// wrap an actual model in a surrograte
 public GradientBoostedTreesModelSurrogate(IRegressionProblemData trainingProblemData, uint seed,
                                           ILossFunction lossFunction, int iterations, int maxSize, double r, double m, double nu,
                                           IGradientBoostedTreesModel model)
     : this(trainingProblemData, seed, lossFunction, iterations, maxSize, r, m, nu)
     this.actualModel = model;
      public GbmState(IRegressionProblemData problemData, ILossFunction lossFunction, uint randSeed, int maxSize, double r, double m, double nu) {
        // default settings for MaxSize, Nu and R
        this.maxSize = maxSize;
        this.nu = nu;
        this.r = r;
        this.m = m;

        this.randSeed = randSeed;
        random = new MersenneTwister(randSeed);
        this.problemData = problemData;
        this.trainingRows = problemData.TrainingIndices.ToArray();
        this.testRows = problemData.TestIndices.ToArray();
        this.lossFunction = lossFunction;

        int nRows = trainingRows.Length;

        y = problemData.Dataset.GetDoubleValues(problemData.TargetVariable, trainingRows).ToArray();

        treeBuilder = new RegressionTreeBuilder(problemData, random);

        activeIdx = Enumerable.Range(0, nRows).ToArray();

        var zeros = Enumerable.Repeat(0.0, nRows).ToArray();
        double f0 = lossFunction.LineSearch(y, zeros, activeIdx, 0, nRows - 1); // initial constant value (mean for squared errors)
        pred = Enumerable.Repeat(f0, nRows).ToArray();
        predTest = Enumerable.Repeat(f0, testRows.Length).ToArray();
        pseudoRes = new double[nRows];

        models = new List<IRegressionModel>();
        weights = new List<double>();
        // add constant model
        models.Add(new ConstantModel(f0, problemData.TargetVariable));
예제 #3
파일: Model.cs 프로젝트: sanjeevm0/Prajna
 public LinearModel(ILossFunction loss, float learningRate, float L2, float L1)
     _loss         = loss;
     _learningRate = learningRate;
     _L2           = L2;
     _L1           = L1;
예제 #4
        public DenseLayerNoBias(int nbInput, int nbOutput, IActivation activation, ILossFunction lossFunction) : base(nbInput, nbOutput, activation, lossFunction)
            errors      = new double[nbOutput];
            derivatives = new double[nbOutput];

            weightsError = new double[nbInput, nbOutput];
예제 #5
 public Network(List <Layer> layers, ILossFunction lossFunction)
     Seed         = 123; // TODO: temp
     Layers       = layers;
     LossFunction = lossFunction;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Connect networks with 0th entry as input
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nets"></param>
        public NeuralNetwork(params NeuralNetwork[] nets)
            int layerCount = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < nets.Length; i++)
                layerCount += (nets[i].LayerCount - 1);

            this.layers    = new int[layerCount];
            this.function  = new IActivationFunction[layerCount];
            this.lossFunc  = nets[0].LossFunction;
            this.Optimizer = nets[0].Optimizer;

            this.Weights = new Matrix[layerCount];
            this.Biases  = new Vector[layerCount];

            int idx = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < nets.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j < nets[i].LayerCount; j++)
                    Weights[idx] = nets[i].Weights[j];
                    Biases[idx]  = nets[i].Biases[j];

                    layers[idx]   = nets[i].Layers[j];
                    function[idx] = nets[i].ActivationFunctions[j];


            this.Solver = new GradientSolver(this);
        // processes potential splits from the queue as long as splits are left and the maximum size of the tree is not reached
        private void CreateRegressionTreeFromQueue(int maxNodes, ILossFunction lossFunction)
            while (queue.Any() && curTreeNodeIdx + 1 < maxNodes) // two nodes are created in each loop
                var f = queue[queue.Count - 1];                  // last element has the largest improvement
                queue.RemoveAt(queue.Count - 1);

                var startIdx = f.StartIdx;
                var endIdx   = f.EndIndex;

                Debug.Assert(endIdx - startIdx >= 0);
                Debug.Assert(startIdx >= 0);
                Debug.Assert(endIdx < internalIdx.Length);

