예제 #1
        private void SendCancelledReservationMail(Movie movie)
            List <Reservation> reservations = (db.Repo <Reservation>() as IReservationsRepo).GetReservationsForMovie(movie);

            foreach (var reservation in reservations)
                mail.SendMail(reservation.CinemaUser.Email, "Anulowanie rezerwacji", string.Format(
                                  "Twoje rezerwacje na film {0} zostały anulowane",
예제 #2
        public bool SendMailToCustomer(string toAddress, string name)

            //Actual logic goes here

            //define message and mail address

            _mailSender.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "Some Message");

        public Task Process(CancelRepairCommand request, Unit response)
            var repair = _dbContext.Repairs.Where(r => r.Id.ToString() == request.Id)
                         .Include(r => r.Vehicle)
                         .ThenInclude(v => v.Client)

            string receiverAddress = repair.Vehicle.Client.ContactDetails.Email;
            string receiverName    = $"{repair.Vehicle.Client.FirstName} {repair.Vehicle.Client.LastName}";

            _mailSender.SendMail(receiverAddress, receiverName, "Twoja naprawa została anulowana.<br>");
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Is called from DriveReport Patch.
        /// Sends email to the user associated with the report identified by key, with notification about rejected report.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <param name="delta"></param>
        public void SendMailForRejectedReport(int key, Delta <DriveReport> delta)
            var report    = _driveReportRepository.AsQueryable().FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == key);
            var recipient = "";

            if (report != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(report.Person.Mail))
                recipient = report.Person.Mail;
                _logger.LogForAdmin("Forsøg på at sende mail om afvist indberetning til " + report.Person.FullName + ", men der findes ingen emailadresse. " + report.Person.FullName + " har derfor ikke modtaget en mailadvisering");
                throw new Exception("Forsøg på at sende mail til person uden emailaddresse");
            var comment = new object();

            if (delta.TryGetPropertyValue("Comment", out comment))
                _mailSender.SendMail(recipient, "Afvist indberetning",
                                     "Din indberetning er blevet afvist med kommentaren: \n \n" + comment + "\n \n Du har mulighed for at redigere den afviste indberetning i OS2indberetning under Mine indberetninger / Afviste, hvorefter den vil lægge sig under Afventer godkendelse - fanen igen.");
예제 #5
        public void Send(string username, string email, string id, string activationcode)
            byte[] tokenGeneratedBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(activationcode);
            activationcode = WebEncoders.Base64UrlEncode(tokenGeneratedBytes);
            string host      = conf["EmailSettings:LinkHost"];
            var    verifyUrl = $"{host}/Account/Verify?id={id}&token={activationcode}";
            string subject   = "Verify your account";
            string body      = $"<br/><br/>We are excited to tell you, <strong>{username}</strong>, that your account is" +
                               " successfully created. Please click on the below link to verify your account" +
                               " <br/><br/><a href='" + verifyUrl + "'>" + verifyUrl + "</a> ";

            sender.SendMail(email, body, subject);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends an email to all leaders with pending reports to be approved.
        /// </summary>
        public void SendMails()
            var startOfDay = ToUnixTime(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 00, 00, 00));
            var endOfDay   = ToUnixTime(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 23, 59, 59));

            var notifications = mailScheduleRepo.AsQueryable().Where(r => r.DateTimestamp >= startOfDay && r.DateTimestamp <= endOfDay && !r.Notified);

            if (!notifications.Any())
                logger.LogInformation("No notifications found");
                logger.LogInformation("Email notification(s) found");
                foreach (var notification in notifications.ToList())
                    if (notification.Repeat)
                        var newDateTime = ToUnixTime(FromUnixTime(notification.DateTimestamp).AddMonths(1));
                        mailScheduleRepo.Insert(new MailNotificationSchedule()
                            DateTimestamp = newDateTime,
                            Notified      = false,
                            Repeat        = true
                    notification.Notified = true;

                    var reports = GetLeadersWithPendingReportsMails();
                    var distinctReportTypesPerEmail = reports.GroupBy(report => new { report.ReportType, report.ResponsibleLeader.Mail });
                    foreach (var report in distinctReportTypesPerEmail)
                        switch (report.Key.ReportType)
                        case ReportType.Drive:
                            // _mailSender.SendMail(report.ResponsibleLeader.Mail, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[""], driveBody);

