//Note: nipple cannot be null, but breast can. make sure to check for null on breast whenever using it.
        private static string ShortDesc(INipple nipple, IBreast breast, bool plural, bool singleMemberFormatIfNotPlural, bool allowQuadNippleText)
            bool needsArticle = !plural && singleMemberFormatIfNotPlural;

            //regardless of the above boolean, the noun will not need an article in nearly every instance. therefore, by default, we can simply calculate the
            //noun ahead of time and just use it when needed. technically, i could write the function call everywhere, but imo it's cleaner to write it this way.
            //when we do fall through to a case where we need an article on the noun directly, this variable will be incorrect and thus we'll need to overwrite it,
            //but it's worth trading the slight performance/memory cost (and i mean slight) for much cleaner code.
            string noun = NounText(nipple, plural, allowQuadNippleText);

            int randVal = Utils.Rand(3);

            //33.3% we desribe special things (pierced, gooey, black) if possible
            //33.3% we desribe arousal related things (lactating, fuckable, just plain aroused) if possible.

            //80% of the remaining amount uses the size desriptors. this remaining amount ranges from 33.3% of the total, if a special condition is possible
            //and an arousal condition is possible, to 100% of the total if none of the special or arousal thing are possible.
            //the last 20% of the remaining amount simply does not have an adjective.

            //the original odds were conviluted to say the least, with mixes of  anywhere from 0-75% available in some cases.

            bool isLactating    = nipple.lactationStatus > LactationStatus.NOT_LACTATING;
            bool wearingJewelry = breast?.piercings.wearingJewelry == true;

            if (randVal == 0 && (wearingJewelry || nipple.bodyType == BodyType.GOO || nipple.blackNipples))
                if (wearingJewelry)
                    var leftHorJewelry = breast.piercings[NipplePiercingLocation.LEFT_HORIZONTAL];
                    //if (piercing is nipple chain) return "chained " + nount;

                    return((needsArticle ? "a " : "") + "pierced " + noun);
                else if (nipple.bodyType == BodyType.GOO)
                    return((needsArticle ? "a " : "") + Utils.RandomChoice("slime-slick ", "goopy ", "slippery ") + noun);
                    if (needsArticle)
                        return(Utils.RandomChoice("a black ", "an ebony ", "a sable ") + noun);
                        return(Utils.RandomChoice("black ", "ebony ", "sable ") + noun);
            else if (randVal == 1 && (isLactating || nipple.status == NippleStatus.DICK_NIPPLE || nipple.status == NippleStatus.FUCKABLE || nipple.relativeLust >= 50))
                //Fuckable chance first!
                if (nipple.status == NippleStatus.FUCKABLE)
                    //Fuckable and lactating?
                    if (isLactating)
                        return((needsArticle ? "a " : "") + Utils.RandomChoice("milk-lubricated ", "lactating ", "lactating ", "milk-slicked ", "milky ") + noun);
                    //Just fuckable
                        return((needsArticle ? "a " : "") + Utils.RandomChoice("wet ", "mutated ", "slimy ", "damp ", "moist ", "slippery ", "oozing ", "sloppy ", "dewy ") + noun);
                else if (nipple.status == NippleStatus.DICK_NIPPLE)
                    if (isLactating)
                        return((needsArticle ? "a " : "") + Utils.RandomChoice("milk-lubricated ", "lactating ", "lactating ", "milk-slicked ", "milky ") + "dick-" + noun);
                    //Just dick-nipple
                        if (needsArticle)
                            return(Utils.RandomChoice("a mutant ", "a ", "a large ", "", "an upward-curving ") + "dick-" + noun);
                            return(Utils.RandomChoice("mutant ", "", "large ", "", "upward-curving ") + "dick-" + noun);
                //Just lactating!
                else if (isLactating)
                    var lactationState = nipple.lactationStatus;
                    //Light lactation
                    if (lactationState < LactationStatus.MODERATE)
                        return((needsArticle ? "a " : "") + Utils.RandomChoice("milk moistened ", "slightly lactating ", "milk-dampened ") + noun);
                    //Moderate lactation
                    else if (lactationState < LactationStatus.STRONG)
                        return((needsArticle ? "a " : "") + Utils.RandomChoice("lactating ", "milky ", "milk-seeping ") + noun);
                    //Heavy lactation
                        return((needsArticle ? "a " : "") + Utils.RandomChoice("dripping ", "dribbling ", "milk-leaking ", "drooling ") + noun);
                //horny, none of the above
                    if (nipple.relativeLust >= 75)
                        return((needsArticle ? "a " : "") + Utils.RandomChoice("throbbing ", "trembling ", "needy ", "throbbing ") + noun);
                    else                     //(nipple.relativeLust >= 50)
                        if (needsArticle)
                            return(Utils.RandomChoice("an erect ", "a perky ", "an erect ", "a firm ", "a tender ") + noun);
                            return(Utils.RandomChoice("erect ", "perky ", "erect ", "firm ", "tender ") + noun);
            else if (Utils.Rand(5) != 0)             //randVal is a 1 or some above condition failed. Procs
                string size = NippleStrings.NippleSizeAdjective(nipple.length, true);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(size) || !needsArticle)
                    return(size + noun);