                // split partition into left and right
                int splitIdx;
                SplitPartition(f.StartIdx, f.EndIndex, f.SplittingVariable, f.SplittingThreshold, out splitIdx);
                Debug.Assert(splitIdx + 1 <= endIdx);
                Debug.Assert(startIdx <= splitIdx);

                // create two leaf nodes (and enqueue best splits for both)
                var leftTreeIdx  = CreateLeafNode(startIdx, splitIdx, lossFunction);
                var rightTreeIdx = CreateLeafNode(splitIdx + 1, endIdx, lossFunction);

                // overwrite existing leaf node with an internal node
                tree[f.ParentNodeIdx] = new RegressionTreeModel.TreeNode(f.SplittingVariable, f.SplittingThreshold, leftTreeIdx, rightTreeIdx);
        // returns the index of the newly created tree node
        private int CreateLeafNode(int startIdx, int endIdx, ILossFunction lossFunction)
            // write a leaf node
            var val = lossFunction.LineSearch(originalY, curPred, internalIdx, startIdx, endIdx);

            tree[curTreeNodeIdx] = new RegressionTreeModel.TreeNode(RegressionTreeModel.TreeNode.NO_VARIABLE, val);

            EnqueuePartitionSplit(curTreeNodeIdx, startIdx, endIdx);
            return(curTreeNodeIdx - 1);
 // create only the surrogate model without an actual model
 public GradientBoostedTreesModelSurrogate(IRegressionProblemData trainingProblemData, uint seed, ILossFunction lossFunction, int iterations, int maxSize, double r, double m, double nu)
   : base("Gradient boosted tree model", string.Empty) {
   this.trainingProblemData = trainingProblemData;
   this.seed = seed;
   this.lossFunction = lossFunction;
   this.iterations = iterations;
   this.maxSize = maxSize;
   this.r = r;
   this.m = m;
   this.nu = nu;
예제 #10
 public LayerBase(int nbInput, int nbOutput, IActivation activation, ILossFunction lossFunction)
     this.InputError         = new double[nbInput];
     this.NbOutput           = nbOutput;
     this.NbInput            = nbInput;
     this.Output             = new double[nbOutput];
     this.Weights            = new NNMatrix(nbInput, nbOutput);
     this.NonActivatedOutput = new double[nbOutput];
     this.Activation         = activation;
     this.LossFunction       = lossFunction;
예제 #11
        protected override void DoLossDerivative(Tensor correct, ILossFunction lossFunction, Tensor dy)
            var tStorage  = correct.Storage as GpuStorage ?? throw new UnsupportedStorageException(nameof(correct));
            var dyStorage = dy.Storage as GpuStorage ?? throw new UnsupportedStorageException(nameof(dy));

            var dO  = _storage.DeviceStorage;
            var dT  = tStorage.DeviceStorage;
            var dDy = dyStorage.DeviceStorage;

            _context.Methods.LossDerivative(dO, dT, dDy, lossFunction, dy.Storage.Descriptor);
예제 #12
        protected override void DoLoss(Tensor correct, ILossFunction lossFunction, Tensor loss)
            var tStorage    = correct.Storage as GpuStorage ?? throw new UnsupportedStorageException(nameof(correct));
            var lossStorage = loss.Storage as GpuStorage ?? throw new UnsupportedStorageException(nameof(loss));

            var dO    = _storage.DeviceStorage;
            var dT    = tStorage.DeviceStorage;
            var dLoss = lossStorage.DeviceStorage;

            _context.Methods.Loss(dO, dT, dLoss, lossFunction, _storage.Descriptor);
 // create only the surrogate model without an actual model
 public GradientBoostedTreesModelSurrogate(IRegressionProblemData trainingProblemData, uint seed, ILossFunction lossFunction, int iterations, int maxSize, double r, double m, double nu)
     : base("Gradient boosted tree model", string.Empty)
     this.trainingProblemData = trainingProblemData;
     this.seed         = seed;
     this.lossFunction = lossFunction;
     this.iterations   = iterations;
     this.maxSize      = maxSize;
     this.r            = r;
     this.m            = m;
     this.nu           = nu;
        // for custom stepping & termination
        public static IGbmState CreateGbmState(IRegressionProblemData problemData, ILossFunction lossFunction, uint randSeed, int maxSize = 3, double r = 0.66, double m = 0.5, double nu = 0.01)
            // check input variables. Only double variables are allowed.
            var invalidInputs =
                problemData.AllowedInputVariables.Where(name => !problemData.Dataset.VariableHasType <double>(name));

