예제 #1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public INDArray Multiply(INDArray array, INumber value)
            TNDArray internalArray = InternaliseArray(array);
            TNumber  internalValue = InternaliseNumber(value);

            return(CreateArrayFromHandle(internalValue.Handle * internalArray.Handle));
예제 #2
        private INDArray CheckNice(INDArray array, string paramName = "unspecified")
            if (!Enabled)

            if (array == null)
                Report($"ndarray \"{paramName}\" is null.");
                if (array.Rank != array.Shape.Length)
                    Report($"ndarray \"{paramName}\" has inconsistent rank ({array.Rank}) / shape (length {array.Length}).", array);

                if (CheckNaN && UnderlyingHandler.IsNaN(array))
                    Report($"ndarray \"{paramName}\" contains NaN values.", array);

                if (CheckInfinite && UnderlyingHandler.IsNotFinite(array))
                    Report($"ndarray \"{paramName}\" contains infinite values.", array);

        public void TestWeightedNetworkMergerMerge()
            INetworkMerger merger = new WeightedNetworkMerger(3, 8);
            INetwork       netA   = NetworkMergerTestUtils.GenerateNetwork(1);
            INetwork       netB   = NetworkMergerTestUtils.GenerateNetwork(9);


            merger.Merge(netA, netB);

            IRegistryResolver resolverA = new RegistryResolver(netA.Registry);
            IRegistryResolver resolverB = new RegistryResolver(netB.Registry);

            INDArray weightsA = resolverA.ResolveGet <INDArray>("layers.*.weights")[0];
            INDArray weightsB = resolverB.ResolveGet <INDArray>("layers.*.weights")[0];

            float firstValueA = weightsA.GetValue <float>(0, 0);
            float firstValueB = weightsB.GetValue <float>(0, 0);

            // the first value will change
            Assert.AreEqual(6.82, System.Math.Round(firstValueA * 100) / 100);

            // the second net may not be changed
            Assert.AreEqual(9, firstValueB);


            merger.Merge(netA, netB);
            weightsA    = resolverA.ResolveGet <INDArray>("layers.*.weights")[0];
            firstValueA = weightsA.GetValue <float>(0, 0);

            // may not change
            Assert.AreEqual(6.82, System.Math.Round(firstValueA * 100) / 100);
예제 #4
        protected Dictionary <string, INDArray> GetOwnSlice(IDictionary <string, INDArray> block)
            Dictionary <string, INDArray> slicedBlock = new Dictionary <string, INDArray>();

            foreach (string section in block.Keys)
                INDArray sectionBlock = block[section];
                long[]   beginIndex   = new long[sectionBlock.Rank];
                long[]   endIndex     = new long[sectionBlock.Rank];

                long beginRecordIndex = (long)(sectionBlock.Shape[0] * ShareOffset);
                long endRecordIndex   = (long)Math.Ceiling(sectionBlock.Shape[0] * (ShareOffset + Share));

                //slice is empty, return null to indicate as specified
                if (beginRecordIndex == endRecordIndex)

                beginIndex[0] = beginRecordIndex;
                endIndex[0]   = endRecordIndex;

                for (int i = 1; i < sectionBlock.Rank; i++)
                    endIndex[i] = sectionBlock.Shape[i];

                slicedBlock.Add(section, sectionBlock.Slice(beginIndex, endIndex));

예제 #5
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Fill(INDArray filler, INDArray arrayToFill, long[] sourceBeginIndices, long[] sourceEndIndices, long[] destinationBeginIndices, long[] destinationEndIndices)
            IDataBuffer <float> fillerData      = InternaliseArray(filler).Data;
            IDataBuffer <float> arrayToFillData = InternaliseArray(arrayToFill).Data;

            int sourceOffset      = (int)NDArrayUtils.GetFlatIndex(filler.Shape, filler.Strides, sourceBeginIndices);
            int sourceLength      = (int)NDArrayUtils.GetFlatIndex(filler.Shape, filler.Strides, sourceEndIndices) - sourceOffset + 1;                     // +1 because end is inclusive
            int destinationOffset = (int)NDArrayUtils.GetFlatIndex(arrayToFill.Shape, arrayToFill.Strides, destinationBeginIndices);
            int destinationLength = (int)NDArrayUtils.GetFlatIndex(arrayToFill.Shape, arrayToFill.Strides, destinationEndIndices) - destinationOffset + 1; // same here

            if (sourceLength < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Source begin indices must be smaller than source end indices, but source length was {sourceLength}.");
            if (destinationLength < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Destination begin indices must be smaller than destination end indices, but destination length was {destinationLength}.");
            if (sourceLength != destinationLength)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Source and destination indices length must batch, but source length was {sourceLength} and destination legnth was {destinationLength}.");

