예제 #1
        public static void SetConfig(IModConfig config)
            OverrideRefreshRate        = config.GetSettingsValue <int>("refreshRateOverride");
            VibrationStrength          = config.GetSettingsValue <float>("vibrationIntensity");
            ShowHelmet                 = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("helmetVisibility");
            ControllerOrientedMovement = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("movementControllerOriented");
            EnableGesturePrompts       = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("showGesturePrompts");
            PreventCursorLock          = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("disableCursorLock");
            DebugMode         = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("debug");
            AutoHideToolbelt  = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("autoHideToolbelt");
            HudScale          = config.GetSettingsValue <float>("hudScale");
            BypassFatalErrors = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("bypassFatalErrors");

            // OWML doesn't support negative slider values so I subtract it here.
            ToolbeltHeight = config.GetSettingsValue <float>("toolbeltHeight") - 1f;

            if (PreventCursorLock)
                NomaiVRPatch.Empty <CursorManager>("Update");
                Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
                Cursor.visible   = true;

예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Contains information about a loaded in mod.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state">The current state of the mod.</param>
 /// <param name="modConfig">The current mod configuration.</param>
 /// <param name="canSuspend">Whether the mod can be suspended.</param>
 /// <param name="canUnload">Whether the mod can be reloaded.</param>
 public ModInfo(ModState state, IModConfig modConfig, bool canSuspend, bool canUnload)
     State      = state;
     Config     = modConfig;
     CanSuspend = canSuspend;
     CanUnload  = canUnload;
예제 #3
        /* Setup for mod loading */
        private Type[] GetExportsForModConfig(IModConfig modConfig)
            var exports = SharedTypes.AsEnumerable();

            // Share the mod's types with the mod itself.
            // The type is already preloaded into the default load context, and as such, will be inherited from the default context.
            // i.e. The version loaded into the default context will be used.
            // This is important because we need a single source for the other mods, i.e. ones which take this one as dependency.
            if (_modIdToMetadata.ContainsKey(modConfig.ModId))
                exports = exports.Concat(_modIdToMetadata[modConfig.ModId].Exports);

            foreach (var dep in modConfig.ModDependencies)
                if (_modIdToMetadata.ContainsKey(dep))
                    exports = exports.Concat(_modIdToMetadata[dep].Exports);

            foreach (var optionalDep in modConfig.OptionalDependencies)
                if (_modIdToMetadata.ContainsKey(optionalDep))
                    exports = exports.Concat(_modIdToMetadata[optionalDep].Exports);

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point for your mod.
        /// </summary>
        public void StartEx(IModLoaderV1 loaderApi, IModConfigV1 modConfig)
            // Attaches debugger in debug mode; ignored in release.

            _modLoader = (IModLoader)loaderApi;
            _modConfig = (IModConfig)modConfig;
            _logger    = (ILogger)_modLoader.GetLogger();
            _modLoader.GetController <IReloadedHooks>().TryGetTarget(out _hooks !);

            // Your config file is in Config.json.
            // Need a different name, format or more configurations? Modify the `Configurator`.
            // If you do not want a config, remove Configuration folder and Config class.
            var configurator = new Configurator(_modLoader.GetModConfigDirectory(_modConfig.ModId));
            _configuration = configurator.GetConfiguration <Config>(0);
            _configuration.ConfigurationUpdated += OnConfigurationUpdated;