                        case ReportType.Vacation:
                            mailSender.SendMail(report.Key.Mail, config["Mail:VacationMail:Subject"], config["Mail:VacationMail:Body"]);

                            logger.LogError("Kunne ikke finde typen af rapport: " + report.Key.ReportType);
예제 #7
        public void Send()
            var configvalue = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PROTECTED_DailyErrorLogMail"];

            if (configvalue == null)

            configvalue = Regex.Replace(configvalue, @"\s+", "");

            var receivers = configvalue.Split(',');

            var webLines  = _logReader.Read("C:\\logs\\os2eindberetning\\web.log");
            var dmzLines  = _logReader.Read("C:\\logs\\os2eindberetning\\dmz.log");
            var mailLines = _logReader.Read("C:\\logs\\os2eindberetning\\mail.log");

            var webMessage  = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, _logParser.Messages(webLines, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)));
            var dmzMessage  = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, _logParser.Messages(dmzLines, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)));
            var mailMessage = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, _logParser.Messages(mailLines, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)));

            var newLine = System.Environment.NewLine;

            var result = "";

            // Only add each header if there are log messages in that category.
            if (webMessage.Any())
                result += "Web:" + newLine + newLine + webMessage + newLine + newLine;
            if (dmzMessage.Any())
                result += "DMZ: " + newLine + newLine + dmzMessage + newLine + newLine;
            if (mailMessage.Any())
                result += "Mail: " + newLine + newLine + mailMessage;

            if (result == "")
                result = "Ingen fejl registreret";

            foreach (var receiver in receivers)
                _mailSender.SendMail(receiver, "Log", result);
        public Task Process(CreatePricingCommand request, Unit response)
            var repair = _dbContext.Repairs.Where(r => r.Id == request.RepairId)
                         .Include(r => r.Vehicle)
                         .ThenInclude(v => v.Client)
                         .Include(r => r.Pricing)

            string receiverAddress = repair.Vehicle.Client.ContactDetails.Email;
            string receiverName    = $"{repair.Vehicle.Client.FirstName} {repair.Vehicle.Client.LastName}";
            string message         = $"Twój numer naprawy to {repair.Pricing.ClientRepairNumber} .<br>";

            _mailSender.SendMail(receiverAddress, receiverName, message);
        public void SendInvitation(Guid UUID, Ballot ballot, string pollQuestion)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ballot.Email))

            string hostUri = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostURI"];

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hostUri))

            string link = hostUri + "/Poll/#/" + UUID + "/Vote/" + ballot.TokenGuid;

            string htmlMessage = (string)_invitationTemplate;

            htmlMessage = htmlMessage.Replace("__VOTEURI__", link);
            htmlMessage = htmlMessage.Replace("__HOSTURI__", hostUri);
            htmlMessage = htmlMessage.Replace("__POLLQUESTION__", pollQuestion);

            _mailSender.SendMail(ballot.Email, "Have your say", htmlMessage);
예제 #10
        public void SendChangePasswordMail(User user)
            var token             = Cryptography.GenerateTokenById(user.Id.Value, ConfigurationReader.EncryptKey);
            var url               = new UrlHelper(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext);
            var changePasswordUrl = url.AbsoluteAction(
                new { token, area = string.Empty });
            var changePasswordLink = $@"<a href=""{changePasswordUrl}""><strong>{changePasswordUrl}</strong></a><br/>";

            var path = Path.Combine(
            var messageBody = FileOperator.ReadFile(path);

            messageBody = messageBody.Replace("$$userFullName", user.UserName);
            messageBody = messageBody.Replace("$$requestNewPasswordLink", changePasswordLink);

            var email = new Email
                Content             = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messageBody),
                RecepientId         = user.Id.Value,
                SendUserId          = ConfigurationReader.AutomationUserId,
                SentMailMessageType =

            using (var transaction = contextManager.NewTransaction())
                userService.UpdatePasswordToken(user.Id.Value, token);
                email.Id = emailService.Insert(email);