            Array.Copy(fillerData.Data, sourceOffset, arrayToFillData.Data, destinationOffset, sourceLength);
        /// <summary>
        /// Score an intermediate result (part of the entire validation dataset was used as specified by the validation iterator).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="predictions">The predictions.</param>
        /// <param name="targets">The targets.</param>
        /// <param name="handler">The computation handler.</param>
        protected override void ScoreIntermediate(INDArray predictions, INDArray targets, IComputationHandler handler)
            predictions = handler.FlattenTimeAndFeatures(predictions);
            targets     = handler.FlattenTimeAndFeatures(targets);

            if (predictions.Shape[1] != 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot score uni-class classification accuracy on targets with != 1 feature shape (feature shape length was {predictions.Shape[1]}).");

            int    totalClassifications   = ParameterRegistry.Get <int>("total_classifications");
            int    correctClassifications = ParameterRegistry.Get <int>("correct_classifications");
            double lowerThreshold         = ParameterRegistry.Get <double>("lower_threshold");
            double upperThreshold         = ParameterRegistry.Get <double>("upper_threshold");

            for (int i = 0; i < predictions.Shape[0]; i++)
                double value  = predictions.GetValue <double>(i, 0);
                int    target = targets.GetValue <int>(i, 0);

                if (value < lowerThreshold && target == 0 || value > upperThreshold && target == 1)

            totalClassifications += (int)predictions.Shape[0];

            ParameterRegistry["total_classifications"]   = totalClassifications;
            ParameterRegistry["correct_classifications"] = correctClassifications;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a certain ndarray with a certain computation handler.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="array">The ndarray to process.</param>
        /// <param name="handler">The computation handler to do the processing with.</param>
        /// <returns>An ndarray with the processed contents of the given array (can be the same or a new one).</returns>
        internal override INDArray ProcessDirect(INDArray array, IComputationHandler handler)
            int recordLength = (int)(array.Length / array.Shape[0]);

            long[] firstBufferIndices  = new long[array.Shape.Length];
            long[] secondBufferIndices = new long[array.Shape.Length];

            _random = new Random(31415926); // fixed rng for reproducability

            for (int i = 0; i < array.Shape[0]; i++)
                int swapIndex = _random.Next((int)array.Shape[0]);

                for (int y = 0; y < recordLength; y++)
                    NDArrayUtils.GetIndices(recordLength * i + y, array.Shape, array.Strides, firstBufferIndices);
                    NDArrayUtils.GetIndices(recordLength * swapIndex + y, array.Shape, array.Strides, secondBufferIndices);

                    double firstValue  = array.GetValue <double>(firstBufferIndices);
                    double secondValue = array.GetValue <double>(secondBufferIndices);

                    array.SetValue(secondValue, firstBufferIndices);
                    array.SetValue(firstValue, secondBufferIndices);

예제 #8
        protected virtual INDArray GeneratePossibleMoves(INDArray values)
            List <int[]> possibleMoves = new List <int[]>();

            int[] valuesInts = values.GetDataAs <int>().Data;
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                if (valuesInts[i] == 0)
                    int[] valuesIntsClone = (int[])valuesInts.Clone();
                    valuesIntsClone[i] = 1;


            if (possibleMoves.Count > 0)
                int[] moves = possibleMoves.Aggregate(ArrayUtils.Concatenate);
                return(Handler.NDArray(moves, possibleMoves.Count, 1, 9));

예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// This method accepts a network pass and processes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="array">The array that is the response from the pass.</param>
        public void ReceivePass(INDArray array)
            array = Handler.FlattenTimeAndFeatures(array);
            array = Handler.RowWise(array, Handler.SoftMax);

            float[][] elements = Handler.RowWiseTransform(array, subarray => subarray.GetDataAs <float>().Data);

            int   maxIndex = 0;
            float maxScore = float.NegativeInfinity;

            for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
                float[] currentMove = elements[i];
                float   score       = currentMove[1] + currentMove[2] * 2;

                if (score > maxScore)
                    maxIndex = i;

