private async Task <IEnumerable <BaseNode> > GetBreadcrumbs(BsonDocument node) { var filter = (BsonDocument) new OrganizeFilter(UserId.Value).ById(node["_id"].AsGuid); var parents = await _nodes.Aggregate().Match(filter) .GraphLookup(_nodes, "ParentId", "_id", "$ParentId", "Parent") .Unwind("Parent") .ReplaceRoot <BaseNode>("$Parent") .ToListAsync(); parents.AsParallel() .ForAll(p => p.Name = WebUtility.UrlEncode(p.Name)?.Replace("+", "%20")); if (parents.Count() > 0) { var result = new List <BaseNode>(); var it = parents.First(p => p.Id == node["ParentId"].AsGuid); result.Add(it); while (it.Id != UserId) { it = parents.First(p => p.Id == it.ParentId); result.Add(it); } return(result); } else { return(parents); } }
public async Task <IEnumerable <AppraisalForApprovalDto> > GetEmployeesToAppraise(int employeeId, string appraisalConfigurationId, string appraisalCycleId, string whoAmI) { var year = DateTime.Now.Year; var pipeline = SupervisorEmployeeQuery.GetEmployeesToAppraise(employeeId, appraisalConfigurationId, appraisalCycleId); var lookupResult = KraCollection.Aggregate <AppraisalForApprovalDto>(pipeline); var finalResultToReturn = await GenerateDistinctArrayForEmployeeKRA(lookupResult); if (finalResultToReturn.Count > 0) { //get Equivalent Employee Details for each one IEnumerable <string> IdsToSend = finalResultToReturn.Select(x => x.EmployeeDetail.EmployeeId.ToString()).Distinct(); var returnedEmployees = await teamRepository.FetchEmployeesDetailsFromEmployeeService(IdsToSend); if (returnedEmployees.Any()) { foreach (var employee in returnedEmployees) { var currentEmployee = finalResultToReturn.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeDetail.EmployeeId == employee.EmployeeId); currentEmployee.EmployeeDetail.Email = employee.Email; currentEmployee.EmployeeDetail.EmpStaffId = employee.StaffId; currentEmployee.EmployeeDetail.FullName = employee.FullName; currentEmployee.EmployeeDetail.Company = employee.Subgroup.Name; } } } return(finalResultToReturn); }
/// <summary> /// Get a <see cref="Movie" /> /// </summary> /// <param name="movieId">The Id of the <see cref="Movie" /></param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">Allows the UI to cancel an asynchronous request. Optional.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="Movie" /></returns> public async Task <Movie> GetMovieAsync(string movieId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { try { return(await _moviesCollection.Aggregate() .Match(Builders <Movie> .Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, movieId)) .Lookup( _commentsCollection, m => m.Id, c => c.MovieId, (Movie m) => m.Comments ) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken)); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO Ticket: Error Handling // Catch the exception and check the exception type and message contents. // Return null if the exception is due to a bad/missing Id. Otherwise, // throw. return(null); } }
public List <TopTenMatch> GetTopTenMatches(MatchDuration duration) { var filter = Builders <Player> .Filter .Where(x => x.matches.All(m => >= duration.FromDate & <= duration.ToDate)); var filterBson = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter .Where(x => x["matches"]["date"] >= duration.FromDate& x["matches"]["date"] <= duration.ToDate); var documents = playerList .Aggregate() .Unwind(x => x.matches) .Match(filterBson) .SortByDescending(x => x["matches"]["score"]) .Limit(10) .ToList(); List <TopTenMatch> topTenMatches = new List <TopTenMatch>(); foreach (var item in documents) { TopTenMatch match = new TopTenMatch(); match.score = item["matches"]["score"].ToDouble(); match.level_number = item["matches"]["level_number"].ToInt32(); = item["matches"]["date"].ToUniversalTime(); match.player_nickname = item["nickname"].ToString(); topTenMatches.Add(match); } return(topTenMatches); }
