public MessageHandler(IMessageConsumer consumer, MessagingClient.EventDelegate callback) { this.consumer = consumer; this.callback = callback; AddListener(); }
/// <summary> /// Add a message consumer to monitor for messages received /// </summary> public void AddMessageConsumer(IMessageConsumer consumer) { consumer.Listener += (m) => { _lastMsgRecd = DateTime.UtcNow; }; }
public void Dispose() { lock (this) { this.isDisposed = true; this.consumer.Dispose(); this.consumer = null; if (this.replyProducer != null) { this.replyProducer.Dispose(); this.replyProducer = null; } this.requestReplyCallback = null; this.session.Dispose(); this.session = null; this.connection.ConnectionInterrupted -= new EventHandler<NmsConnectionEventArgs>(connection_ConnectionInterrupted); this.connection.ConnectionResumed -= new EventHandler<NmsConnectionEventArgs>(connection_ConnectionResumed); this.connection = null; } }
public Queue(MsgDeliveryMode mode = MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent) { Uri msgQueue = new Uri("activemq:tcp://localhost:61616"); _factory = new ConnectionFactory(msgQueue); try { _connection = _factory.CreateConnection(); } catch (NMSConnectionException ex) { Log.FatalException("Error connecting to MQ server", ex); throw; } // TODO check _connection for null _connection.RequestTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60); Session = _connection.CreateSession(); // TODO need to find out if queue exists. // It creates a new queue if it doesn't exist. _destination = Session.GetDestination("queue://TwitterSearchStream"); _consumer = Session.CreateConsumer(_destination); _producer = Session.CreateProducer(_destination); _producer.RequestTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60); _producer.DeliveryMode = mode; _connection.Start(); _connection.ExceptionListener += _connection_ExceptionListener; _connection.ConnectionInterruptedListener += _connection_ConnectionInterruptedListener; }
/// <summary> /// 消息消费构造器 /// </summary> /// <param name="brokerUri">地址</param> /// <param name="username">用户名</param> /// <param name="psw">密码</param> /// <param name="clientId">客户端标识 兼做队列接收目的地</param> /// <param name="isClient">true 客户端;false 服务端</param> public OpenWireConsumer(string brokerUri, string username, string psw, string clientId,bool isClient) { NMSConnectionFactory _factory = new NMSConnectionFactory(brokerUri, clientId); _connection = _factory.CreateConnection(username, psw); _connection.Start(); _session = _connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge); if (isClient) { _qReceiveDest = _session.GetDestination(clientId, DestinationType.TemporaryQueue); } else { _qReceiveDest = _session.GetQueue(clientId); } _messageConsumer = _session.CreateConsumer(_qReceiveDest); _messageConsumer.Listener += (message) => { if (Listener != null) { Listener(message); } }; }
private void btnSubscribe_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunction.CheckControlInput(txtTopicName, "Topic Name", 0, false)) return; if (m_consumer != null) { m_consumer.Close(); } if (txtSelector.Text != "") { m_consumer = m_mq.CreateConsumer(rdTopic.Checked, txtTopicName.Text, txtSelector.Text); } else { m_consumer = m_mq.CreateConsumer(rdTopic.Checked, txtTopicName.Text); } m_consumer.Listener += new MessageListener(consumer_listener); } catch (System.Exception ex) { GlobalFunction.MsgBoxException(ex.Message, "btnSubscribe_Click"); } }
public void Subscribe(IMessageConsumer consumer) { if (_consumers.Contains(consumer)) { return; } _consumers.Add(consumer); }
public NMSConsumer(IMessageConsumer consumer, String clientId, String subscriptionId) { this.consumer = consumer; this.clientId = clientId; this.subscriptionId = subscriptionId; consumer.Listener += onMessage; }
override public void SetUp() { base.SetUp(); acknowledgementMode = AcknowledgementMode.Transactional; Drain(); consumer = Session.CreateConsumer(Destination); producer = Session.CreateProducer(Destination); }
public void Unsubscribe(IMessageConsumer consumer) { if (!_consumers.Contains(consumer)) { return; } _consumers.Remove(consumer); }
public Consumer(IMessageConsumer messageConsumer, string clientId, string topicName) { _consumer = messageConsumer; _clientId = clientId; _topicName = topicName; _consumer.Listener += Update; _running = true; Delays = new List<TimeSpan>(); }
public MessageTransporter() { _connectionFactory = new Apache.NMS.Stomp.ConnectionFactory("tcp://"); _connection = _connectionFactory.CreateConnection(); _session = _connection.CreateSession(); _destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(_session, "queue://testingQueue"); _messageProducer = _session.CreateProducer(_destination); _messageConsumer = _session.CreateConsumer(_destination); }
public void RegisterImpl(IMessageConsumer impl, string serviceId) { var rule = MetaData.GetServiceRoutingRule(serviceId); if (rule == null) { throw new Exception(); } implements[rule.GateRule.GetServiceId()] = impl; }
public void RegisterDelegate(IMessageConsumer consumer, string serviceId) { var rule = MetaData.GetServiceRoutingRule(serviceId); if (rule == null) { throw new Exception(); } delegates[rule.GateRule.GetServiceId()] = consumer; }
public IMessage FudgeDecodeMessage(ISession session, IMessageConsumer consumer, IMessage message) { try { return new ActiveMQObjectMessage { Body = DecodeObject(GetMessage(message)) }; } catch (Exception e) { return new ActiveMQObjectMessage { Body = e }; } }
public Master(IUserService service) { DownloadUsers = new DownloadUsers(service); Factory = new NMSConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61616"); Connection = Factory.CreateConnection(); Connection.Start(); Session = Connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge); Destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(Session, "Users"); Receiver = Session.CreateConsumer(Destination); }
public DistributableCommandBus(ICommandHandlerProvider handlerProvider, ILinearCommandManager linearCommandManager, IMessageConsumer commandConsumer, string receiveEndPoint, bool inProc) : base(handlerProvider, linearCommandManager, receiveEndPoint, inProc) { _commandConsumer = commandConsumer as IInProcMessageConsumer; _commandDistributor = _commandConsumer; _isDistributor = _commandDistributor is IMessageDistributor; }
public void Connect() { while (!ableToSendEvents) { Uri connecturi = null; //if (textBoxSIPIPAddress.Text.StartsWith("ssl://")) //{ Console.WriteLine ("Trying to connect to ActiveMQ broker "); // connecturi = new Uri("activemq:" + textBoxSIPIPAddress.Text + ":" + textBoxSIPPort.Text + "?transport.ClientCertSubject=E%[email protected], CN%3DCommunication Tool"); // Connect to the ActiveMQ broker //} //else //{ //log4.Debug(name + ": Trying to connect to ActiveMQ broker via non-secure connection"); connecturi = new Uri ("activemq:tcp://localhost:61616"); // Connect to the ActiveMQ broker //} //Console.WriteLine("activeMQ::About to connect to " + connecturi); try { // NOTE: ensure the nmsprovider-activemq.config file exists in the executable folder. IConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory (connecturi); // Create a new connection and session for publishing events activeMQConnection = factory.CreateConnection (); activeMQSession = activeMQConnection.CreateSession (); IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination (activeMQSession, "topic://SIFTEO"); //Console.WriteLine("activeMQ::Using destination: " + destination); // Create the producer activeMQProducer = activeMQSession.CreateProducer (destination); activeMQProducer.DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent; destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination (activeMQSession, "topic://XVR.CCC"); activeMQConsumer = activeMQSession.CreateConsumer (destination); //activeMQConsumer.Listener += new MessageListener(OnCCCMessage); // Start the connection so that messages will be processed activeMQConnection.Start (); //activeMQProducer.Persistent = true; // Enable the sending of events //log4.Debug(name + ": ActiveMQ connected on topics XVR.CCC and XVR.SDK"); ableToSendEvents = true; } catch (Exception exp) { // Report the problem in the output.log (Program Files (x86)\E-Semble\XVR 2012\XVR 2012\XVR_Data\output_log.txt) //Console.WriteLine("*** AN ACTIVE MQ ERROR OCCURED: " + exp.ToString() + " ***"); //log4.Error(name + ": Error connecting to ActiveMQ broker: " + exp.Message); //log4.Error((exp.InnerException != null) ? exp.InnerException.StackTrace : ""); Console.WriteLine (exp.Message); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (1000); } }
public void Start(Address address, TransactionSettings transactionSettings) { messageProcessor.Start(transactionSettings); defaultConsumer = messageProcessor.CreateMessageConsumer("queue://" + address.Queue); defaultConsumer.Listener += messageProcessor.ProcessMessage; if (address == Address.Local) { eventConsumer.Start(); } }
