private void InternalTrace([CallerMemberName] string aCallerMemberName = null) { if (aCallerMemberName == null) { return; } var callerMethod = GetType().GetMethod(aCallerMemberName); var logMessages = callerMethod.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LogAttribute), true) .Cast <LogAttribute>() .Select(attribute => attribute.Message); foreach (var logMessage in logMessages) { _logging.Log(string.Format("{0}: {1}", DateTime.Now, logMessage)); } }
private void ReportMetrics(ILifetimeScope container) { Console.WriteLine("Metric Report..."); ITestMetricManager manager = container.Resolve <ITestMetricManager>(); ILogging logging = container.Resolve <ILogging>(); var maxRecord = manager .Select((x, i) => new { r = x, index = i }) .OrderBy(x => x.r.Tps).Last(); foreach (TestMetric metric in manager.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ThenBy(x => x.Tps)) { logging.Log(() => $"{metric}, {(maxRecord.r.Tps == metric.Tps ? "Max" : string.Empty)}"); } ByTestName(manager, logging); ByBatchSize(manager, logging); }
public void ImplementTaskWithDirectories() { writeReadOfData.Write("\n\n=============Additional Task with Directories and file=============="); SearchFile fileFromDirectories = new SearchFile(writeReadOfData, logger); List <FileInfo> allFiles = new List <FileInfo>(); List <string> allFilesFromDirectories = new List <string>(); List <string> identicalFiles = new List <string>(); List <string> distinctFiles = new List <string>(); string path; DirectoryInfo dirInfo; try { path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TaskWithDirectories"); // path from App.config dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path); writeReadOfData.Write("All file in your directory and subdirectories: \n"); allFiles = fileFromDirectories.GetFilesFromDirectory(dirInfo); foreach (FileInfo fi in allFiles) { allFilesFromDirectories.Add(Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString())); } fileFromDirectories.OutputFile(allFilesFromDirectories); identicalFiles = fileFromDirectories.GetIdenticalFiles(allFilesFromDirectories); writeReadOfData.Write("\nIdentical files: "); fileFromDirectories.OutputFile(identicalFiles); writeReadOfData.Write($"\nCount of Identical files: {identicalFiles.Count}"); writeReadOfData.Write("\nDistinct files: \n"); distinctFiles = fileFromDirectories.GetDistinctFiles(allFilesFromDirectories); fileFromDirectories.OutputFile(distinctFiles); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, ex.Message); } }
public async Task <HtmlDocument> GetPage(HttpClient httpClient, string sourceLink, ILogging logging) { var pageResponse = await httpClient.GetAsync(sourceLink); string pageResponseBody = pageResponse.Content == null ? string.Empty : await pageResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (!pageResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode && pageResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { logging.Log($"Failed to GET {sourceLink}. Received {pageResponse.StatusCode}: {pageResponseBody}"); } if (pageResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { return(null); // Exit gracefully so the message isn't retried. } pageResponse.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); // Fail hard so the message is retried. var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.LoadHtml(pageResponseBody); return(htmlDoc); }
public IActionResult TestLongRunning([FromServices] IDataClient dataClient, [FromServices] IIAM iam, string customerShortName, string projectShortName, int timeout) { var parameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter> { new NpgsqlParameter("v_timeout", NpgsqlDbType.Integer) { Value = timeout }, }; var projectConfig = iam.GetProjectConfig(customerShortName, projectShortName); var request = new GreenplumStoredProcedureRequest(projectConfig.GreenplumConfig.RawConnectionString, "usp_timeout_test", parameters); var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); dataClient.ExecuteScalar <object>(request); _logging.Log($"Long-running-test ran for: { stopWatch.Elapsed }"); return(Ok()); }
