private void InitData() { ModelState = new ModelStateDictionary(); _spService = new SanPhamService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); _nvService = new NhanVienService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); _nccService = new NhaCungCapService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); _khService = new KhachHangService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); _hdService = new HoaDonService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); _pnService = new PhieuNhapService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); }
public AdminController(ISanPhamService sanPhamService, IDonHangService donHangService, INhaCungCapService nhaCungCapService, INhaSanXuatService nhaSanXuatService, IThongSoService thongSoService, IAnhSanPhamService anh, IThongSoKiThuatService thongSoKiThuatService) { _spService = sanPhamService; _dhService = donHangService; _nccService = nhaCungCapService; _nsxService = nhaSanXuatService; _tsService = thongSoService; _aspService = anh; _tsktService = thongSoKiThuatService; }
public nccFormEdit(FormMain main) { if (_nccService == null) { _nccService = new NhaCungCapService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); } InitializeComponent(); InitData(); _main = main; }
public PhieuNhapController( INhaCungCapService nccService, ISanPhamService spService, IPhieuNhapService pnService, IChiTietPhieuNhapService ctpnService ) { this._nccService = nccService; this._spService = spService; this._pnService = pnService; this._ctpnService = ctpnService; }
public SanPhamController( INhaCungCapService nccService, INhaSanXuatService nsxService, ILoaiSanPhamService lspService, ISanPhamService spService ) { this._nccService = nccService; this._nsxService = nsxService; this._lspService = lspService; this._spService = spService; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HoaDonNhapController" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="hoaDonNhapService">The hoa don nhap service.</param> /// <param name="theLoaiService">The loai service.</param> /// <param name="kichCoService">The kich co service.</param> /// <param name="chatLieuService">The chat lieu service.</param> /// <param name="mauService">The mau service.</param> /// <param name="muaService">The mua service.</param> /// <param name="doiTuongService">The doi tuong service.</param> /// <param name="nuocSxService">The nuoc sx service.</param> public HoaDonNhapController(IHoaDonNhapService hoaDonNhapService, ITheLoaiService theLoaiService, IKichCoService kichCoService, IChatLieuService chatLieuService, IMauService mauService, IMuaService muaService, IDoiTuongService doiTuongService, INuocSanXuatService nuocSxService, ISanPhamService sanPhamService, IChiTietHDNService chiTietHdnService, INhanVienService nhanVienService, INhaCungCapService nhaCungCapService) { this.hoaDonNhapService = hoaDonNhapService; this.theLoaiService = theLoaiService; this.kichCoService = kichCoService; this.chatLieuService = chatLieuService; this.mauService = mauService; this.muaService = muaService; this.doiTuongService = doiTuongService; this.nuocSxService = nuocSxService; this.sanPhamService = sanPhamService; this.chiTietHdnService = chiTietHdnService; this.nhanVienService = nhanVienService; this.nhaCungCapService = nhaCungCapService; hoaDonNhapView = new HoaDonNhapView(this); }
public FormMain(FormLogin login) { hh = new hhFormAdd(this); nv = new nvFormAdd(this); kh = new khFormAdd(this); ncc = new nccFormAdd(this); pn = new pnFormAdd(this); hd = new hdFormAdd(this); hhEdit = new hhFormEdit(this); nvEdit = new nvFormEdit(this); nccEdit = new nccFormEdit(this); khEdit = new khFormEdit(this); hdEdit = new hdFormEdit(this); //pnEdit = new pnFormEdit(this); if (_spService == null) { _spService = new SanPhamService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); } if (_nvService == null) { _nvService = new NhanVienService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); } if (_nccService == null) { _nccService = new NhaCungCapService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); } if (_khService == null) { _khService = new KhachHangService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); } if (_hdService == null) { _hdService = new HoaDonService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); } if (_pnService == null) { _pnService = new PhieuNhapService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); } InitializeComponent(); InitData(); InitControls(); this.login = login; this.login.Hide(); }
private void InitData() { ModelState = new ModelStateDictionary(); _nccService = new NhaCungCapService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState)); }
public nccFormEdit(INhaCungCapService nccService) : this() { _nccService = nccService; }
public NhaCungCapController(INhaCungCapService service) { _service = service; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NhaCungCapController"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="chatLieuService">The chat lieu service.</param> public NhaCungCapController(INhaCungCapService chatLieuService) { this.chatLieuService = chatLieuService; view = new NhaCungCapView(this); }
public FormMain(INhaCungCapService nccService) : this() { _nccService = nccService; }
public NhaCungCapController(INhaCungCapService _nhaCungCap) { nhaCungCap = _nhaCungCap; }