예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Register subscriber using a string token, which is usually defined as a constant.
        /// Subscriber performs internal notifications.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">String identifying a message token</param>
        /// <param name="subscriber">Subscriber requesting notifications</param>
        public void Register(string token, INotifyable subscriber)
            lock (_sharedLock)
                // Add token if not present
                if (!_subscriptions.ContainsKey(token))
                    _subscriptions.Add(token, new List <WeakReference> {
                        new WeakReference(subscriber)

                // Get subscribers for this token
                List <WeakReference> weakSubscribers;
                if (_subscriptions.TryGetValue(token, out weakSubscribers))
                    // See if subcriber is already present
                    var existing = (from w in weakSubscribers
                                    where w != null && w.IsAlive &&
                                    ReferenceEquals(w.Target, subscriber)
                                    select w).SingleOrDefault();

                    // Add if subcriber is already present
                    if (existing == null)
                        _subscriptions[token].Add(new WeakReference(subscriber));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove subscriber from the invocation list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">String identifying a message token</param>
        /// <param name="subscriber">Subscriber to remove from notifications</param>
        public void Unregister(string token, INotifyable subscriber)
            lock (_sharedLock)
                List <WeakReference> weakSubscribers;
                if (_subscriptions.TryGetValue(token, out weakSubscribers))
                    // Find subscriber
                    WeakReference weakSubscriber = weakSubscribers
                                                   .SingleOrDefault(w => w.IsAlive && ReferenceEquals
                                                                        (w.Target, subscriber));

                    // Remove subscriber
                    if (weakSubscriber != null)

                    // Remove dictionary entry if no subscibers left
                    if (_subscriptions[token].Count == 0)
예제 #3
        public Buffer SetState(QpcTimeStamp qpcTimeStamp, BufferState state, string reason)
            BufferState entryState = State;

            State     = state;
            TimeStamp = qpcTimeStamp;

            switch (state)
            case BufferState.SendPosted: CopyHeaderToByteArray(); SendPostedTimeStamp = qpcTimeStamp; break;

            case BufferState.Received: UpdateHeaderFromByteArray(); break;

            default: break;

            if (StateEmitter.IsEnabled)
                StateEmitter.Emit("{0} State changed to {1} [from: {2}, reason: {3}]", BufferName, state, entryState, reason ?? "NoReasonGiven");

            INotifyable notifyOnStateChange = NotifyOnSetState;

            if (notifyOnStateChange != null)

예제 #4
            public SerialEchoTracker(string portPartID, string portTargetSpec, double[] binBoundariesArray, SerialEchoPerformancePartConfig config, INotifyable notifyOnDone, Logging.IBasicLogger logger)
                PortTargetSpec = portTargetSpec;
                Config         = config;
                NotifyOnDone   = notifyOnDone;
                Logger         = logger;

                h = new Histogram(binBoundariesArray);

                timeoutCountGPI = new MDRF.Writer.GroupPointInfo()
                    Name = "timeoutCount", ValueCST = ContainerStorageType.UInt64, VC = new ValueContainer(0L)
                failureCountGPI = new MDRF.Writer.GroupPointInfo()
                    Name = "failureCount", ValueCST = ContainerStorageType.UInt64, VC = new ValueContainer(0L)

                hGrp = new MDRFHistogramGroupSource("{0}".CheckedFormat(portPartID),
                                                    extraClientNVS: new NamedValueSet()
                    { "SerialEcho" }, { "PortTargetSpec", PortTargetSpec }
                                                    extraGPISet: new[] { timeoutCountGPI, failureCountGPI });

                    portConfig = new PortConfig(portPartID, portTargetSpec)
                        TxLineTerm          = LineTerm.None,
                        RxLineTerm          = LineTerm.CR,
                        ConnectTimeout      = (2.0).FromSeconds(),
                        WriteTimeout        = (1.0).FromSeconds(),
                        ReadTimeout         = (1.0).FromSeconds(),
                        IdleTime            = (1.0).FromSeconds(),
                        EnableAutoReconnect = true,

                    port = MosaicLib.SerialIO.Factory.CreatePort(portConfig);