private void DisplayDetail(RateDetail detail) { int count = detail.NewCount + detail.BatchCount; var fields = new List <string> { $"{Name,-10}", $"Service={detail.Name,-20}", $"Count=({count,8:D} / {detail.TpsRate:00000000.00})", $"Batches=({detail.BatchCount, 5:D} / {detail.TpsReadRate:00000.00})", $"New=({detail.NewCount, 5:D} / {detail.TpsNewRate:00000.00})", $"Error Count={detail.ErrorCount, 5:D}", $"Retry={detail.RetryCount, 5:D}", }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detail.LastErrorMessage)) { fields.Add($"LastError: {detail.LastErrorMessage}"); } _logging.Log(() => string.Join(", ", fields)); }
ApplySettingsAsync() { Task <JObject> settingsFromFileTask = _settings.ReadSettings(); JObject settingsFromFile = await settingsFromFileTask; //TODO: Check to see if a file has been added to.Ignore it if it hasn't been. // TODO: Clean up logfile at various points. LotteryFile = new List <string>(); _lotteryJObject = new List <JObject>(); // Checks for True/False for scraping websites on first run. If true, sets up Quartz timers to scrape new // winning numbers automatically. var scrapeWebsites = settingsFromFile["ScrapeLotteryWebsites"].ToObject <bool>(); // Takes each item from the array of json lottery files and adds it to a list foreach (JToken itm in settingsFromFile["LotteryMasterFiles"]) { LotteryFile.Add(itm.ToString()); } // Descending for loop to allow for removing any files that are not present while logging such. for (int i = LotteryFile.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { try { // tries to create list of json objects from the contents of the file from config _lotteryJObject.Add(JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText($"./Data Files/{LotteryFile[i]}"))); } catch (Exception) when(!File.Exists($"./Data Files/{LotteryFile[i]}")) { _logger.Log($"{DateTime.Now} : " + $"File \"{LotteryFile[i]}\" Does Not Exist. Verify the folder location & is correctly named in the config.\n" + " * Check the config.json file for proper format."); LotteryFile.Remove(LotteryFile[i]); } }
public void ImplementTaskWithExcel() { writeReadOfData.Write("\n\n=============Additional Task with Excel File=============="); try { ExcelData excelData = new ExcelData(); string firstColumn = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("FirstColumn"); string secondColumn = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SecondColumn"); path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ExcelFilePath"); // path from App.config HashSet <string> uniqueElementsFromFirstColumn = new HashSet <string>(); HashSet <string> uniqueElementsFromSecondColumn = new HashSet <string>(); uniqueElementsFromFirstColumn = excelData.Read(path, firstColumn); uniqueElementsFromSecondColumn = excelData.Read(path, secondColumn); excelData.Output(writeReadOfData, uniqueElementsFromFirstColumn, uniqueElementsFromSecondColumn); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// takes the FileSystemEventArgs and if the file is a picture, call the IController to /// handle it, and then report to the ILogging. /// </summary> /// <param name="source"> not used </param> /// <param name="e"> the arguments of the new file </param> private void OnCreated(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e) { // get the file's extension string strFileExt = Path.GetExtension(e.FullPath); // filter file types if (Regex.IsMatch(strFileExt, @"\.jpg|\.png|\.bmp|\.gif|\.jpeg", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { List <String> args = new List <String>(); args.Add(e.FullPath.TrimEnd(e.Name.ToCharArray())); args.Add(e.Name); string message = controller.ExecuteCommand(CommandEnum.NewFileCommand, args, out bool result); if (result) { logger.Log(message, MessageTypeEnum.INFO); } else { logger.Log(message, MessageTypeEnum.FAIL); } } }
private void PopulateXrefAll(IDataClient dataClient, string customer, string project) { var projectConfig = _iam.GetProjectConfig(customer, project); var parameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter> { new NpgsqlParameter("v_result_schema", NpgsqlDbType.Varchar) { Value = projectConfig.GreenplumConfig.ResultSchema }, }; var request = new GreenplumStoredProcedureRequest(projectConfig.GreenplumConfig.RawConnectionString, "usp_populate_xref_all", parameters); dataClient.ExecuteScalar <object>(request); _logging.Log("usp_populate_xref_all proc executed"); }
public void OnGet() { this.Title = "RazorDemoModel"; _Logging.Log("In RazorDemoModel"); }