            //fall through case.
            if (!needsArticle)
                return(SingleFormatNippleText(nipple, allowQuadNippleText));
        //Note: nipple cannot be null, but breast can. make sure to check for null on breast whenever using it.
        //note: if plural is set to true, with article is ignored. the alternate format for plural is identical to the regular format.
        private static string LongFullDesc(INipple nipple, IBreast breast, bool withArticle, bool allAvailableNipples, bool preciseMeasurements, bool full)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (full && breast?.piercings.wearingJewelry == true)

            if (nipple.blackNipples)
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(", ");


            if (nipple.lactationStatus > LactationStatus.NOT_LACTATING)
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(", ");
                //creature is not null or islactating would be false.
                var lactationState = nipple.lactationStatus;
                //Light lactation
                if (lactationState < LactationStatus.MODERATE)
                    sb.Append(Utils.RandomChoice("milk moistened", "slightly lactating", "milk-dampened"));
                //Moderate lactation
                else if (lactationState < LactationStatus.STRONG)
                    sb.Append(Utils.RandomChoice("lactating", "milky", "milk-seeping"));
                //Heavy lactation
                    sb.Append(Utils.RandomChoice("dripping", "dribbling", "milk-leaking", "drooling"));
            if (nipple.status.IsInverted())
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(", ");
                //else... shit. different articles.
                if (nipple.status == NippleStatus.SLIGHTLY_INVERTED)

            //check if we've added any adjectives. if we have, the length is > 0. if not, try using lust. if that doesn't work, we don't have any adjectives :(.
            if (sb.Length == 0 && nipple.relativeLust > 50)
                if (nipple.relativeLust >= 75)
                    sb.Append(Utils.RandomChoice("throbbing", "trembling", "needy ", "throbbing "));
                    sb.Append(Utils.RandomChoice("erect ", "perky ", "erect ", "firm ", "tender "));

            if (nipple.status == NippleStatus.DICK_NIPPLE)
                if (nipple.quadNipples)
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        sb.Append(", ");

                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(" ");
                sb.Append(Utils.PluralizeIf("dick-nipple", allAvailableNipples));
            else if (nipple.status == NippleStatus.FUCKABLE)
                if (nipple.quadNipples)
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        sb.Append(", ");
                    sb.Append(Utils.PluralizeIf("quad-fuckable nipple", allAvailableNipples));
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        sb.Append(" ");
                    sb.Append(Utils.PluralizeIf("nipple-c**t", allAvailableNipples));
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(" ");
                if (nipple.quadNipples)
                sb.Append(Utils.PluralizeIf("nipple", allAvailableNipples));

            bool needsArticle = !allAvailableNipples && withArticle;

            if (preciseMeasurements)
                //...shit. eight uses an. well, i guess add article if handles that now. not a huge fan but i guess it works.
                return(Utils.AddArticleIf(Measurement.ToNearestQuarterInchOrMillimeter(nipple.length, false, false), needsArticle) + sb.ToString());
                return(NippleSizeAdjective(nipple.length, needsArticle) + sb.ToString());
 public static string GenericFullDescription(INipple nipple, bool alternateFormat, bool plural, bool usePreciseMeasurements)
     return(LongFullDesc(nipple, null, alternateFormat, plural, usePreciseMeasurements, true));
 public static string RowFullDescription(INipple nipple, IBreast breast, bool alternateFormat, bool plural, bool usePreciseMeasurements)
     return(LongFullDesc(nipple, breast, alternateFormat, plural, usePreciseMeasurements, true));
 public static string GenericSingleItemDescription(INipple nipple, bool allowQuadNippleText) => ShortDesc(nipple, null, false, true, allowQuadNippleText);
 public static string RowSingleItemDescription(INipple nipple, IBreast breast, bool allowQuadNippleText) => ShortDesc(nipple, breast, false, true, allowQuadNippleText);
 public static string RowShortDescription(INipple nipple, IBreast breast, bool plural, bool allowQuadNippleText) => ShortDesc(nipple, breast, plural, false, allowQuadNippleText);
 //the following are split into two formats - one with a specific breast row, one without. this lets us create a text specific to certain rows, but also
 //a common text that we can use to talk about them without really needing any rows. so we don't need to go 'breasts[0].LongNippleDescription()', we can just go
 public static string GenericShortDescription(INipple nipple, bool plural, bool allowQuadNippleText) => ShortDesc(nipple, null, plural, false, allowQuadNippleText);
        private static string NippleNoun(INipple nipple, bool plural, bool alternateFormatIfSingular, bool allowQuadNippleText)
            int choice = Utils.Rand(5);

