public ScriptVariable Call(IList <ScriptVariable> args, ScriptConsole console) { _progress.Initialize(0, "Initializing..."); if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("args", "args cannot be null"); } if (args.Count < 1) { args = new List <ScriptVariable> { null } } ; if (args[0] == null) { args[0] = new ListVariable(); } IList <ScriptVariable> objectNamesVar = args[0].ToList(); if (objectNamesVar.Any(n => n.IsNull())) { throw new ArgumentException(global::MotionDataHandler.Properties.Settings.Default.Msg_ObjectNameCannotBeNull, "args"); } List <string> objectNames = objectNamesVar.Select(n => n.ToString()).ToList(); MotionDataSet dataSet = console.MotionDataSet; MotionProcEnv env2 = new MotionProcEnv(console); List <MotionObjectInfo> infoList = new List <MotionObjectInfo>(); foreach (string objectName in objectNames) { MotionObjectInfo info = dataSet.GetObjectInfoByName(objectName); if (info == null) { throw new ArgumentException(global::MotionDataHandler.Properties.Settings.Default.Msg_ObjectNotFound + ": " + objectName, "args"); } infoList.Add(info); } foreach (MotionObjectInfo info in infoList) { if (!_operation.FilterSelection(info)) { throw new ArgumentException(global::MotionDataHandler.Properties.Settings.Default.Msg_InvalidTargetObjectSpecified + ": " + info.Name, "args"); } } string errorMessage = ""; if (!_operation.ValidateSelection(infoList, ref errorMessage)) { if (errorMessage == null) { errorMessage = ""; } throw new ArgumentException(global::MotionDataHandler.Properties.Settings.Default.Msg_ImproperObjectSelection + ": " + errorMessage, "args"); } IList <ProcParam <MotionProcEnv> > parameters = _operation.GetParameters() ?? new ProcParam <MotionProcEnv> [0]; if (args.Count != parameters.Count + 1) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(global::MotionDataHandler.Properties.Settings.Default.Msg_NumberOfArgumentsRequired, parameters.Count + 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++) { if (!parameters[i].FromScriptVariable(env2, args[i + 1], ref errorMessage)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(global::MotionDataHandler.Properties.Settings.Default.Msg_InvalidNthArgument + ": {1}", i + 1, errorMessage ?? ""), "args"); } } if (!_operation.ValidateArguments(parameters, ref errorMessage)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(global::MotionDataHandler.Properties.Settings.Default.Msg_InvalidArgument + ": {0}", errorMessage ?? ""), "args"); } IMotionOperationGeneral general = _operation as IMotionOperationGeneral; if (general != null) { _progress.Initialize(0, "Operation"); general.Operate(infoList, parameters, dataSet, _progress); return(new ListVariable(infoList.Select(info => new StringVariable(info.Name)))); } IMotionOperationEditObject edit = _operation as IMotionOperationEditObject; if (edit != null) { _progress.Initialize(dataSet.FrameLength, "Edit Object"); foreach (MotionFrame frame in dataSet.EnumerateFrame()) { IList <MotionObject> results = edit.EditObject(infoList, parameters, new ReadOnlyMotionFrame(frame), false); int count = Math.Min(results.Count, infoList.Count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { frame[infoList[i]] = results[i]; } _progress.CurrentValue++; } dataSet.DoFrameListChanged(); return(new ListVariable(infoList.Select(info => new StringVariable(info.Name)))); } IMotionOperationOutputSequence output = _operation as IMotionOperationOutputSequence; if (output != null) { _progress.Initialize(0, "Output"); IList <Sequence.SequenceData> sequences = output.OutputSequence(infoList, parameters, dataSet.EnumerateFrame().Select(frame => new ReadOnlyMotionFrame(frame)), _progress); foreach (Sequence.SequenceData sequence in sequences) { console.SequenceController.AddSequence(sequence); } return(new ListVariable(sequences.Select(s => new StringVariable(s.Title)))); } IMotionOperationCreateObject create = _operation as IMotionOperationCreateObject; if (create != null) { _progress.Initialize(dataSet.FrameLength, "Create Object"); IList <MotionObjectInfo> newInfoList = create.GetNewObjectInfoList(infoList, parameters); MotionFrame firstFrame = dataSet.GetFrameByIndex(0); if (firstFrame != null) { IList <MotionObject> newObjects = create.CreateObjects(infoList, parameters, new ReadOnlyMotionFrame(firstFrame), false) ?? new MotionObject[0]; if (newObjects.Count != newInfoList.Count) { throw new InvalidOperationException(global::MotionDataHandler.Properties.Settings.Default.Msg_CreateObjectLengthMismatch); } } foreach (MotionObjectInfo newInfo in newInfoList) { dataSet.AddObject(newInfo); } foreach (MotionFrame frame in dataSet.EnumerateFrame()) { IList <MotionObject> newObjects = create.CreateObjects(infoList, parameters, new ReadOnlyMotionFrame(frame), false) ?? new MotionObject[0]; int count = Math.Min(newObjects.Count, newInfoList.Count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { frame[newInfoList[i]] = newObjects[i]; } _progress.CurrentValue++; } dataSet.DoObjectInfoSetChanged(); dataSet.DoFrameListChanged(); return(new ListVariable(newInfoList.Select(info => new StringVariable(info.Name)))); } return(null); }
public IList <ScriptVariable> ParameterToVariable(IList <ProcParam <MotionProcEnv> > paramaters) { MotionProcEnv env = this.GetEnvironment(); Collection <ScriptVariable> ret = new Collection <ScriptVariable>(); ret.Add(new ListVariable(_console.MotionDataSet.GetSelectedObjectInfoList(info => _operation.FilterSelection(info)).Select(info => (ScriptVariable) new StringVariable(info.Name)))); paramaters.Select(p => p == null ? null : p.ToScriptVariable(env)).ToList().ForEach(p => ret.Add(p)); return(ret); }
public DialogMotionOperation(ScriptConsole console, IMotionOperationBase operation) : this() { if (console == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("console", "'console' cannot be null"); } if (operation == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("operation", "'operation' cannot be null"); } _operation = operation; _console = console; _exec = new MotionOperationExecution(operation, _console); _targetInfoList = _console.MotionDataSet.GetSelectedObjectInfoList(info => _operation.FilterSelection(info)); }