             *      Your mod code starts below.
             *      Visit https://github.com/Reloaded-Project for additional optional libraries.
            _mod = new Mod(_hooks, _logger);
예제 #5
        private void ListenForOutput(IModConfig config)
            var listener = new OutputListener(config);

            listener.OnOutput += Console.Write;
예제 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Entry point for your mod.
    /// </summary>
    public void StartEx(IModLoaderV1 loaderApi, IModConfigV1 modConfig)
        _modLoader = (IModLoader)loaderApi;
        _modConfig = (IModConfig)modConfig;
        _logger    = (ILogger)_modLoader.GetLogger();
        _modLoader.GetController <IReloadedHooks>()?.TryGetTarget(out _hooks !);
#if (IncludeConfig)
        // Your config file is in Config.json.
        // Need a different name, format or more configurations? Modify the `Configurator`.
        // If you do not want a config, remove Configuration folder and Config class.
        var configurator = new Configurator(_modLoader.GetModConfigDirectory(_modConfig.ModId));
        _configuration = configurator.GetConfiguration <Config>(0);
        _configuration.ConfigurationUpdated += OnConfigurationUpdated;

        // Please put your mod code in the class below,
        // use this class for only interfacing with mod loader.
        _mod = new Mod(new ModContext()
            Logger    = _logger,
            Hooks     = _hooks,
            ModLoader = _modLoader,
            ModConfig = _modConfig,
            Owner     = this,
#if (IncludeConfig)
            Configuration = _configuration,
예제 #7
 private bool IsValidGamePath(IModConfig config)
     return(Directory.Exists(config.GamePath) &&
            Directory.Exists(config.ManagedPath) &&
            File.Exists($"{config.GamePath}/OuterWilds.exe") &&
            _filesToCopy.All(filename => File.Exists($"{config.ManagedPath}/{filename}")));
예제 #8
 public override void Configure(IModConfig config)
     if (instance != null)
예제 #9
        /* Native Mods */
        public ModInstance(IModV1 mod, IModConfig config)
            Mod       = mod;
            ModConfig = config;

            CanSuspend = mod.CanSuspend();
            CanUnload  = mod.CanUnload();
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a nuget package spec package from a given mod configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        private static Package FromModConfig(IModConfig modConfig)
            var dependencies    = modConfig.ModDependencies.Select(x => new Structures.Dependency(x, "0.0.0")).ToArray();
            var dependencyGroup = new DependencyGroup(dependencies);
            var metadata        = new Metadata(modConfig.ModName, modConfig.ModId, modConfig.ModVersion, modConfig.ModAuthor, modConfig.ModDescription, dependencyGroup);

            return(new Package(metadata));
예제 #11
 public override void Configure(IModConfig config)
     ModHelper.HarmonyHelper.AddPostfix <PadEZ.GamePad_PC_XB1>("SetUp", typeof(GamePad_PC_XB1_Fix), "SetUp_Postfix");
     ModHelper.HarmonyHelper.AddPrefix <PadEZ.GamePad_PC_XB1>("Destroy", typeof(GamePad_PC_XB1_Fix), "Destr_Prefix");
     ModHelper.HarmonyHelper.AddPrefix <PadEZ.PadManager>("CreateController", typeof(PadManager_Fix), "Prefix");
     ModHelper.Console.WriteLine("Controller Fix patched in!");
예제 #12
 private void CopyGameFiles(IModConfig config)
     foreach (var fileName in _filesToCopy)
         File.Copy($"{config.ManagedPath}/{fileName}", fileName, true);
     Console.WriteLine("Game files copied.");
예제 #13
        /* Dll Mods */
        public ModInstance(LoadContext context, IModV1 mod, IModConfig config)
            Context   = context;
            Mod       = mod;
            ModConfig = config;

            CanSuspend = mod.CanSuspend();
            CanUnload  = mod.CanUnload();
예제 #14
 public ModHelper(IModConfig config, IModLogger logger, IModConsole console, IModEvents events, IHarmonyHelper harmonyHelper, IModAssets assets)
     Config        = config;
     Logger        = logger;
     Console       = console;
     Events        = events;
     HarmonyHelper = harmonyHelper;
     Assets        = assets;
예제 #15
        /* Dll Mods */
        public ModInstance(PluginLoader loader, IModV1 mod, IModConfig config)
            Loader    = loader;
            Mod       = mod;
            ModConfig = config;