            if (invalidInputs.Any())
                throw new NotSupportedException("Gradient tree boosting only supports real-valued variables. Unsupported inputs: " + string.Join(", ", invalidInputs));

            return(new GbmState(problemData, lossFunction, randSeed, maxSize, r, m, nu));
    private GradientBoostedTreesModelSurrogate(GradientBoostedTreesModelSurrogate original, Cloner cloner)
      : base(original, cloner) {
      if (original.actualModel != null) this.actualModel = cloner.Clone(original.actualModel);

      this.trainingProblemData = cloner.Clone(original.trainingProblemData);
      this.lossFunction = cloner.Clone(original.lossFunction);
      this.seed = original.seed;
      this.iterations = original.iterations;
      this.maxSize = original.maxSize;
      this.r = original.r;
      this.m = original.m;
      this.nu = original.nu;
예제 #16
        public Network(Layer layer, IOptimizer optimizer, ILossFunction lossFunction)
            this.random          = RandomProvider.GetRandom();
            this.inputLayer      = layer;
            this.layerCollection = new Collection <Layer>();
            this.optimizer       = optimizer;
            this.lossFunction    = lossFunction;

                layer = layer.Next;
            } while (layer != null);
        // create only the surrogate model without an actual model
        private GradientBoostedTreesModelSurrogate(IRegressionProblemData trainingProblemData, uint seed,
                                                   ILossFunction lossFunction, int iterations, int maxSize, double r, double m, double nu)
            : base(trainingProblemData.TargetVariable, "Gradient boosted tree model", string.Empty)
            this.trainingProblemData = trainingProblemData;
            this.seed         = seed;
            this.lossFunction = lossFunction;
            this.iterations   = iterations;
            this.maxSize      = maxSize;
            this.r            = r;
            this.m            = m;
            this.nu           = nu;

            actualModel = new Lazy <IGradientBoostedTreesModel>(() => RecalculateModel());
        private GradientBoostedTreesModelSurrogate(GradientBoostedTreesModelSurrogate original, Cloner cloner)
            : base(original, cloner)
            if (original.actualModel != null)
                this.actualModel = cloner.Clone(original.actualModel);

            this.trainingProblemData = cloner.Clone(original.trainingProblemData);
            this.lossFunction        = cloner.Clone(original.lossFunction);
            this.seed       = original.seed;
            this.iterations = original.iterations;
            this.maxSize    = original.maxSize;
            this.r          = original.r;
            this.m          = original.m;
            this.nu         = original.nu;
예제 #19
        public Model(IEnumerable <Layer> collection, IOptimizer optimizer, ILossFunction lossFunction)
            this.random          = RandomProvider.GetRandom();
            this.layerCollection = new Collection <Layer>();
            this.optimizer       = optimizer;
            this.lossFunction    = lossFunction;

            foreach (Layer layer in collection)
                if (this.layerCollection.Count > 0)
                    var previousLayer = this.layerCollection[this.layerCollection.Count - 1];

                    previousLayer.Next = layer;
                    layer.Previous     = previousLayer;

        private GradientBoostedTreesModelSurrogate(GradientBoostedTreesModelSurrogate original, Cloner cloner)
            : base(original, cloner)
            IGradientBoostedTreesModel clonedModel = null;

            if (original.actualModel.IsValueCreated)
                clonedModel = cloner.Clone(original.ActualModel);
            actualModel = new Lazy <IGradientBoostedTreesModel>(CreateLazyInitFunc(clonedModel)); // only capture clonedModel in the closure