                    portGetNextPacketAction = port.CreateGetNextPacketAction();
                    portFlushAction         = port.CreateFlushAction();
                    portWriteAction         = port.CreateWriteAction(portWriteActionParam = new WriteActionParam());
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    Logger.Error.Emit("Port setup for '{0}' failed: {1}", portTargetSpec, ex.ToString(ExceptionFormat.TypeAndMessage));
예제 #5
        private void InternalNotify(string token, object sender,
                                    NotificationEventArgs e, bool post)
            // Get weak subscribers
            List <WeakReference> weakSubscribers;

            lock (_sharedLock)
                if (!_subscriptions.TryGetValue(token, out weakSubscribers))

                // Make a copy while locked
                weakSubscribers = weakSubscribers.ToList();

            // Get compatible living subscribers
            var subscribers = from w in weakSubscribers
                              let s = w.Target as INotifyable
                                      where w != null && w.IsAlive && s != null
                                      select s;

            // Invoke each callback associated with token
            foreach (var subscriber in subscribers)
                INotifyable subscriber1 = subscriber;
                SafeNotify(() => subscriber1.Notify(token, sender, e));

            lock (_sharedLock)
                if (_subscriptions.ContainsKey(token))
                    // Remove subscribers who are no longer alive
                    var deadSubscribers = weakSubscribers
                                          .Where(w => w == null || !w.IsAlive);
                    foreach (var s in deadSubscribers)

                    // Remove dictionary entry if no subscibers left
                    if (_subscriptions[token].Count == 0)
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the byteCount to the headerSize and sets the header's BufferSeqNum to zero.
        /// </summary>
        public void Clear(QpcTimeStamp qpcTimeStamp, bool clearByteArrayContents = false, string reason = null)
            header           = BufferHeaderV1.Empty;
            byteCount        = header.Length;
            Message          = null;
            NotifyOnSetState = null;

            if (clearByteArrayContents)
                System.Array.Clear(byteArray, 0, byteArraySize);

            SetState(qpcTimeStamp, Buffers.BufferState.Clear, reason);
예제 #7
        public Buffer Update(PurposeCode?purposeCode = null, BufferHeaderFlags?orInFlags = null, ulong?seqNum = null, int?byteCount = null, ulong?ackSeqNum = null, INamedValueSet buildPayloadDataFromE005NVS = null, bool throwOnException = false, byte[] copyPayloadDataFromByteArray = null, INotifyable notifyOnSetState = null)
            if (purposeCode != null)
                header.PurposeCode = purposeCode ?? PurposeCode.None;

            if (orInFlags != null)
                header.Flags |= orInFlags ?? BufferHeaderFlags.None;

            if (seqNum != null)
                SeqNum = seqNum ?? 0;

            if (byteCount != null)
                this.byteCount = byteCount ?? 0;

            if (ackSeqNum != null)
                header.AckSeqNum = ackSeqNum ?? 0;

            if (buildPayloadDataFromE005NVS != null)
                header.Flags |= BufferHeaderFlags.BufferContainsE005NVS;
                copyPayloadDataFromByteArray = buildPayloadDataFromE005NVS.ConvertToE005Data(throwOnException: throwOnException);

            if (copyPayloadDataFromByteArray != null)
                byteArray.SafeCopyFrom(header.Length, copyPayloadDataFromByteArray);
                this.byteCount = Math.Min(header.Length + copyPayloadDataFromByteArray.Length, byteArraySize);

            if (notifyOnSetState != null)
                NotifyOnSetState = notifyOnSetState;

예제 #8
        /// <summary>Adds/Replaces the indicated socket, settings and notification target to the monitor list and starts the background service thread if it is not already running.</summary>
        public void AddSocketToList(Socket s, bool read, bool write, bool error, INotifyable notifyTarget)
            TableItem tableItem = new TableItem()
                Socket       = s,
                read         = read,
                write        = write,
                error        = error,
                notifyTarget = notifyTarget,

            string notUsableReason = tableItem.NotUsableReason;

            if (!notUsableReason.IsNullOrEmpty())
                tableItem.LastLoggedNotUsableReason = notUsableReason;

