예제 #1
 public RegistrationController(
     ILogger <RegistrationController> logger,
     IPushNotifyer notificationSender,
     INotificationScheduler notificationScheduler)
     this.logger                = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
     this.pushNotifyer          = notificationSender ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(notificationSender));
     this.notificationScheduler = notificationScheduler ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(notificationScheduler));
        public void OneTimeSetUp()
#if __ANDROID__
            _schedulerToTest = new Notifications.Droid.NotificationScheduler();
#elif __IOS__
            _schedulerToTest = new Notifications.iOS.NotificationScheduler();
            throw new Exception("Invalid envrionment.")
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create a new view model without any notification.
        /// </summary>
        public MainPageViewModel()
            // So we can send notifications.
            _notificationScheduler = DependencyService.Get <INotificationScheduler>();

            // Commands used to schedule notifications.
            ScheduleNowCommand        = new Command(ScheduleNow);
            ScheduleTwoMinutesCommand = new Command(ScheduleTwoMinuteNotification);

            // No extra info by default.
            IncludeExtraInfo = false;

            _extraInfoOne           = "";
            _extraInfoTwo           = "";
            _scheduledNotifications = new ObservableCollection <MainPageViewModelScheduledNotification>();
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new view model with default values set.
        /// </summary>
        public ScheduledNotificationViewModel()
            // So we can send notifications.
            _notificationScheduler = DependencyService.Get <INotificationScheduler>();

            // Handle notification cancelling.
            CancelNotificationCommand = new Command(CancelNotification);

            // Set some default values.
            CreatedOn             = "";
            ScheduledFor          = "";
            RecievedOn            = "";
            ScheduledTitle        = "";
            RecievedTitle         = "";
            ScheduledMessage      = "";
            RecivedMessage        = "";
            ScheduledExtraInfoOne = "";
            RecivedExtraInfoOne   = "";
            ScheduledExtraInfoTwo = "";
            RecivedExtraInfoTwo   = "";
            _canceledOn           = "";
            CanceledOn            = "";
예제 #5
 public SetReminderUseCase(INeuronRepository neuronRepository, INotificationScheduler scheduler)
     this.neuronRepository = neuronRepository ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(neuronRepository));
     this.scheduler        = scheduler ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(scheduler));