public Renderer() { sampleCount = 4; depthPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Depth32Float; stencilPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Invalid; // find a usable Device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; // create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); NSError error; defaultLibrary = device.CreateLibrary("default.metallib", out error); // if the shader libary isnt loading, nothing good will happen if (defaultLibrary == null) { throw new Exception("ERROR: Couldnt create a default shader library"); } constantDataBufferIndex = 0; inflightSemaphore = new Semaphore(max_inflight_buffers, max_inflight_buffers); constantBuffer = new Uniforms[2]; constantBuffer [0].ambientColor = box1AmbientColor; constantBuffer [0].diffuseColor = box1DiffuseColor; constantBuffer [1].ambientColor = box2AmbientColor; constantBuffer [1].diffuseColor = box2DiffuseColor; multiplier = 1; }
public Renderer() { // initialize properties sampleCount = 1; depthPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Depth32Float; stencilPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Invalid; // find a usable Device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; // create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); NSError error; shaderLibrary = device.CreateLibrary("default.metallib", out error); // if the shader libary isnt loading, nothing good will happen if (shaderLibrary == null) { throw new Exception("ERROR: Couldnt create a default shader library"); } inflightSemaphore = new Semaphore(maxInflightBuffers, maxInflightBuffers); }
void SetupMetal() { // Find a usable device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; // Create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); // Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project NSError error; defaultLibrary = device.CreateLibrary("default.metallib", out error); // Setup metal layer and add as sub layer to view metalLayer = new CAMetalLayer(); metalLayer.Device = device; metalLayer.PixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.BGRA8Unorm; // Change this to NO if the compute encoder is used as the last pass on the drawable texture metalLayer.FramebufferOnly = true; // Add metal layer to the views layer hierarchy metalLayer.Frame = View.Layer.Frame; View.Layer.AddSublayer(metalLayer); View.Opaque = true; View.BackgroundColor = null; View.ContentScaleFactor = UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale; }
void ConfigureMetal() { var library = device.CreateDefaultLibrary(); if (library == null) { return; } MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor pipelineDescriptor = new MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor(); pipelineDescriptor.SampleCount = 1; pipelineDescriptor.ColorAttachments[0].PixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.BGRA8Unorm; pipelineDescriptor.DepthAttachmentPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Invalid; pipelineDescriptor.VertexFunction = library.CreateFunction("simpleVertex"); pipelineDescriptor.FragmentFunction = library.CreateFunction("simpleTexture"); NSError error1 = null; renderPipelineState = device.CreateRenderPipelineState(pipelineDescriptor, out error1); if (error1 != null) { return; } commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); }
public Result CreateCommandPool(MgCommandPoolCreateInfo pCreateInfo, IMgAllocationCallbacks allocator, out IMgCommandPool pCommandPool) { var queue = mDevice.CreateCommandQueue(mQuery.NoOfCommandBufferSlots); var depthCache = new AmtCmdDepthStencilCache(); pCommandPool = new AmtCommandPool(queue, pCreateInfo, depthCache); return(Result.SUCCESS); }
void SetupMetal() { // Set the view to use the default device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; // Create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); // Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project defaultLibrary = device.CreateDefaultLibrary(); }
public Result CreateInstance(MgInstanceCreateInfo createInfo, IMgAllocationCallbacks allocator, out IMgInstance instance) { var semaphore = new AmtSemaphoreEntrypoint(); var presentQueue = mLocalDevice.CreateCommandQueue(mQuery.NoOfCommandBufferSlots); var queueRenderer = new AmtQueueRenderer(presentQueue); var queue = new AmtQueue(queueRenderer, semaphore, presentQueue); var device = new AmtDevice(mLocalDevice, mQuery, mGenerator, queue); var physicalDevice = new AmtPhysicalDevice(device); instance = new AmtInstance(physicalDevice); return(Result.SUCCESS); }
void SetupMetal() { // Set the view to use the default device. #if IOS device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; #elif MAC // TODO: var devicePointer = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice(); device = Runtime.GetINativeObject <IMTLDevice> (devicePointer, false); #endif // Create a new command queue. commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); // Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project. defaultLibrary = device.CreateDefaultLibrary(); }
public override void Init(IntPtr display, IntPtr window, uint samples, bool vsync, bool sRGB) { _display = display; _window = window; while (!_dev.SupportsTextureSampleCount(samples)) { samples >>= 1; } _samples = samples; _layer = new CAMetalLayer(); _layer.Device = _dev; _layer.PixelFormat = sRGB ? MTLPixelFormat.BGRA8Unorm_sRGB : MTLPixelFormat.BGRA8Unorm; _layer.FramebufferOnly = true; #if __IOS__ UIView view = (UIView)ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(window); view.Layer.AddSublayer(_layer); #else // Mac NSView view = (NSView)ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(window); view.Layer.AddSublayer(_layer); #endif _cmdQueue = _dev.CreateCommandQueue(); _descriptor = new MTLRenderPassDescriptor(); _descriptor.ColorAttachments[0].ClearColor = new MTLClearColor(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (samples > 1) { _descriptor.ColorAttachments[0].StoreAction = MTLStoreAction.MultisampleResolve; } else { _descriptor.ColorAttachments[0].StoreAction = MTLStoreAction.Store; } _descriptor.StencilAttachment.ClearStencil = 0; _descriptor.StencilAttachment.LoadAction = MTLLoadAction.Clear; _descriptor.StencilAttachment.StoreAction = MTLStoreAction.DontCare; _device = new Noesis.RenderDeviceMTL(_dev.Handle, sRGB); }
