public void Execute(IPCBIWindow parent) { //set all signal layers in one image string Rows = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("How many rows do you wish?", "Setup", "2"); int rows = 2; try { rows = int.Parse(Rows); } catch (Exception re) { MessageBox.Show("Please provide a number\n" + re.ToString()); } string pathForImage = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "imageComplete.png"; //output somewhere stopImaging = false; //internal bool to use cancel button float DPI = 1000; //in pixel foreach layer int maxWidtBMP = 40000; //image class is dangerous for big RAM usage! int countImagesEachLine = rows; //maximum of image in one line bool AddDrillsToImage = true; //see where are the connections to other layers bool AddCompToImageAsSeperateLayer = true; //see where are the connections to other layers IStep step = parent.GetCurrentStep(); IMatrix matrix = parent.GetMatrix(); if (step == null || matrix == null) { return; } PCB_Investigator.PCBIWindows.PCBIWorkingDialog working = null; try { working = new PCB_Investigator.PCBIWindows.PCBIWorkingDialog(); //show waiting dialog, because for some projects it is very slow working.CanCancel(true); working.CancelPressed += working_CancelPressed; working.SetAnimationStatus(false); working.ShowWorkingDlgAsThread(); int curValPercentage = 0; working.SetStatusPercent(curValPercentage); List <string> allSignalLayerNames = matrix.GetAllSignalLayerNames(); if (!AddCompToImageAsSeperateLayer) { allSignalLayerNames.Insert(0, matrix.GetTopComponentLayer()); allSignalLayerNames.Add(matrix.GetBotComponentLayer()); } List <ILayer> activeLayerList = step.GetActiveLayerList(); //remember active layer list to set them later back step.TurnOffAllLayer(); int maxHeight = 0; int maxWidth = 0; int completeWidth = 0; int lines = 1; bool setBackHatch = parent.IColorsetting.UseHatchMode; Color setBackColor = parent.IColorsetting.SelectionColor; parent.IColorsetting.SelectionColor = Color.White; //highlight selection better with plane color parent.IColorsetting.UseHatchMode = false; RectangleF boundsStep = step.GetBounds(); boundsStep.Inflate(20, 20); int height = (int)(boundsStep.Height * DPI / 1000); int width = (int)(boundsStep.Width * DPI / 1000); //set the step bounds with DPI if (height > maxHeight) { maxHeight = height; } curValPercentage = 10; working.SetStatusPercent(curValPercentage); Dictionary <string, System.Drawing.Bitmap> allLayerImages = new Dictionary <string, System.Drawing.Bitmap>(); int counterLayers = 0; foreach (string layername in allSignalLayerNames) { if (stopImaging) { break; } counterLayers++; working.SetStatusText("working on " + layername); curValPercentage += 80 / allSignalLayerNames.Count; //we want only the part in the middle of the progress bar... working.SetStatusPercent(curValPercentage); Bitmap resultImage; if (step.GetLayer(layername) is IODBLayer) { IODBLayer signalLayer = (IODBLayer)step.GetLayer(layername); signalLayer.EnableLayer(true); if (AddDrillsToImage) { List <ILayer> drawList = new List <ILayer>(); foreach (string layerDrillName in matrix.GetAllDrillLayersForThisLayer(layername)) { drawList.Add(step.GetLayer(layerDrillName)); } drawList.Add(signalLayer); if (AddCompToImageAsSeperateLayer) { if (matrix.GetTopSignalLayer() == layername) { ILayer layer = step.GetLayer(matrix.GetTopComponentLayer()); if (layer != null) { drawList.Add(layer); } } if (matrix.GetBotSignalLayer() == layername) { ILayer layer = step.GetLayer(matrix.GetBotComponentLayer()); if (layer != null) { drawList.Add(layer); } } } resultImage = step.GetBitmap(drawList, boundsStep, width, height, true, false, false, false); // public Bitmap GetBitmap( List<ILayer> Layers,RectangleF DetailRectangle, int Width, int Height, bool DrawPCBOutline, bool FillBoardOutline, bool