public TopicSubscriber(string topicName, string brokerUri, string clientId, string consumerId) { this.topicName = topicName; this.connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory(brokerUri); this.connection = this.connectionFactory.CreateConnection(); this.connection.ClientId = clientId; this.connection.Start(); this.session = connection.CreateSession(); ActiveMQTopic topic = new ActiveMQTopic(topicName); this.consumer = this.session.CreateDurableConsumer(topic, consumerId, "2 > 1", false); this.consumer.Listener += new MessageListener(OnMessage); }
private void Connect() { factory = XmsUtilities.CreateConnectionFactory(destination); connection = factory.CreateConnection(); connection.ExceptionListener += OnError; session = connection.CreateSession(transactional, AcknowledgeMode.AutoAcknowledge); queue = session.CreateQueue(destination.Queue); queue.SetIntProperty(XMSC.DELIVERY_MODE, transactional ? XMSC.DELIVERY_PERSISTENT : XMSC.DELIVERY_NOT_PERSISTENT); consumer = session.CreateConsumer(queue); connection.Start(); }
public MessageSubscriber(IAdvancedBus bus, IMessageConsumer messageConsumer, ILogger logger, IEnvironment environment, IExchange exchange, IQueue queue) { _messageConsumer = messageConsumer; _bus = bus; _logger = logger; _environment = environment; _exchange = exchange; _queue = queue; }
public void Start(string consumerId) { ConsumerId = consumerId; Consumer = session.CreateDurableConsumer(topic, consumerId, null, false); Consumer.Listener += (message => { var textMessage = message as ITextMessage; if (textMessage == null) throw new InvalidCastException(); if (OnMessageReceived != null) { OnMessageReceived(textMessage.Text); } }); }
static WebApiApplication() { try { Configuration.Instance.UseLog4Net() .RegisterMessageContextType(typeof(MessageContext)); _Logger = IoCFactory.Resolve<ILoggerFactory>().Create(typeof(WebApiApplication)); _CommandDistributor = new CommandDistributor("tcp://", new string[] { "tcp://" , "tcp://" , "tcp://" } ); Configuration.Instance.RegisterCommandConsumer(_CommandDistributor, "CommandDistributor") .CommandHandlerProviderBuild(null, "CommandHandlers") .RegisterDisposeModule() .RegisterMvc(); _EventPublisher = IoCFactory.Resolve<IEventPublisher>(); _EventPublisher.Start(); _DomainEventConsumer = IoCFactory.Resolve<IMessageConsumer>("DomainEventConsumer"); _DomainEventConsumer.Start(); _ApplicationEventConsumer = IoCFactory.Resolve<IMessageConsumer>("ApplicationEventConsumer"); _ApplicationEventConsumer.Start(); var commandHandlerProvider = IoCFactory.Resolve<ICommandHandlerProvider>(); _CommandConsumer1 = new CommandConsumer(commandHandlerProvider, "tcp://"); _CommandConsumer2 = new CommandConsumer(commandHandlerProvider, "tcp://"); _CommandConsumer3 = new CommandConsumer(commandHandlerProvider, "tcp://"); _CommandConsumer1.Start(); _CommandConsumer2.Start(); _CommandConsumer3.Start(); _CommandDistributor.Start(); _CommandBus = IoCFactory.Resolve<ICommandBus>() as IMessageConsumer; _CommandBus.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { _Logger.Error(ex.GetBaseException().Message, ex); } }
public ClientResultStream(OpenGammaFudgeContext fudgeContext, MQTemplate mqTemplate, bool checkSeqNumber) { _mqTemplate = mqTemplate; _fudgeMessageDecoder = new FudgeMessageDecoder(fudgeContext, checkSeqNumber); _connection = _mqTemplate.CreateConnection(); _session = _connection.CreateSession(); _destination = _session.CreateTemporaryQueue(); _consumer = _session.CreateConsumer(_destination); _consumer.Listener += RawMessageReceived; _connection.Start(); }
static WebApiApplication() { try { Configuration.Instance.UseLog4Net(); _Logger = IoCFactory.Resolve<ILoggerFactory>().Create(typeof(WebApiApplication)); Configuration.Instance .CommandHandlerProviderBuild(null, "CommandHandlers") .RegisterDisposeModule() .RegisterMvc(); #region EventPublisher init _MessagePublisher = IoCFactory.Resolve<IMessagePublisher>(); _MessagePublisher.Start(); #endregion #region event subscriber init _DomainEventConsumer = IoCFactory.Resolve<IMessageConsumer>("DomainEventSubscriber"); _DomainEventConsumer.Start(); #endregion #region application event subscriber init _ApplicationEventConsumer = IoCFactory.Resolve<IMessageConsumer>("ApplicationEventConsumer"); _ApplicationEventConsumer.Start(); #endregion #region CommandBus init _CommandBus = IoCFactory.Resolve<ICommandBus>(); _CommandBus.Start(); #endregion #region Command Consuemrs init var commandHandlerProvider = IoCFactory.Resolve<ICommandHandlerProvider>(); _CommandConsumer1 = new CommandConsumer(commandHandlerProvider, _MessagePublisher, "commandqueue1"); _CommandConsumer2 = new CommandConsumer(commandHandlerProvider, _MessagePublisher, "commandqueue2"); _CommandConsumer3 = new CommandConsumer(commandHandlerProvider, _MessagePublisher, "commandqueue3"); _CommandConsumer1.Start(); _CommandConsumer2.Start(); _CommandConsumer3.Start(); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { _Logger.Error(ex.GetBaseException().Message, ex); } }
public Stomp(bool durable) { _connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61613"); _connection = _connectionFactory.CreateConnection(); _connection.ClientId = "13AC0CF8-65FE-4638-8B85-62210DD89BEE"; _connection.Start(); _session = _connection.CreateSession(); var topic = _session.GetQueue("exampleQueue"); _producer = _session.CreateProducer(topic); _producer.DeliveryMode = durable ? MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent : MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent; _consumer = _session.CreateConsumer(topic); }
public ActiveMq(bool durable) { _connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61616"); _connectionFactory.AsyncSend = true; _connectionFactory.ProducerWindowSize = int.MaxValue; _connection = _connectionFactory.CreateConnection(); _connection.ClientId = "13AC0CF8-65FE-4638-8B85-62210DD89BEE"; _connection.Start(); _session = _connection.CreateSession(); ActiveMQTopic topic = new ActiveMQTopic("topic"); _consumer = _session.CreateDurableConsumer(topic, "durable", "2 > 1", false); _producer = _session.CreateProducer(topic); _producer.DeliveryMode = durable ? MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent : MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent; }
private void Disconnect() { log.Debug("Physical consumer about to be disconnected."); if (connection != null) connection.Stop(); if (consumer != null) consumer.Dispose(); if (queue != null) queue.Dispose(); if (session != null) session.Dispose(); if (connection != null) connection.Dispose(); consumer = null; queue = null; session = null; connection = null; log.Debug("Physical consumer successfully disconnected."); }
public void AddLocalInstanceSubscription(IMessageConsumer consumer) { localInstanceSubscriptions.Write(writer => { foreach (var type in reflection.GetMessagesConsumed(consumer)) { List<WeakReference> value; if (writer.TryGetValue(type.FullName, out value) == false) { value = new List<WeakReference>(); writer.Add(type.FullName, value); } value.Add(new WeakReference(consumer)); } }); RaiseSubscriptionChanged(); }
public void RunFilterIgnoredMessagesTest(string destinationName) { TimeSpan ttl = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30); const int MaxNumRequests = 100000; using (IConnection connection1 = CreateConnection(GetTestClientId())) using (IConnection connection2 = CreateConnection(GetTestClientId())) using (IConnection connection3 = CreateConnection(GetTestClientId())) { connection1.Start(); connection2.Start(); connection3.Start(); using (ISession session1 = connection1.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge)) using (ISession session2 = connection2.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge)) using (ISession session3 = connection3.