예제 #1
        public Processor(IMemoryBank memory = null, IMemoryMap map = null, ushort?topOfStackAddress = null, float frequencyInMHz = 4, bool enableFlagPrecalculation = true)
            // You can supply your own memory implementations, for example if you need to do RAM paging for >64K implementations.
            // Since there are several different methods for doing this and no 'official' method, there is no paged RAM implementation in the core code.

            FrequencyInMHz          = frequencyInMHz;
            _windowsTicksPerZ80Tick = (int)Math.Ceiling(10 / frequencyInMHz);

            Registers = new Registers(this);
            Ports     = new Ports(this);
            Memory    = memory ?? new MemoryBank();
            Memory.Initialise(this, map ?? new MemoryMap(MAX_MEMORY_SIZE_IN_BYTES, true));
            IO = new ProcessorIO(this);

            TimingMode    = TimingMode.FastAndFurious;
            InterruptMode = InterruptMode.IM0;

            _topOfStack  = topOfStackAddress ?? 0;
            Registers.SP = _topOfStack;

            // If precalculation is enabled, all flag combinations for all input values for 8-bit ALU / bitwise operations are pre-built now
            // (but not the 16-bit ALU operations, the number space is far too big).
            // This is *slightly* faster than calculating them in real-time, but if you need to debug flag calculation you should
            // disable this and attach a debugger to the flag calculation methods in FlagLookup.cs.
            FlagLookup.EnablePrecalculation = enableFlagPrecalculation;

            // The Z80 instruction set needs to be built (all Instruction objects are created, bound to the microcode instances, and indexed into a hashtable - undocumented 'overloads' are built here too)

            _debugging = Debugger.IsAttached;
예제 #2
 public DeviceViewModel(PortViewModel owner, IMemoryMap memoryMap)
     Owner          = owner;
     type           = NodeTypes.device;
     Name           = "Device";
     Icon           = "/Images/device.png";
     this.memoryMap = memoryMap;
     this.memoryMap.HoldingRegisterChanged += MemoryMap_HoldingRegisterChanged;
예제 #3
 public SpriteHandler(
     IPPUMemoryMap ppuMemoryMap,
     PPURegisters registers,
     PaletteHandler paletteHandler)
     this.registers      = registers;
     this.ppuMemoryMap   = ppuMemoryMap;
     this.paletteHandler = paletteHandler;
예제 #4
        public Mmu(IMemoryMap memoryMap, IRegisters registers)
            this.MemoryMap = memoryMap;
            this.Registers = registers;

            // TODO: Initialize IO memory

            this.Stack = new Stack(this.MemoryMap, this.Registers.Sp);

예제 #5
        public void CreateSlaves(CancellationToken token)
            PortViewModel portModel;

            foreach (var port in Children)
                portModel = (PortViewModel)port;
                foreach (var device in portModel.Children)
                    IMemoryMap map     = ((DeviceViewModel)device).GetMemory();
                    ushort     address = ((DeviceViewModel)device).Address;
                    new Slave(address, portModel.GetPort(), map, token);
예제 #6
        public Processor(
            IMemoryMap memoryMap,
            Registers registers,
            FlagProcessor flagProcessor,
            OpcodeCycles opcodeCycles,
            InterruptController interruptController)
            this.memoryMap           = memoryMap;
            this.registers           = registers;
            this.flagProcessor       = flagProcessor;
            this.opcodeCycles        = opcodeCycles;
            this.interruptController = interruptController;

            flags             = registers.Flags;
            interruptsEnabled = true;
예제 #7
        public MirroredMemory(int lowerIndex, int upperIndex, int mirroredLowerIndex, int mirroredUpperIndex, IMemoryMap memoryMapper, string name)
            : base(new Range(lowerIndex, upperIndex), name)
            this.mirroredRange = new Range(mirroredLowerIndex, mirroredUpperIndex);

            this.moduloValue = this.mirroredRange.Max - this.mirroredRange.Min;

            this.memoryMapper = memoryMapper;

            foreach (var memorySegment in this.memoryMapper)
                if (this.mirroredRange.IsOverlapped(memorySegment.Range) || this.mirroredRange.Equals(memorySegment.Range))

            if (!this.realMemorySegments.Any())
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Mirrored memory ({this.Name}) setup, but it can't find another memory segment to link to.");
예제 #8
 public FunctionsImplementation(IMemoryMap memory)
     memoryMap = memory;
예제 #9
파일: MOS6502.cs 프로젝트: ChadJessup/MICE
 public MOS6502(IMemoryMap memoryMap)
 => this.MemoryMap = memoryMap;
예제 #10
 public RamRegister(IMemoryMap ram, IDoubleRegister doubleRegister)
     this.ram_            = ram;
     this.doubleRegister_ = doubleRegister;
예제 #11
 public Ricoh2A03(IMemoryMap memoryMap)
     : base(memoryMap)
예제 #12
 public void Initialise(Processor cpu, IMemoryMap map)
     _cpu         = cpu;
     _map         = map;
     _initialised = true;
예제 #13
 public GameBoyCpu(IMemoryMap memoryMap, Registers registers, Processor opcodeProcessor)
     this.memoryMap = memoryMap;
     this.registers = registers;
     this.processor = opcodeProcessor;
예제 #14
 public ExternalFacade(IMemoryMap memoryMap, Range range, string name)
     this.memoryMap = memoryMap;
     this.range     = range;
     this.Name      = name;
예제 #15
 public Stack(IMemoryMap memoryMap, IDoubleRegister sp)
     this.memoryMap_ = memoryMap;
     this.sp_        = sp;
예제 #16
 public Device(IMemoryMap memoryMap)
     this.memoryMap = memoryMap;
     observers      = new List <IObserver>();