            this.trainingProblemData = cloner.Clone(original.trainingProblemData);
            this.lossFunction        = cloner.Clone(original.lossFunction);
            this.seed       = original.seed;
            this.iterations = original.iterations;
            this.maxSize    = original.maxSize;
            this.r          = original.r;
            this.m          = original.m;
            this.nu         = original.nu;
예제 #21
파일: NetworkOps.cs 프로젝트: lulzzz/sito
        /// <summary>Defaults.</summary>
        /// <param name="d">The Descriptor to process.</param>
        /// <param name="x">The Vector to process.</param>
        /// <param name="y">The Vector to process.</param>
        /// <param name="activationFunction">The activation.</param>
        /// <param name="outputFunction">The ouput function for hidden nodes (Optional).</param>
        /// <param name="epsilon">epsilon</param>
        /// <returns>A Network.</returns>
        public static Network Create(this Network network, Descriptor d, Matrix x, Vector y, IFunction activationFunction, IFunction outputFunction = null,
                                     double epsilon = double.NaN, ILossFunction lossFunction = null)
            // set output to number of choices of available
            // 1 if only two choices
            int distinct = y.Distinct().Count();
            int output   = distinct > 2 ? distinct : 1;
            // identity funciton for bias nodes
            IFunction ident = new Ident();

            // set number of hidden units to (Input + Hidden) * 2/3 as basic best guess.
            int hidden = (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)(x.Cols + output) * 2.0 / 3.0);

            return(network.Create(x.Cols, output, activationFunction, outputFunction,
                                  fnNodeInitializer: new Func <int, int, NodeType, Neuron>((l, i, type) =>
                if (type == NodeType.Input)
                    return new Neuron(false)
                        Label = d.ColumnAt(i - 1), ActivationFunction = activationFunction, NodeId = i, LayerId = l
                else if (type == NodeType.Output)
                    return new Neuron(false)
                        Label = Network.GetLabel(i, d), ActivationFunction = activationFunction, NodeId = i, LayerId = l
                    return new Neuron(false)
                        ActivationFunction = activationFunction, NodeId = i, LayerId = l
            }), lossFunction: lossFunction, hiddenLayers: hidden));
예제 #22
파일: nn.cs 프로젝트: abarabone/snn
        public N(
            IEnumerable <int> neuron_length_per_layers,
            IEnumerable <IActivationFunction> actfuncs,
            IOutputFunction output_layer_function,
            ILossFunction loss_function
            create_layers(neuron_length_per_layers, actfuncs);
            //foreach( var n in this.layers.Take( this.layers.Length - 1 ).SelectMany( l => l.neurons ) )
            //	n.sign = UnityEngine.Random.value > 0.3f ? 1.0f : -1.0f;

            this.loss_func         = loss_function;
            this.output_layer_func = output_layer_function;

            if (output_layer_function is SoftMax)
예제 #23
        public NeuralNetwork(double learnRate, IActivationFunction activationFunction,
                             IWeightInitilizer weightInitilizer, ILossFunction lossFunction)
            if (activationFunction == null)
                throw new Exception("[NeuralNetwork] activationFunction is null.");
            if (weightInitilizer == null)
                throw new Exception("[NeuralNetwork] weightInitilizer is null.");
            if (lossFunction == null)
                throw new Exception("[NeuralNetwork] lossFunction is null.");

            _learnRate          = learnRate;
            _activationFunction = activationFunction;
            _weightInitilizer   = weightInitilizer;
            _lossFunction       = lossFunction;

            Layers = new List <Layer>();
예제 #24
        public NeuralNetwork(int[] layers, IActivationFunction[] function, ILossFunction loss, IOptimizer optimizer)
            this.layers    = layers;
            this.function  = function;
            this.lossFunc  = loss;
            this.Optimizer = optimizer;

            this.Weights = new Matrix[layers.Length];
            this.Biases  = new Vector[layers.Length];

            int w = layers[0];

            Random rng = new Random(0);

            for (int i = 1; i < Weights.Length; i++)
                int h = layers[i];

                Weights[i] = new Matrix(w, h);
                Biases[i]  = new Vector(h);

                for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
                    Biases[i][j] = (float)rng.NextGaussian();// 1e-10f;

                    for (int k = 0; k < w; k++)
                        Weights[i][k, j] = (float)rng.NextGaussian(0, System.Math.Pow(w, -0.5f));// * 1e-10f;

                w = h;

            this.Solver = new GradientSolver(this);
            public GbmState(IRegressionProblemData problemData, ILossFunction lossFunction, uint randSeed, int maxSize, double r, double m, double nu)
                // default settings for MaxSize, Nu and R
                this.maxSize = maxSize;
                this.nu      = nu;
                this.r       = r;
                this.m       = m;