            if (maxIndex < _moveOrder.Count)
                int maxPosInGrid = _moveOrder[maxIndex];
                Content.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Content.SetIndex(maxPosInGrid / 3, maxPosInGrid % 3, Content.AiTicTacToePlayer));
예제 #10
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public INDArray Pow(INDArray array, INumber value)
            TNDArray internalArray = InternaliseArray(array);
            TNumber  internalValue = InternaliseNumber(value);

            return(CreateArrayFromHandle(DNDArray.Pow(internalArray.Handle, internalValue.Handle)));
예제 #11
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public INDArray Pow <TOther>(INDArray array, TOther value)
            TNDArray internalArray = InternaliseArray(array);
            float    internalValue = (float)System.Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(float));

            return(CreateArrayFromHandle(DNDArray.Pow(internalArray.Handle, internalValue)));
예제 #12
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public INDArray Divide(INDArray a, INDArray b)
            TNDArray internalA = InternaliseArray(a);
            TNDArray internalB = InternaliseArray(b);

            return(CreateArrayFromHandle(DNDArray.op_DotDivide(internalA.Handle, internalB.Handle)));
예제 #13
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public INDArray Divide <TOther>(TOther value, INDArray array)
            TNDArray internalArray = InternaliseArray(array);
            float    internalValue = (float)System.Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(float));

            return(CreateArrayFromHandle(internalValue / internalArray.Handle));
예제 #14
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public INDArray Dot(INDArray a, INDArray b)
            TNDArray internalA = InternaliseArray(a);
            TNDArray internalB = InternaliseArray(b);

            return(CreateArrayFromHandle(internalA.Handle * internalB.Handle));
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoke this hook with a certain parameter registry if optional conditional criteria are satisfied.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="registry">The registry containing the required values for this hook's execution.</param>
        /// <param name="resolver">A helper resolver for complex registry entries (automatically cached).</param>
        public override void SubInvoke(IRegistry registry, IRegistryResolver resolver)
            IValueModifier modifier   = ParameterRegistry.Get <IValueModifier>("modifier");
            string         identifier = ParameterRegistry.Get <string>("parameter_identifier");
            object         parameter  = resolver.ResolveGetSingle <object>(identifier);

            INumber  asNumber = parameter as INumber;
            INDArray asArray  = parameter as INDArray;

            if (asNumber != null)
                parameter = modifier.Modify(identifier, asNumber, asNumber.AssociatedHandler);
            else if (asArray != null)
                parameter = modifier.Modify(identifier, asArray, asArray.AssociatedHandler);
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot apply modifier {modifier} to parameter \"{identifier}\" with value {parameter}, " +
                                                    $"parameter is neither {nameof(INumber)} nor {nameof(INDArray)}.");

            resolver.ResolveSet(identifier, parameter);
예제 #16
        public void TestAverageNetworkMergerMerge()
            INetworkMerger merger = new AverageNetworkMerger();
            INetwork       netA   = NetworkMergerTestUtils.GenerateNetwork(1);
            INetwork       netB   = NetworkMergerTestUtils.GenerateNetwork(5);


            merger.Merge(netA, netB);

            IRegistryResolver resolverA = new RegistryResolver(netA.Registry);
            IRegistryResolver resolverB = new RegistryResolver(netB.Registry);

            INDArray weightsA = resolverA.ResolveGet <INDArray>("layers.*.weights")[0];
            INDArray weightsB = resolverB.ResolveGet <INDArray>("layers.*.weights")[0];

            float firstValueA = weightsA.GetValue <float>(0, 0);
            float firstValueB = weightsB.GetValue <float>(0, 0);

            // the first value will change
            Assert.AreEqual(3, firstValueA);

            // the second net may not be changed
            Assert.AreEqual(5, firstValueB);


            merger.Merge(netA, netB);
            weightsA    = resolverA.ResolveGet <INDArray>("layers.*.weights")[0];
            firstValueA = weightsA.GetValue <float>(0, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, firstValueA);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a data block out of a number of (name, ndarray) pairs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blockData">The block data in the form of (name, ndarray) [(name, ndarray)] ...</param>
        /// <returns>The block resulting from the given block data.</returns>
        public static IDictionary <string, INDArray> MakeBlock(params object[] blockData)
            if (blockData.Length % 2 != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Block data must be in pairs of 2 (name, ndarray) but length was {blockData.Length}.");

            IDictionary <string, INDArray> block = new Dictionary <string, INDArray>();

            for (int i = 0; i < blockData.Length; i += 2)
                string   name  = blockData[i] as string;
                INDArray array = blockData[i + 1] as INDArray;

                if (name == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Name must be of type string and non-null, but name at index {i} was {blockData[i]}");
                if (array == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Array must be of type INDArray and non-null, but array at index {i + 1} was {blockData[i + 1]}");
                if (block.ContainsKey(name))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Duplicate name at index {i}: {name} already exists in this block.");

                block.Add(name, array);