            mailSender.SendMail(email.Id.Value, user.Email, Resource.ResetPassword);
예제 #11
        public bool SendForgottenPasswordEmail(string recipientEmailAddress, ISystemUserRepository repository)
            ISystemUser matchingUser = repository.GetByEmailAddress(recipientEmailAddress);

            bool sendEmail = (matchingUser != null);

            if (sendEmail)
                string      clearTextPassword = _encryptionEngine.Decrypt(matchingUser.Password);
                MailMessage mail = _mailFactory.CreateEmail(recipientEmailAddress, clearTextPassword);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides logic to registrate new user, sends confirmation mail if everything's done ok
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="registrationModel"></param>
        /// <param name="uri"></param>
        public void Registrate(RegistartionViewModel registrationModel, Uri uri)
            Guid key = _authProvider.RegistrateUser(registrationModel.User.NickName,

            StringBuilder mailBody = new StringBuilder();

            mailBody.Append("<html><head></head><body><div>Click link to confirm your account <a href=\"http://");

            _mailSender.SendMail("Your new account", mailBody.ToString(), registrationModel.User.Email);
예제 #13
        static void Main()
            var responsibles = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                responsibles += "<tr>" +
                                "<td><span>Abra kadabra<span></span></span></td>" +
                                "<td><span>800</span></td>" +
                                "<td><span>348</span></td>" +
                                "<td><span>713</span></td>" +
                                "<td><span>3</span></td>" +
                                "<td><span>648</span></td>" +
                                "<td><span>0</span></td>" +
                                "<td><span>2</span></td>" +
                                "<td><span>205</span></td>" +

            var message = new MailMessage("123", "<style>.red{background:red;} " +
                                          "table{border-spacing: 0px; border-top: 1px solid black;border-right: 1px solid black;font-size:14px;margin:5px;padding:5px;}" +
                                          "table th, table td{border-left: 1px solid black;border-bottom: 1px solid black;text-align: center;}</style>" +
                                          "<table><thead>" +
                                          "<tr>" +
                                          "<th rowspan=\"2\" colspan=\"1\"><span>Ответственный</span></th>" +
                                          "<th rowspan=\"2\" colspan=\"1\"><span>План месяца</span></th>" +
                                          "<th rowspan=\"2\" colspan=\"1\"><span>План</span></th>" +
                                          "<th colspan=\"5\" rowspan=\"1\"><span>Факт</span></th>" +
                                          "<th rowspan=\"2\" colspan=\"1\"><span>% прогноз выполнения плана</span></th>" +
                                          "</tr>" +
                                          "<tr>" +
                                          "<th rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><span>Итого баллов</span></th>" +
                                          "<th rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><span>Встреча</span></th>" +
                                          "<th rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><span>Звонок</span></th>" +
                                          "<th rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><span>Семинар</span></th>" +
                                          "<th rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><span>Дистанционная встреча</span></th>" +
                                          "</tr>" +
                                          "</thead>" +
                                          "<tbody>" +
                                          responsibles +

            sender.SendMail(message, new[] { "email" });
 public IActionResult New(Attorney attorney)
     if (!_usersRepo.VerifyUsername(attorney.User.Username))
         ModelState.AddModelError("uqUsername", "El usuario ingresado ya existe");
     if (!_attorneysRepo.VerifyEmail(attorney.Email))
         ModelState.AddModelError("uqEmail", "El correo ingresado ya existe");
     if (!_attorneysRepo.VerifyNotaryCode(attorney.NotaryCode))
         ModelState.AddModelError("uqNotaryCode", "El código de notario ingresado ya existe");
     //if(attorney.User.Username.Contains(" "))
     //    ModelState.AddModelError("whiteSpacesUsername", "El nombre de usuario contiene espacios en blanco, favor no incluir espacios en blanco");
     if (!ModelState.IsValid)
         NewAttorneyViewModel viewModel = new NewAttorneyViewModel
             Departments = _departmentsRepo.Departments.ToList()
         viewModel.Attorney = attorney;
         //string guidGenerated = _guidManager.GenerateGuid();
         //string passwordDefault = guidGenerated.Substring(guidGenerated.Length - 12, 12);
         string passwordOriginal = attorney.User.Password;
         string passwordHashed   = _cryptoManager.HashString(attorney.User.Password);
         attorney.User.Password = passwordHashed;
         //Envío de password sin hash al usuario
         string emailBody = $"Se le ha creado un acceso a la aplicación Lexincorp Nicaragua Web, su usuario es {attorney.User.Username} " +
                            $"y su clave de acceso es {passwordOriginal}. \n**Este es un mensaje autogenerado por el sistema, favor no responder**";
         _mailSender.SendMail(attorney.Email, "Usuario web creado para aplicación Lexincorp Nicaragua Web", emailBody);
         TempData["added"] = true;
예제 #15
        private static void SendMail(IMailSender mailSender, MailSettings credentialSettings)
            MailInfo mailInfo = new MailInfo()
                From       = "Muhammet Kaya",
                Body       = "This is test body.",
                Subject    = "This Test Mail",
                IsBodyHtml = false,
                IsDeliveryReceiptRequest = true,
                IsReadReceiptRequest     = true,
                ToRecipients             = new string[] { "*****@*****.**" }