                this.randSeed     = randSeed;
                random            = new MersenneTwister(randSeed);
                this.problemData  = problemData;
                this.trainingRows = problemData.TrainingIndices.ToArray();
                this.testRows     = problemData.TestIndices.ToArray();
                this.lossFunction = lossFunction;

                int nRows = trainingRows.Length;

                y = problemData.Dataset.GetDoubleValues(problemData.TargetVariable, trainingRows).ToArray();

                treeBuilder = new RegressionTreeBuilder(problemData, random);

                activeIdx = Enumerable.Range(0, nRows).ToArray();

                var    zeros = Enumerable.Repeat(0.0, nRows).ToArray();
                double f0    = lossFunction.LineSearch(y, zeros, activeIdx, 0, nRows - 1); // initial constant value (mean for squared errors)

                pred      = Enumerable.Repeat(f0, nRows).ToArray();
                predTest  = Enumerable.Repeat(f0, testRows.Length).ToArray();
                pseudoRes = new double[nRows];

                models  = new List <IRegressionModel>();
                weights = new List <double>();
                // add constant model
                models.Add(new ConstantModel(f0, problemData.TargetVariable));
예제 #26
 public void SetLossFunction(ILossFunction lf)
     _lf = lf;
    // specific interface that allows to specify the target labels and the training rows which is necessary when for gradient boosted trees
    public IRegressionModel CreateRegressionTreeForGradientBoosting(double[] y, double[] curPred, int maxSize, int[] idx, ILossFunction lossFunction, double r = 0.5, double m = 0.5) {
      Debug.Assert(maxSize > 0);
      Debug.Assert(r > 0);
      Debug.Assert(r <= 1.0);
      Debug.Assert(y.Count() == this.y.Length);
      Debug.Assert(m > 0);
      Debug.Assert(m <= 1.0);

      // y and curPred are changed in gradient boosting
      this.y = y; 
      this.curPred = curPred; 

      // shuffle row idx
      HeuristicLab.Random.ListExtensions.ShuffleInPlace(idx, random);

      int nRows = idx.Count();

      // shuffle variable idx
      HeuristicLab.Random.ListExtensions.ShuffleInPlace(allowedVariables, random);

      // only select a part of the rows and columns randomly
      effectiveRows = (int)Math.Ceiling(nRows * r);
      effectiveVars = (int)Math.Ceiling(nCols * m);

      // the which array is used for partitioing row idxs  
      Array.Clear(which, 0, which.Length);

      // mark selected rows
      for (int row = 0; row < effectiveRows; row++) {
        which[idx[row]] = 1; // we use the which vector as a temporary variable here
        internalIdx[row] = idx[row];

      for (int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) {
        int i = 0;
        for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) {
          if (which[sortedIdxAll[col][row]] > 0) {
            Debug.Assert(i < effectiveRows);
            sortedIdx[col][i] = sortedIdxAll[col][row];

      this.tree = new RegressionTreeModel.TreeNode[maxSize];
      this.curTreeNodeIdx = 0;

      // start out with only one leaf node (constant prediction)
      // and calculate the best split for this root node and enqueue it into a queue sorted by improvement throught the split
      // start and end idx are inclusive
      CreateLeafNode(0, effectiveRows - 1, lossFunction);

      // process the priority queue to complete the tree
      CreateRegressionTreeFromQueue(maxSize, lossFunction);

      return new RegressionTreeModel(tree.ToArray());
    // processes potential splits from the queue as long as splits are left and the maximum size of the tree is not reached
    private void CreateRegressionTreeFromQueue(int maxNodes, ILossFunction lossFunction) {
      while (queue.Any() && curTreeNodeIdx + 1 < maxNodes) { // two nodes are created in each loop
        var f = queue[queue.Count - 1]; // last element has the largest improvement
        queue.RemoveAt(queue.Count - 1);

        var startIdx = f.StartIdx;
        var endIdx = f.EndIndex;

        Debug.Assert(endIdx - startIdx >= 0);
        Debug.Assert(startIdx >= 0);
        Debug.Assert(endIdx < internalIdx.Length);