public IEnumerable <BaseNode> GetBreadcrumbs(Guid itemId) { var filter = _filterBase & _builder.Eq("_id", itemId); var parents = _nodes.Aggregate().Match(filter) .GraphLookup(_nodes, "ParentId", "_id", "$ParentId", "Parent") .Unwind("Parent") .ReplaceRoot <BaseNode>("$Parent") .ToList(); if (parents.Count() > 0) { var result = new List <BaseNode>(); var it = parents.First(p => p.Type == "User"); do { result.Add(it); it = parents.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ParentId == it.Id); } while (it != null); return(result); } else { return(parents); } }
/// <summary> /// Get a <see cref="Movie" /> /// </summary> /// <param name="movieId">The Id of the <see cref="Movie" /></param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">Allows the UI to cancel an asynchronous request. Optional.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="Movie" /></returns> public async Task <Movie> GetMovieAsync(string movieId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var rx = new Regex(@"^[0-9A-F]+$"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(movieId) || movieId.Length != 24 || !rx.IsMatch(movieId)) { return(null); } try { return(await _moviesCollection.Aggregate() .Match(Builders <Movie> .Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, movieId)) .Lookup(_commentsCollection, m => m.Id, c => c.MovieId, (Movie m) => m.Comments).FirstOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken)); // Ticket: Get Comments // Add a lookup stage that includes the // comments associated with the retrieved movie } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO Ticket: Error Handling // Catch the exception and check the exception type and message contents. // Return null if the exception is due to a bad/missing Id. Otherwise, // throw. throw; } }
private async Task <IList <Event> > GetEventsForChat(Chat chat, EntityID since, int limit) { var graphLookupStage = new BsonDocument("$graphLookup", new BsonDocument { { "from", EventsCollectionName }, { "startWith", "{ EventID: " + since + " }" }, { "connectFromField", "EventID" }, { "connectToField", "PrevEvents" }, { "as", "Children" }, { "maxDepth", limit }, { "restrictSearchWithMatch", "{ ChatId: " + chat.Id + " }" } }); var result = await events.Aggregate() .AppendStage <BsonDocument>(graphLookupStage).ToListAsync(); var deserializedResult = new List <Event>(); result.ForEach(x => { deserializedResult.Add(BsonSerializer.Deserialize <EventWithChildren>(x)); }); return(deserializedResult); }
private OverviewDetails LoadCashOverview() { OverviewDetails details = new OverviewDetails(); IAggregateFluent <HandHistory> cashGameHands = handCollection.Aggregate().Match(h => h.GameDescription.PokerFormat == PokerFormat.CashGame && h.GameDescription.Limit.Currency != Currency.PlayMoney); IAggregateFluent <UnwoundHand> actions = cashGameHands .Unwind <HandHistory, UnwoundHand>(h => h.HandActions) .Match(h => PlayerNames.Contains(h.HandActions.PlayerName)); if (!cashGameHands.Any()) { return(details); // Return empty result set if there are no hands available } details.Hands = cashGameHands.Count().First().Count; foreach (var profit in actions.Group(h => h.HandId, h => new { sum = h.Sum(h2 => h2.HandActions.Amount * h2.GameDescription.Limit.BigBlind) }).ToEnumerable()) { if (profit.sum > 0) { details.Winnings += profit.sum; } else { details.Losses += profit.sum; } } return(details); }
/// <summary> /// Get a <see cref="Movie"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="movieId">The Id of the <see cref="Movie"/></param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">Allows the UI to cancel an asynchronous request. Optional.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="Movie"/></returns> public async Task <Movie> GetMovieAsync(string movieId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(movieId)) { return(null); } try { return(await _moviesCollection.Aggregate() .Match(Builders <Movie> .Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, movieId)) .Lookup( _commentsCollection, m => m.Id, c => c.MovieId, (Movie m) => m.Comments ) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken)); } catch (FormatException ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("is not a valid 24 digit hex string")) { return(null); } throw; } }