                Logger.Debug.Emit("{0} given unusable socket {1} : {2} [Adding inactive]", Fcns.CurrentMethodName, tableItem.shAsInt64, notUsableReason);

            lock (userTableMutex)
                // the following passes ownership of the tableItem to this object's service thread.
                userTableDictionary[s] = tableItem;


                rebuildTablesFromUserTable = true;

                NumActiveSockets += 1;


예제 #9
            public PingTracker(string hostNameOrAddress, double[] binBoundariesArray, PingPerformancePartConfig config, INotifyable notifyOnDone)
                HostNameOrAddress = hostNameOrAddress;
                NotifyOnDone      = notifyOnDone;

                // calling GetHostAddresses can throw for many reasons (invalid app.config for example...)
                Func <System.Net.IPAddress []> getHostAddressesDelegate = () => System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostNameOrAddress);

                IPAddressArray = getHostAddressesDelegate.TryGet();

                IPAddress = IPAddressArray.SafeAccess(0, System.Net.IPAddress.None);
                h         = new Histogram(binBoundariesArray);

                timeoutCountGPI = new MDRF.Writer.GroupPointInfo()
                    Name = "timeoutCount", ValueCST = ContainerStorageType.UInt64, VC = new ValueContainer(0L)
                failureCountGPI = new MDRF.Writer.GroupPointInfo()
                    Name = "failureCount", ValueCST = ContainerStorageType.UInt64, VC = new ValueContainer(0L)

                hGrp = new MDRFHistogramGroupSource("hPing_{0}".CheckedFormat(HostNameOrAddress),
                                                    extraClientNVS: new NamedValueSet()
                    { "Ping" }, { "Host", HostNameOrAddress }, { "IPAddress", IPAddress.ToString() }
                                                    extraGPISet: new[] { timeoutCountGPI, failureCountGPI });

                extraData = new byte[config.ExtraLength];

                responseTimeLimitInMSec = unchecked ((int)config.ResponseTimeLimit.TotalMilliseconds);
                responseWaitTimeLimit   = (config.ResponseTimeLimit.TotalSeconds + 0.25).FromSeconds();
예제 #10
        /// <summary>Adds/Replaces the indicated socket, settings and notification target to the monitor list and starts the background service thread if it is not already running.</summary>
        public void AddSocketToList(Socket s, bool read, bool write, bool error, INotifyable notifyTarget)
            TableItem tableItem = new TableItem() { s = s, read = read, write = write, error = error, notifyTarget = notifyTarget };

            lock (userTableMutex)
                userTableDictionary[s] = tableItem;
                rebuildTablesFromUserTable = true;

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains the ISharedDispatcherTimer instance from the dictionary (createing one if needed),
        /// Adds any of the optional Tick event handler signatures (as supported by the ISharedDispatchTimer's TickNotificationList)
        /// and returns an IDisposable token that will release use of the timer and will remove any given Tick event handler signatures from the underlying TickNotificationList when the token is dipsosed.
        /// </summary>
        public static IDisposable GetAndStartSharedTimer(double rate, string clientName, BasicNotificationDelegate onTickNotifyDelegate = null, INotifyable notifyableTarget = null, System.Threading.EventWaitHandle eventWaitHandle = null)
            ISharedDispatcherTimer sharedDispatcherTimer = GetSharedTimer(rate);

            if (onTickNotifyDelegate != null)
                sharedDispatcherTimer.TickNotificationList.OnNotify += onTickNotifyDelegate;

            if (notifyableTarget != null)

            if (eventWaitHandle != null)

            IDisposable token = sharedDispatcherTimer.GetRunTimerToken(clientName);

            return(new ExplicitDisposeActionList()
                   .AddItems(() => Fcns.DisposeOfGivenObject(token),
                             () =>
                if (onTickNotifyDelegate != null)
                    sharedDispatcherTimer.TickNotificationList.OnNotify -= onTickNotifyDelegate;

                if (notifyableTarget != null)

                if (eventWaitHandle != null)