void SetupMetal() { // Set the view to use the default device. device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; if (device != null) { // mark that metal is supported by this device isMetalSupported = true; // Create a new command queue. commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); // Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project. defaultLibrary = device.CreateDefaultLibrary(); } else { // that mean that device doesn't support Metal isMetalSupported = false; } }
public Renderer () { // initialize properties sampleCount = 1; depthPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Depth32Float; stencilPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Invalid; // find a usable Device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; // create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue (); NSError error; shaderLibrary = device.CreateLibrary ("default.metallib", out error); // if the shader libary isnt loading, nothing good will happen if (shaderLibrary == null) throw new Exception ("ERROR: Couldnt create a default shader library"); inflightSemaphore = new Semaphore (maxInflightBuffers, maxInflightBuffers); }
public override void ViewDidLoad () { base.ViewDidLoad (); // Load default device. device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; // Make sure the current device supports MetalPerformanceShaders. if (!MPSKernel.Supports (device)) { Console.WriteLine ("Metal Performance Shaders not Supported on current Device"); return; } // Create new command queue. commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue (); // initialize the networks we shall use to detect digits neuralNetwork = new MnistFullLayerNeuralNetwork (commandQueue); neuralNetworkDeep = new MnistDeepConvNeuralNetwork (commandQueue); runningNet = neuralNetwork; }
public void SetUp() { device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; // some older hardware won't have a default if (device == null) { Assert.Inconclusive("Metal is not supported"); } commandQ = device.CreateCommandQueue(); if (commandQ == null) // this happens on a simulator { Assert.Inconclusive("Could not get the functions library for the device."); } commandBuffer = commandQ.CommandBuffer(); if (commandBuffer == null) // happens on sim { Assert.Inconclusive("Could not get the command buffer for the device."); } encoder = commandBuffer.ComputeCommandEncoder; }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); // Load default device. device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; // Make sure the current device supports MetalPerformanceShaders. if (!MPSKernel.Supports(device)) { Console.WriteLine("Metal Performance Shaders not Supported on current Device"); return; } // Create new command queue. commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); // initialize the networks we shall use to detect digits neuralNetwork = new MnistFullLayerNeuralNetwork(commandQueue); neuralNetworkDeep = new MnistDeepConvNeuralNetwork(commandQueue); runningNet = neuralNetwork; }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); // Set the view to use the default device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; if (device == null) { Console.WriteLine("Metal is not supported on this device"); View = new NSView(View.Frame); } // Create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); // Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project defaultLibrary = device.CreateDefaultLibrary(); // Setup view view = (MTKView)View; view.Delegate = this; view.Device = device; view.SampleCount = 1; view.DepthStencilPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Depth32Float_Stencil8; view.ColorPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.BGRA8Unorm; view.PreferredFramesPerSecond = 60; view.ClearColor = new MTLClearColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); // Load the vertex program into the library IMTLFunction vertexProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("quad_vertex"); // Load the fragment program into the library IMTLFunction fragmentProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("quad_fragment"); // Create a vertex descriptor from the MTKMesh MTLVertexDescriptor vertexDescriptor = new MTLVertexDescriptor(); vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float4; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].BufferIndex = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Offset = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float2; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].BufferIndex = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Offset = 4 * sizeof(float); vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].Stride = 6 * sizeof(float); vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepRate = 1; vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepFunction = MTLVertexStepFunction.PerVertex; this.vertexBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(vertexData, MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault);// (MTLResourceOptions)0); this.mipmapping = 0; this.constantBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(sizeof(float), MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault); SetConstantBuffer(this.mipmapping, constantBuffer); // Create a reusable pipeline state var pipelineStateDescriptor = new MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor { SampleCount = view.SampleCount, VertexFunction = vertexProgram, FragmentFunction = fragmentProgram, VertexDescriptor = vertexDescriptor, DepthAttachmentPixelFormat = view.DepthStencilPixelFormat, StencilAttachmentPixelFormat = view.DepthStencilPixelFormat }; pipelineStateDescriptor.ColorAttachments[0].PixelFormat = view.ColorPixelFormat; NSError error; pipelineState = device.CreateRenderPipelineState(pipelineStateDescriptor, out error); if (pipelineState == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to created pipeline state, error {0}", error); } var depthStateDesc = new MTLDepthStencilDescriptor { DepthCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.Less, DepthWriteEnabled = true }; depthState = device.CreateDepthStencilState(depthStateDesc); // Texture KTX NSUrl url = NSBundle.MainBundle.GetUrlForResource("crate", "ktx"); MTKTextureLoader mTKTextureLoader = new MTKTextureLoader(device); this.texture = mTKTextureLoader.FromUrl(url, new MTKTextureLoaderOptions(), out error); Console.WriteLine("Failed to created pipeline state, error {0}", error); MTLSamplerDescriptor samplerDescriptor = new MTLSamplerDescriptor() { MinFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilter.Linear, MagFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilter.Linear, MipFilter = MTLSamplerMipFilter.Linear, SAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge, TAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge, }; this.sampler = device.CreateSamplerState(samplerDescriptor); this.clock = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); this.clock.Start(); this.time = 0; }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); // Set the view to use the default device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; if (device == null) { Console.WriteLine("Metal is not supported on this device"); View = new NSView(View.Frame); } // Create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); // Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project defaultLibrary = device.CreateDefaultLibrary(); // Setup view mtkView = (MTKView)View; mtkView.Delegate = this; mtkView.Device = device; mtkView.SampleCount = 1; mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Depth32Float_Stencil8; mtkView.ColorPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.BGRA8Unorm; mtkView.PreferredFramesPerSecond = 60; mtkView.ClearColor = new MTLClearColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); // Load the vertex program into the library IMTLFunction vertexProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("cube_vertex"); // Load the fragment program into the library IMTLFunction fragmentProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("cube_fragment"); // Create a vertex descriptor from the MTKMesh MTLVertexDescriptor vertexDescriptor = new MTLVertexDescriptor(); vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float4; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].BufferIndex = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Offset = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float4; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].BufferIndex = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Offset = 4 * sizeof(float); vertexDescriptor.Attributes[2].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float2; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[2].BufferIndex = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[2].Offset = 8 * sizeof(float); vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].Stride = 10 * sizeof(float); vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepRate = 1; vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepFunction = MTLVertexStepFunction.PerVertex; vertexBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(vertexData, MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault);// (MTLResourceOptions)0); this.clock = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); clock.Start(); this.view = CreateLookAt(new Vector3(0, 0, 5), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3.UnitY); var aspect = (float)(View.Bounds.Size.Width / View.Bounds.Size.Height); proj = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView((float)Math.PI / 4, aspect, 0.1f, 100); this.constantBuffer1 = device.CreateBuffer((uint)Marshal.SizeOf(this.param), MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault); this.constantBuffer2 = device.CreateBuffer((uint)Marshal.SizeOf(this.param), MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault); // Create a reusable pipeline state var pipelineStateDescriptor = new MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor { SampleCount = mtkView.SampleCount, VertexFunction = vertexProgram, FragmentFunction = fragmentProgram, VertexDescriptor = vertexDescriptor, DepthAttachmentPixelFormat = mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat, StencilAttachmentPixelFormat = mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat, }; MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor renderBufferAttachment = pipelineStateDescriptor.ColorAttachments[0]; renderBufferAttachment.PixelFormat = mtkView.ColorPixelFormat; NSError error; pipelineState = device.CreateRenderPipelineState(pipelineStateDescriptor, out error); if (pipelineState == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to created pipeline state, error {0}", error); } var depthStencilState1Description = new MTLDepthStencilDescriptor { DepthCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.Less, DepthWriteEnabled = true, FrontFaceStencil = new MTLStencilDescriptor() { WriteMask = 0xff, StencilCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.Always, DepthStencilPassOperation = MTLStencilOperation.IncrementClamp, } }; depthStencilState1 = device.CreateDepthStencilState(depthStencilState1Description); var depthStencilState2Description = new MTLDepthStencilDescriptor { DepthCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.Less, DepthWriteEnabled = true, FrontFaceStencil = new MTLStencilDescriptor() { ReadMask = 0xff, WriteMask = 0x0, StencilCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.NotEqual, } }; depthStencilState2 = device.CreateDepthStencilState(depthStencilState2Description); // Texture NSImage image = NSImage.ImageNamed("crate.png"); MTKTextureLoader mTKTextureLoader = new MTKTextureLoader(device); this.texture = mTKTextureLoader.FromCGImage(image.CGImage, new MTKTextureLoaderOptions(), out error); MTLSamplerDescriptor samplerDescriptor = new MTLSamplerDescriptor() { MinFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilter.Linear, MagFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilter.Linear, SAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressMode.Repeat, TAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressMode.Repeat, }; this.sampler = device.CreateSamplerState(samplerDescriptor); }