public User GetSortedUserBlogs(string userId) { var res = users.Aggregate <User>() .Match(new BsonDocument { { "_id", userId } }) .Unwind(u => u.Blogs) .Sort(new BsonDocument { { $"{nameof(User.Blogs)}.{nameof(Blog.CreatedOn)}", -1 } }) .Group(new BsonDocument { { "_id", "$_id" }, { $"{nameof(User.Blogs)}", new BsonDocument { { "$push", $"${nameof(User.Blogs)}" } } } }).ToList(); if (res.Count == 0) { throw new UserNotFoundException(); } var user = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <User>(res.First()); return(user); }
/// <summary> /// Get a <see cref="Movie" /> /// </summary> /// <param name="movieId">The Id of the <see cref="Movie" /></param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">Allows the UI to cancel an asynchronous request. Optional.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="Movie" /></returns> public async Task <Movie> GetMovieAsync(string movieId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { try { // Add a lookup stage that includes the // comments associated with the retrieved movie var filter = Builders <Movie> .Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, movieId); var movieWithComments = await _moviesCollection.Aggregate() .Match(filter) .Lookup ( _commentsCollection, m => m.Id, c => c.MovieId, (Movie m) => m.Comments ) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken); return(movieWithComments); } catch (Exception ex) { // Catch the exception and check the exception type and message contents. // Return null if the exception is due to a bad/missing Id. Otherwise, // throw. if (ex.Message.Contains("not a valid")) { return(null); } throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates an aggregation pipeline that finds all documents that have a string /// 'lastupdated' value and converts those values to type 'date'. /// /// The code below is the C# way to represent the following pipeline: /// /// [{'$match': {'lastupdated': {'$type': 2}}}, { '$addFields': {'lastupdated': /// {'$dateFromString': { 'dateString': {'$substr': ['$lastupdated', 0, 23]}}}}}] /// /// </summary> /// <returns>A List of Movie objects with the lastupdated values converted to dates.</returns> private static List <Movie> TransformDatePipeline() { var pipeline = new[] { new BsonDocument("$match", new BsonDocument("lastupdated", new BsonDocument("$type", 2))), new BsonDocument("$addFields", new BsonDocument("lastupdated", new BsonDocument("$dateFromString", new BsonDocument { { "dateString", new BsonDocument("$substr", new BsonArray { "$lastupdated", 0, 23 }) }, { "timezone", "America/New_York" } }))) }; return(_moviesCollection .Aggregate(PipelineDefinition <Movie, Movie> .Create(pipeline)) .ToList()); }
public async Task UpdateGameIndex() { Log.Information("Reindexing game collection"); await _gameUpdates.Aggregate(new AggregateOptions { AllowDiskUse = true }) .Sort("{firstSeen: 1}") .Group(@"{ _id: '$game', season: {$first: '$payload.season'}, day: {$first: '$'}, lastUpdate: {$last: '$payload'}, lastUpdateTime: {$last: '$firstSeen'} }") .MergeAsync(_games); Log.Information("Reindexing game start timestamps"); await _gameUpdates.Aggregate(new AggregateOptions { AllowDiskUse = true }) .Match("{'payload.gameStart': true}") .Group(@"{ _id: '$game', start: {$min: '$firstSeen'}, }") .MergeAsync(_games); Log.Information("Reindexing game end timestamps"); await _gameUpdates.Aggregate(new AggregateOptions { AllowDiskUse = true }) .Match("{'payload.gameComplete': true}") .Group(@"{ _id: '$game', end: {$min: '$firstSeen'}, }") .MergeAsync(_games); Log.Information("Done! :)"); }
