예제 #1
        private void ImportXmlWorkspaceDocument(string inputXmlFile)
            IWorkspaceName targetWorkspaceName = getWorkspaceName("esriDataSourcesGDB.SdeWorkspaceFactory", sdePath);
            IName          targetName          = (IName)targetWorkspaceName;
            IWorkspace     targetWorkspace     = (IWorkspace)targetName.Open();

            IGdbXmlImport    gdbXmlImport    = new GdbImporterClass();
            IEnumNameMapping enumNameMapping = null;

            Boolean conflictsFound = gdbXmlImport.GenerateNameMapping(inputXmlFile, targetWorkspace, out enumNameMapping);

            // Check for conflicts.
            if (conflictsFound)
                // Iterate through each name mapping.
                INameMapping nameMapping = null;
                while ((nameMapping = enumNameMapping.Next()) != null)
                    // Resolve the mapping's conflict (if there is one).
                    if (nameMapping.NameConflicts)
                        nameMapping.TargetName = nameMapping.GetSuggestedName(targetName);

                    // See if the mapping's children have conflicts.
                    IEnumNameMapping childEnumNameMapping = nameMapping.Children;
                    if (childEnumNameMapping != null)

                        // Iterate through each child mapping.
                        INameMapping childNameMapping = null;
                        while ((childNameMapping = childEnumNameMapping.Next()) != null)
                            if (childNameMapping.NameConflicts)
                                childNameMapping.TargetName =

            // Import the workspace document, including both schema and data.
            gdbXmlImport.ImportWorkspace(inputXmlFile, enumNameMapping, targetWorkspace, false);
예제 #2
        public static void ExportDatabase(IWorkspace theWorkspace)
            // Try and make sure the user understands what they're doing
            MessageBox.Show("You must first browse to a previously generated, empty geodatabase.", "NCGMP Tools");

            // Browse for a file, personal or SDE geodatabase
            IWorkspaceFactory wsFact          = null;
            IWorkspace        openedWorkspace = null;

            IGxObjectFilter objectFilter = new GxFilterWorkspaces();
            IGxObject       openedObject = commonFunctions.OpenArcFile(objectFilter, "Please select an empty database");

            if (openedObject == null)

            // Check to see if it is a File, Personal or SDE database, create appropriate workspace factory
            string pathToOpen = null;

            switch (openedObject.Category)
            case "Personal Geodatabase":
                wsFact     = new AccessWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                pathToOpen = openedObject.FullName;

            case "File Geodatabase":
                wsFact     = new FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                pathToOpen = openedObject.FullName;

            case "Spatial Database Connection":
                wsFact = new SdeWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                IGxRemoteDatabaseFolder remoteDatabaseFolder = (IGxRemoteDatabaseFolder)openedObject.Parent;
                pathToOpen = remoteDatabaseFolder.Path + openedObject.Name;

            openedWorkspace = wsFact.OpenFromFile(pathToOpen, 0);

            // Okay, now export the current database to an XML doc
            string tempFilePath = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();

            tempFilePath += ".xml";

            IGdbXmlExport xmlExporter = new GdbExporterClass();

            xmlExporter.ExportWorkspace(theWorkspace, tempFilePath, true, false, false);

            // Import to the new database
            // Use the temp file to perform the import
            IGdbXmlImport    xmlImporter     = new GdbImporterClass();
            IEnumNameMapping enumNameMapping = null;
            bool             conflictsFound  = xmlImporter.GenerateNameMapping(tempFilePath, openedWorkspace, out enumNameMapping);

                // Deal with conflicts (lifted wholesale from http://help.arcgis.com/en/sdk/10.0/arcobjects_net/conceptualhelp/index.html#/d/00010000011m000000.htm)
                if (conflictsFound)
                    IName workspaceName = ((IDataset)openedWorkspace).FullName;

                    // Iterate through each name mapping.
                    INameMapping nameMapping = null;
                    while ((nameMapping = enumNameMapping.Next()) != null)
                        // Resolve the mapping's conflict (if there is one).
                        if (nameMapping.NameConflicts)
                            nameMapping.TargetName = nameMapping.GetSuggestedName(workspaceName);
                        // See if the mapping's children have conflicts.
                        IEnumNameMapping childEnumNameMapping = nameMapping.Children;
                        if (childEnumNameMapping != null)
                            // Iterate through each child mapping.
                            INameMapping childNameMapping = null;
                            while ((childNameMapping = childEnumNameMapping.Next()) != null)
                                if (childNameMapping.NameConflicts)
                                    childNameMapping.TargetName = nameMapping.GetSuggestedName