예제 #18
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Dictionary <string, INDArray> ExtractDirectFrom(object readData, int numberOfRecords, IComputationHandler handler)
            Dictionary <string, INDArray> unprocessedNamedArrays = (Dictionary <string, INDArray>)readData;
            Dictionary <string, INDArray> processedNamedArrays   = new Dictionary <string, INDArray>();

            foreach (string sectionName in unprocessedNamedArrays.Keys)
                INDArray processedArray = unprocessedNamedArrays[sectionName];

                if (processedArray.Shape[0] != numberOfRecords)
                    long[] beginIndices = (long[])processedArray.Shape.Clone();
                    long[] endIndices   = (long[])processedArray.Shape.Clone();

                    beginIndices = NDArrayUtils.GetSliceIndicesAlongDimension(0, 0, beginIndices, copyResultShape: false, sliceEndIndex: false);
                    endIndices   = NDArrayUtils.GetSliceIndicesAlongDimension(0, Math.Min(numberOfRecords, processedArray.Shape[0]), endIndices, copyResultShape: false, sliceEndIndex: true);

                    processedArray = processedArray.Slice(beginIndices, endIndices);

                if (ProcessedSectionNames == null || ProcessedSectionNames.Contains(sectionName))
                    processedArray = ProcessDirect(processedArray, handler);

                processedNamedArrays.Add(sectionName, processedArray);

예제 #19
        /// <inheritdoc />
        internal override INDArray Optimise(string paramIdentifier, INDArray parameter, INDArray gradient, IComputationHandler handler)
            // implementation according to the reference algorithm 1 in the published paper "ADADELTA: AN ADAPTIVE LEARNING RATE METHOD"
            double decayRate = Registry.Get <double>("decay_rate"), smoothing = Registry.Get <double>("smoothing");
            string memoryIdentifierUpdate = paramIdentifier + "_update", memoryIdentifierGradient = paramIdentifier + "_gradient";

            // get accumulated gradients / update if memorised, otherwise initialise empty (all zeroes)
            INDArray previousAccumulatedGradient = GetMemory(memoryIdentifierGradient, () => handler.NDArray((long[])gradient.Shape.Clone()));
            INDArray previousAccumulatedUpdate   = GetMemory(memoryIdentifierUpdate, () => handler.NDArray((long[])gradient.Shape.Clone()));

            // compute accumulated decayed gradients
            INDArray currentGradientDecayed      = handler.Multiply(handler.Multiply(gradient, gradient), 1.0 - decayRate);
            INDArray currentAccumulatedGradient  = handler.Add(handler.Multiply(previousAccumulatedGradient, decayRate), currentGradientDecayed);

            // compute previous accumulated gradient root mean squared (rms) and previous accumulated update rms
            INDArray previousUpdateRms           = SquareRootSmoothed(previousAccumulatedUpdate, smoothing, handler);
            INDArray gradientRms                 = SquareRootSmoothed(currentAccumulatedGradient, smoothing, handler);

            // compute parameter update using previous accumulated gradient / update rms
            INDArray update = handler.Multiply(handler.Multiply(handler.Divide(previousUpdateRms, gradientRms), gradient), -1.0);

            // compute current accumulated squared decayed updates for next iteration
            INDArray squaredUpdateDecayed     = handler.Multiply(handler.Multiply(update, update), 1.0 - decayRate);
            INDArray currentAccumulatedUpdate = handler.Add(handler.Multiply(previousAccumulatedUpdate, decayRate), squaredUpdateDecayed);

            // store accumulated values for next iteration
            SetProtectedMemory(memoryIdentifierGradient, currentAccumulatedGradient, handler);
            SetProtectedMemory(memoryIdentifierUpdate, currentAccumulatedUpdate, handler);

            ExposeParameterUpdate(paramIdentifier, update);

            // compute optimised parameter using computed update
            return(handler.Add(parameter, update));
예제 #20
        protected override INDArray MergeNDArrays(INDArray[] arrays, IComputationHandler handler)
            IComputationHandler newHandler = null;

            if (handler == null)
                foreach (INDArray ndArray in arrays)
                    if (ndArray.AssociatedHandler != null)
                        newHandler = ndArray.AssociatedHandler;
                newHandler = handler;

            if (newHandler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler));