/// <summary> /// Get a <see cref="Movie" /> /// </summary> /// <param name="movieId">The Id of the <see cref="Movie" /></param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">Allows the UI to cancel an asynchronous request. Optional.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="Movie" /></returns> public async Task <Movie> GetMovieAsync(string movieId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { try { return(await _moviesCollection.Aggregate() .Match(Builders <Movie> .Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, movieId)) // Ticket: Get Comments // Add a lookup stage that includes the // comments associated with the retrieved movie .Lookup( _commentsCollection, m => m.Id, c => c.MovieId, (Movie m) => m.Comments ) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken)); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO Ticket: Error Handling // Catch the exception and check the exception type and message contents. // Return null if the exception is due to a bad/missing Id. Otherwise, // throw. if (ex.Message.ToLower().EndsWith("is not a valid 24 digit hex string.")) { return(null); } throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Get a <see cref="Movie" /> /// </summary> /// <param name="movieId">The Id of the <see cref="Movie" /></param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">Allows the UI to cancel an asynchronous request. Optional.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="Movie" /></returns> public async Task <Movie> GetMovieAsync(string movieId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { try { return(await _moviesCollection.Aggregate() .Match(Builders <Movie> .Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, movieId)) .Lookup <Movie, Comment, Movie>(_commentsCollection, m => m.Id, c => c.MovieId, r => r.Comments) .FirstOrDefaultAsync()); //await _moviesCollection.Aggregate() //.Match(Builders<Movie>.Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, movieId)) //.Lookup("comments", movieId, movieId, "movie_comments"); //.Lookup("comments", movieId, movieId, "movie_comments") // Ticket: Get Comments // Add a lookup stage that includes the // comments associated with the retrieved movie //.FirstOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO Ticket: Error Handling // Catch the exception and check the exception type and message contents. // Return null if the exception is due to a bad/missing Id. Otherwise, // throw. return(null); } }
public void LoadOverview() { OverviewDetails cashGameDetails = LoadCashOverview(); AddStatistic("cashHands", cashGameDetails.Hands.ToString()); AddStatistic("cashWinnings", cashGameDetails.Winnings.ToString(dollarPattern)); AddStatistic("cashLosses", cashGameDetails.Losses.ToString(dollarPattern)); OverviewDetails tournamentDetails = LoadTournamentOverview(false); AddStatistic("tournamentHands", tournamentDetails.Hands.ToString()); AddStatistic("tournamentWinnings", tournamentDetails.Winnings.ToString(dollarPattern)); AddStatistic("freerollWinnings", () => tournamentCollection.Aggregate().Match(t => t.Buyin.Total == 0) .Group(t => t.SitAndGo, t => new { sum = t.Sum(t2 => t2.Winnings) }).First().sum.ToString(dollarPattern)); AddStatistic("tournamentCosts", tournamentDetails.Losses.ToString(dollarPattern)); AddStatistic("tournamentsPlayed", tournamentDetails.Tournaments.ToString()); OverviewDetails sitAndGoDetails = LoadTournamentOverview(true); AddStatistic("sitAndGoHands", sitAndGoDetails.Hands.ToString()); AddStatistic("sitAndGoWinnings", sitAndGoDetails.Winnings.ToString(dollarPattern)); AddStatistic("sitAndGoCosts", sitAndGoDetails.Losses.ToString(dollarPattern)); AddStatistic("sitAndGosPlayed", sitAndGoDetails.Tournaments.ToString()); decimal totalProfit = cashGameDetails.Winnings + tournamentDetails.Winnings + sitAndGoDetails.Winnings + cashGameDetails.Losses + tournamentDetails.Losses + sitAndGoDetails.Losses; long totalHands = cashGameDetails.Hands + tournamentDetails.Hands + sitAndGoDetails.Hands; AddStatistic("handsPlayed", totalHands.ToString()); AddStatistic("profit", totalProfit.ToString(dollarPattern)); }
