예제 #1
 private void DrawPack(WorldLayer layer, IMonsterPack p, ref float yref)
     //Check if any affixes are wished to be displayed
     if (DisplayAffix.Any())
         string dAffix = "";
         foreach (ISnoMonsterAffix afx in p.AffixSnoList)        //iterate affix list
             if (DisplayAffix.Keys.Contains(afx.Affix))          //if affix is an key
                 dAffix += DisplayAffix[afx.Affix] + " ";        //add to output
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dAffix))
             var d = LightFont.GetTextLayout(dAffix);
             var y = YPos + py * 8 * yref;
             LightFont.DrawText(d, XPos, y - py);
             yref += 1.0f;
     //iterate all alive monsters of pack and print healthbars
     foreach (IMonster m in p.MonstersAlive)
         DrawHealthBar(layer, m, ref yref);
예제 #2
        private void DrawPack(WorldLayer layer, IMonsterPack p, ref float yref)
            //Check if any affixes are wished to be displayed
            bool elitevivo = false;

            foreach (IMonster m in p.MonstersAlive)
                if ((m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare) || (m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion))
                    elitevivo = true;

            if (elitevivo || ShowRareMinions)
                if (DisplayAffix.Any())
                    var y = YPos + py * 8 * yref;  var despl = XPos; bool conafijos = false;
                    foreach (ISnoMonsterAffix afx in p.AffixSnoList)           //iterate affix list
                        if (DisplayAffix.Keys.Contains(afx.Affix))             //if affix is an key
                            despl = AfijosColores(afx.Affix, despl, y - py);
                        conafijos = true;
                    if (conafijos)
                        yref += 1.0f;
                //iterate all alive monsters of pack and print healthbars
                foreach (IMonster m in p.MonstersAlive)
                    DrawHealthBar(layer, m, ref yref);