            CanSuspend = mod.CanSuspend();
            CanUnload  = mod.CanUnload();
예제 #16
 public override void Configure(IModConfig config)
     _size = config.GetSettingsValue <int>("size");
     if (_size < 1)
         _size = 1;
     ModHelper.Console.WriteLine($"Set screenshot size to {_size}");
예제 #17
파일: NomaiVR.cs 프로젝트: stephaje/NomaiVR
 public override void Configure(IModConfig config)
     DebugMode = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("debugMode");
     XRSettings.showDeviceView = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("showMirrorView");
     // Prevent application from stealing mouse focus;
     ModHelper.HarmonyHelper.EmptyMethod <CursorManager>("Update");
     Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
     Cursor.visible   = true;
예제 #18
 public override void Configure(IModConfig config)
     ToggleMusic(config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("enableMusic"));
     _isDucksEnabled = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("enableDucks");
     _isCubesEnabled = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("enableCubes");
     var speed           = config.GetSettingsValue <float>("speed");
     var power           = config.GetSettingsValue <float>("power");
     var enableSuperMode = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("enableSuperMode");
예제 #19
 public override void Configure(IModConfig config)
     DefaultServerIP = config.GetSettingsValue <string>("defaultServerIP");
     Port            = config.GetSettingsValue <int>("port");
     if (QSBNetworkManager.Instance != null)
         QSBNetworkManager.Instance.networkPort = Port;
     DebugMode = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("debugMode");
예제 #20
        public override void Configure(IModConfig config)
            if (_crouchCombo != null)
            var combination = config.GetSettingsValue <string>("Crouch combination");

            _crouchCombo = ModHelper.Input.RegisterCombination(this, "Crouch", combination) ?? TemporaryHack("Crouch");
예제 #21
 private void StartGame(IModConfig config)
     Console.WriteLine("Starting game...");
     catch (Exception ex)
         Console.WriteLine("Error while starting game: " + ex.Message);
예제 #22
        private void PatchGame(IModConfig config)
            var patcher = new ModPatcher(config);

            var filesToCopy = new[] { "OWML.ModLoader.dll", "OWML.Common.dll", "OWML.Events.dll", "OWML.Assets.dll", "Newtonsoft.Json.dll", "System.Runtime.Serialization.dll", "0Harmony.dll" };

            foreach (var filename in filesToCopy)
                File.Copy(filename, $"{config.ManagedPath}/{filename}", true);
            File.WriteAllText($"{config.ManagedPath}/OWML.Config.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config));
예제 #23
 public ModHelper(IModLogger logger, IModConsole console, IHarmonyHelper harmonyHelper, IModEvents events,
                  IModAssets assets, IModStorage storage, IModMenus menus, IModManifest manifest, IModConfig config, IOwmlConfig owmlConfig, IModInteraction interaction)
     Logger        = logger;
     Console       = console;
     HarmonyHelper = harmonyHelper;
     Events        = events;
     Assets        = assets;
     Storage       = storage;
     Menus         = menus;
     Manifest      = manifest;
     Config        = config;
     OwmlConfig    = owmlConfig;
     Interaction   = interaction;
예제 #24
 public override void Configure(IModConfig config)
     Helper = ModHelper;
     Config = new ModConfig
         debugMode                  = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("debugMode"),
         showMirrorView             = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("showMirrorView"),
         overrideRefreshRate        = config.GetSettingsValue <int>("overrideRefreshRate"),
         preventCursorLock          = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("preventCursorLock"),
         showHelmet                 = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("showHelmet"),
         vibrationStrength          = config.GetSettingsValue <float>("vibrationStrength"),
         enableGesturePrompts       = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("enableGesturePrompts"),
         controllerOrientedMovement = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("controllerOrientedMovement"),
예제 #25
 public override void Configure(IModConfig config)
     DefaultServerIP = config.GetSettingsValue <string>("defaultServerIP");
     Port            = config.GetSettingsValue <int>("port");
     if (QSBNetworkManager.Instance != null)
         QSBNetworkManager.Instance.networkPort = Port;
     DebugMode = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("debugMode");
     if (!DebugMode)
         FindObjectsOfType <DebugZOverride>().ToList().ForEach(x => Destroy(x.gameObject));
     ShowLinesInDebug   = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("showLinesInDebug");
     SocketedObjToDebug = config.GetSettingsValue <int>("socketedObjToDebug");
예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a NuGet package given the directory of a mod.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modDirectory">Full path to the directory containing the mod.</param>
        /// <param name="outputDirectory">The path to the folder where the NuGet package should be output.</param>
        /// <param name="modConfig">The mod configuration for which to create the NuGet package.</param>
        /// <returns>The path of the generated .nupkg file.</returns>
        public string FromModDirectory(string modDirectory, string outputDirectory, IModConfig modConfig)
            var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Package), "http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2013/05/nuspec.xsd");