public async Task <List <UsuarioRDTO> > obtenerFiscales() { BsonArray subpipeline = new BsonArray(); subpipeline.Add( new BsonDocument("$match", new BsonDocument( "$expr", new BsonDocument( "$eq", new BsonArray { "$_id", new BsonDocument("$toObjectId", "$$idrol") } ) )) ); var lookup = new BsonDocument("$lookup", new BsonDocument("from", "roles") .Add("let", new BsonDocument("idrol", "$rol")) .Add("pipeline", subpipeline) .Add("as", "rolobj")); var filter2 = new BsonDocument("$match", new BsonDocument("rolobj.label", "Fiscal")); var filter1 = new BsonDocument("$match", new BsonDocument("tipo", "administracion")); List <UsuarioRDTO> fiscales = new List <UsuarioRDTO>(); fiscales = await _usuarios.Aggregate() .AppendStage <Usuario>(filter1) .AppendStage <Usuario_LK>(lookup) .Unwind <Usuario_LK, UsuarioRDTO>(p => p.rolobj) .AppendStage <UsuarioRDTO>(filter2) .ToListAsync(); return(fiscales); }
/// <summary> /// Gets view statistics for all presentations that have been viewed at least once. /// </summary> /// <returns>A list of objects containing presentation view statistics.</returns> public async Task <IEnumerable <StatisticsPresentationModel> > GetStatisticsPresentationListAsync() { var aggregate = statisticsCollection .Aggregate() .Match(new BsonDocument { { "Type", "presentation" }, }) .Group(new BsonDocument { { "_id", "$PresentationId" }, { "TimesShown", new BsonDocument("$sum", 1) }, { "LastShown", new BsonDocument("$last", "$Time") } }) .Sort(Builders <BsonDocument> .Sort.Descending("TimesShown").Descending("LastShown")) .Project(new BsonDocument { { "_id", 0 }, { "PresentationId", "$_id" }, { "TimesShown", "$TimesShown" }, { "LastShown", "$LastShown" } }); var results = await aggregate.ToListAsync(); var statisticsPresentationList = new List <StatisticsPresentationModel>(); foreach (var item in results) { statisticsPresentationList.Add(BsonSerializer.Deserialize <StatisticsPresentationModel>(item)); } return(statisticsPresentationList); }
/// <summary> /// Get a <see cref="Movie" /> with <see cref="Comment" /> collection /// </summary> public async Task <Movie> GetMovieAsync(string movieId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { try { var movie = await _moviesCollection.Aggregate() .Match(Builders <Movie> .Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, movieId)) // Add a lookup (left join) stage that includes the comments associated with the retrieved movie .Lookup(_commentsCollection, m => m.Id, (Comment c) => c.MovieId, (Movie m) => m.Comments) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken); return(movie); } catch (Exception ex) { // Catch the exception and check the exception type and message contents. // Return null if the exception is due to a bad/missing Id. Otherwise, throw. if (ex.GetType() == typeof(FormatException) && ex.Message.Contains("is not a valid 24 digit hex string")) { return(null); } throw; } }
public IDataAdapter Aggregate(object pipeline, out string result) { AggregatePipelineModel model = (AggregatePipelineModel)pipeline; BsonDocument Match = BsonDocument.Parse(model.Match); BsonDocument Sort = BsonDocument.Parse(model.Sort); BsonDocument Group = BsonDocument.Parse(model.Group); BsonDocument Project = BsonDocument.Parse(model.Project); if (model.Lookup == null) { result = _collection.Aggregate() .Match(Match) .Group(Group) .Project(Project) .Sort(Sort) .ToList().ToJson(); } else { result = _collection.Aggregate() .Match(Match) .Group(Group) .Project(Project) .Lookup(model.Lookup.ForeignCollectionName, model.Lookup.LocalFieldName, model.Lookup.ForeignFieldName, model.Lookup.ResultAs) .Sort(Sort) .ToList().ToJson(); } return(this); }