public Renderer () { sampleCount = 4; depthPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Depth32Float; stencilPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Invalid; // find a usable Device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; // create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue (); NSError error; defaultLibrary = device.CreateLibrary ("default.metallib", out error); // if the shader libary isnt loading, nothing good will happen if (defaultLibrary == null) throw new Exception ("ERROR: Couldnt create a default shader library"); constantDataBufferIndex = 0; inflightSemaphore = new Semaphore (max_inflight_buffers, max_inflight_buffers); constantBuffer = new Uniforms[2]; constantBuffer [0].ambientColor = box1AmbientColor; constantBuffer [0].diffuseColor = box1DiffuseColor; constantBuffer [1].ambientColor = box2AmbientColor; constantBuffer [1].diffuseColor = box2DiffuseColor; multiplier = 1; }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); // Set the view to use the default device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; if (device == null) { Console.WriteLine("Metal is not supported on this device"); View = new NSView(View.Frame); } // Create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); // Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project defaultLibrary = device.CreateDefaultLibrary(); // Setup view mtkView = (MTKView)View; mtkView.Delegate = this; mtkView.Device = device; mtkView.SampleCount = 1; mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Depth32Float_Stencil8; mtkView.ColorPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.BGRA8Unorm; mtkView.PreferredFramesPerSecond = 60; mtkView.ClearColor = new MTLClearColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); // Load the vertex program into the library IMTLFunction triangleVertexProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("triangle_vertex"); IMTLFunction cubeVertexProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("cube_vertex"); // Load the fragment program into the library IMTLFunction triangleFragmentProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("triangle_fragment"); IMTLFunction cubeFragmentProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("cube_fragment"); // Triangle vertex descriptor MTLVertexDescriptor triangleVertexDescriptor = new MTLVertexDescriptor(); triangleVertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float4; triangleVertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].BufferIndex = 0; triangleVertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Offset = 0; triangleVertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float4; triangleVertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].BufferIndex = 0; triangleVertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Offset = 4 * sizeof(float); triangleVertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].Stride = 8 * sizeof(float); triangleVertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepRate = 1; triangleVertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepFunction = MTLVertexStepFunction.PerVertex; // Cube vertex descriptor MTLVertexDescriptor cubeVertexDescriptor = new MTLVertexDescriptor(); cubeVertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float4; cubeVertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].BufferIndex = 0; cubeVertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Offset = 0; cubeVertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float2; cubeVertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].BufferIndex = 0; cubeVertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Offset = 4 * sizeof(float); cubeVertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].Stride = 6 * sizeof(float); cubeVertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepRate = 1; cubeVertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepFunction = MTLVertexStepFunction.PerVertex; // Create buffers triangleVertexBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(triangleVertexData, MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault); cubeVertexBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(cubeVertexData, MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault); this.clock = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); clock.Start(); this.view = CreateLookAt(new Vector3(0, 0, 5), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3.UnitY); var aspect = (float)(View.Bounds.Size.Width / View.Bounds.Size.Height); this.proj = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView((float)Math.PI / 4, aspect, 0.1f, 100); this.cubeParameters.WorldViewProjection = Matrix4.Identity; cubeConstantBuffer = device.CreateBuffer((uint)Marshal.SizeOf(this.cubeParameters), MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault); // Create Pipeline Descriptor var trianglePipelineStateDescriptor = new MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor { SampleCount = mtkView.SampleCount, VertexFunction = triangleVertexProgram, FragmentFunction = triangleFragmentProgram, VertexDescriptor = triangleVertexDescriptor, DepthAttachmentPixelFormat = mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat, StencilAttachmentPixelFormat = mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat, }; var cubePipelineStateDescriptor = new MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor { SampleCount = mtkView.SampleCount, VertexFunction = cubeVertexProgram, FragmentFunction = cubeFragmentProgram, VertexDescriptor = cubeVertexDescriptor, DepthAttachmentPixelFormat = mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat, StencilAttachmentPixelFormat = mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat, }; MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor triangleRenderBufferAttachment = trianglePipelineStateDescriptor.ColorAttachments[0]; triangleRenderBufferAttachment.PixelFormat = mtkView.ColorPixelFormat; MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor cubeRenderBufferAttachment = cubePipelineStateDescriptor.ColorAttachments[0]; cubeRenderBufferAttachment.PixelFormat = mtkView.ColorPixelFormat; NSError error; trianglePipelineState = device.CreateRenderPipelineState(trianglePipelineStateDescriptor, out error); if (trianglePipelineState == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to created pipeline state, error {0}", error); } cubePipelineState = device.CreateRenderPipelineState(cubePipelineStateDescriptor, out error); if (cubePipelineState == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to created pipeline state, error {0}", error); } var depthStencilDescriptor = new MTLDepthStencilDescriptor { DepthCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.Less, DepthWriteEnabled = true }; depthStencilState = device.CreateDepthStencilState(depthStencilDescriptor); // Texture NSImage image = NSImage.ImageNamed("crate.png"); MTKTextureLoader mTKTextureLoader = new MTKTextureLoader(device); this.cubeTexture = mTKTextureLoader.FromCGImage(image.CGImage, new MTKTextureLoaderOptions(), out error); MTLSamplerDescriptor samplerDescriptor = new MTLSamplerDescriptor() { MinFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilter.Linear, MagFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilter.Linear, SAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressMode.Repeat, TAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressMode.Repeat, }; this.sampler = device.CreateSamplerState(samplerDescriptor); // Create FrameBuffer texture IMTLTexture drawableTexture = mtkView.CurrentDrawable.Texture; MTLTextureDescriptor textureDescriptor = new MTLTextureDescriptor() { Width = drawableTexture.Width, Height = drawableTexture.Height, PixelFormat = drawableTexture.PixelFormat, TextureType = drawableTexture.TextureType, MipmapLevelCount = drawableTexture.MipmapLevelCount, ArrayLength = drawableTexture.ArrayLength, SampleCount = drawableTexture.SampleCount, Depth = drawableTexture.Depth, CpuCacheMode = drawableTexture.CpuCacheMode, Usage = MTLTextureUsage.RenderTarget, StorageMode = MTLStorageMode.Managed, }; this.colorFrameBufferTexture = device.CreateTexture(textureDescriptor); }
void SetupMetal () { // Set the view to use the default device. #if IOS device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; #elif MAC // TODO: var devicePointer = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice (); device = Runtime.GetINativeObject<IMTLDevice> (devicePointer, false); #endif // Create a new command queue. commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue (); // Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project. defaultLibrary = device.CreateDefaultLibrary (); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); // Set the view to use the default device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; if (device == null) { Console.WriteLine("Metal is not supported on this device"); View = new NSView(View.Frame); } // Create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); // Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project defaultLibrary = device.CreateDefaultLibrary(); // Setup view view = (MTKView)View; view.Delegate = this; view.Device = device; view.SampleCount = 1; view.DepthStencilPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Depth32Float_Stencil8; view.ColorPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.BGRA8Unorm; view.PreferredFramesPerSecond = 60; view.ClearColor = new MTLClearColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); // Load the vertex program into the library IMTLFunction vertexProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("triangle_vertex"); // Load the fragment program into the library IMTLFunction fragmentProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("triangle_fragment"); // Create a vertex descriptor from the MTKMesh MTLVertexDescriptor vertexDescriptor = new MTLVertexDescriptor(); vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float4; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].BufferIndex = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Offset = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float4; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].BufferIndex = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Offset = 4 * sizeof(float); vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].Stride = 8 * sizeof(float); vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepRate = 1; vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepFunction = MTLVertexStepFunction.PerVertex; vertexBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(vertexData, MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault);// (MTLResourceOptions)0); // Create a reusable pipeline state var pipelineStateDescriptor = new MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor { SampleCount = view.SampleCount, VertexFunction = vertexProgram, FragmentFunction = fragmentProgram, VertexDescriptor = vertexDescriptor, DepthAttachmentPixelFormat = view.DepthStencilPixelFormat, StencilAttachmentPixelFormat = view.DepthStencilPixelFormat }; pipelineStateDescriptor.ColorAttachments[0].PixelFormat = view.ColorPixelFormat; NSError error; pipelineState = device.CreateRenderPipelineState(pipelineStateDescriptor, out error); if (pipelineState == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to created pipeline state, error {0}", error); } var depthStateDesc = new MTLDepthStencilDescriptor { DepthCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.Less, DepthWriteEnabled = true }; depthState = device.CreateDepthStencilState(depthStateDesc); this.rectangle = new MTLScissorRect(125, 166, 250, 444); }
