예제 #1
파일: INIFile.cs 프로젝트: whble/crterm
        private void ParseText(string[] lines)
            INIBlock block = new INIBlock();

            block.Name = "";
            foreach (string lineCR in lines)
                string line = lineCR.TrimEnd('\r');
                if (line.StartsWith("["))
                    block      = new INIBlock();
                    block.Name = line;
                    if (!Blocks.ContainsKey(block.Name))
                        Blocks.Add(block.Name, block);
                        block = Blocks[block.Name];
                else if (!line.StartsWith(";") && !line.StartsWith("#") && line.Contains("="))
예제 #2
파일: INIFile.cs 프로젝트: whble/crterm
 public void SetValue(string BlockName, string Key, string Value)
     if (!Blocks.ContainsKey(BlockName))
         INIBlock block = new INIBlock();
         block.Name = BlockName;
         Blocks.Add(block.Name, block);
     Blocks[BlockName].SetValue(Key, Value);
예제 #3
        static void AddComment(INIBlock block, string value)
            if (value == null)

            if (block.Comments != null)
                block.Comments += Environment.NewLine;
            block.Comments += value;
예제 #4
        public List <INIBlock> Read()
            List <INIBlock> data = new List <INIBlock>();

            INIBlock currentBlock             = new INIBlock();
            int      currentOptionIndex       = 0;
            bool     currentBlockCommentedOut = false;

            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(File, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.Default))
                    while (!streamReader.EndOfStream)
                        string line = streamReader.ReadLine();
                        if (line == null)

                        int    commentIndex;
                        string newComment = null;

                        // check for commented out block
                        if (ReadWriteComments && line.Length > 2 && line[0] == TOKEN_BLOCK_START && line[1] == TOKEN_COMMENT)
                            line = line.Substring(2);

                            // add additional comments
                            commentIndex = line.IndexOf(TOKEN_COMMENT);
                            if (commentIndex != -1)
                                // add comment
                                newComment = line.Substring(commentIndex + 1);

                                // remove comment from data
                                line = line.Substring(0, commentIndex).TrimEnd();

                            if (line[line.Length - 1] == TOKEN_BLOCK_END)
                                // add current block
                                if (currentBlock.Name != null)

                                // new block
                                string blockName = line.Substring(0, line.Length - 1).Trim();
                                currentBlock = CreateBlock(blockName, new INIOptions(), currentBlock.Name == null ? currentBlock.Comments : null);

                                currentBlockCommentedOut = true;

                                AddComment(currentBlock, newComment);

                        // handle comments
                        commentIndex = line.IndexOf(TOKEN_COMMENT);
                        if (commentIndex != -1)
                            // add comment
                            if (ReadWriteComments)
                                newComment = line.Substring(commentIndex + 1);

                            // remove comment from data
                            line = line.Substring(0, commentIndex).TrimEnd();
                            line = line.Trim();

                        if (line.Length == 0)
                            AddComment(currentBlock, newComment);

                        if (line[0] == TOKEN_BLOCK_START)
                            // add current block
                            if (currentBlock.Name != null)

                            if (line[line.Length - 1] == TOKEN_BLOCK_END)
                                // new block
                                string blockName = line.Substring(1, line.Length - 2).Trim();
                                currentBlock = CreateBlock(blockName, new INIOptions(), currentBlock.Name == null ? currentBlock.Comments : null);
                                // reset block
                                currentBlock = CreateBlock(null, null, null);

                            currentOptionIndex       = 0;
                            currentBlockCommentedOut = false;
                        else if (currentBlockCommentedOut)
                            // add comment
                            AddComment(currentBlock, line);
                        else if (currentBlock.Name != null)
                            // new value for block
                            int valueIndex = line.IndexOf(TOKEN_MAPPING_VALUE);
                            if (valueIndex != -1)
                                // retrieve name and value from data
                                string optionName  = line.Substring(0, valueIndex).Trim();
                                string optionValue = line.Substring(valueIndex + 1, line.Length - valueIndex - 1).Trim();

                                currentBlock.Options.Add(optionName, new INIOption
                                    Value = optionValue,
                                    Index = currentOptionIndex
                                // entry without value
                                currentBlock.Options.Add(line, new INIOption
                                    Value = string.Empty,
                                    Index = currentOptionIndex

                        // add comment to current block
                        AddComment(currentBlock, newComment);