//public string GenerateIdiom() //{ // Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string> // { // { "5beghawgsagsaga7eb855e3e94", "66hhh" }, // { "5bebec2a2hgbhghhhhhhhh855e3e94", "6gggggh" } // }; // Definition def = new Definition { Text = "hahaha", Addition = "666", IsBold = false, Source = "hhh", Links = dic }; // Definition def2 = new Definition { Text = "haa", Addition = "345sgsdgsdgc6", IsBold = false, Source = "hhh", Links = dic }; // List<Definition> defs = new List<Definition> // { // def, // def2 // }; // _idioms.InsertOne(new Idiom { Name = "TEST", Definitions = defs, LastEditor = "fssssss", UpdateTimeUT = 666666, Index = 'C' }); // return "Done!"; //} //public string GenerateLaunchInf() //{ // Dictionary<string, string> i = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "aaaaaaaa", "6ggggh" }, // { "5bshedfhdfh4", "6gadfadah" }}; // _launchInf.InsertOne(new LaunchInf { Text = "23333", DailyIdiom = null, /*DailyIdiomName = "6666",*/ ThemeColor = null, LogoUrl = null, DisableAds = false, /*FloatEasterEggs = i, */DateUT = DateTimeOffset.MinValue.ToUnixTimeSeconds() }); // return "Done!"; //} #endregion //这里生成每日成语。 public void GenLI() { DateTimeOffset dateUT = DateTimeOffset.Now; int hour = dateUT.Hour; int min = dateUT.Minute; int sec = dateUT.Second; long dateL = dateUT.AddSeconds(-sec).AddMinutes(-min).AddHours(-hour).ToUnixTimeSeconds(); //默认的每日成语。 Idiom deftIdiom = _launchInf.Find(x => x.DateUT == DateTimeOffset.MinValue.ToUnixTimeSeconds()).FirstOrDefault().DailyIdiom; LaunchInf inf = _launchInf.Find(x => x.DateUT == dateL).FirstOrDefault(); //从数据库里随机抽取一条成语。 Idiom idi = _idioms.Aggregate().AppendStage <Idiom>("{$sample:{size:1}}").FirstOrDefault(); //当idi不为null才运行。 if (idi != null) { if (inf == null) { //这种情况说明当天的inf还没有生成。 if (deftIdiom == null) { //若默认成语为空,则生成每日成语。 LaunchInf ins = new LaunchInf { Version = null, ArgsDic = null, Text = null, ThemeColor = null, LogoUrl = null, DisableAds = false, DailyIdiom = idi, IdiomsCount = 0, DateUT = dateL }; _launchInf.InsertOne(ins); } else { //不为空则将默认成语写入当天的启动信息,方便以后查询记录。 LaunchInf ins = new LaunchInf { Version = null, ArgsDic = null, Text = null, ThemeColor = null, LogoUrl = null, DisableAds = false, DailyIdiom = deftIdiom, IdiomsCount = 0, DateUT = dateL }; _launchInf.InsertOne(ins); } } else { //这种情况说明当天的inf已经提前编辑好了,根据需要补全。 if (inf.DailyIdiom == null) { if (deftIdiom == null) { //若默认成语为空,则生成每日成语。 UpdateDefinition <LaunchInf> upd = Builders <LaunchInf> .Update.Set("DailyIdiom", idi); _launchInf.UpdateOne(x => x.DateUT == dateL, upd); } else { //不为空则将默认成语写入当天的启动信息,方便以后查询记录。 UpdateDefinition <LaunchInf> upd = Builders <LaunchInf> .Update.Set("DailyIdiom", deftIdiom); _launchInf.UpdateOne(x => x.DateUT == dateL, upd); } } } } }
public IAsyncCursor <TResult> Aggregate <TResult>( PipelineDefinition <T, TResult> pipeline, AggregateOptions?options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default ) { return(collection.Aggregate(pipeline, options, cancellationToken)); }
public IDictionary <double, int> GetDistributionByEnergyValue() { return(_collection.Aggregate() .Group(new BsonDocument { { "_id", "$EstimatedValue" }, { "count", new BsonDocument("$sum", 1) } }).ToList() .ToDictionary(d => d["_id"].AsDouble, d => d["count"].AsInt32)); }
public List <BsonDocument> GetAll() { var data = _Role.Aggregate() .Lookup("Permission", "PermissionId", "_id", "Permission") .ToList(); return(data); }
public async Task <UsuarioDTO_UnwindRol> ObtenerUsuarioRol(string id) { var match = new BsonDocument("$match", new BsonDocument("_id", new ObjectId(id))); //lookup para roles var subpipeline_rol = new BsonArray { new BsonDocument("$match", new BsonDocument("$expr", new BsonDocument("$eq", new BsonArray { "$_id", new BsonDocument("$toObjectId", "$$idrol") }))) }; var lookup_rol = new BsonDocument("$lookup", new BsonDocument { { "from", "roles" }, { "let", new BsonDocument("idrol", "$rol") }, { "pipeline", subpipeline_rol }, { "as", "rolobj" } }); //lookup para permisos var subpipeline_permiso = new BsonArray { new BsonDocument("$match", new BsonDocument("$expr", new BsonDocument("$eq", new BsonArray { "$_id", new BsonDocument("$toObjectId", "$$idpermiso") }))) }; var lookup_permiso = new BsonDocument("$lookup", new BsonDocument { { "from", "permisos" }, { "let", new BsonDocument("idpermiso", "$rolobj.permisos") }, { "pipeline", subpipeline_permiso }, { "as", "permisos" } }); UsuarioDTO_UnwindRol usuario = new UsuarioDTO_UnwindRol(); usuario = await _usuarios.Aggregate() .AppendStage <Usuario>(match) .AppendStage <UsuarioDTO>(lookup_rol) .Unwind <UsuarioDTO, UsuarioDTO_UnwindRol>(x => x.rolobj).SingleOrDefaultAsync(); return(usuario); }