void SetupMetal() { // Find a usable device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; // Create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue (); // Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project NSError error; defaultLibrary = device.CreateLibrary ("default.metallib", out error); // Setup metal layer and add as sub layer to view metalLayer = new CAMetalLayer (); metalLayer.Device = device; metalLayer.PixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.BGRA8Unorm; // Change this to NO if the compute encoder is used as the last pass on the drawable texture metalLayer.FramebufferOnly = true; // Add metal layer to the views layer hierarchy metalLayer.Frame = View.Layer.Frame; View.Layer.AddSublayer (metalLayer); View.Opaque = true; View.BackgroundColor = null; View.ContentScaleFactor = UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale; }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); // Set the view to use the default device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; if (device == null) { Console.WriteLine("Metal is not supported on this device"); View = new NSView(View.Frame); } // Create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); // Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project defaultLibrary = device.CreateDefaultLibrary(); // Setup view mtkView = (MTKView)View; mtkView.Delegate = this; mtkView.Device = device; mtkView.SampleCount = 1; mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Depth32Float_Stencil8; mtkView.ColorPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.BGRA8Unorm; mtkView.PreferredFramesPerSecond = 60; mtkView.ClearColor = new MTLClearColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); // Load the vertex program into the library IMTLFunction vertexProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("mesh_vertex"); // Load the fragment program into the library IMTLFunction fragmentProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("mesh_fragment"); // Generate meshes MTKMeshBufferAllocator mtkBufferAllocator = new MTKMeshBufferAllocator(device); NSUrl url = NSBundle.MainBundle.GetUrlForResource("Fighter", "obj"); MDLAsset mdlAsset = new MDLAsset(url, new MDLVertexDescriptor(), mtkBufferAllocator); MDLObject mdlObject = mdlAsset.GetObject(0); MDLMesh mdlMesh = mdlObject as MDLMesh; NSError error; objMesh = new MTKMesh(mdlMesh, device, out error); // Create a vertex descriptor from the MTKMesh MTLVertexDescriptor vertexDescriptor = MTLVertexDescriptor.FromModelIO(objMesh.VertexDescriptor); vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepRate = 1; vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepFunction = MTLVertexStepFunction.PerVertex; this.clock = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); clock.Start(); this.view = CreateLookAt(new Vector3(0, 1, 2), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3.UnitY); var aspect = (float)(View.Bounds.Size.Width / View.Bounds.Size.Height); this.proj = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView((float)Math.PI / 4, aspect, 0.1f, 100); this.constantBuffer = device.CreateBuffer((uint)Marshal.SizeOf(this.param), MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault); // Create a reusable pipeline state var pipelineStateDescriptor = new MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor { SampleCount = mtkView.SampleCount, VertexFunction = vertexProgram, FragmentFunction = fragmentProgram, VertexDescriptor = vertexDescriptor, DepthAttachmentPixelFormat = mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat, StencilAttachmentPixelFormat = mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat }; pipelineStateDescriptor.ColorAttachments[0].PixelFormat = mtkView.ColorPixelFormat; pipelineState = device.CreateRenderPipelineState(pipelineStateDescriptor, out error); if (pipelineState == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to created pipeline state, error {0}", error); } var depthStateDesc = new MTLDepthStencilDescriptor { DepthCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.Less, DepthWriteEnabled = true }; depthState = device.CreateDepthStencilState(depthStateDesc); NSImage image = NSImage.ImageNamed("Fighter_Diffuse.jpg"); MTKTextureLoader mTKTextureLoader = new MTKTextureLoader(device); this.texture = mTKTextureLoader.FromCGImage(image.CGImage, new MTKTextureLoaderOptions(), out error); MTLSamplerDescriptor samplerDescriptor = new MTLSamplerDescriptor() { MinFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilter.Linear, MagFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilter.Linear, SAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge, TAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge, }; this.sampler = device.CreateSamplerState(samplerDescriptor); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); // Set the view to use the default device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; if (device == null) { Console.WriteLine("Metal is not supported on this device"); View = new NSView(View.Frame); } // Create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); // Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project defaultLibrary = device.CreateDefaultLibrary(); // Setup view mtkView = (MTKView)View; mtkView.Delegate = this; mtkView.Device = device; mtkView.SampleCount = 1; mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Depth32Float_Stencil8; mtkView.ColorPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.BGRA8Unorm; mtkView.PreferredFramesPerSecond = 60; mtkView.ClearColor = new MTLClearColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); // Load the