                // Perform the import
                xmlImporter.ImportWorkspace(tempFilePath, enumNameMapping, openedWorkspace, false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "XML Workspace Doc written to: " + tempFilePath);

            // Perhaps, strip the SysInfo table
예제 #3
        private void method_1()
            INameMapping mapping = this.ienumNameMapping_0.Next();

            string[] items = new string[3];
            while (mapping != null)
                ListViewItem item;
                if (mapping.SourceObject is IDomain)
                    IDomain sourceObject = mapping.SourceObject as IDomain;
                    if (sourceObject.Type == esriDomainType.esriDTCodedValue)
                        items[0] = "CV域";
                        items[0] = "范围域";
                    items[1] = sourceObject.Name;
                    if (mapping.NameConflicts)
                        mapping.TargetName = mapping.GetSuggestedName(this.iname_0);
                    items[2] = mapping.TargetName;
                    item     = new ListViewItem(items)
                        Tag = mapping
                else if (mapping.SourceObject is IName)
                    IName name = mapping.SourceObject as IName;
                    items[0] = this.method_0(name);
                    items[1] = (name as IDatasetName).Name;
                    if (mapping.NameConflicts)
                        mapping.TargetName = mapping.GetSuggestedName(this.iname_0);
                    items[2] = mapping.TargetName;
                    item     = new ListViewItem(items)
                        Tag = mapping
                    IEnumNameMapping children = mapping.Children;
                    if (children != null)
                        for (INameMapping mapping3 = children.Next(); mapping3 != null; mapping3 = children.Next())
                            name     = mapping3.SourceObject as IName;
                            items[0] = "  " + this.method_0(name);
                            items[1] = (name as IDatasetName).Name;
                            if (mapping3.NameConflicts)
                                mapping3.TargetName = mapping3.GetSuggestedName(this.iname_0);
                            items[2] = mapping3.TargetName;
                            item     = new ListViewItem(items)
                                Tag = mapping3
                mapping = this.ienumNameMapping_0.Next();
예제 #4
        public void TansferFileGDBToSDE(string fileGDBPath, string sourceFCName)
            // Create workspace name objects.
            IWorkspaceName sourceWorkspaceName = getWorkspaceName("esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory", fileGDBPath);

            // Create a name object for the target (SDE) workspace and open it.
            IWorkspaceName targetWorkspaceName = getWorkspaceName("esriDataSourcesGDB.SdeWorkspaceFactory", sdePath);

            IName targetName = (IName)targetWorkspaceName;

            // Create a name object for the source dataset.
            IFeatureClassName sourceFeatureClassName = getFeatureClassName(sourceWorkspaceName, sourceFCName);
            IName             sourceName             = (IName)sourceFeatureClassName;

            // Create an enumerator for source datasets.
            IEnumName     sourceEnumName     = new NamesEnumeratorClass();
            IEnumNameEdit sourceEnumNameEdit = (IEnumNameEdit)sourceEnumName;

            // Add the name object for the source class to the enumerator.

            // Create a GeoDBDataTransfer object and a null name mapping enumerator.
            IGeoDBDataTransfer geoDBDataTransfer = new GeoDBDataTransferClass();
            IEnumNameMapping   enumNameMapping   = null;

            // Use the data transfer object to create a name mapping enumerator.
            Boolean conflictsFound = geoDBDataTransfer.GenerateNameMapping(sourceEnumName,
                                                                           targetName, out enumNameMapping);


            // Check for conflicts.
            if (conflictsFound)
                // Iterate through each name mapping.
                INameMapping nameMapping = null;
                while ((nameMapping = enumNameMapping.Next()) != null)
                    // Resolve the mapping's conflict (if there is one).
                    if (nameMapping.NameConflicts)
                        nameMapping.TargetName = nameMapping.GetSuggestedName(targetName);

                    // See if the mapping's children have conflicts.
                    IEnumNameMapping childEnumNameMapping = nameMapping.Children;
                    if (childEnumNameMapping != null)

                        // Iterate through each child mapping.
                        INameMapping childNameMapping = null;
                        while ((childNameMapping = childEnumNameMapping.Next()) != null)
                            if (childNameMapping.NameConflicts)
                                childNameMapping.TargetName = childNameMapping.GetSuggestedName(targetName);

            // Start the transfer.
            geoDBDataTransfer.Transfer(enumNameMapping, targetName);