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge)) { IDestination destination1 = CreateDestination(session1, destinationName); IDestination destination2 = CreateDestination(session2, destinationName); IDestination destination3 = CreateDestination(session3, destinationName); using (IMessageProducer producer = session1.CreateProducer(destination1)) using (IMessageConsumer consumer1 = session2.CreateConsumer(destination2, "JMSType NOT LIKE '%IGNORE'")) { int numNonIgnoredMsgsSent = 0; int numIgnoredMsgsSent = 0; producer.DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent; receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount = 0; receivedIgnoredMsgCount = 0; consumer1.Listener += new MessageListener(OnNonIgnoredMessage); IMessageConsumer consumer2 = null; for (int index = 1; index <= MaxNumRequests; index++) { IMessage request = session1.CreateTextMessage(String.Format("Hello World! [{0} of {1}]", index, MaxNumRequests)); request.NMSTimeToLive = ttl; if (0 == (index % 2)) { request.NMSType = "ACTIVE"; numNonIgnoredMsgsSent++; } else { request.NMSType = "ACTIVE.IGNORE"; numIgnoredMsgsSent++; } producer.Send(request); if (2000 == index) { // Start the second consumer if (destination3.IsTopic) { // Reset the ignored message sent count, since all previous messages // will not have been consumed on a topic. numIgnoredMsgsSent = 0; } consumer2 = session3.CreateConsumer(destination3, "JMSType LIKE '%IGNORE'"); consumer2.Listener += new MessageListener(OnIgnoredMessage); } } // Create a waiting loop that will coordinate the end of the test. It checks // to see that all intended messages were received. It will continue to wait as // long as new messages are being received. If it stops receiving messages before // it receives everything it expects, it will eventually timeout and the test will fail. int waitCount = 0; int lastReceivedINongnoredMsgCount = receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount; int lastReceivedIgnoredMsgCount = receivedIgnoredMsgCount; while (receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount < numNonIgnoredMsgsSent || receivedIgnoredMsgCount < numIgnoredMsgsSent) { if (lastReceivedINongnoredMsgCount != receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount || lastReceivedIgnoredMsgCount != receivedIgnoredMsgCount) { // Reset the wait count. waitCount = 0; } else { waitCount++; } lastReceivedINongnoredMsgCount = receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount; lastReceivedIgnoredMsgCount = receivedIgnoredMsgCount; Assert.IsTrue(waitCount <= 30, String.Format("Timeout waiting for all messages to be delivered. Only {0} of {1} non-ignored messages delivered. Only {2} of {3} ignored messages delivered.", receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount, numNonIgnoredMsgsSent, receivedIgnoredMsgCount, numIgnoredMsgsSent)); Thread.Sleep(1000); } consumer2.Dispose(); } } } }
private static void ConsumerReceiveMessage() { m_consumer = activeMqConsumer.CreateConsumer(TopicType.Topic, "ActiveMq test", "Filter='test'"); m_consumer.Listener += new MessageListener(activeMqConsumer.consumer_listener); }
public void TestDurableConsumerSelectorChange(AcknowledgementMode ackMode) { try { using (IConnection connection = CreateConnection(TEST_CLIENT_ID)) { connection.Start(); using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession(ackMode)) { ITopic topic = session.GetTopic(DURABLE_TOPIC); IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(topic); IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateDurableConsumer(topic, CONSUMER_ID, "color='red'", false); producer.DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent; // Send the messages ITextMessage sendMessage = session.CreateTextMessage("1st"); sendMessage.Properties["color"] = "red"; producer.Send(sendMessage); if (AcknowledgementMode.Transactional == ackMode) { session.Commit(); } ITextMessage receiveMsg = consumer.Receive(receiveTimeout) as ITextMessage; Assert.IsNotNull(receiveMsg, "Failed to retrieve 1st durable message."); Assert.AreEqual("1st", receiveMsg.Text); Assert.AreEqual(MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent, receiveMsg.NMSDeliveryMode, "NMSDeliveryMode does not match"); receiveMsg.Acknowledge(); if (AcknowledgementMode.Transactional == ackMode) { session.Commit(); } // Change the subscription. consumer.Dispose(); consumer = session.CreateDurableConsumer(topic, CONSUMER_ID, "color='blue'", false); sendMessage = session.CreateTextMessage("2nd"); sendMessage.Properties["color"] = "red"; producer.Send(sendMessage); sendMessage = session.CreateTextMessage("3rd"); sendMessage.Properties["color"] = "blue"; producer.Send(sendMessage); if (AcknowledgementMode.Transactional == ackMode) { session.Commit(); } // Selector should skip the 2nd message. receiveMsg = consumer.Receive(receiveTimeout) as ITextMessage; Assert.IsNotNull(receiveMsg, "Failed to retrieve durable message."); Assert.AreEqual("3rd", receiveMsg.Text, "Retrieved the wrong durable message."); Assert.AreEqual(MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent, receiveMsg.NMSDeliveryMode, "NMSDeliveryMode does not match"); receiveMsg.Acknowledge(); if (AcknowledgementMode.Transactional == ackMode) { session.Commit(); } // Make sure there are no pending messages. Assert.IsNull(consumer.ReceiveNoWait(), "Wrong number of messages in durable subscription."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } finally { UnregisterDurableConsumer(TEST_CLIENT_ID, CONSUMER_ID); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // This ID is important since it will be also the queue a response will be sent. string queueId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // This message which should be send to the server string requestMessage = "" + "{" // the call ID; this will also be the queue a response will be sent. Be careful to make it unqiue + " \"callId\": \"" + queueId + "\"," // if the server should answer or not + " \"answer\": true," // of which type the sent data is; this have to be the required java types + " \"classes\": [" + " \"java.lang.String\"," + " \"org.openengsb.core.common.workflow.model.ProcessBag\"" + " ]," // the method which should be executed + " \"methodName\": \"executeWorkflow\"," // the "header-data" of the message; this is not the header of JMS to use eg stomp too + " \"metaData\": {" // the ID of the internal service to be called + " \"serviceId\": \"workflowService\"," // the context in which the service should be called + " \"contextId\": \"foo\"" + " }," // the arguments with which the workflowService method should be called + " \"args\": [" // the name of the workflow to be executed + " \"simpleFlow\"," // the params which should be put into the prcoess bag initially + " {" + " }" + " ]" + "}"; // the OpenEngSB connection URL Uri connecturi = new Uri("activemq:tcp://localhost:6549"); Console.WriteLine("About to connect to " + connecturi); // NOTE: ensure the nmsprovider-activemq.config file exists in the executable folder. IConnectionFactory factory = new NMSConnectionFactory(connecturi); using (IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection()) using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession()) { IDestination destination = session.GetDestination("receive"); Console.WriteLine("Using destination for sending: " + destination); using (IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination)) { connection.Start(); producer.DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent; ITextMessage request = session.CreateTextMessage(requestMessage); producer.Send(request); } IDestination receiveDest = session.GetDestination(queueId); Console.WriteLine("Using destination for receiving: " + receiveDest); using (IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(receiveDest)) { ITextMessage message = consumer.Receive() as ITextMessage; if (message == null) { Console.WriteLine("No message received!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Received message with text: " + message.Text); } } } Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . "); Console.ReadKey(true); }
public Subscriber(IModel model, string queue, IMessageConsumer consumer, ISubscriptionHelper helper, SubscriberConfigurator configurator) : base(model, queue, consumer, configurator) { _helper = helper; }
public ConnectorBuilder WithConsumer(IMessageConsumer consumer) { this.consumers.Add(consumer); return(this); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Example connection strings: // activemq:tcp://activemqhost:61616 // activemq:tcp://activemqhost:61613?transport.wireformat=stomp // ems:tcp://tibcohost:7222 // msmq://localhost Uri connecturi = new Uri("activemq:tcp://activemqhost:61616"); Console.WriteLine("About to connect to " + connecturi); // NOTE: ensure the nmsprovider-activemq.config file exists in the executable folder. IConnectionFactory factory = new NMSConnectionFactory(connecturi); using (IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection()) using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession()) { // Examples for getting a destination: // // Hard coded destinations: // IDestination destination = session.GetQueue("FOO.BAR"); // IDestination destination = session.GetTopic("FOO.BAR"); // // Embedded destination type in the name: // IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, "queue://FOO.BAR"); // IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, "topic://FOO.BAR"); // // Defaults to queue if type is not specified: // IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, "FOO.BAR"); IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, "queue://FOO.BAR"); Console.WriteLine("Using destination: " + destination); // Create a consumer and producer using (IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination)) using (IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination)) { producer.Persistent = true; // Send a message ITextMessage request = session.CreateTextMessage("Hello World!"); request.NMSCorrelationID = "abc"; request.Properties["NMSXGroupID"] = "cheese"; request.Properties["myHeader"] = "Cheddar"; producer.Send(request); // Consume a message ITextMessage message = consumer.Receive() as ITextMessage; if (message == null) { Console.WriteLine("No message received!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Received message with ID: " + message.NMSMessageId); Console.WriteLine("Received message with text: " + message.Text); } } } }
