/// <returns> /// If there is no corresponding directory diff for the given /// snapshot, this means that the current children list should be /// returned for the snapshot. Otherwise we calculate the children list /// for the snapshot and return it. /// </returns> public virtual ReadOnlyList <INode> GetChildrenList(INodeDirectory currentINode, int snapshotId) { DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiff diff = diffs.GetDiffById(snapshotId); return(diff != null?diff.GetChildrenList(currentINode) : currentINode.GetChildrenList (Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot.CurrentStateId)); }
/// <summary> /// Recursively compute the difference between snapshots under a given /// directory/file. /// </summary> /// <param name="snapshotRoot">The directory where snapshots were taken.</param> /// <param name="node">The directory/file under which the diff is computed.</param> /// <param name="parentPath"> /// Relative path (corresponding to the snapshot root) of /// the node's parent. /// </param> /// <param name="diffReport">data structure used to store the diff.</param> private void ComputeDiffRecursively(INodeDirectory snapshotRoot, INode node, IList <byte[]> parentPath, SnapshotDiffInfo diffReport) { Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot earlierSnapshot = diffReport .IsFromEarlier() ? diffReport.GetFrom() : diffReport.GetTo(); Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot laterSnapshot = diffReport .IsFromEarlier() ? diffReport.GetTo() : diffReport.GetFrom(); byte[][] relativePath = Sharpen.Collections.ToArray(parentPath, new byte[parentPath .Count][]); if (node.IsDirectory()) { DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.ChildrenDiff diff = new DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.ChildrenDiff (); INodeDirectory dir = node.AsDirectory(); DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = dir.GetDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(); if (sf != null) { bool change = sf.ComputeDiffBetweenSnapshots(earlierSnapshot, laterSnapshot, diff , dir); if (change) { diffReport.AddDirDiff(dir, relativePath, diff); } } ReadOnlyList <INode> children = dir.GetChildrenList(earlierSnapshot.GetId()); foreach (INode child in children) { byte[] name = child.GetLocalNameBytes(); bool toProcess = diff.SearchIndex(Diff.ListType.Deleted, name) < 0; if (!toProcess && child is INodeReference.WithName) { byte[][] renameTargetPath = FindRenameTargetPath(snapshotRoot, (INodeReference.WithName )child, laterSnapshot == null ? Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot .CurrentStateId : laterSnapshot.GetId()); if (renameTargetPath != null) { toProcess = true; diffReport.SetRenameTarget(child.GetId(), renameTargetPath); } } if (toProcess) { parentPath.AddItem(name); ComputeDiffRecursively(snapshotRoot, child, parentPath, diffReport); parentPath.Remove(parentPath.Count - 1); } } } else { if (node.IsFile() && node.AsFile().IsWithSnapshot()) { INodeFile file = node.AsFile(); bool change = file.GetFileWithSnapshotFeature().ChangedBetweenSnapshots(file, earlierSnapshot , laterSnapshot); if (change) { diffReport.AddFileDiff(file, relativePath); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Clean an inode while we move it from the deleted list of post to the /// deleted list of prior. /// </summary> /// <param name="bsps">The block storage policy suite.</param> /// <param name="inode">The inode to clean.</param> /// <param name="post">The post snapshot.</param> /// <param name="prior">The id of the prior snapshot.</param> /// <param name="collectedBlocks">Used to collect blocks for later deletion.</param> /// <returns>Quota usage update.</returns> private static QuotaCounts CleanDeletedINode(BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps, INode inode, int post, int prior, INode.BlocksMapUpdateInfo collectedBlocks, IList <INode > removedINodes) { QuotaCounts counts = new QuotaCounts.Builder().Build(); Deque <INode> queue = new ArrayDeque <INode>(); queue.AddLast(inode); while (!queue.IsEmpty()) { INode topNode = queue.PollFirst(); if (topNode is INodeReference.WithName) { INodeReference.WithName wn = (INodeReference.WithName)topNode; if (wn.GetLastSnapshotId() >= post) { wn.CleanSubtree(bsps, post, prior, collectedBlocks, removedINodes); } } else { // For DstReference node, since the node is not in the created list of // prior, we should treat it as regular file/dir if (topNode.IsFile() && topNode.AsFile().IsWithSnapshot()) { INodeFile file = topNode.AsFile(); counts.Add(file.GetDiffs().DeleteSnapshotDiff(bsps, post, prior, file, collectedBlocks , removedINodes)); } else { if (topNode.IsDirectory()) { INodeDirectory dir = topNode.AsDirectory(); DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.ChildrenDiff priorChildrenDiff = null; DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = dir.GetDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(); if (sf != null) { // delete files/dirs created after prior. Note that these // files/dirs, along with inode, were deleted right after post. DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.DirectoryDiff priorDiff = sf.GetDiffs().GetDiffById( prior); if (priorDiff != null && priorDiff.GetSnapshotId() == prior) { priorChildrenDiff = priorDiff.GetChildrenDiff(); counts.Add(priorChildrenDiff.DestroyCreatedList(bsps, dir, collectedBlocks, removedINodes )); } } foreach (INode child in dir.GetChildrenList(prior)) { if (priorChildrenDiff != null && priorChildrenDiff.Search(Diff.ListType.Deleted, child.GetLocalNameBytes()) != null) { continue; } queue.AddLast(child); } } } } } return(counts); }
/// <summary>Scan all CacheDirectives.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Scan all CacheDirectives. Use the information to figure out /// what cache replication factor each block should have. /// </remarks> private void RescanCacheDirectives() { FSDirectory fsDir = namesystem.GetFSDirectory(); long now = new DateTime().GetTime(); foreach (CacheDirective directive in cacheManager.GetCacheDirectives()) { scannedDirectives++; // Skip processing this entry if it has expired if (directive.GetExpiryTime() > 0 && directive.GetExpiryTime() <= now) { Log.Debug("Directive {}: the directive expired at {} (now = {})", directive.GetId (), directive.GetExpiryTime(), now); continue; } string path = directive.GetPath(); INode node; try { node = fsDir.GetINode(path); } catch (UnresolvedLinkException) { // We don't cache through symlinks Log.Debug("Directive {}: got UnresolvedLinkException while resolving " + "path {}" , directive.GetId(), path); continue; } if (node == null) { Log.Debug("Directive {}: No inode found at {}", directive.GetId(), path); } else { if (node.IsDirectory()) { INodeDirectory dir = node.AsDirectory(); ReadOnlyList <INode> children = dir.GetChildrenList(Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot .CurrentStateId); foreach (INode child in children) { if (child.IsFile()) { RescanFile(directive, child.AsFile()); } } } else { if (node.IsFile()) { RescanFile(directive, node.AsFile()); } else { Log.Debug("Directive {}: ignoring non-directive, non-file inode {} ", directive.GetId (), node); } } } } }