            //Client is initializing
            //Mail is sending
예제 #16
        public Result Send(MessageTemplateType type,
                           SystemMailEntity systemMail,
                           object additionalData)
            var result = GetMailResult(type, systemMail,
                                       additionalData, out MailEntity mail);

            if (result.Success == false)

            using (_mailSender)

            result = new Result(true,
                                $"Message sended to user({systemMail.To}).");

예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends an email to all leaders with pending reports to be approved.
        /// </summary>
        public void SendMails(DateTime payRoleDateTime)
            var mailAddresses = GetLeadersWithPendingReportsMails();

            var mailBody = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PROTECTED_MAIL_BODY"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailBody))
                _logger.Debug($"{this.GetType().Name}, SendMails(): Mail body is null or empty, check value in CustomSettings.config");
            mailBody = mailBody.Replace("####", payRoleDateTime.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"));

            var mailSubject = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PROTECTED_MAIL_SUBJECT"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailSubject))
                _logger.Debug($"{this.GetType().Name}, SendMails(): Mail subject is null or empty, check value in CustomSettings.config");

            foreach (var mailAddress in mailAddresses)
                _mailSender.SendMail(mailAddress, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PROTECTED_MAIL_SUBJECT"], mailBody);
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Migrate employees from kommune database to OS2 database.
        /// </summary>
        public void MigrateEmployees()
            _logger.Debug($"{this.GetType().Name}, MigrateEmployees() started");
            foreach (var person in _personRepo.AsQueryable())
                person.IsActive = false;
            _logger.Debug($"{this.GetType().Name}, MigrateEmployees(), All persons IsActive = false. Amount of persons in personrepo= {_personRepo.AsQueryable().Count()}");

            var empls = _dataProvider.GetEmployeesAsQueryable();

            var i             = 0;
            var distinctEmpls = empls.DistinctBy(x => x.CPR).ToList();

            _logger.Debug($"{this.GetType().Name}, MigrateEmployees() Amount of employees in distinctEmpls: {distinctEmpls.Count()}");
            foreach (var employee in distinctEmpls)
                if (i % 10 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Migrating person " + i + " of " + distinctEmpls.Count() + ".");

                var personToInsert = _personRepo.AsQueryable().FirstOrDefault(x => x.CprNumber.Equals(employee.CPR));

                if (personToInsert == null)
                    personToInsert             = _personRepo.Insert(new Person());
                    personToInsert.IsAdmin     = false;
                    personToInsert.RecieveMail = true;

                personToInsert.CprNumber = employee.CPR ?? "ikke opgivet";
                personToInsert.FirstName = employee.Fornavn ?? "ikke opgivet";
                personToInsert.LastName  = employee.Efternavn ?? "ikke opgivet";
                personToInsert.Initials  = employee.ADBrugerNavn ?? " ";
                personToInsert.FullName  = personToInsert.FirstName + " " + personToInsert.LastName + " [" + personToInsert.Initials + "]";
                personToInsert.Mail      = employee.Email ?? "";
                personToInsert.IsActive  = true;
            _logger.Debug($"{this.GetType().Name}, MigrateEmployees(), Users are active again");