protected void doSendReceiveMessageProperties(bool persistent) { using (IConnection connection = CreateConnection(TEST_CLIENT_ID)) { connection.Start(); using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge)) { IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, DESTINATION_NAME); using (IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination)) using (IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination)) { producer.Persistent = persistent; producer.RequestTimeout = receiveTimeout; IMessage request = session.CreateMessage(); request.Properties["a"] = a; request.Properties["b"] = b; request.Properties["c"] = c; request.Properties["d"] = d; request.Properties["e"] = e; request.Properties["f"] = f; request.Properties["g"] = g; request.Properties["h"] = h; request.Properties["i"] = i; request.Properties["j"] = j; request.Properties["k"] = k; request.Properties["l"] = l; request.Properties["m"] = m; request.Properties["n"] = n; producer.Send(request); IMessage message = consumer.Receive(receiveTimeout); Assert.IsNotNull(message, "No message returned!"); Assert.AreEqual(request.Properties.Count, message.Properties.Count, "Invalid number of properties."); Assert.AreEqual(persistent, message.NMSPersistent, "NMSPersistent does not match"); Assert.AreEqual(ToHex(f), ToHex(message.Properties.GetLong("f")), "map entry: f as hex"); // use generic API to access entries Assert.AreEqual(a, message.Properties["a"], "generic map entry: a"); Assert.AreEqual(b, message.Properties["b"], "generic map entry: b"); Assert.AreEqual(c, message.Properties["c"], "generic map entry: c"); Assert.AreEqual(d, message.Properties["d"], "generic map entry: d"); Assert.AreEqual(e, message.Properties["e"], "generic map entry: e"); Assert.AreEqual(f, message.Properties["f"], "generic map entry: f"); Assert.AreEqual(g, message.Properties["g"], "generic map entry: g"); Assert.AreEqual(h, message.Properties["h"], "generic map entry: h"); Assert.AreEqual(i, message.Properties["i"], "generic map entry: i"); Assert.AreEqual(j, message.Properties["j"], "generic map entry: j"); Assert.AreEqual(k, message.Properties["k"], "generic map entry: k"); Assert.AreEqual(l, message.Properties["l"], "generic map entry: l"); Assert.AreEqual(m, message.Properties["m"], "generic map entry: m"); Assert.AreEqual(n, message.Properties["n"], "generic map entry: n"); // use type safe APIs Assert.AreEqual(a, message.Properties.GetBool("a"), "map entry: a"); Assert.AreEqual(b, message.Properties.GetByte("b"), "map entry: b"); Assert.AreEqual(c, message.Properties.GetChar("c"), "map entry: c"); Assert.AreEqual(d, message.Properties.GetShort("d"), "map entry: d"); Assert.AreEqual(e, message.Properties.GetInt("e"), "map entry: e"); Assert.AreEqual(f, message.Properties.GetLong("f"), "map entry: f"); Assert.AreEqual(g, message.Properties.GetString("g"), "map entry: g"); Assert.AreEqual(h, message.Properties.GetBool("h"), "map entry: h"); Assert.AreEqual(i, message.Properties.GetByte("i"), "map entry: i"); Assert.AreEqual(j, message.Properties.GetShort("j"), "map entry: j"); Assert.AreEqual(k, message.Properties.GetInt("k"), "map entry: k"); Assert.AreEqual(l, message.Properties.GetLong("l"), "map entry: l"); Assert.AreEqual(m, message.Properties.GetFloat("m"), "map entry: m"); Assert.AreEqual(n, message.Properties.GetDouble("n"), "map entry: n"); } } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Example connection strings: // activemq:tcp://activemqhost:61616 // stomp:tcp://activemqhost:61613 // ems:tcp://tibcohost:7222 // msmq://localhost Uri connecturi = new Uri("activemq:tcp://"); Console.WriteLine("About to connect to " + connecturi); // NOTE: ensure the nmsprovider-activemq.config file exists in the executable folder. //IConnectionFactory factory = new NMSConnectionFactory(connecturi); IConnectionFactory factory = new Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.ConnectionFactory(connecturi); using (IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection()) using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession()) { // Examples for getting a destination: // // Hard coded destinations: // IDestination destination = session.GetQueue("FOO.BAR"); // Debug.Assert(destination is IQueue); // IDestination destination = session.GetTopic("FOO.BAR"); // Debug.Assert(destination is ITopic); // // Embedded destination type in the name: // IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, "queue://FOO.BAR"); // Debug.Assert(destination is IQueue); // IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, "topic://FOO.BAR"); // Debug.Assert(destination is ITopic); // // Defaults to queue if type is not specified: // IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, "FOO.BAR"); // Debug.Assert(destination is IQueue); // // .NET 3.5 Supports Extension methods for a simplified syntax: // IDestination destination = session.GetDestination("queue://FOO.BAR"); // Debug.Assert(destination is IQueue); // IDestination destination = session.GetDestination("topic://FOO.BAR"); // Debug.Assert(destination is ITopic); //IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, "queue://"); //ActiveMQQueue topic = new ActiveMQQueue("Consumer.ERIC.VirtualTopic.ESDATA"); ActiveMQTopic topic = new ActiveMQTopic("VirtualTopic/ESDATA"); Console.WriteLine("Using destination: " + topic); // Create a consumer and producer using (IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(topic)) //using(IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination)) { // Start the connection so that messages will be processed. connection.Start(); //producer.DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent; //producer.RequestTimeout = receiveTimeout; consumer.Listener += new MessageListener(OnMessage); /* * // Send a message * ITextMessage request = session.CreateTextMessage("Hello World!"); * request.NMSCorrelationID = "abc"; * request.Properties["NMSXGroupID"] = "cheese"; * request.Properties["myHeader"] = "Cheddar"; * * producer.Send(request); */ while (true) { // Wait for the message semaphore.WaitOne((int)receiveTimeout.TotalMilliseconds, true); if (message == null) { Console.WriteLine("No message received!"); } else { IBytesMessage bmsg = message as IBytesMessage; Console.WriteLine("Received message with ID: " + bmsg.NMSMessageId); Console.WriteLine("Received message with text: " + System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bmsg.Content)); } } } } }
public RabbitMqMessageBus(ZaminConfigurationOptions configuration, IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer, IMessageConsumer messageConsumer) { _configuration = configuration; _jsonSerializer = jsonSerializer; _messageConsumer = messageConsumer; var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory { Uri = configuration.MessageBus.RabbitMq.Uri }; _connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection(); var channel = _connection.CreateModel(); channel.ExchangeDeclare(configuration.MessageBus.RabbitMq.ExchangeName, ExchangeType.Topic, configuration.MessageBus.RabbitMq.ExchangeDurable, configuration.MessageBus.RabbitMq.ExchangeAutoDeleted); ReveiveMessages(); }
public void TestRecoverOrderingWithAsyncConsumer() { int recoverCount = 5; int messageCount = 8; using (TestAmqpPeer testAmqpPeer = new TestAmqpPeer(Address, User, Password)) { testAmqpPeer.Open(); TestLinkProcessor testLinkProcessor = new TestLinkProcessor(); testAmqpPeer.RegisterLinkProcessor(testLinkProcessor); for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { testAmqpPeer.SendMessage("myQueue", i.ToString()); } ManualResetEvent latch = new ManualResetEvent(false); IConnection connection = EstablishConnection(); connection.Start(); ISession session = connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.ClientAcknowledge); IQueue destination = session.GetQueue("myQueue"); IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination); bool complete = false; int messageSeen = 0; int expectedIndex = 0; consumer.Listener += message => { if (complete) { return; } int actualIndex = int.Parse((message as ITextMessage).Text); Assert.AreEqual(expectedIndex, actualIndex); // don't ack the message until we receive it X times if (messageSeen < recoverCount) { session.Recover(); messageSeen++; } else { messageSeen = 0; expectedIndex++; message.Acknowledge(); if (expectedIndex == messageCount) { complete = true; latch.Set(); } } }; consumer.Close(); session.Close(); connection.Close(); } }