        // split partition into left and right
        int splitIdx;
        SplitPartition(f.StartIdx, f.EndIndex, f.SplittingVariable, f.SplittingThreshold, out splitIdx);
        Debug.Assert(splitIdx + 1 <= endIdx);
        Debug.Assert(startIdx <= splitIdx);

        // create two leaf nodes (and enqueue best splits for both)
        var leftTreeIdx = CreateLeafNode(startIdx, splitIdx, lossFunction);
        var rightTreeIdx = CreateLeafNode(splitIdx + 1, endIdx, lossFunction);

        // overwrite existing leaf node with an internal node
        tree[f.ParentNodeIdx] = new RegressionTreeModel.TreeNode(f.SplittingVariable, f.SplittingThreshold, leftTreeIdx, rightTreeIdx);
    // returns the index of the newly created tree node
    private int CreateLeafNode(int startIdx, int endIdx, ILossFunction lossFunction) {
      // write a leaf node
      var val = lossFunction.LineSearch(originalY, curPred, internalIdx, startIdx, endIdx);
      tree[curTreeNodeIdx] = new RegressionTreeModel.TreeNode(RegressionTreeModel.TreeNode.NO_VARIABLE, val);

      EnqueuePartitionSplit(curTreeNodeIdx, startIdx, endIdx);
      return curTreeNodeIdx - 1;
 // for custom stepping & termination
 public static IGbmState CreateGbmState(IRegressionProblemData problemData, ILossFunction lossFunction, uint randSeed, int maxSize = 3, double r = 0.66, double m = 0.5, double nu = 0.01)
     return(new GbmState(problemData, lossFunction, randSeed, maxSize, r, m, nu));
 // wrap an actual model in a surrograte
 public GradientBoostedTreesModelSurrogate(IRegressionProblemData trainingProblemData, uint seed,
   ILossFunction lossFunction, int iterations, int maxSize, double r, double m, double nu,
   IGradientBoostedTreesModel model)
   : this(trainingProblemData, seed, lossFunction, iterations, maxSize, r, m, nu) {
   this.actualModel = model;
        // simple interface
        public static GradientBoostedTreesSolution TrainGbm(IRegressionProblemData problemData, ILossFunction lossFunction, int maxSize, double nu, double r, double m, int maxIterations, uint randSeed = 31415)
            Contract.Assert(r > 0);
            Contract.Assert(r <= 1.0);
            Contract.Assert(nu > 0);
            Contract.Assert(nu <= 1.0);

            var state = (GbmState)CreateGbmState(problemData, lossFunction, randSeed, maxSize, r, m, nu);

            for (int iter = 0; iter < maxIterations; iter++)

            var model = state.GetModel();

            return(new GradientBoostedTreesSolution(model, (IRegressionProblemData)problemData.Clone()));
    // simple interface
    public static GradientBoostedTreesSolution TrainGbm(IRegressionProblemData problemData, ILossFunction lossFunction, int maxSize, double nu, double r, double m, int maxIterations, uint randSeed = 31415) {
      Contract.Assert(r > 0);
      Contract.Assert(r <= 1.0);
      Contract.Assert(nu > 0);
      Contract.Assert(nu <= 1.0);

      var state = (GbmState)CreateGbmState(problemData, lossFunction, randSeed, maxSize, r, m, nu);

      for (int iter = 0; iter < maxIterations; iter++) {

      var model = state.GetModel();
      return new GradientBoostedTreesSolution(model, (IRegressionProblemData)problemData.Clone());
 // for custom stepping & termination
 public static IGbmState CreateGbmState(IRegressionProblemData problemData, ILossFunction lossFunction, uint randSeed, int maxSize = 3, double r = 0.66, double m = 0.5, double nu = 0.01) {
   return new GbmState(problemData, lossFunction, randSeed, maxSize, r, m, nu);
예제 #35
        public double GetLoss(IEnumerable <ValueTuple <double[], double[]> > collection, ILossFunction lossFunction)
            double sum     = 0.0;
            int    size    = collection.Count();
            int    outputs = this.layerCollection[this.layerCollection.Count - 1].Outputs;

            foreach (var loss in from tuple in collection from loss in Forward(new Batch <double[]>(new double[][] { tuple.Item1 }), new Batch <double[]>(new double[][] { tuple.Item2 }), false, lossFunction).Item2[0] select loss)
                sum += loss;