             * We need the person id before we can attach personal addresses
             * so we loop through the distinct employees once again and
             * look up the created persons
            i = 0;
            foreach (var employee in distinctEmpls)
                if (i % 50 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding home address to person " + i + " out of " + distinctEmpls.Count());
                var personToInsert = _personRepo.AsQueryable().First(x => x.CprNumber == employee.CPR);
                UpdateHomeAddress(employee, personToInsert.Id);
                if (i % 500 == 0)
            _logger.Debug($"{this.GetType().Name}, MigrateEmployees(), Home adresses updated.");

            //Sets all employments to end now in the case there was
            //one day where the updater did not run and the employee
            //has been removed from the latest MDM view we are working on
            //The end date will be adjusted in the next loop
            foreach (var employment in _emplRepo.AsQueryable())
                employment.EndDateTimestamp = (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;
            _logger.Debug($"{this.GetType().Name}, MigrateEmployees(), All employments end date set to now.");

            i = 0;
            foreach (var employee in empls)
                if (i % 10 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding employment to person " + i + " of " + empls.Count());
                var personToInsert = _personRepo.AsQueryable().First(x => x.CprNumber == employee.CPR);

                CreateEmployment(employee, personToInsert.Id);
                if (i % 500 == 0)
            _logger.Debug($"{this.GetType().Name}, MigrateEmployees(), Employments added to persons.");

            // Makes all employees wihtout employments inactive.
            var peopleWithoutEmployment = _personRepo.AsQueryable().Where(x => !x.Employments.Any());

            foreach (var person in peopleWithoutEmployment)
                person.IsActive = false;

            Console.WriteLine("Before Dirty Adresses");
            var dirtyAddressCount = _cachedRepo.AsQueryable().Count(x => x.IsDirty);

            if (dirtyAddressCount > 0)
                _logger.Debug($"{this.GetType().Name}, MigrateEmployees(), There are {dirtyAddressCount} dirty address(es).");
                foreach (var admin in _personRepo.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.IsAdmin && x.IsActive))
                    _mailSender.SendMail(admin.Mail, "Der er adresser der mangler at blive vasket", "Der mangler at blive vasket " + dirtyAddressCount + "adresser");
            Console.WriteLine("Done migrating employees");
예제 #19
 public bool SendMailToCustomer()
     return(_mailSender.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "Some Message"));;
예제 #20
 public async Task SendAsync(IdentityMessage message)
     await mailSender.SendMail(message.Destination, message.Subject, message.Body);
예제 #21
 public bool SendMailToCustomer()
     _mailSender.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "Hello User.. Welcome!");
예제 #22
        public void Send()
            var configvalue = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PROTECTED_DailyErrorLogMail"];

            configvalue = Regex.Replace(configvalue, @"\s+", "");

            var receivers = configvalue.Split(',');

            var webLines       = new List <string>();
            var dbupdaterLines = new List <string>();
            var dmzLines       = new List <string>();
            var mailLines      = new List <string>();

                webLines       = _logReader.Read("C:\\logs\\os2eindberetning\\admin\\web.log");
                dbupdaterLines = _logReader.Read("C:\\logs\\os2eindberetning\\admin\\dbupdater.log");
                dmzLines       = _logReader.Read("C:\\logs\\os2eindberetning\\admin\\dmz.log");
                mailLines      = _logReader.Read("C:\\logs\\os2eindberetning\\admin\\mail.log");
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.Error($"{GetType().Name}, Send(), Error when trying to read from an admin log file", ex);
                throw ex;

            var webMessage       = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, _logParser.Messages(webLines, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)));
            var dbupdaterMessage = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, _logParser.Messages(dbupdaterLines, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)));
            var dmzMessage       = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, _logParser.Messages(dmzLines, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)));
            var mailMessage      = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, _logParser.Messages(mailLines, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)));

            var newLine = System.Environment.NewLine;

            var result = "";