public void SendReceiveMapMessage( [Values(MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent, MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent)] MsgDeliveryMode deliveryMode) { using (IConnection connection = CreateConnection(GetTestClientId())) { connection.Start(); using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge)) { IDestination destination = CreateDestination(session, DestinationType.Queue); using (IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination)) using (IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination)) { producer.DeliveryMode = deliveryMode; IMapMessage request = session.CreateMapMessage(); request.Body["a"] = a; request.Body["b"] = b; request.Body["c"] = c; request.Body["d"] = d; request.Body["e"] = e; request.Body["f"] = f; request.Body["g"] = g; request.Body["h"] = h; request.Body["i"] = i; request.Body["j"] = j; request.Body["k"] = k; request.Body["l"] = l; request.Body["m"] = m; request.Body["n"] = n; request.Body["o"] = o; producer.Send(request); IMapMessage message = consumer.Receive(receiveTimeout) as IMapMessage; Assert.IsNotNull(message, "No message returned!"); Assert.AreEqual(request.Body.Count, message.Body.Count, "Invalid number of message maps."); Assert.AreEqual(deliveryMode, message.NMSDeliveryMode, "NMSDeliveryMode does not match"); Assert.AreEqual(ToHex(f), ToHex(message.Body.GetLong("f")), "map entry: f as hex"); // use generic API to access entries Assert.AreEqual(a, message.Body["a"], "generic map entry: a"); Assert.AreEqual(b, message.Body["b"], "generic map entry: b"); Assert.AreEqual(c, message.Body["c"], "generic map entry: c"); Assert.AreEqual(d, message.Body["d"], "generic map entry: d"); Assert.AreEqual(e, message.Body["e"], "generic map entry: e"); Assert.AreEqual(f, message.Body["f"], "generic map entry: f"); Assert.AreEqual(g, message.Body["g"], "generic map entry: g"); Assert.AreEqual(h, message.Body["h"], "generic map entry: h"); Assert.AreEqual(i, message.Body["i"], "generic map entry: i"); Assert.AreEqual(j, message.Body["j"], "generic map entry: j"); Assert.AreEqual(k, message.Body["k"], "generic map entry: k"); Assert.AreEqual(l, message.Body["l"], "generic map entry: l"); Assert.AreEqual(m, message.Body["m"], "generic map entry: m"); Assert.AreEqual(n, message.Body["n"], "generic map entry: n"); Assert.AreEqual(o, message.Body["o"], "generic map entry: o"); // use type safe APIs Assert.AreEqual(a, message.Body.GetBool("a"), "map entry: a"); Assert.AreEqual(b, message.Body.GetByte("b"), "map entry: b"); Assert.AreEqual(c, message.Body.GetChar("c"), "map entry: c"); Assert.AreEqual(d, message.Body.GetShort("d"), "map entry: d"); Assert.AreEqual(e, message.Body.GetInt("e"), "map entry: e"); Assert.AreEqual(f, message.Body.GetLong("f"), "map entry: f"); Assert.AreEqual(g, message.Body.GetString("g"), "map entry: g"); Assert.AreEqual(h, message.Body.GetBool("h"), "map entry: h"); Assert.AreEqual(i, message.Body.GetByte("i"), "map entry: i"); Assert.AreEqual(j, message.Body.GetShort("j"), "map entry: j"); Assert.AreEqual(k, message.Body.GetInt("k"), "map entry: k"); Assert.AreEqual(l, message.Body.GetLong("l"), "map entry: l"); Assert.AreEqual(m, message.Body.GetFloat("m"), "map entry: m"); Assert.AreEqual(n, message.Body.GetDouble("n"), "map entry: n"); Assert.AreEqual(o, message.Body.GetBytes("o"), "map entry: o"); } } } }
public void SendReceiveNestedMapMessage( [Values(MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent, MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent)] MsgDeliveryMode deliveryMode) { using (IConnection connection = CreateConnection(GetTestClientId())) { connection.Start(); using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge)) { IDestination destination = CreateDestination(session, DestinationType.Queue); using (IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination)) using (IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination)) { try { producer.DeliveryMode = deliveryMode; IMapMessage request = session.CreateMapMessage(); const string textFieldValue = "Nested Map Messages Rule!"; request.Body.SetString("textField", textFieldValue); IDictionary grandChildMap = new Hashtable(); grandChildMap["x"] = "abc"; grandChildMap["y"] = new ArrayList(new object[] { "a", "b", "c" }); IDictionary nestedMap = new Hashtable(); nestedMap["a"] = "foo"; nestedMap["b"] = (int)23; nestedMap["c"] = (long)45; nestedMap["d"] = grandChildMap; request.Body.SetDictionary("mapField", nestedMap); request.Body.SetList("listField", new ArrayList(new Object[] { "a", "b", "c" })); producer.Send(request); IMapMessage message = consumer.Receive(receiveTimeout) as IMapMessage; Assert.IsNotNull(message, "No message returned!"); Assert.AreEqual(request.Body.Count, message.Body.Count, "Invalid number of message maps."); Assert.AreEqual(deliveryMode, message.NMSDeliveryMode, "NMSDeliveryMode does not match"); string textFieldResponse = message.Body.GetString("textField"); Assert.AreEqual(textFieldValue, textFieldResponse, "textField does not match."); IDictionary nestedMapResponse = message.Body.GetDictionary("mapField"); Assert.IsNotNull(nestedMapResponse, "Nested map not returned."); Assert.AreEqual(nestedMap.Count, nestedMapResponse.Count, "nestedMap: Wrong number of elements"); Assert.AreEqual("foo", nestedMapResponse["a"], "nestedMap: a"); Assert.AreEqual(23, nestedMapResponse["b"], "nestedMap: b"); Assert.AreEqual(45, nestedMapResponse["c"], "nestedMap: c"); IDictionary grandChildMapResponse = nestedMapResponse["d"] as IDictionary; Assert.IsNotNull(grandChildMapResponse, "Grand child map not returned."); Assert.AreEqual(grandChildMap.Count, grandChildMapResponse.Count, "grandChildMap: Wrong number of elements"); Assert.AreEqual(grandChildMapResponse["x"], "abc", "grandChildMap: x"); IList grandChildList = grandChildMapResponse["y"] as IList; Assert.IsNotNull(grandChildList, "Grand child list not returned."); Assert.AreEqual(3, grandChildList.Count, "grandChildList: Wrong number of list elements."); Assert.AreEqual("a", grandChildList[0], "grandChildList: a"); Assert.AreEqual("b", grandChildList[1], "grandChildList: b"); Assert.AreEqual("c", grandChildList[2], "grandChildList: c"); IList listFieldResponse = message.Body.GetList("listField"); Assert.IsNotNull(listFieldResponse, "Nested list not returned."); Assert.AreEqual(3, listFieldResponse.Count, "listFieldResponse: Wrong number of list elements."); Assert.AreEqual("a", listFieldResponse[0], "listFieldResponse: a"); Assert.AreEqual("b", listFieldResponse[1], "listFieldResponse: b"); Assert.AreEqual("c", listFieldResponse[2], "listFieldResponse: c"); } catch (NotSupportedException) { } catch (NMSException e) { Assert.IsTrue(e.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(NotSupportedException)); } } } } }
public void SendReceiveStreamMessage( [Values(MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent, MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent)] MsgDeliveryMode deliveryMode) { using (IConnection connection = CreateConnection(GetTestClientId())) { connection.Start(); using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge)) { IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, DESTINATION_NAME); using (IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination)) using (IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination)) { producer.DeliveryMode = deliveryMode; IStreamMessage request; try { request = session.CreateStreamMessage(); } catch (System.NotSupportedException) { return; } request.WriteBoolean(a); request.WriteByte(b); request.WriteChar(c); request.WriteInt16(d); request.WriteInt32(e); request.WriteInt64(f); request.WriteString(g); request.WriteBoolean(h); request.WriteByte(i); request.WriteInt16(j); request.WriteInt32(k); request.WriteInt64(l); request.WriteSingle(m); request.WriteDouble(n); producer.Send(request); IStreamMessage message = consumer.Receive(receiveTimeout) as IStreamMessage; Assert.IsNotNull(message, "No message returned!"); Assert.AreEqual(deliveryMode, message.NMSDeliveryMode, "NMSDeliveryMode does not match"); // use generic API to access entries Assert.AreEqual(a, message.ReadBoolean(), "Stream Boolean Value: a"); Assert.AreEqual(b, message.ReadByte(), "Stream Byte Value: b"); Assert.AreEqual(c, message.ReadChar(), "Stream Char Value: c"); Assert.AreEqual(d, message.ReadInt16(), "Stream Int16 Value: d"); Assert.AreEqual(e, message.ReadInt32(), "Stream Int32 Value: e"); Assert.AreEqual(f, message.ReadInt64(), "Stream Int64 Value: f"); Assert.AreEqual(g, message.ReadString(), "Stream String Value: g"); Assert.AreEqual(h, message.ReadBoolean(), "Stream Boolean Value: h"); Assert.AreEqual(i, message.ReadByte(), "Stream Byte Value: i"); Assert.AreEqual(j, message.ReadInt16(), "Stream Int16 Value: j"); Assert.AreEqual(k, message.ReadInt32(), "Stream Int32 Value: k"); Assert.AreEqual(l, message.ReadInt64(), "Stream Int64 Value: l"); Assert.AreEqual(m, message.ReadSingle(), "Stream Single Value: m"); Assert.AreEqual(n, message.ReadDouble(), "Stream Double Value: n"); } } } }