vertex program into the library IMTLFunction vertexProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("cube_vertex"); // Load the fragment program into the library IMTLFunction fragmentProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("cube_fragment"); // Create a vertex descriptor from the MTKMesh MTLVertexDescriptor vertexDescriptor = new MTLVertexDescriptor(); vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float4; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].BufferIndex = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Offset = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float4; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].BufferIndex = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Offset = 4 * sizeof(float); vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].Stride = 8 * sizeof(float); vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepRate = 1; vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepFunction = MTLVertexStepFunction.PerVertex; vertexBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(vertexData, MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault);// (MTLResourceOptions)0); this.clock = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); clock.Start(); this.view = CreateLookAt(new Vector3(0, 0, 5), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3.UnitY); var aspect = (float)(View.Bounds.Size.Width / View.Bounds.Size.Height); proj = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView((float)Math.PI / 4, aspect, 0.1f, 100); constantBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(64, MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault); // Create a reusable pipeline state var pipelineStateDescriptor = new MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor { SampleCount = mtkView.SampleCount, VertexFunction = vertexProgram, FragmentFunction = fragmentProgram, VertexDescriptor = vertexDescriptor, DepthAttachmentPixelFormat = mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat, StencilAttachmentPixelFormat = mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat, }; MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor renderBufferAttachment = pipelineStateDescriptor.ColorAttachments[0]; renderBufferAttachment.PixelFormat = mtkView.ColorPixelFormat; renderBufferAttachment.BlendingEnabled = true; renderBufferAttachment.SourceRgbBlendFactor = MTLBlendFactor.One; renderBufferAttachment.DestinationRgbBlendFactor = MTLBlendFactor.SourceAlpha; renderBufferAttachment.SourceAlphaBlendFactor = MTLBlendFactor.One; renderBufferAttachment.DestinationAlphaBlendFactor = MTLBlendFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha; renderBufferAttachment.RgbBlendOperation = MTLBlendOperation.Add; renderBufferAttachment.AlphaBlendOperation = MTLBlendOperation.Add; NSError error; pipelineState = device.CreateRenderPipelineState(pipelineStateDescriptor, out error); if (pipelineState == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to created pipeline state, error {0}", error); } var depthStateDesc = new MTLDepthStencilDescriptor { DepthCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.Less, DepthWriteEnabled = true }; depthState = device.CreateDepthStencilState(depthStateDesc); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); // Set the view to use the default device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; if (device == null) { Console.WriteLine("Metal is not supported on this device"); View = new NSView(View.Frame); } // Create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); // Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project defaultLibrary = device.CreateDefaultLibrary(); // Setup view mtkView = (MTKView)View; mtkView.Delegate = this; mtkView.Device = device; mtkView.SampleCount = 1; mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Depth32Float_Stencil8; mtkView.ColorPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.BGRA8Unorm; mtkView.PreferredFramesPerSecond = 60; mtkView.ClearColor = new MTLClearColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); // Load the vertex program into the library IMTLFunction vertexProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("cube_vertex"); // Load the fragment program into the library IMTLFunction fragmentProgram = defaultLibrary.CreateFunction("cube_fragment"); // Create a vertex descriptor from the MTKMesh MTLVertexDescriptor vertexDescriptor = new MTLVertexDescriptor(); vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float4; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].BufferIndex = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Offset = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float3; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].BufferIndex = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[1].Offset = 4 * sizeof(float); vertexDescriptor.Attributes[2].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float2; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[2].BufferIndex = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[2].Offset = 7 * sizeof(float); vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].Stride = 9 * sizeof(float); vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepRate = 1; vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepFunction = MTLVertexStepFunction.PerVertex; // Primitive Torus(1.0f, 0.3f, 28, out List <PositionNormalTexture> vertexData, out List <ushort> indexData); vertexBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(vertexData.ToArray(), MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault);// (MTLResourceOptions)0); indexDataArray = indexData.ToArray(); indexBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(indexDataArray, MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault); // Use clock this.clock = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); clock.Start(); Vector3 cameraPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 1.5f); this.view = CreateLookAt(cameraPosition, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3.UnitY); var aspect = (float)(View.Bounds.Size.Width / View.Bounds.Size.Height); proj = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView((float)Math.PI / 4, aspect, 0.1f, 100); // Constant Buffer this.param = new Parameters() { CameraPosition = cameraPosition, WorldViewProjection = Matrix4.Identity, World = Matrix4.Identity, WorldInverseTranspose = Matrix4.Identity, }; this.constantBuffer = device.CreateBuffer((uint)Marshal.SizeOf(this.param), MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault); // Create a reusable pipeline state var pipelineStateDescriptor = new MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor { SampleCount = mtkView.SampleCount, VertexFunction = vertexProgram, FragmentFunction = fragmentProgram, VertexDescriptor = vertexDescriptor, DepthAttachmentPixelFormat = mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat, StencilAttachmentPixelFormat = mtkView.DepthStencilPixelFormat, }; MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor renderBufferAttachment = pipelineStateDescriptor.ColorAttachments[0]; renderBufferAttachment.PixelFormat = mtkView.ColorPixelFormat; NSError error; pipelineState = device.CreateRenderPipelineState(pipelineStateDescriptor, out error); if (pipelineState == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to created pipeline state, error {0}", error); } var depthStateDesc = new MTLDepthStencilDescriptor { DepthCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.Less, DepthWriteEnabled = true }; depthState = device.CreateDepthStencilState(depthStateDesc); MTKTextureLoader mTKTextureLoader = new MTKTextureLoader(device); // Texture NSUrl url = NSBundle.MainBundle.GetUrlForResource("cubemap2", "ktx"); this.texture = mTKTextureLoader.FromUrl(url, new MTKTextureLoaderOptions(), out error); Console.WriteLine("Failed to created pipeline state, error {0}", error); MTLSamplerDescriptor samplerDescriptor = new MTLSamplerDescriptor() { MinFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilter.Linear, MagFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilter.Linear, MipFilter = MTLSamplerMipFilter.Linear, SAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge, TAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge, }; this.sampler = device.CreateSamplerState(samplerDescriptor); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); // Set the view to use the default device device = MTLDevice.SystemDefault; if (device == null) { Console.WriteLine("Metal is not supported on this device"); View = new NSView(View.Frame); } // Create a new command queue commandQueue = device.CreateCommandQueue(); NSError error; // Setup view view = (MTKView)View; view.Delegate = this; view.Device = device; view.SampleCount = 1; view.DepthStencilPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.Depth32Float_Stencil8; view.ColorPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.BGRA8Unorm; view.PreferredFramesPerSecond = 60; view.ClearColor = new MTLClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1.0f); // Functions var source = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Triangle.metal"); MTLCompileOptions compileOptions = new MTLCompileOptions() { LanguageVersion = MTLLanguageVersion.v2_0, }; IMTLLibrary customLibrary = device.CreateLibrary(source, compileOptions, out error); IMTLFunction kernelFunction = customLibrary.CreateFunction("tessellation_kernel_triangle"); IMTLFunction vertexFunction = customLibrary.CreateFunction("tessellation_vertex_triangle"); IMTLFunction fragmentFunction = customLibrary.CreateFunction("tessellation_fragment"); // Create a vertex descriptor MTLVertexDescriptor vertexDescriptor = new MTLVertexDescriptor(); vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Format = MTLVertexFormat.Float4; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].BufferIndex = 0; vertexDescriptor.Attributes[0].Offset = 0; vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].Stride = 4 * sizeof(float); vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepRate = 1; vertexDescriptor.Layouts[0].StepFunction = MTLVertexStepFunction.PerPatchControlPoint; // Create RenderPipeline var renderPipelineStateDescriptor = new MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor { SampleCount = view.SampleCount, VertexFunction = vertexFunction, FragmentFunction = fragmentFunction, VertexDescriptor = vertexDescriptor, DepthAttachmentPixelFormat = view.DepthStencilPixelFormat, StencilAttachmentPixelFormat = view.DepthStencilPixelFormat, MaxTessellationFactor = 16, IsTessellationFactorScaleEnabled = false, TessellationFactorFormat = MTLTessellationFactorFormat.Half, TessellationControlPointIndexType = MTLTessellationControlPointIndexType.None, TessellationFactorStepFunction = MTLTessellationFactorStepFunction.Constant, TessellationOutputWindingOrder = MTLWinding.Clockwise, TessellationPartitionMode = MTLTessellationPartitionMode.FractionalEven, }; renderPipelineStateDescriptor.ColorAttachments[0].PixelFormat = view.ColorPixelFormat; renderPipelineState = device.CreateRenderPipelineState(renderPipelineStateDescriptor, out error); if (renderPipelineState == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to created pipeline state, error {0}", error); } MTLDepthStencilDescriptor depthStateDesc = new MTLDepthStencilDescriptor { DepthCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.Less, DepthWriteEnabled = true }; depthState = device.CreateDepthStencilState(depthStateDesc); computePipelineState = device.CreateComputePipelineState(kernelFunction, out error); // Buffers tessellationFactorsBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(256, MTLResourceOptions.StorageModePrivate); tessellationFactorsBuffer.Label = "Tessellation Factors"; controlPointsBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(controlPointPositionsTriangle, MTLResourceOptions.StorageModeManaged); controlPointsBuffer.Label = "Control Points Triangle"; }