            // add final block
            if (currentBlock.Name != null)

예제 #5
        //private string OpenFileDialog()
        //    return _openFileDialog.ShowDialog() ?? false ? _openFileDialog.FileName : "";

        private bool LoadINI(string path, out INI file)
            if (!File.Exists(path))
                file = null;

            Regex iniHeader   = new Regex(@"^\[[^\]\r\n]+]");
            Regex iniKeyValue = new Regex(@"^([^=;\r\n]+)=([^;\r\n]*)");

            var lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);

            file = new INI();

            var duplicateKeys = new List <Tuple <string, string, string, string> >(); //block, key, old value, new value

            Dictionary <string, string> currentBlock = null;

            foreach (var line in lines)
                    if (iniHeader.IsMatch(line))
                        file.Add(line.Trim(new char[] { ' ', ']', '[', '\t' }), currentBlock = new INIBlock());

                    if (iniKeyValue.IsMatch(line))
                        if (currentBlock == null)
                            file.Add("", currentBlock = new INIBlock());

                        var match = iniKeyValue.Match(line);
                        var key   = match.Groups[1].Value.Trim();
                        var value = match.Groups[2].Value.Trim();

                        if (currentBlock.ContainsKey(key))
                            var currentBlockName = file.FirstOrDefault(kv => kv.Value == currentBlock).Key;
                            duplicateKeys.Add(Tuple.Create(currentBlockName, key, currentBlock[key], value));

                            currentBlock[key] = value;
                            currentBlock.Add(key, value);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("This INI could not be parsed. The line being parsed was:\n" + line +
                                    "\n\nDetailed exception information below:\n" + ex.InnerException
                                    , "Exception Alert", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);
                    file = null;
            if (duplicateKeys.Count > 0)
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} values were overwritten by same keys in the same section. Only the last set value for the key will be used.\n[Section] Key = Early Value -> Later Value\n{1}"
                                              , duplicateKeys.Count, String.Join("\n", duplicateKeys.Select(dup => string.Format("[{0}] {1} = {2} -> {3}", dup.Item1, dup.Item2, dup.Item3, dup.Item4))))
                                , "Duplicate Key-Values Overwritten", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
예제 #6
        //private string OpenFileDialog()
        //    return _openFileDialog.ShowDialog() ?? false ? _openFileDialog.FileName : "";

        private bool LoadINI(string path, out INI file)
            if (!File.Exists(path))
                file = null;
                return false;

            Regex iniHeader = new Regex(@"^\[[^\]\r\n]+]");
            Regex iniKeyValue = new Regex(@"^([^=;\r\n]+)=([^;\r\n]*)");

            var lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
            file = new INI();

            var duplicateKeys = new List<Tuple<string, string, string, string>>(); //block, key, old value, new value

            Dictionary<string, string> currentBlock = null;
            foreach (var line in lines)
                    if (iniHeader.IsMatch(line))
                        file.Add(line.Trim(new char[] { ' ', ']', '[', '\t' }), currentBlock = new INIBlock());

                    if (iniKeyValue.IsMatch(line))
                        if (currentBlock == null)
                            file.Add("", currentBlock = new INIBlock());

                        var match = iniKeyValue.Match(line);
                        var key = match.Groups[1].Value.Trim();
                        var value = match.Groups[2].Value.Trim();

                        if (currentBlock.ContainsKey(key))
                            var currentBlockName = file.FirstOrDefault(kv => kv.Value == currentBlock).Key;
                            duplicateKeys.Add(Tuple.Create(currentBlockName, key, currentBlock[key], value));

                            currentBlock[key] = value;
                            currentBlock.Add(key, value);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("This INI could not be parsed. The line being parsed was:\n" + line +
                        "\n\nDetailed exception information below:\n" + ex.InnerException
                        , "Exception Alert", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);
                    file = null;
                    return false;
            if (duplicateKeys.Count > 0)
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} values were overwritten by same keys in the same section. Only the last set value for the key will be used.\n[Section] Key = Early Value -> Later Value\n{1}"
                    , duplicateKeys.Count, String.Join("\n", duplicateKeys.Select(dup => string.Format("[{0}] {1} = {2} -> {3}", dup.Item1, dup.Item2, dup.Item3, dup.Item4))))
                    , "Duplicate Key-Values Overwritten", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
            return true;