public void TestReceiveBrowseReceive() { using (IConnection connection = CreateConnection()) { using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge)) { IDestination destination = session.GetQueue("TestReceiveBrowseReceive"); IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination); IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination); connection.Start(); IMessage[] outbound = new IMessage[] { session.CreateTextMessage("First Message"), session.CreateTextMessage("Second Message"), session.CreateTextMessage("Third Message") }; // lets consume any outstanding messages from previous test runs while (consumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)) != null) { } producer.Send(outbound[0]); producer.Send(outbound[1]); producer.Send(outbound[2]); IMessage msg = consumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)); // Get the first. Assert.AreEqual(((ITextMessage)outbound[0]).Text, ((ITextMessage)msg).Text); consumer.Close(); IQueueBrowser browser = session.CreateBrowser((IQueue)destination); IEnumerator enumeration = browser.GetEnumerator(); // browse the second Assert.IsTrue(enumeration.MoveNext(), "should have received the second message"); Assert.AreEqual(((ITextMessage)outbound[1]).Text, ((ITextMessage)enumeration.Current).Text); // browse the third. Assert.IsTrue(enumeration.MoveNext(), "Should have received the third message"); Assert.AreEqual(((ITextMessage)outbound[2]).Text, ((ITextMessage)enumeration.Current).Text); // There should be no more. bool tooMany = false; while (enumeration.MoveNext()) { Debug.WriteLine("Got extra message: " + ((ITextMessage)enumeration.Current).Text); tooMany = true; } Assert.IsFalse(tooMany); //Reset should take us back to the start. enumeration.Reset(); // browse the second Assert.IsTrue(enumeration.MoveNext(), "should have received the second message"); Assert.AreEqual(((ITextMessage)outbound[1]).Text, ((ITextMessage)enumeration.Current).Text); // browse the third. Assert.IsTrue(enumeration.MoveNext(), "Should have received the third message"); Assert.AreEqual(((ITextMessage)outbound[2]).Text, ((ITextMessage)enumeration.Current).Text); // There should be no more. tooMany = false; while (enumeration.MoveNext()) { Debug.WriteLine("Got extra message: " + ((ITextMessage)enumeration.Current).Text); tooMany = true; } Assert.IsFalse(tooMany); browser.Close(); // Re-open the consumer. consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination); // Receive the second. Assert.AreEqual(((ITextMessage)outbound[1]).Text, ((ITextMessage)consumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000))).Text); // Receive the third. Assert.AreEqual(((ITextMessage)outbound[2]).Text, ((ITextMessage)consumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000))).Text); consumer.Close(); } } }
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (btnStart.Text == "停止服务") { if (netServer != null) { netServer.Stop(); netServer.TCPReceiveData -= Server_TCPReceiveData; netServer.UDPReceiveData -= Server_UDPReceiveData; FormMain.m_mq.Close(); this.m_consumer.Listener -= this.consumer_listener; this.m_consumer.Close(); this.m_consumer = null; this.timer1.Enabled = false; } isServerRun = false; btnStart.Text = "启动服务"; return; } this.timer1.Enabled = true; this.ConnectMQServer(); string portStr = ini.ReadValue("LocalHost", "UDPLocalPort"); if (!Regex.IsMatch(portStr, NetServer.PATTERNPORT)) { MessageBox.Show("端口号设置错误", "提示"); return; } ushort udpPort = ushort.Parse(portStr); string tcpPortStr = ini.ReadValue("LocalHost", "TCPLocalPort"); if (!Regex.IsMatch(tcpPortStr, NetServer.PATTERNPORT)) { MessageBox.Show("端口号设置错误", "提示"); return; } ushort tcpPort = ushort.Parse(tcpPortStr); InitDatabase(); if (!DataBase.OpenTest()) { MessageBox.Show("数据库连接失败,请检查数据库配置", "提示"); return; } string ip = ini.ReadValue("LocalHost", "LoaclIP"); if (ip == "") { var result = MessageBox.Show(this, "当前绑定IP为127.0.0.1,若要与外界通信需修改为本地公网IP,是否继续绑定127.0.0.1,选择否则返回设置?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.No) { return; } } //启动数据处理线程和计时器 if (!dealThread.IsAlive) { dealThread.Start(); } if (!saveThread.IsAlive) { saveThread.Start(); } if (!dbTimer.Enabled) { dbTimer.Start(); } #region 时启动tcp和udp netServer = new NetServer(tcpPort, udpPort, ip); netServer.TCPReceiveData += Server_TCPReceiveData; netServer.UDPReceiveData += Server_UDPReceiveData; netServer.Start(); #endregion isServerRun = true; btnStart.Text = "停止服务"; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); //启动异常则关闭服务 if (netServer != null) { netServer.Stop(); netServer.TCPReceiveData -= Server_TCPReceiveData; netServer.UDPReceiveData -= Server_UDPReceiveData; } isServerRun = false; btnStart.Text = "启动服务"; return; } }
public async Task TestIncomingExpiredMessageGetsFilteredAsync() { using (TestAmqpPeer testPeer = new TestAmqpPeer()) { IConnection connection = await EstablishConnectionAsync(testPeer); await connection.StartAsync(); testPeer.ExpectBegin(); ISession session = await connection.CreateSessionAsync(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge); IQueue queue = await session.GetQueueAsync("myQueue"); // Expected the consumer to attach and send credit, then send it an // already-expired message followed by a live message. testPeer.ExpectReceiverAttach(); string expiredMsgContent = "already-expired"; Amqp.Message message = CreateExpiredMessage(expiredMsgContent); testPeer.ExpectLinkFlowRespondWithTransfer(message: message); string liveMsgContent = "valid"; testPeer.SendTransferToLastOpenedLinkOnLastOpenedSession(message: new Amqp.Message() { BodySection = new AmqpValue() { Value = liveMsgContent } }, nextIncomingId: 2); IMessageConsumer consumer = await session.CreateConsumerAsync(queue); // Add message listener, expect the first message to be filtered due to expiry, // and the second message to be given to the test app and accepted. Action <DeliveryState> modifiedMatcher = state => { var modified = state as Modified; Assert.IsNotNull(modified); Assert.IsTrue(modified.DeliveryFailed); Assert.IsTrue(modified.UndeliverableHere); }; testPeer.ExpectDisposition(settled: true, stateMatcher: modifiedMatcher, firstDeliveryId: 1, lastDeliveryId: 1); testPeer.ExpectDisposition(settled: true, stateMatcher: Assert.IsInstanceOf <Accepted>, firstDeliveryId: 2, lastDeliveryId: 2); ManualResetEvent success = new ManualResetEvent(false); ManualResetEvent listenerFailure = new ManualResetEvent(false); consumer.Listener += m => { if (liveMsgContent.Equals(((ITextMessage)m).Text)) { success.Set(); } else { listenerFailure.Set(); } }; Assert.True(success.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)), "didn't get expected message"); Assert.False(listenerFailure.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)), "Received message when message should not have been received"); testPeer.WaitForAllMatchersToComplete(3000); testPeer.ExpectClose(); await connection.CloseAsync(); testPeer.WaitForAllMatchersToComplete(3000); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CachedMessageConsumer"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="target">The target.</param> public CachedMessageConsumer(IMessageConsumer target) { = target; }
/// <summary> /// Method Reconnect /// </summary> protected override void Reconnect() { base.Reconnect(); consumer = Session.CreateConsumer(Destination); producer = Session.CreateProducer(Destination); }
// 连接中断监听 void connection_ConnectionInterruptedListener() { Close(); _consumer = CreateConsumer(); }
public void TestFallbackToExclusiveConsumer() { IConnection conn = createConnection(true); ISession exclusiveSession = null; ISession fallbackSession = null; ISession senderSession = null; purgeQueue(conn, new ActiveMQQueue("TEST.QUEUE4")); try { exclusiveSession = conn.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge); fallbackSession = conn.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge); senderSession = conn.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge); // This creates the exclusive consumer first which avoids AMQ-1024 // bug. ActiveMQQueue exclusiveQueue = new ActiveMQQueue("TEST.QUEUE4?consumer.exclusive=true"); IMessageConsumer exclusiveConsumer = exclusiveSession.CreateConsumer(exclusiveQueue); ActiveMQQueue fallbackQueue = new ActiveMQQueue("TEST.QUEUE4"); IMessageConsumer fallbackConsumer = fallbackSession.CreateConsumer(fallbackQueue); ActiveMQQueue senderQueue = new ActiveMQQueue("TEST.QUEUE4"); IMessageProducer producer = senderSession.CreateProducer(senderQueue); producer.DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent; IMessage msg = senderSession.CreateTextMessage("test"); producer.Send(msg); Thread.Sleep(500); // Verify exclusive consumer receives the message. Assert.IsNotNull(exclusiveConsumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000))); Assert.IsNull(fallbackConsumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000))); // Close the exclusive consumer to verify the non-exclusive consumer // takes over exclusiveConsumer.Close(); producer.Send(msg); // Verify other non-exclusive consumer receices the message. Assert.IsNotNull(fallbackConsumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000))); // Create exclusive consumer to determine if it will start receiving // the messages. exclusiveConsumer = exclusiveSession.CreateConsumer(exclusiveQueue); producer.Send(msg); Assert.IsNotNull(exclusiveConsumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000))); Assert.IsNull(fallbackConsumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000))); } finally { fallbackSession.Close(); senderSession.Close(); conn.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MessageProducer"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="consumer">The consumer used to enqueue produced messages.</param> /// <param name="logger">An object used to report incidences.</param> public MessageProducer(IMessageConsumer consumer, ILogger <MessageProducer> logger) { Logger = logger; Consumer = consumer; }
