting the default item size (because the latter dependd on the former).
                // This should actually return exactly MaxCellsPerGroup, but we call CalculateCurrentNumCellsPerGroup just for consistency
                _CurrentUsedNumCellsPerGroup = CalculateCurrentNumCellsPerGroup();

                var   prefabSize  = Grid.CellPrefab.rect.size;
                float aspectRatio = prefabSize.x / prefabSize.y;
                //int hor0_vert1 = IsHorizontal ? 0 : 1;
                //float horAspectRatio_vertInverseAspectRatio = prefabSize[hor0_vert1] / prefabSize[1 - hor0_vert1];
                int   numSpaces = _CurrentUsedNumCellsPerGroup - 1;
                float spacingInGroupComulative = Grid.SpacingInGroup * numSpaces;
                float transvSizeCumulative;
                float transvSizeDivider;
                float additionalPadding;
                if (IsHorizontal)
                    transvSizeCumulative = Viewport.rect.height - ContentPadding.vertical - spacingInGroupComulative - Grid.GroupPadding.vertical;
                    transvSizeDivider    = 1f / aspectRatio;
                    additionalPadding    = Grid.GroupPadding.horizontal;
                    transvSizeCumulative = Viewport.rect.width - ContentPadding.horizontal - spacingInGroupComulative - Grid.GroupPadding.horizontal;
                    transvSizeDivider    = aspectRatio;
                    additionalPadding    = Grid.GroupPadding.vertical;
                _CellTransversalSizeIfConstant = transvSizeCumulative / _CurrentUsedNumCellsPerGroup;
                float cellSize = _CellTransversalSizeIfConstant / transvSizeDivider;

                DefaultItemSize = cellSize + additionalPadding;
                if (!Grid.UseDefaultItemSizeForCellGroupSize)
                    // DefaultItemSize refers to the group's size here, so we're also adding the groupPadding to it
                    if (IsHorizontal)
                        DefaultItemSize = _CellPrefabLayoutElement.preferredWidth;
                        if (DefaultItemSize < 0)
                            DefaultItemSize = _CellPrefabLayoutElement.minWidth;
                            if (DefaultItemSize < 0)
                                if (_CellPrefabLayoutElement.flexibleWidth == -1)
                                    throw new OSAException(
                                              typeof(GridParams).Name + ".cellPrefab.LayoutElement: Could not determine the cell group's width(UseDefaulfItemSizeForCellGroupSize=false). " +
                                              "Please specify at least preferredWidth, minWidth or flexibleWidth(case in which the current width of the cell will be used as the group's width)"
                                DefaultItemSize = Grid.CellPrefab.rect.width;

                        DefaultItemSize += Grid.GroupPadding.horizontal;
                        DefaultItemSize = _CellPrefabLayoutElement.preferredHeight;
                        if (DefaultItemSize < 0)
                            DefaultItemSize = _CellPrefabLayoutElement.minHeight;
                            if (DefaultItemSize < 0)
                                if (_CellPrefabLayoutElement.flexibleHeight == -1)
                                    throw new OSAException(
                                              typeof(GridParams).Name + ".cellPrefab.LayoutElement: Could not determine the cell group's height(UseDefaulfItemSizeForCellGroupSize=false). " +
                                              "Please specify at least preferredHeight, minHeight or flexibleHeight(case in which the current height of the cell will be used as the group's height)"
                                DefaultItemSize = Grid.CellPrefab.rect.height;

                        DefaultItemSize += Grid.GroupPadding.vertical;

                _CurrentUsedNumCellsPerGroup = CalculateCurrentNumCellsPerGroup();

            // Hotfix 12.10.2017 14:45: There's a bug in Unity on some versions: creating a new GameObject at runtime and adding it a RectTransform cannot be done in Awake() or OnEnabled().
            // See: https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/error-when-creating-a-recttransform-component-in-an-awake-call-of-an-instantiated-monobehaviour
            // The bug was initially found in a project where the initial count is 0 (when Start() is called), then the scrollview is disabled, set a non-zero count, then enabled back,
            // and in OnEnable() the user called ResetItems(), which triggered the lazy-instantiation of the group prefab - since it's created in the first GetGroupPrefab() call.
            // Solved it by creating the prefab here, because InitIfNeeded(IOSA) is called at Init time (in MonoBehaviour.Start())

            // Make sure we cover the default case where a cell has a 'Views' child of root where UI elements are added,
            // so we'll correctly detect a ViewsHolder from a child Button of root.Views
            if (Navigation.MaxSearchDepthForViewsHolder < 2)
                Navigation.MaxSearchDepthForViewsHolder = 2;
예제 #22
        void Start()
            _OSA = GetComponent(typeof(IOSA)) as IOSA;
			_OSA.ItemsRefreshed += OnItemsRefreshed;
예제 #23
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void InitIfNeeded(IOSA iAdapter)
예제 #24
        public static ScrollbarFixer8 ConfigureDinamicallyCreatedScrollbar(UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar scrollbar, IOSA iAdapter, RectTransform viewport, bool addFixerIfDoesntExist = true)
            var instanceScollbarFixer = scrollbar.GetComponent <ScrollbarFixer8>();

            if (!instanceScollbarFixer)
                if (!addFixerIfDoesntExist)
                instanceScollbarFixer = scrollbar.gameObject.AddComponent <ScrollbarFixer8>();
            //instanceScollbarFixer.scrollRect = _WindowParams.scrollRect;
            instanceScollbarFixer.externalScrollRectProxy = iAdapter;
            instanceScollbarFixer.viewport = viewport;