public void GetMovieWithCommentCount1() { var filter = new BsonDocument[] { new BsonDocument("$match", new BsonDocument("year", new BsonDocument { { "$gte", 1980 }, { "$lt", 1990 } })), new BsonDocument("$lookup", new BsonDocument { { "from", "comments" }, { "let", new BsonDocument("id", "$_id") }, { "pipeline", new BsonArray { new BsonDocument("$match", new BsonDocument("$expr", new BsonDocument("$eq", new BsonArray { "$movie_id", "$$id" }))), new BsonDocument("$count", "count") } }, { "as", "movie_comments" } }) }; /* We can then define that as a PipelineDefinition object, * which we pass to the Aggregate() function on the Movies * collection: */ var pipeline = PipelineDefinition <Movie, BsonDocument> .Create(filter); var movies = _moviesCollection.Aggregate(pipeline).ToList(); var firstMovie = movies.First(); Assert.AreEqual(2081, movies.Count); var comments = (BsonDocument)firstMovie.GetValue("movie_comments")[0]; var count = (int)comments.GetValue("count"); Assert.AreEqual(1, count); /* And we can see that it works. But this code isn't exactly * easy to debug or change, should we need to. As * we've already discussed in this course, there are multiple ways * to accomplish tasks with the driver, so let's look at an * approach that makes more sense and is easy to decipher: */ }
/// <inheritdoc /> public IEnumerable <VoucherDetail> SelectVoucherDetails(IVoucherDetailQuery query) { var preF = query.VoucherQuery.Accept(new MongoDbNativeVoucher()); var chk = GetChk(query); var srt = Builders <Voucher> .Sort.Ascending("date"); return(m_Vouchers.Aggregate().Match(preF).Sort(srt).Project(ProjectDetails).Unwind("detail").Match(chk) .Project(ProjectDetail).ToEnumerable().Select(b => BsonSerializer.Deserialize <VoucherDetail>(b))); }
public IAggregateFluent <TDocument> Aggregate(IOspSession session) { ArgumentValidation.Validate(nameof(session), session); return(_documentCollection.Aggregate(((IOspSessionInternal)session).SessionHandle, new AggregateOptions { AllowDiskUse = true })); }
public void Aggregate() { var users = _users.Aggregate().Project(u => new { u.RegistartionId }) .Group(u => u.RegistartionId, u => new { u.Key, Count = u.Count() }).Limit(4).ToList(); var users1 = _users.Aggregate().Match(u => u.Phones != null).Project(u => new { u.Id, c = u.Phones.Count() }).ToList(); users.ForEach(u => _helper.WriteLine($"RegistartionId {u.Key} Count {u.Count}")); users1.ForEach(u => _helper.WriteLine($"{u.c}")); }
public double GetAverageEnergy() { var bsonElements = _bsonCollection.Aggregate().Group(new BsonDocument { { "_id", "$EstimatedValue" } }).ToList(); var values = bsonElements.Select(bsonDoc => bsonDoc[0].AsDouble).ToList(); return(values.Average()); }
private async Task GetFutureTweets(string user, IMongoCollection<BsonDocument> tweets) { int tweetsCount = 0, tweetsProcessed = 0, tweetsMax = MaxTweets; var filter = GetFilter(user); var aggdef = tweets.Aggregate() .Match(filter) .Group(new BsonDocument { { "_id", "$user.screen_name" }, { "max", new BsonDocument("$max", "$id") } }); var aggresult = await aggdef.FirstOrDefaultAsync(); var maxid = aggresult["max"].AsNullableInt64; do { var query = string.Format(api_path, user); if (maxid.HasValue) { query = query + "&since_id={0}"; query = string.Format(query, maxid + 1); } var jsonObject = TwitterDownloader.ExecuteJsonGETQuery(query); List<object> otweets = (List<object>)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<object>>(jsonObject); tweetsCount = otweets.Count; tweetsProcessed += tweetsCount; _log.Info("Getting {0} new tweets for user:{1}", otweets.Count, user); foreach (object oTweet in otweets) { var bson = BsonDocument.Parse(oTweet.ToString()); tweets.InsertOneAsync(bson).Wait(); long? nmax = bson["id"].AsNullableInt64; if (nmax > maxid) maxid = nmax; } } while (tweetsCount > 0 && tweetsProcessed < tweetsMax); }