public void FailoverBeforeCommitSentTest() { string uri = "failover:(tcpfaulty://${activemqhost}:61616?transport.useLogging=true)"; IConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(NMSTestSupport.ReplaceEnvVar(uri)); using (connection = factory.CreateConnection() as Connection) { connection.ConnectionInterruptedListener += new ConnectionInterruptedListener(TransportInterrupted); connection.ConnectionResumedListener += new ConnectionResumedListener(TransportResumed); connection.Start(); ITransport transport = (connection as Connection).ITransport; TcpFaultyTransport tcpFaulty = transport.Narrow(typeof(TcpFaultyTransport)) as TcpFaultyTransport; Assert.IsNotNull(tcpFaulty); tcpFaulty.OnewayCommandPreProcessor += this.FailOnCommitTransportHook; using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession()) { IDestination destination = session.GetQueue(destinationName); PurgeQueue(connection, destination); } Tracer.Debug("Test is putting " + MSG_COUNT + " messages on the queue: " + destinationName); using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.Transactional)) { IDestination destination = session.GetQueue(destinationName); PutMsgIntoQueue(session, destination, false); try { session.Commit(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown a TransactionRolledBackException"); } catch (TransactionRolledBackException) { } catch { Assert.Fail("Should have thrown a TransactionRolledBackException"); } } Assert.IsTrue(this.interrupted); Assert.IsTrue(this.resumed); Tracer.Debug("Test is attempting to read a message from" + destinationName + " but no messages are expected"); using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession()) { IDestination destination = session.GetQueue(destinationName); IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination); IMessage msg = consumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); Assert.IsNull(msg, "Should not receive a message after commit failed."); } } Assert.IsTrue(this.interrupted); Assert.IsTrue(this.resumed); }
public static IEnumerable <T> RetrieveMessages <T>(this IMessageConsumer consumer, int messageAmount, int timeout) where T : new() { return(consumer.RetrieveMessages(messageAmount, timeout).Select(m => ThriftSerializer.Deserialize <T>(m.BodyStream))); }
public void SendReceiveMessageProperties( [Values(MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent, MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent)] MsgDeliveryMode deliveryMode) { using (IConnection connection = CreateConnection(GetTestClientId())) { connection.Start(); using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge)) { IDestination destination = CreateDestination(session, DestinationType.Queue); using (IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination)) using (IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination)) { producer.DeliveryMode = deliveryMode; IMessage request = session.CreateMessage(); request.Properties["a"] = a; request.Properties["b"] = b; request.Properties["c"] = c; request.Properties["d"] = d; request.Properties["e"] = e; request.Properties["f"] = f; request.Properties["g"] = g; request.Properties["h"] = h; request.Properties["i"] = i; request.Properties["j"] = j; request.Properties["k"] = k; request.Properties["l"] = l; request.Properties["m"] = m; request.Properties["n"] = n; try { request.Properties["o"] = o; Assert.Fail("Should not be able to add a Byte[] to the Properties of a Message."); } catch { // Expected } try { request.Properties.SetBytes("o", o); Assert.Fail("Should not be able to add a Byte[] to the Properties of a Message."); } catch { // Expected } producer.Send(request); IMessage message = consumer.Receive(receiveTimeout); Assert.IsNotNull(message, "No message returned!"); Assert.AreEqual(request.Properties.Count, message.Properties.Count, "Invalid number of properties."); Assert.AreEqual(deliveryMode, message.NMSDeliveryMode, "NMSDeliveryMode does not match"); Assert.AreEqual(ToHex(f), ToHex(message.Properties.GetLong("f")), "map entry: f as hex"); // use generic API to access entries // Perform a string only comparison here since some NMS providers are type limited and // may return only a string instance from the generic [] accessor. Each provider should // further test this functionality to determine that the correct type is returned if // it is capable of doing so. Assert.AreEqual(a.ToString(), message.Properties["a"].ToString(), "generic map entry: a"); Assert.AreEqual(b.ToString(), message.Properties["b"].ToString(), "generic map entry: b"); Assert.AreEqual(c.ToString(), message.Properties["c"].ToString(), "generic map entry: c"); Assert.AreEqual(d.ToString(), message.Properties["d"].ToString(), "generic map entry: d"); Assert.AreEqual(e.ToString(), message.Properties["e"].ToString(), "generic map entry: e"); Assert.AreEqual(f.ToString(), message.Properties["f"].ToString(), "generic map entry: f"); Assert.AreEqual(g.ToString(), message.Properties["g"].ToString(), "generic map entry: g"); Assert.AreEqual(h.ToString(), message.Properties["h"].ToString(), "generic map entry: h"); Assert.AreEqual(i.ToString(), message.Properties["i"].ToString(), "generic map entry: i"); Assert.AreEqual(j.ToString(), message.Properties["j"].ToString(), "generic map entry: j"); Assert.AreEqual(k.ToString(), message.Properties["k"].ToString(), "generic map entry: k"); Assert.AreEqual(l.ToString(), message.Properties["l"].ToString(), "generic map entry: l"); Assert.AreEqual(m.ToString(), message.Properties["m"].ToString(), "generic map entry: m"); Assert.AreEqual(n.ToString(), message.Properties["n"].ToString(), "generic map entry: n"); // use type safe APIs Assert.AreEqual(a, message.Properties.GetBool("a"), "map entry: a"); Assert.AreEqual(b, message.Properties.GetByte("b"), "map entry: b"); Assert.AreEqual(c, message.Properties.GetChar("c"), "map entry: c"); Assert.AreEqual(d, message.Properties.GetShort("d"), "map entry: d"); Assert.AreEqual(e, message.Properties.GetInt("e"), "map entry: e"); Assert.AreEqual(f, message.Properties.GetLong("f"), "map entry: f"); Assert.AreEqual(g, message.Properties.GetString("g"), "map entry: g"); Assert.AreEqual(h, message.Properties.GetBool("h"), "map entry: h"); Assert.AreEqual(i, message.Properties.GetByte("i"), "map entry: i"); Assert.AreEqual(j, message.Properties.GetShort("j"), "map entry: j"); Assert.AreEqual(k, message.Properties.GetInt("k"), "map entry: k"); Assert.AreEqual(l, message.Properties.GetLong("l"), "map entry: l"); Assert.AreEqual(m, message.Properties.GetFloat("m"), "map entry: m"); Assert.AreEqual(n, message.Properties.GetDouble("n"), "map entry: n"); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes listening to a specific path on the Active MQ server. /// Please note, that, if not otherwise specified, it will be assumed that the path should be a queue. /// As such, if you want to specifically listen to a queue, prepend the path parameter with "queue://" otherwise with "topic://" /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The path to the message exchange</param> /// <param name="subscription">Not used by Active MQ. The subscription will be named automatically by the active mq server</param> /// <param name="filter">An SQL-like string to filter for values set on the meta properties of a message. This maps directly to the "properties" parameter (including "ContentType") of SendAsync</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <bool> ListenAsync(string path, string subscription = null, string filter = null) { _logger.Trace(ConnectorLogging.Process((nameof(path), path), (nameof(subscription), subscription), (nameof(filter), filter))); if (_isInternalListeningHooked) { _logger.Error($"Currently already listening to some path. Please call {nameof(StopListening)} before calling {nameof(ListenAsync)} again"); return(false); } if (!_isConnectionGood) { _logger.Error($"Currently not connected. Please wait for connection to be established before listening"); return(false); } if (_session == null) { _logger.Error($"Cannot listen to path if session has not been established"); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { _logger.Error($"Bad Argument: {nameof(path)} was null"); return(false); } PrependWithPathDefault(ref path); try { _listenToPath = path; _listenToSubscription = subscription; _listenToFilter = filter; IDestination destination; //todo: add code to verify, path is not for queue when subscription is not null and vice versa destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(_session, path); ITopic topicDestination = SessionUtil.GetTopic(_session, path); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) { if (path.StartsWith("topic://")) { _logger.Trace($"Creating durable consumer for {topicDestination.ToString()}"); _consumer = _session.CreateDurableConsumer(topicDestination, subscription, filter, false); } else if (path.StartsWith("queue://")) { _logger.Trace($"Creating consumer for {destination.ToString()}"); _consumer = _session.CreateConsumer(destination); } else { _logger.Error($"Could not start listening because a path of {path} cannot be handled"); return(false); } } else { if (path.StartsWith("topic://")) { _logger.Trace($"Creating durable consumer for {topicDestination.ToString()}"); _consumer = _session.CreateDurableConsumer(topicDestination, subscription, filter, false); } else if (path.StartsWith("queue://")) { _logger.Trace($"Creating consumer for {destination.ToString()}"); _consumer = _session.CreateConsumer(destination, filter); } else { _logger.Error($"Could not start listening because a path of {path} cannot be handled"); return(false); } } _consumer.Listener += OnMessageReceived; _isInternalListeningHooked = true; _logger.Info($"Initialization for listening to {path} successful."); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Error($"Exception while starting listener: {e.ToString()}"); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Dispatches a message to the specified consumer. The implementation normalizes the /// calling for synchronous and asynchronous message handlers. This allows the method /// handler to be re-factored to one or the other without having to change any of the /// calling code. This also decouples the publisher from the consumer. The publisher /// should not be concerned of how the message is handled. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The message to be dispatched.</param> /// <param name="consumer">Instance of the consumer to have message dispatched.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token passed to the message handler.</param> /// <returns>The response as a future task result.</returns> public async Task <object> Dispatch(IMessage message, IMessageConsumer consumer, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (message == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message)); } if (consumer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(consumer)); } if (cancellationToken == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cancellationToken)); } var taskSource = new TaskCompletionSource <object>(); try { if (IsAsync) { var invokeParams = new List <object> { consumer, message }; if (IsCancellable) { invokeParams.Add(cancellationToken); } var asyncResult = (Task)Invoker.DynamicInvoke(invokeParams.ToArray()); await asyncResult.ConfigureAwait(false); object result = ProcessResult(message, asyncResult); taskSource.SetResult(result); } else { object syncResult = Invoker.DynamicInvoke(consumer, message); object result = ProcessResult(message, syncResult); taskSource.SetResult(result); } } catch (Exception ex) { var invokeEx = ex as TargetInvocationException; var sourceEx = ex; if (invokeEx != null) { sourceEx = invokeEx.InnerException; } var dispatchEx = new MessageDispatchException("Exception Dispatching Message.", this, sourceEx); taskSource.SetException(dispatchEx); } return(await taskSource.Task.ConfigureAwait(false)); }
public void RegisterImpl(IMessageConsumer consumer, string serviceId) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void TestTransactedProduceConsumeWithSessionClose( [Values("tcp://${activemqhost}:61616")] string baseConnectionURI) { INetTxConnectionFactory factory = new NetTxConnectionFactory(NMSTestSupport.ReplaceEnvVar(baseConnectionURI)); using (INetTxConnection connection = factory.CreateNetTxConnection()) { connection.Start(); IDestination destination = null; using (INetTxSession session = connection.CreateNetTxSession()) { session.TransactionStartedListener += TransactionStarted; session.TransactionCommittedListener += TransactionCommitted; session.TransactionRolledBackListener += TransactionRolledBack; destination = session.CreateTemporaryQueue(); using (IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination)) { using (TransactionScope scoped = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { Assert.IsFalse(this.transactionStarted); Assert.IsNotNull(Transaction.Current); for (int i = 0; i < MSG_COUNT; ++i) { producer.Send(session.CreateTextMessage("Hello World")); } Assert.IsTrue(this.transactionStarted, "A TX should have been started by producing"); scoped.Complete(); } Assert.IsFalse(this.transactionStarted, "TX Should have Committed and cleared Started"); Assert.IsTrue(this.transactionCommitted, "TX Should have Committed"); Assert.IsFalse(this.transactionRolledBack, "TX Should not have Rolledback"); session.Close(); } } using (INetTxSession session = connection.CreateNetTxSession()) { session.TransactionStartedListener += TransactionStarted; session.TransactionCommittedListener += TransactionCommitted; session.TransactionRolledBackListener += TransactionRolledBack; using (IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination)) { using (TransactionScope scoped = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { Assert.IsFalse(this.transactionStarted); for (int i = 0; i < MSG_COUNT; ++i) { IMessage msg = consumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000)); Assert.IsNotNull(msg, "Message was null for index: " + i); } Assert.IsTrue(this.transactionStarted, "A TX should have been started by consuming"); scoped.Complete(); } Assert.IsFalse(this.transactionStarted, "TX Should have Committed and cleared Started"); Assert.IsTrue(this.transactionCommitted, "TX Should have Committed"); Assert.IsFalse(this.transactionRolledBack, "TX Should not have Rolledback"); session.Close(); } } using (INetTxSession session = connection.CreateNetTxSession()) { using (IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination)) { for (int i = 0; i < MSG_COUNT; ++i) { IMessage msg = consumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50)); Assert.IsNull(msg, "Message was not null for index: " + i); } } session.Close(); } connection.Close(); } }
public void TestTransactedProduceConsumeRollbackConsume( [Values("tcp://${activemqhost}:61616")] string baseConnectionURI) { INetTxConnectionFactory factory = new NetTxConnectionFactory(NMSTestSupport.ReplaceEnvVar(baseConnectionURI)); using (INetTxConnection connection = factory.CreateNetTxConnection()) { connection.Start(); using (INetTxSession session = connection.CreateNetTxSession()) { IDestination destination = session.CreateTemporaryQueue(); using (IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination)) { using (TransactionScope scoped = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { Assert.IsNotNull(Transaction.Current); for (int i = 0; i < MSG_COUNT; ++i) { producer.Send(session.CreateTextMessage("Hello World")); } scoped.Complete(); } } using (IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination)) { Thread.Sleep(200); using (TransactionScope scoped = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { for (int i = 0; i < MSG_COUNT; ++i) { IMessage msg = consumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000)); Assert.IsNotNull(msg, "Message was null for index: " + i); } } using (TransactionScope scoped = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { for (int i = 0; i < MSG_COUNT; ++i) { IMessage msg = consumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000)); Assert.IsNotNull(msg, "Message was null for index: " + i); } } } using (IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination)) { Thread.Sleep(200); using (TransactionScope scoped = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { for (int i = 0; i < MSG_COUNT; ++i) { IMessage msg = consumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000)); Assert.IsNotNull(msg, "Message was null for index: " + i); Assert.IsTrue(msg.NMSRedelivered); } scoped.Complete(); } } session.Close(); } connection.Close(); } }