            // Write .nuspec
            using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter($"{modDirectory}\\{modConfig.ModId}.nuspec"))
                xmlSerializer.Serialize(writer, FromModConfig(modConfig));

            // Compress
            string nupkgPath = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, $"{modConfig.ModId}.nupkg");

            ArchiveFile.CompressDirectory(modDirectory, nupkgPath);
예제 #27
        public ModConfig(IModConfig config)
            overrideRefreshRate        = config.GetSettingsValue <int>("refreshRateOverride");
            vibrationStrength          = config.GetSettingsValue <float>("vibrationIntensity");
            showHelmet                 = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("helmetVisibility");
            hideHudInConversations     = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("hideHudDuringDialogue");
            controllerOrientedMovement = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("movementControllerOriented");
            enableGesturePrompts       = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("showGesturePrompts");
            preventCursorLock          = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("disableCursorLock");
            debugMode = config.GetSettingsValue <bool>("debug");

            if (preventCursorLock)
                NomaiVRPatch.Empty <CursorManager>("Update");
                Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
                Cursor.visible   = true;
예제 #28
    /// <summary>
    /// Entry point for your mod.
    /// </summary>
    public async void StartEx(IModLoaderV1 loaderApi, IModConfigV1 modConfig)
        // For more information about this template, please see
        // https://reloaded-project.github.io/Reloaded-II/ModTemplate/
        _modLoader = (IModLoader)loaderApi;
        _modConfig = (IModConfig)modConfig;
        _logger    = (ILogger)_modLoader.GetLogger();

        // Your config file is in Config.json.
        // Need a different name, format or more configurations? Modify the `Configurator`.
        // If you do not want a config, remove Configuration folder and Config class.
        var configurator = new Configurator(_modLoader.GetModConfigDirectory(_modConfig.ModId));

        _configuration = configurator.GetConfiguration <Config>(0);
        _configuration.ConfigurationUpdated += OnConfigurationUpdated;

        // Start the server on another thread so we don't delay startup with JIT overhead.
        _lnlServer = await Task.Run(() => LiteNetLibServer.Create(_logger, _modLoader, _configuration));
예제 #29
 public override void Configure(IModConfig config)
     if (_inputs != null)
         foreach (var key in _inputs.Keys)
     _inputs = new Dictionary <string, IModInputCombination>();
     foreach (var key in config.Settings.Keys)
         var value = config.GetSettingsValue <string>(key);
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
             var combination = ModHelper.Input.RegisterCombination(this, key, value);
             _inputs.Add(key, combination);
예제 #30
 public override void Configure(IModConfig config)
     console = ModHelper.Console;
     logger  = ModHelper.Logger;
     if (inputs != null)
         foreach (string key in inputs.Keys)
     inputs = new Dictionary <string, IModInputCombination>();
     foreach (string name in config.Settings.Keys)
         if (config.GetSettingsValue <string>(name) != null)
             var combination = ModHelper.Input.RegisterCombination(this, name, config.GetSettingsValue <string>(name));
             inputs.Add(name, combination);