            bool doQuadText = allowQuadNippleText && nipple.quadNipples && Utils.Rand(4) < 3;

            //60% chance for non-normal nipple status.
            if (choice < 3 && nipple.status != NippleStatus.NORMAL)
                if (nipple.status == NippleStatus.DICK_NIPPLE)
                    if (doQuadText)
                        return(Utils.PluralizeIf("quad-dicked nipple", plural));
                        return(Utils.PluralizeIf("dick-nipple", plural));

                else if (choice == 0)
                    if (nipple.status == NippleStatus.FUCKABLE)
                        if (doQuadText)
                            return(Utils.PluralizeIf("fuckable quad-nip", plural));
                            return(Utils.PluralizeIf("fuckable nip", plural));
                    else                     //if (nipple.status.IsInverted())
                        if (doQuadText)
                            return(Utils.PluralizeIf("inverted quad-nip", plural));
                        return(Utils.PluralizeIf("inverted nip", plural));
                else if (choice == 1)
                    if (nipple.status == NippleStatus.FUCKABLE)
                        if (doQuadText)
                            return(Utils.PluralizeIf("quad-holed nipple", plural));
                        return(Utils.PluralizeIf("nipple-hole", plural));
                    else                     //if (nipple.status.IsInverted())
                        if (doQuadText)
                            return(Utils.PluralizeIf("inward-facing quad-nipple", plural));
                        return(Utils.PluralizeIf("inward-facing nipple", plural));
                    if (nipple.status == NippleStatus.FUCKABLE)
                        if (doQuadText)
                            return(Utils.PluralizeIf("quad-c**t nipple", plural));
                        return(Utils.PluralizeIf("nipple-c**t", plural));
                    else if (nipple.status == NippleStatus.FULLY_INVERTED)
                        if (doQuadText)
                            return(Utils.PluralizeIf("inverted quad-nipple", plural));
                        return(Utils.PluralizeIf("inverted nipple", plural));
                        if (doQuadText)
                            return(Utils.PluralizeIf("slightly inverted quad-nipple", plural));
                        return(Utils.PluralizeIf("slightly inverted nipple", plural));
            //if normal nipple status: 40% chance for teat if lactating.
            else if (choice < 2 && nipple.lactationRate >= 1.5)
                string intro = doQuadText ? "quad-" : "";
                return(intro + Utils.PluralizeIf("teat", plural));
            //20% chance a non-inverted nipple will get this special description
            else if (choice == 3 && !nipple.status.IsInverted())
                if (nipple.length < 0.5 && doQuadText)
                    return(Utils.PluralizeIf("perky quad-nipple", plural));
                else if (nipple.length < 0.5)
                    return(Utils.PluralizeIf("perky nipple", plural));
                else if (doQuadText)
                    return(Utils.PluralizeIf("four-pronged, cherry-like nub", plural));
                return(Utils.PluralizeIf("cherry-like nub", plural));
            //default case. Occurs naturally 20% of the time, and any time the we roll something we don't have.
            else if (doQuadText)
                return(Utils.PluralizeIf(Utils.RandomChoice("quad-nipple", "quad-nipple", "quad-nipple", "four-pronged nipple", "four-tipped nipple", "quad-tipped nipple"), plural));
            return(Utils.PluralizeIf("nipple", plural));
 public static string SingleFormatNippleText(INipple nipple, bool allowQuadNippleText = true) => NippleNoun(nipple, false, true, allowQuadNippleText);
 public static string NounText(INipple nipple, bool plural = true, bool allowQuadNippleText = true) => NippleNoun(nipple, plural, false, allowQuadNippleText);