public static void Info(this ILogging self, string message) { self.Log(MyLogSeverity.Info, message); }
public static void Error(this ILogging self, string message, params object[] args) { self.Log(MyLogSeverity.Error, message, args); }
public static void Warning(this ILogging self, string message, params object[] args) { self.Log(MyLogSeverity.Warning, message, args); }
public static void Debug(this ILogging self, StringBuilder buillder) { self.Log(MyLogSeverity.Debug, buillder); }
public static void Critical(this ILogging self, string message, params object[] args) { self.Log(MyLogSeverity.Critical, message, args); }
public void Start() { _logger.Log("Engine is started..."); }
public void Save() { Console.WriteLine("Saved to db"); _logging.Log("Ürün loglandı"); }
private void Log() { _logger.Log($"Entities tracked: {Table.Entries().Count()}"); }
public static void Log(string msg) { logger.Log(msg); }
public void Move() { _engine.Start(); _logger.Log("Car is moving"); }
public void SendToAccounting(DateTime date, ILogging logger) { var databaseClient = new DatabaseClient <QuickBooksOnlineConnection>(new AmazonDynamoDBClient(), logger); var qboClient = new QuickBooksOnlineClient(PrivateAccounting.Constants.LakelandMiPuebloRealmId, databaseClient, logger); var originalMonth = date.Month; var client = new CloverClient( Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CLOVER_MI_PUEBLO_CHICKEN_ACCESS_TOKEN"), Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CLOVER_MI_PUEBLO_CHICKEN_MERCHANT_ID"), logger ); var restaurantCustomer = qboClient .QueryAll <Customer>($"select * from Customer where Id = '{PrivateAccounting.Constants.LakelandMiPuebloAccountRestaurant}'") .First(); var cashTenderType = client.QueryAll <Tender>($"tenders") .Single(x => string.Equals(x.LabelKey, "", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); do { var salesReceipts = qboClient.QueryAll <SalesReceipt>( $"select * from SalesReceipt where CustomerRef = '{PrivateAccounting.Constants.LakelandMiPuebloAccountRestaurant}' and TxnDate = '{date:yyyy-MM-dd}'"); if (salesReceipts.Any()) { logger.Log($"Skipping {date:yyyy-MM-dd}, because a sales receipt already exists."); } else { var today = new DateTimeOffset(date).ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(); var tomorrow = new DateTimeOffset(date.AddDays(1)).ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(); var result = client.QueryAll <Payment>($"payments?filter=createdTime>={today}&filter=createdTime<{tomorrow}"); var cashPayments = result.Where(x => x.Tender.Id == cashTenderType.Id).ToList(); var cardPayments = result.Where(x => x.Tender.Id != cashTenderType.Id).ToList(); var cashTotal = GetTotal(cashPayments); var cardTotal = GetTotal(cardPayments); if (cashTotal > 0) { CreateSalesReceipt( qboClient, restaurantCustomer.Id, restaurantCustomer.DefaultTaxCodeRef.Value, PrivateAccounting.Constants.LakelandMiPuebloProductRestaurant, date, GetTotal(cashPayments), "Restaurant sales using cash in Clover Register"); } if (cardTotal > 0) { CreateSalesReceipt( qboClient, restaurantCustomer.Id, restaurantCustomer.DefaultTaxCodeRef.Value, PrivateAccounting.Constants.LakelandMiPuebloProductRestaurant, date, cardTotal, "Restaurant sales using credit card in Clover Register"); } } date = date.AddDays(1); } while (date.Month == originalMonth); }
public static void Critical(this ILogging self, StringBuilder buillder) { self.Log(MyLogSeverity.Critical, buillder); }
public static void Warning(this ILogging self, string message) { self.Log(MyLogSeverity.Warning, message); }
public static void Info(this ILogging self, StringBuilder buillder) { self.Log(MyLogSeverity.Info, buillder); }
public static void Error(this ILogging self, string message) { self.Log(MyLogSeverity.Error, message); }
public static void Warning(this ILogging self, StringBuilder buillder) { self.Log(MyLogSeverity.Warning, buillder); }
public static void Critical(this ILogging self, string message) { self.Log(MyLogSeverity.Critical, message); }
public static void Error(this ILogging self, StringBuilder buillder) { self.Log(MyLogSeverity.Error, buillder); }
public static void Debug(this ILogging self, string message) { self.Log(MyLogSeverity.Debug, message); }