            INDArray sum = newHandler.Multiply(arrays[0], Weights[0]);

            for (int i = 1; i < arrays.Length; i++)
                sum = newHandler.Add(sum, newHandler.Multiply(arrays[i], Weights[i]));

            return(newHandler.Divide(sum, _sum));
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Run this layer. Take relevant input values from inputs and put relevant output values in outputs registry. Each input and each output registry represents one connected layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">The buffer containing the inputs, parameters and outputs respective to this layer.</param>
        /// <param name="handler">The computation handler to use for computations (duh).</param>
        /// <param name="trainingPass">Indicate whether this is run is part of a training pass.</param>
        public override void Run(ILayerBuffer buffer, IComputationHandler handler, bool trainingPass)
            INDArray inputs = buffer.Inputs["default"].Get <INDArray>("activations");
            INDArray weights = buffer.Parameters.Get <INDArray>("weights");
            string   activation = buffer.Parameters.Get <string>("activation");
            long     batches = inputs.Shape[0];
            int      inputSize = Parameters.Get <int>("default_input_size"), size = Parameters.Get <int>("size");
            INDArray biases = handler.StackRows((int)batches, buffer.Parameters.Get <INDArray>("biases"));

            INDArray activations = handler.PermuteBatchAndTime(inputs);             // BatchTimeFeatures ordering by default, needs to be TimeBatchFeatures for layers operating on the time dimension

            activations = activations.Reshape(activations.Shape[0], activations.Shape[1] * ArrayUtils.Product(2, activations.Shape));
            activations = handler.RowWise(activations, timeSlice =>
                timeSlice = timeSlice.Reshape(inputs.Shape[0], inputSize);
                timeSlice = handler.Dot(timeSlice, weights);
                timeSlice = handler.Add(timeSlice, biases);
                timeSlice = handler.Activation(activation, timeSlice);

                return(timeSlice.Reshape(1L, batches * size));

            activations = activations.Reshape(activations.Shape[0], batches, size);
            buffer.Outputs["default"]["activations"] = handler.PermuteBatchAndTime(activations);             // TODO are those the right dimensions? they should be...
예제 #22
        public TicTacToeField(IComputationHandler handler, WPFMonitor monitor)
            _monitor = monitor;

            _buttons = new TicTacToeButton[3, 3];
            Field    = handler.NDArray(_buttons.GetLength(0) * _buttons.GetLength(1));

            for (int i = 0; i < _buttons.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _buttons.GetLength(1); j++)
                    int row    = i;
                    int column = j;

                    TicTacToeButton button = new TicTacToeButton();
                    button.Click  += (sender, args) => ButtonClick(row, column);
                    _buttons[i, j] = button;

                    Grid.SetRow(button, row);
                    Grid.SetColumn(button, column);

예제 #23
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Fill(INDArray filler, INDArray arrayToFill)
            IDataBuffer <float> arrayToFillData = InternaliseArray(arrayToFill).Data;
            IDataBuffer <float> fillerData      = InternaliseArray(filler).Data;

            arrayToFillData.SetValues(fillerData.Data, fillerData.Offset, 0, Math.Min(arrayToFill.Length, filler.Length));
        protected override INumber CalculateCost(INDArray predictions, INDArray targets, IRegistry parameters, IComputationHandler handler)
            INDArray difference = handler.Subtract(predictions, targets);
            INumber  cost       = handler.Sum(handler.Pow(difference, 2));

예제 #25
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override INumber AsNumber(INDArray array, params long[] indices)
            ADFloat32NDArray internalArray = InternaliseArray(array);
            long             flatIndex     = NDArrayUtils.GetFlatIndex(array.Shape, array.Strides, indices);

            return(new ADFloat32Number(DNDArray.ToDNumber(internalArray.Handle, (int)flatIndex)));
예제 #26
        /// <inheritdoc />
        internal override INDArray ProcessDirect(INDArray array, IComputationHandler handler)
            //BTF with single feature dimension, TODO couldn't feature dimension just be flattened and ignored?
            if (array.Rank != 3)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot one-hot encode ndarrays which are not of rank 3 (BTF with single feature dimension), but given ndarray was of rank {array.Rank}.");