            return(sum / size);
예제 #36
        private Tuple <Batch <double[]>, Batch <double[]> > Forward(Batch <double[]> x, Batch <double[]> t, bool isTraining, ILossFunction lossFunction)
            var layer       = this.layerCollection[0];
            var weightDecay = 0.0;
            var vectorList1 = new List <double[]>();
            var vectorList2 = new List <double[]>();

                var updatable = layer as IUpdatable;

                x = layer.Forward(x, isTraining);

                if (updatable != null)
                    var sum = 0.0;

                    foreach (double weight in updatable.Weights)
                        sum += weight * weight;

                    weightDecay += 0.5 * this.weightDecayRate * sum;

                layer = layer.Next;
            } while (layer != null);

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Size; i++)
                var y = lossFunction.Forward(x[i], t[i]);

                for (int j = 0; j < y.Item2.Length; j++)
                    y.Item2[j] += weightDecay;


            return(Tuple.Create <Batch <double[]>, Batch <double[]> >(new Batch <double[]>(vectorList1), new Batch <double[]>(vectorList2)));
예제 #37
        private IEnumerable <IUpdatable> Backward(Batch <double[]> y, Batch <double[]> t, ILossFunction lossFunction)
            var layer         = this.layerCollection[this.layerCollection.Count - 1];
            var deltas        = new Batch <double[]>(new double[t.Size][]);
            var updatableList = new LinkedList <IUpdatable>();

            for (int i = 0; i < t.Size; i++)
                deltas[i] = lossFunction.Backward(y[i], t[i]);

                var updatable = layer as IUpdatable;

                deltas = layer.Backward(deltas);

                if (updatable != null)

                layer = layer.Previous;
            } while (layer != null);

예제 #38
        public void Fit(IEnumerable <ValueTuple <double[], double[]> > collection, int epochs, int batchSize, Func <IEnumerable <ValueTuple <double[], double[]> >, int, IEnumerable <ValueTuple <double[], double[]> > > func, IOptimizer optimizer, ILossFunction lossFunction)
            // Backpropagation
            int dataSize = collection.Count();
            int t        = 0;

            // Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
            while (t < epochs)
                // Mini-batch
                int remaining = dataSize;

                    var dataTuple = func(collection, Math.Min(remaining, batchSize)).Aggregate <ValueTuple <double[], double[]>, Tuple <List <double[]>, List <double[]> > >(Tuple.Create <List <double[]>, List <double[]> >(new List <double[]>(), new List <double[]>()), (tuple1, tuple2) =>

                    int index      = 0;
                    int identifier = 0;
                    var targets    = new Batch <double[]>(dataTuple.Item2);
                    var layers     = Backward(Forward(new Batch <double[]>(dataTuple.Item1), targets, true, lossFunction).Item1, targets, lossFunction);

                    // Weight decay
                    foreach (var layer in layers)
                        layer.SetGradients((x, y, z) => x ? y + this.weightDecayRate * layer.Weights[z] : y);

                    if (this.maxGradient.HasValue)
                        // Gradient clipping
                        var    vectors = from tuple in layers let batch = tuple.GetGradients() from vector in batch select vector;
                        double sum     = 0.0;

                        foreach (var gradient in from vector in vectors from gradient in vector select gradient)
                            sum += gradient * gradient;

                        double rate = this.maxGradient.Value / (Math.Sqrt(sum) + Math.Pow(10, -6));

                        if (rate < 1)
                            foreach (var vector in vectors)
                                for (int i = 0; i < vector.Length; i++)
                                    vector[i] *= rate;

                    foreach (var layer in layers)
                        layer.Update(layer.GetGradients(), (weight, gradient) => optimizer.Optimize(identifier++, weight, gradient));

                    remaining -= batchSize;
                } while (remaining > 0);

                if (this.Stepped != null)
                    this.Stepped(this, new EventArgs());

예제 #39
 public void Fit(IEnumerable <ValueTuple <double[], double[]> > collection, int epochs, int batchSize, IOptimizer optimizer, ILossFunction lossFunction)
     Fit(collection, epochs, batchSize, (x, y) => x.Sample <ValueTuple <double[], double[]> >(this.random, y), optimizer, lossFunction);