            // Only add each header if there are log messages in that category.
            if (webMessage.Any())
                result += "Web:" + newLine + newLine + webMessage + newLine + newLine;
            if (dbupdaterMessage.Any())
                result += "DBUpdater:" + newLine + newLine + webMessage + newLine + newLine;
            if (dmzMessage.Any())
                result += "DMZ: " + newLine + newLine + dmzMessage + newLine + newLine;
            if (mailMessage.Any())
                result += "Mail: " + newLine + newLine + mailMessage;

            if (result == "")
                result = "Ingen fejl registreret";

            foreach (var receiver in receivers)
                _mailSender.SendMail(receiver, "Log", result);
예제 #23
 public bool SendMailToCustomer()
     _mailSender.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "Hallo User");
        public void AnswerClosureNotification(int notificationAnswerId, int userId, bool isAffirmative, out bool wasClosed)
            if (CheckPendingAnswer(notificationAnswerId, userId))
                var usersToNotify = context.Users
                                    .Where(u => u.Active && u.Username != "webAdmin" && u.Id != userId)
                                    .Select(u => new { UserId = u.Id, Email = u.Attorney.Email }).ToList();

                string petitionerUser = context.Users
                                        .Where(u => u.Id == userId)
                                        .Select(u => u.Username).First();

                var notification = context.ClosureNotifications
                                   .Where(cn => cn.NotificationAnswers.Any(na => na.Id == notificationAnswerId))

                var packageToClose = context.Packages.Where(p => p.Id == notification.PackageId)
                                     .Select(p => new { p.Name, ClientName = p.Client.Name })
                //Check if there is no users besides the petitioner to have to answer to the notification
                //Ignoring the default webAdmin user
                //In the case that is rejected the notification itself
                if (!isAffirmative)
                    notification.Active    = false;
                    notification.WasClosed = false;
                    var notificationAnswer = new NotificationAnswer
                        Id             = notificationAnswerId,
                        IsAnswered     = true,
                        WasAffirmative = false
                    context.Entry(notificationAnswer).Property(na => na.IsAnswered).IsModified     = true;
                    context.Entry(notificationAnswer).Property(na => na.WasAffirmative).IsModified = true;
                    //Notify that it was cancelled
                    if (usersToNotify.Any())
                        //Notify that the closure was cancelled
                        var    emailsToNotify = usersToNotify.Select(u => u.Email).ToList();
                        string subject        = $"Cierre de paquete {packageToClose.Name} denegado";
                        string body           = $"El usuario {petitionerUser} ha denegado una solicitud para cerrar el paquete '{packageToClose.Name}' del cliente {packageToClose.ClientName}. " +
                                                $"\n**Este es un mensaje autogenerado por el sistema, favor no responder**";
                        mailer.SendMail(emailsToNotify, subject, body);
                    wasClosed = false;
                    //In the case is accepted
                    var notificationAnswer = new NotificationAnswer
                        Id             = notificationAnswerId,
                        IsAnswered     = true,
                        WasAffirmative = true
                    context.Entry(notificationAnswer).Property(na => na.IsAnswered).IsModified     = true;
                    context.Entry(notificationAnswer).Property(na => na.WasAffirmative).IsModified = true;
                    //Check if there is no more pending answers
                    if (!context.NotificationAnswers.Any(na => na.ClosureNotificationId == notification.Id && !na.IsAnswered))
                        //Meaning that the package can be closed
                        notification.Active    = false;
                        notification.WasClosed = true;
                        var targetPackage = new Package
                            Id         = notification.PackageId,
                            IsFinished = true

                        context.Entry(targetPackage).Property(p => p.IsFinished).IsModified = true;
                        //Notify that the package was successfully closed
                        var    emailsToNotify = usersToNotify.Select(u => u.Email).ToList();
                        string subject        = $"Cierre de paquete {packageToClose.Name} completado";
                        string body           = $"Se ha marcado como finalizado el paquete '{packageToClose.Name}' del cliente {packageToClose.ClientName} " +
                                                $"dado que ha sido permitido por todos los usuarios activos. " +
                                                $"\n**Este es un mensaje autogenerado por el sistema, favor no responder**";
                        mailer.SendMail(emailsToNotify, subject, body);
                        wasClosed = true;
                        wasClosed = false;
                wasClosed = false;
예제 #25
        public string SendMail(string toAddress, string subject)
            var mailResult = _mailSender.SendMail(toAddress, subject);

예제 #26
 public IResult SendMail(string movieName, string to)
     return(_mailsender.SendMail("*****@*****.**", to, "Film Tavsiyesi", "Bu filmi izlemelisin:" + movieName));
예제 #27
 public bool SendMailToCustomer()
     _mailSender.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "Some Message");