            INDArray encodedArray = handler.NDArray(array.Shape[0], array.Shape[1], array.Shape[2] * _valueToIndexMapping.Count);

            long[] bufferIndices = new long[3];

            for (long i = 0; i < array.Shape[0] * array.Shape[1]; i++)
                bufferIndices = NDArrayUtils.GetIndices(i, array.Shape, array.Strides, bufferIndices);

                object value = array.GetValue <int>(bufferIndices);

                if (!_valueToIndexMapping.ContainsKey(value))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot one-hot encode unknown value {value}, value was not registered as a possible value.");

                bufferIndices[2] = _valueToIndexMapping[value];

                encodedArray.SetValue(1, bufferIndices);

예제 #27
        private void RegisterActiveBlock(Dictionary <string, INDArray> block, int blockIndex, IComputationHandler handler)
            INDArray firstNamedBlock = block[block.First().Key];

            if (IsBlockActive(blockIndex, handler))
                //block already registered as active, nothing to do here

            RecordBlock recordBlock = new RecordBlock(block, blockIndex, firstNamedBlock.Shape[0], handler.GetSizeBytes(block.Values.ToArray()), handler)
                Loaded = true, Active = true

            lock (_activeBlocks)
                TotalActiveBlockSizeBytes += recordBlock.EstimatedSizeBytes;
                TotalActiveRecords        += recordBlock.NumberRecords;

                if (!_activeBlocks.ContainsKey(blockIndex))
                    _activeBlocks.Add(blockIndex, new HashSet <RecordBlock>());

예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Score an intermediate result (part of the entire validation dataset was used as specified by the validation iterator).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="predictions">The predictions.</param>
        /// <param name="targets">The targets.</param>
        /// <param name="handler">The computation handler.</param>
        protected override void ScoreIntermediate(INDArray predictions, INDArray targets, IComputationHandler handler)
            predictions = handler.FlattenTimeAndFeatures(predictions);

            if (predictions.Shape[1] <= 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot score multi-class classification accuracy on targets with less than 2 feature indices (there were {predictions.Shape[1]}.");

            int[] tops = ParameterRegistry.Get <int[]>("tops");

            predictions = handler.RowWise(predictions, handler.SoftMax);
            var perRowTopPredictions = handler.RowWiseTransform(predictions,
                                                                row => row.GetDataAs <double>().Data.Select((x, i) => new KeyValuePair <double, int>(x, i)).OrderByDescending(x => x.Key).Select(p => p.Value).ToArray()).ToList();

            int[] targetIndices = handler.RowWiseTransform(handler.FlattenTimeAndFeatures(targets), handler.MaxIndex);

            foreach (int top in tops)
                int correctClassifications = perRowTopPredictions.Where((rowPredictions, rowIndex) => rowPredictions.Take(top).Any(predicted => predicted == targetIndices[rowIndex])).Count();

                ParameterRegistry[$"correct_classifications_top{top}"] = ParameterRegistry.Get <int>($"correct_classifications_top{top}") + correctClassifications;

            ParameterRegistry["total_classifications"] = ParameterRegistry.Get <int>("total_classifications") + targetIndices.Length;
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a hook with a certain time step and a set of required global registry entries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timestep">The time step.</param>
        /// <param name="desiredTargets">The targets for which the inputs should be optimised for.</param>
        /// <param name="desiredCost">The maximum factor of difference between approached targets and desired targets (squared difference).</param>
        /// <param name="sharedResultInputKey">The shared key under which the result input will be available.</param>
        /// <param name="sharedResultSuccessKey">The shared key under which the result success flag will be available.</param>
        public TargetMaximisationHook(ITimeStep timestep, INDArray desiredTargets, string sharedResultSuccessKey, string sharedResultInputKey, double desiredCost = 0.06)
            : base(timestep, "network.self", "optimiser.self")
            if (desiredTargets == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(desiredTargets));
            if (sharedResultInputKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sharedResultInputKey));
            if (sharedResultSuccessKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sharedResultSuccessKey));

            ParameterRegistry["desired_targets"]           = desiredTargets;
            ParameterRegistry["desired_cost"]              = desiredCost;
            ParameterRegistry["max_optimisation_steps"]    = 1024;
            ParameterRegistry["max_optimisation_attempts"] = 2;
            ParameterRegistry["shared_result_input_key"]   = sharedResultInputKey;
            ParameterRegistry["shared_result_success_key"] = sharedResultSuccessKey;

            InvokePriority = 10000;
예제 #30
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public INDArray Subtract(INumber value, INDArray array)
            TNDArray internalArray = InternaliseArray(array);
            TNumber  internalValue = InternaliseNumber(value);

            return(CreateArrayFromHandle(internalValue.Handle - internalArray.Handle));