ShowComponentDetails, bool IgnoreSelection, bool DrawOnlySelection, out RectangleF DrawnRectangle Bitmap copyBitmap = new Bitmap(resultImage); //do copy the image before the old one will be disposed resultImage = copyBitmap; } else { resultImage = step.GetBitmap(new List <ILayer>() { signalLayer }, boundsStep, width, height, true, false, false, false); } if (resultImage != null) { allLayerImages.Add(layername, resultImage); //remember the layer image later } signalLayer.DisableLayer(); } else if (!AddCompToImageAsSeperateLayer && step.GetLayer(layername) is ICMPLayer) { ICMPLayer cmpLayer = (ICMPLayer)step.GetLayer(layername); resultImage = step.GetBitmap(new List <ILayer>() { cmpLayer }, boundsStep, width, height, true, false, true, false); allLayerImages.Add(layername, resultImage); //remember the layer image later } if (completeWidth + width > maxWidtBMP || counterLayers > countImagesEachLine) //max image size { lines++; completeWidth = width; counterLayers = 1; } else { completeWidth += width; } if (completeWidth > maxWidth) { maxWidth = completeWidth; } } working.SetStatusText("built new image..."); working.SetStatusPercent(85); Bitmap bitComplete = null; bool needDownScale = false; try { bitComplete = new Bitmap(maxWidth, lines * (maxHeight + 100) + 60); //depending on your design this constructor sometimes throw an exception } catch { bitComplete = new Bitmap(maxWidth / 10, lines * (maxHeight + 1000) / 10 + 60); needDownScale = true; //depending on your machine settings and RAM it can make problems by creating big images. } parent.IColorsetting.UseHatchMode = setBackHatch; parent.IColorsetting.SelectionColor = setBackColor; Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitComplete); g.Clear(Color.Transparent); int Xoff = 0; int Yoff = 0; working.SetStatusText("set images in one... "); Font f = new Font("Arial", needDownScale ? 20 : 40); //we need a font to write layernames int counterImagesInLine = 0; foreach (string layer in allLayerImages.Keys) { counterImagesInLine++; if (needDownScale && (Xoff + allLayerImages[layer].Width / 10 > bitComplete.Width || counterImagesInLine > countImagesEachLine)) { Yoff += maxHeight / 10 + 100; //space for text Xoff = 0; counterImagesInLine = 1; } else if (Xoff + allLayerImages[layer].Width > maxWidtBMP || counterImagesInLine > countImagesEachLine) { Yoff += maxHeight + 100; //space for text Xoff = 0; counterImagesInLine = 1; } if (needDownScale) { g.DrawImage(allLayerImages[layer], new RectangleF(Xoff, Yoff + 100, width / 10, height / 10), new RectangleF(0, 0, allLayerImages[layer].Width, allLayerImages[layer].Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } else { g.DrawImage(allLayerImages[layer], new Point(Xoff, Yoff + 100)); } g.DrawString(layer, f, Brushes.Red, new PointF(Xoff + 50, Yoff + 30)); //name of layer if (needDownScale) { Xoff += allLayerImages[layer].Width / 10; } else { Xoff += allLayerImages[layer].Width; } } string textForFooter = parent.GetJobName() + " - creation date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ""; SizeF size = g.MeasureString(textForFooter, f); g.DrawString(textForFooter, f, Brushes.White, new PointF((bitComplete.Width - size.Width) / 2, bitComplete.Height - 60)); //name of layer working.SetStatusPercent(91); foreach (ILayer layerActive in activeLayerList) { layerActive.EnableLayer(true); } working.SetStatusPercent(95); try { working.SetStatusText("saving result..."); bitComplete.Save(pathForImage, ImageFormat.Png); //open image with standard viewer System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(pathForImage); } catch { } working.DoClose(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (working != null) { working.DoClose(); } MessageBox.Show("Can't create image, because " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } }